I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 442 Compassion does not command troops

meeting room.

Cold and depressing.

It was like a dark cloud, inexplicably weighing on my heart, making me breathless.

Liu Changyu didn't know why he felt like this in his heart, but he instinctively felt cold.

Especially the gentle breeze blowing outside the window makes people want to shiver vaguely.

Zhang Sheng looked at everyone, and after about thirty seconds, a smile appeared on his face.

"I'm just here to observe, you can continue the meeting..."

Last second...

It was filled with a blade-like chill, so overwhelming that people could not breathe. Everywhere they looked, everyone lowered their heads subconsciously.

But the next second, with Zhang Sheng's smile, this suffocation feeling disappeared completely in an instant, and he even felt waves of warmth again.

Li Bin coughed slightly, recovered from his daze, and quickly came to Zhang Sheng's side: "Mr. Zhang, we are discussing austerity and reform..."

"What is the specific content?"

“The specific content is to address the chaos in the current group buying market such as counterfeit goods, piracy, fraud, etc. that affect reputation... Our [Qiangsheng Online Mall], in a sense, relies on the group buying strategy, but group buying is just As part of our business, we are more involved in the online shopping industry like [Taozhu.com]. I personally feel that instead of continuing to expand disorderly in major cities, it is better to stabilize the basic market and lay a solid foundation. , appropriately close some service points that are too competitive and burn money, and cut costs..."


Li Bin expressed his views on the future of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] very seriously.

However, the voice is not particularly confident.

The biggest crisis for a company is when managers and planners disagree and end up fighting among themselves.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] The old group of employees followed Li Dongqiang to conquer the world, and their strategy has always been to expand territory, expand offline, and grow wildly.

In fact...

You can't say they are wrong. After all, spreading out the dots in a dense manner is more conducive to the subsequent "financial reporting" and "industry competition."


The market is getting more and more crazy at the moment.

Li Bin followed his data department and repeatedly deduced the future, but in the end he could only deduce an ending that was not very optimistic.

Capital cannot compete with [Minuo Group Buying], and expansion cannot expand with [Hanshou.com]. It seems that Mr. Zhang’s promotional activities have made [Qiangsheng Online Mall] earn enough traffic and stand out from those low-level shopping websites, but in fact But there are dangers everywhere, drinking poison to quench your thirst.

This is Li Bin’s personal opinion!

Therefore, he is eager to tighten and not rush to spend money for expansion elsewhere...


After all, he couldn't see the future and didn't know whether his insistence on going his own way was correct.

Moreover, I am still young and have great internal resistance. It is easy for me to make the entire mall fall into pieces because of my one decision.

The most important thing is that he was not sure what the attitude of his teacher Zhang Sheng was.

After Zhang Sheng heard Li Bin's diligent report, he nodded, but did not react. Instead, he sat on the chair next to him.

"You are not reporting to me during the meeting. Today, I am just a spectator..."

After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Li Bin was stunned for a moment, then hesitated, and finally looked at the other management in the conference room.

Liu Changyu stared closely at Zhang Sheng's face...

Smiling and peaceful from beginning to end, with no deep emotions or reactions visible.

After a brief period of tension, he felt slightly relaxed. At the same time, he felt more and more sorry for himself!

That time in the past...

He has been following Li Dongqiang to conquer the world, and has endured all kinds of hardships in the early stages of entrepreneurship. In a sense, the success of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] must be a part of him.

After Li Dongqiang resigned, he has been Zhang Sheng's staunchest supporter. He single-handedly stabilized the situation, and he single-handedly led everyone in the team...

During that time, he stayed up late every day, even all night, and even the next morning...


He did not wait for his rise, but Li Bin's sudden airborne landing.

that moment!

Countless unwilling emotions stirred deep in my heart.

If Li Bin is an unknown person who does nothing, that's it!

But unfortunately, as soon as he came up, he started to do the "three things to do when a new official takes office", which negated the entire big decision of "Strong Victory Online Mall".

To deny [Qiangsheng Online Mall]’s future big decision is to deny its value…

He also controls countless merchant resources!

"Mr. Li, whether Mr. Zhang is present or not, my position has never changed..."

"The [Southern California International Film Awards] is a big wave of traffic. We should take advantage of this big wave of traffic to gain momentum and expand... Let me put it bluntly, our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is the only group buying website in China. Among them, the company was the first to start, but what about now? We are still in a tepid stage. I climbed up step by step from the bottom. In the past year, I followed Mr. Li, who is now resigning. , running out of businesses step by step from the local area..."

"Mr. Li, you are also from a business background. You should understand how difficult it is to build a brand from scratch. It means that there is no one behind you. You have to rely on your own hardships and various compromises to win the other party's. Dear..."

“I have always believed that the relationship between us [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and merchants should be more than just a strategic partnership, but also a mutually trusting friend and a close comrade... I do not deny your strategy and your commitment to the product. Strict control is indeed a responsibility to consumers, but we have to look at the overall environment... Under the overall environment, everyone is competing for the market and land, and those who fall behind will be beaten, and natural selection occurs. In a business environment, this is always true..."

"As for that agreement, we can wait until the basics are stabilized before signing it. Which of the other [group buying websites] offers worse conditions than us? At this time, you are ordering them to sign these "defective goods penalties" and "self-examination statements" , what does this mean? Doesn’t this chill everyone’s heart? In special times, we must treat it specially..."


Liu Changyu stood up.

The tall man, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, stared at Li Bin closely.

The sonorous and powerful words reverberated throughout the conference room, causing Li Bin's eardrums to ring slightly.

Li Bin's aura was instantly weakened. When a person's aura weakens, he will unconsciously start to fall into self-doubt. Even his once firm thoughts were shattered by this shock.

He briefly thought about compromising and admitting his mistake.


Once you compromise!

Especially if he was compromised in front of Zhang Sheng, it would undoubtedly be a big defeat. After the big defeat, he would only be forced into a corner, and eventually his majesty would be completely wiped out.

By the time……

I guess the ending will be that I will leave [Qiangsheng Online Mall] in despair, which will make people laugh!

Countless thoughts appeared in Li Bin's mind at this moment. Li Bin felt that his chest was so tight that he was out of breath.

After a while, he gritted his teeth.


Can't go back anymore!

"Manager Liu, I don't deny that your concept is right. However, my data team and I have deduced the future. For us [Qiangsheng Online Mall], the future is not too optimistic..."

"Data is just talk on paper. It needs to be combined with reality. If the data is useful, then everyone will be Ma Yunhua and everyone will be Zheng Huateng... It is useless to stand high. You have to lower your head and look at the ground..."

"This data is derived from the market..."

"I have always said that data is useless. Market data can be found on the Internet. The current situation is that everyone is moving forward, even running, but you are retreating, and you are eating away at the market. You only have A dead end!"


In this confrontation without gunpowder.

Li Bin has been defeated.

His face turned red again, as if his dignity and authority had been trampled to the ground.

Invisibly, the pressure doubled, and in the end all reason was left with anger, but unfortunately, in this situation, anger could not be expressed.

If a person only has anger left, then he is a ridiculous gray dog.

The dark night outside the window is getting colder and colder.

He looked at Zhang Sheng subconsciously.

But I saw Zhang Sheng watching all this as if he was just a backdrop for the excitement.

Didn't take sides with anyone.

He looked at everyone in the audience again...

Liu Changyu was standing looking at him, as if a winner was blowing the final horn.

Although the other managers did not say anything, they all looked at him jokingly, as if they were waiting for a joke.

A compromise!

Li Bin couldn't imagine how desperate and helpless he felt at that moment, as if everyone in the conference room regarded him as a clown.

He was being roasted on top of the flames, and it was so hot that he couldn't move back...

He once regretted coming to [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Since Liu Changyu is so capable and powerful, why didn't Li Dongqiang let him take over after he left?

Why do you put yourself in the position?


Why do you...

Time seemed to have changed for a long time, and when he was close to emotional collapse, a thought suddenly flashed in Li Bin's mind!

Yes, why me, not Liu Changyu!


Is it really a mistake in the teacher's decision-making?


Countless thoughts emerged in his mind again!

For a moment, a desperate thought crossed his mind.

Since it's me...

Then, it should be me!

I am no longer the ordinary little network administrator in that Internet cafe!

"Manager Liu!"

"you say……"

"This is the company's decision. Either you execute it, or I'll replace it with someone else!"

The heavy feeling of depression was suddenly swept away.

When he heard Li Bin say these words, Liu Changyu, who was originally proud and confident, opened his eyes wide, as if in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

"Either execute it, or I'll replace it with someone else!"

Li Bin repeated this sentence word for word!

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