I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 453 Crazy Live Broadcast Room (Part 1)

outside the window.

The sun sets.

The door of [Yanjing Hotel] was slowly closed.

In the hall, lights suddenly lit up, like streams of light, shining on Zhang Sheng's face.

[Jitu Live], [Bosch Technology], [Shengteng Technology], [Mitu Game]...

On each table, the person in charge stared at the service staff as they took off their numbers and then, tremblingly, sent them to the stage.

Then, he dropped it into a big box with a prize written on it.


[Hongwei New Energy] The doors on both sides of the electric vehicle were opened immediately by Nie Xiaoping, Li Bin, Xu Bowen and others.

Carloads of bright red tickets were piled up all over the carriage, as if they couldn't hold themselves tight, and a stack of banknotes fell from the top.

Nie Xiaoping looked at the stacks of banknotes...

Even though he was prepared in his heart, he was still shocked. Even the hand that lowered his head to pick up the banknotes trembled slightly.


One bundle, two bundles, three bundles...

Bundles of banknotes were placed on the rostrum. In the most conspicuous position, two hundred bundles of banknotes were placed on a small triangular high platform...

this moment!

The scene was in an uproar!

Digital Age……

The two million banknotes were just a series of numbers, and no one responded at all.


When the real two million banknotes are placed in front of you and told that this is a lottery item...

That astonishing visual impact made countless people's pupils shrink, their scalps tingle, and their hearts tremble uncontrollably!

The waiter carrying the tea looked at the banknotes blankly.

I was so shocked that I forgot to serve the cold dishes.

They have never seen so much cash in their lives.

An unprecedented feeling of excitement and envy emptied all their emotions, leaving their brains blank.


"Zoom the camera closer!"

"All the netizens who are pulled into the live broadcast room can see my hands..."


Zhou Wen from [Jitu Video] stood in front of the live camera, staring at Zhang Sheng.

This live lottery draw...

Very secretive!

It was so secretive that even she learned that [NC Entertainment]’s annual meeting would be broadcast live an hour ago.

Annual meeting...

In fact, she had no particular expectations.


The bonus was actually given out a few days ago.

She made two million!

A bonus of two million is not much for those large and profitable platforms, but for [Jitu Video], whose current average traffic is in the middle of the Chinese video website, it is an astonishing figure!

In the past half a year...

She followed Zhang Sheng's three steps and officially launched [Jitu Video] as an online live broadcast project, organized traffic, and began to build [Internet Starmaking], so that the traffic of [Jitu Video] was completely stable in the middle.

During the valuation of [Jitu Video] at the end of the year, she breathed a sigh of relief after seeing [Jitu Video]’s net profit approaching 9 million.

I feel that I am not ashamed of Mr. Zhang...


The net profit was 7 million, and he directly gave himself a bonus of 2 million!

I was confused at that time!

Later, I learned that except myself, almost all the executives and staff of [Jitu Video] had received an incredible bonus!

The net profit was 9 million, and the bonus alone was 4 million!

Plus everyone's salary this year...

Mr. Zhang got it himself and estimated that it was only about three million!

In those days, with a million-dollar bonus in hand, she stayed awake all night and repeatedly called Zhang Sheng. She once thought that there was a big problem with the financial system of [Bird's Nest Entertainment].


It wasn't until noon the next day that she got a reply from the finance department.

The reply was also very simple, that is, Mr. Zhang indeed asked them to post like this that day!

That day!

Zhou Wen didn't even know how she got back to the company. She just felt like something was exploding in her head. Then, her whole body was filled with energy, as if she would always have inexhaustible power.

In the last few days of the year, [Jitu Video], with the efforts of all business department staff, once again received several very good million-level orders!

When she thought...

three million!

It is already the peak of the entire career!

She received the job invitation, and then, with the company's performance executives, walked into the [Yanjing Hotel] and started the live broadcast.

"Today, before dinner, the first prize number is No. 58!"

"Let me see how much No. 58 costs?"


Under the lens.

Zhou Wen trembled suddenly.

Number 58!

No. 58, isn’t this your job number?


Am I not the organizer of this event? how do I……

Zhou Wen lowered her head and glanced at her job number in shock. Could it be...

Then, he suddenly stared at Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng's originally smiling face suddenly became a little disappointed, and his smile gradually froze.

Damn it!

This should be a work error by the staff!

When Zhou Wen saw Zhang Sheng's expression, she immediately thought it was a work mistake. Then, she suddenly turned pale with fright!

The staff who placed the cards were their [Jitu Live Broadcast] staff. Maybe someone wanted to mess with him and threw his job number in!

Just when Zhou Wen's head was buzzing...

But Zhang Sheng on the stage sighed quietly.

"I originally thought that I would win a grand prize of two million in a lucky draw, and I would start dinner immediately after the draw. Unexpectedly, I only drew a consolation prize of two hundred thousand. Oh, how lucky I am!"


The whole place was in uproar again.

Zhou Wen's pupils shrank sharply.


The moving lights at the scene shone hard on her body, and she subconsciously blocked it slightly with her hands.

"Congratulations, President Zhou Wen of [Jitu Video]!"


Exciting applause sounded at this moment, and the entire venue was noisy and crazy.

Zhou Wen walked towards the stage in disbelief on high heels, and then, in Zhang Sheng's hand, she received twenty bundles of cash.

The moment I held two hundred thousand cash in both hands...

She only felt that her scalp was numb and her whole body was about to suffocate!

This is for me, this is really for me!

"Okay, I'll draw the second prize..."

"Hey, I'm lucky this time. I got 500,000 yuan. Before dinner, I still have a bonus of 1.3 million yuan!"

"Look which one it is, ah, it's No. 75... Congratulations Mr. Deng Yu!"


Zhou Wen took 200,000 yuan and was about to go down when she heard an excited scream below.

Immediately afterwards...

She saw a young takeaway guy wearing [Beehive Ji Delivery] and rushed over like crazy. He ran so fast that he tripped and fell to the ground.

The camera gave [Honeycomb Extreme Gift] a close-up...

This young man seems to have just joined [Honeycomb Jisong] for about two months. Because of his outstanding performance, he is the grassroots staff of [Honeycomb Jisong] selected to participate in the annual meeting.

The young man was holding half a million dollars...

Overwhelmed with excitement.

However, Zhang Sheng was eager to draw again.

However, at this moment...

"Depend on!"

"My luck is even worse this time. Why is it only 100,000 yuan? 100,000 yuan is too stingy. I have already spent 200 million yuan. I will draw 200 million yuan, 100,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan. I can't draw until tomorrow?"

"Do you want to eat yet?"

"One hundred thousand doesn't count this time!"


Another delivery man wearing [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] also rushed over, but when he was halfway through, he saw Zhang Sheng's face becoming serious.

on the stage.

There are two raffle boxes.

One is the job number, and the other is the amount of the lottery ticket!

But Zhang Sheng immediately poured down the piles of lottery tickets, and then, in front of the camera, selected dozens of 100,000 yuan lottery tickets!


The delivery boy who just came up watched helplessly as Zhang Sheng tore all the 100,000 yuan lottery tickets into pieces and threw them into the trash can next to him!

"The lowest lottery ticket can be exchanged for 200,000 yuan. This friend, I remember your name is Shen Fu. I will help you draw again..."

"Oh, I'm lucky, I got 400,000!"



year 2010.

The Chinese live broadcast in this world has actually gradually emerged.

The largest live broadcast platform is called [YK Voice] Live Broadcast.

[YK Voice] was founded in 2008. At first, it specialized in providing copies of various online games and voice services during team battles. Later, more and more users emerged. After the founder realized the way of the live broadcast industry, he started It has expanded its business to singing, games, chatting, and DJing, and has trained several well-known anchors in the industry.

In March 2010, [YK Voice] was officially renamed [YK Live], and the video live broadcast function was launched for the first time in China.

After the video channel of [YK Live] was launched, it also carried out standardized "signing contracts" for some big anchors with large fan base.

And Zhao Kai is the number one anchor in [YK Live]. His account [MR Mark] has an astonishing daily active life of nearly 70,000, which once set a daily active record in the [YK Live] video area!

In the whole network, the account [MRMark] is known as millions of fans and an internet celebrity!

On the afternoon of December 31, Zhao Kai boarded YY as usual. He carefully prepared guitar and piano, and planned to sing a song "I Believe" that is now popular on the Internet for his fans.

The effect at the beginning of the live broadcast was great!

The assistant told him that the real-time active volume has exceeded 50,000, and if he works harder, he can reach the peak of 70,000!

But after twenty minutes of broadcasting, the active value of 50,000 suddenly dropped continuously, and finally fell to 40,000...

During his break from singing, after seeing the data, he felt like his mentality had collapsed!


He saw the comments!

"Holy shit! Anchor, stop live broadcasting on YK, go to [Jitu Video!]"

“Friends, everyone goes to [Jitu Video] and [Jitu Video] to throw money!”

"Mr. Zhang tore up all the 100,000 lottery tickets, and the lowest draw was 200,000!"

"Holy crap! In ten minutes, three hundred thousand yuan has been drawn in the lottery over there, my God..."

"Stop watching the anchor sing here. Not only are there celebrities over there, damn, they also have tons of money!"

"Anchor, please quit!"


"Go to [Jitu Video] quickly, go to [Jitu Video]..."


He found……

More and more comments are using the words "Jitu Video".

He frowned.

Keep singing…

However, the daily activity of 40,000 suddenly dropped to 35,000...

The comment section started to scroll through [Jitu Video] like crazy. Before he could react, he saw the live broadcast assistant next to him screaming as if he had seen something ghostly.

He looked at the auxiliary screen on the other side.

The auxiliary screen is opening the live broadcast of [Jitu Video]...

And him!

I saw something unbelievable in my life!

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