I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 464 Zhang Sheng meets the leader!

year 2010……

It is an important node in China.

This year, China's GDP surpassed Japan's for the first time and became the world's second largest economy.

January 5th.

When the relevant departments announced this news, the entire Chinese economic circle was boiling.

Countless netizens chatted excitedly online about how difficult it has been for China's economy over the past few years and how it managed to rise despite the difficulties. They also recalled the past and talked about the Japanese plasma color TVs and Japanese electrical appliances...

It seemed like he let out a long breath of bad breath.


Relevant departments did not celebrate or relax.

He has never looked down upon Little Japan.

This country is small in area, has a high population density, and lacks resources. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons are more common. However, its economy developed rapidly after the war and surpassed Germany in 1968 to become the world's second largest economy. Moreover, this country Sitting, that’s 42 years.

What can be despised about such a country?

In 2010, China's total GDP was US$6.09 trillion, accounting for 9.2% of the world's total economy. Behind the seemingly shining report card, the per capita GDP was only US$4,550, ranking 112th in the world...

There is a long way to go, and there is a long way to go.


"Please, this is our new factory of [Bosch Technology]. This is the head of our [R\u0026D Department], Tang Wu, Teacher Tang. Teacher Tang is also our distinguished professor of Yan Petrochemical, and even more so [Bosch Technology] 】One of the founders, specializing in new energy. Previously, the lithium batteries we developed have provided energy services to nearly two million terminal devices around the world..."

The leaders of the Ministry of Commerce are here.

Chen Mengting specially put on exquisite makeup, wore professional clothes and high heels, and excitedly explained Yanshihua's [Bosch Technology] to the leaders.

The leaders looked at the brand-new equipment and focused on a group of middle-aged people doing experiments in the laboratory...

One of the bald middle-aged men meticulously recorded various parameters while discussing something with the scientific researchers next to him. It seemed that everyone was concentrating on the Conqueror project and did not even notice that there was someone standing and watching beside the glass door. them.

After watching for a while, the leaders smiled happily, then nodded with satisfaction and followed Chen Mengting towards the workshop.

"Mr. Zhang always adheres to the principle of "technology is the primary productive force" and always unswervingly carries out the heavy tasks and responsibilities assigned by superiors and leaders. Of course, we have also experienced many unimaginable difficulties during this period, such as a large number of Despite the investment in R\u0026D, we were at a loss when faced with R\u0026D failures one after another... For example, the market was unpredictable. Our [Bosch Technology] battery core technology was overtaken by other brands and was once faced with the dilemma of being eliminated. However, in [Bosch Technology], our battery core technology was caught up by other brands. With the support of the leaders of Yanshan Petrochemical Institute and leaders at all levels, we have enough confidence in the future..."

While walking through a trail, Chen Mengting also spoke seriously about the difficulties faced by [Bosch Technology] in the research and development stage and the current stage.

The leader wearing a black jacket listened very attentively, with a serious expression on his face, and whispered a few words to Xu Linlin next to him from time to time.

Xu Linlin nodded and carefully recorded part of what Chen Mengting said.

After passing through the laboratory and walking out of the coded door, the group walked towards the [Bosch Dust-Free] workshop.

The leaders took off their old shoe covers and replaced them with new ones and hats.

"This is our latest production workshop. At the end of 2010, we purchased five new production lines. The production lines are all the latest Western technology. In the first half of 2011, we expect to purchase another 100 production lines and install them across our country. factories to speed up the research and development of new products..."

"In the past year, we have provided close to a thousand jobs, and this year we hope to double that number..."


Zhou Guoan silently looked at the employees in neat uniforms on the production line.

He looked at the [Safe Production!] on the wall again! ], [Technology is the primary productive force], [Industrial rejuvenation] and other slogans nodded with satisfaction.

"Xiao Xu, next we need to provide key services to similar companies. We must not resort to bureaucracy or formalism just because we have little power. Remember, we are always service personnel..."

"Yes, Director Zhou, I understand."

After Xu Linlin heard Zhou Guoan's words, she nodded.


Several people walked toward the office on the other side.

"This is our office area, foreign trade area..."

“Thanks to the support of policies, we have an overseas trade pilot zone in the Rocinha district of Brazil, and it is expected that in February this year, technical interaction and trade cooperation in the Brazilian region will be officially opened... This is the Brazilian Embassy in China. The person in charge is named Mr. Lacey..."


Chen Mengting led the leaders of the Ministry of Commerce into the [Foreign Trade Zone] of [Bosch Technology]. Lacey, who was wearing a suit, looked nervously at the senior leader who came in.

The leader smiled cordially, shook hands with him, and briefly communicated with him in English.

Although Lacey was clumsy, fortunately, he had prepared for the leader to come over for an exclusive interview and got the corresponding coping strategies immediately.

After shaking hands, several people walked out and walked towards another office area.

"This is our [Domestic Business] and [Technology Development] office..."


After Chen Mengting introduced the office one by one with the leaders, she walked silently to the other side.

"This is the office of our general manager, Mr. Zhang Sheng. On weekdays, Mr. Zhang Sheng works here..."

Just when Chen Mengting introduced Zhang Sheng's office, she suddenly saw that the door of the office was ajar...

He knocked on the door subconsciously.

"Come in."

"boss Zhang……"

"Oh, Mr. Chen, sit down..."


The door opened slowly.

Chen Mengting saw that Zhang Sheng's desk was piled with various materials. She seemed to be completely unaware that a group of leaders had come in. She kept her head down and was writing something.

"Mr. Chen, please wait a moment. I will finish this question right away. You sit next to me for a while and pour the tea yourself... Give me ten minutes..."

"Mr. Zhang, business..."

Chen Mengting was about to give a reminder.

But Zhou Guoan signaled Chen Mengting not to speak, and instead silently looked at Zhang Sheng's appearance in the office.

The other offices are all neatly tidied and meticulous...

However, Zhang Sheng's office was in a mess.

On the desk he saw, Zhou Guoan saw professional books such as [Production Statistics Report], [Scientific Outlook on Development], and [New Energy Strategy].

Looking slightly to the other side, he saw university textbooks such as [New Energy Vehicles], [Wind Power Generation], [Power], and [English].

Time passed little by little. During the ten minutes, Zhang Sheng sometimes frowned, sometimes marked some new content, and sometimes recited something...

When Zhou Guoan and others came closer to take a closer look, he found that Zhang Shengzheng had just finished taking a test paper, with a relieved smile on his face.

"Mr. Chen, what do you have...eh?"

Zhang Sheng subconsciously raised his head, then his pupils shrank and he stood up suddenly.

He seemed a little shocked by the visitor.

"Mr. Zhang, Director Zhou is here..." Chen Mengting quickly introduced Zhou Guoan and others.

Zhang Sheng was a little panicked for a moment, and quickly stretched out his hand to shake Zhou Guoan's hand, but then he looked at his hand and saw that it seemed to be stained with oil stains from [Battery], so he quickly wiped it with the napkin next to him. , with an apology on his face: "Mr. Chen, Director Zhou came here and asked me why you didn't tell me in advance! Look at me... Director Zhou, I'm sorry, it's a bit messy here, I made you laugh, I'm used to being sloppy, let's go to the meeting Room, it’s a little tidier over there... Take a look..."

"Haha, it's okay. It's okay. I came here unexpectedly this time. I hope I didn't disturb you, Mr. Zhang..."

Zhou Guoan burst out laughing when he saw Zhang Sheng's nervous look. After briefly shaking hands with Zhang Sheng, he naturally pressed his hand to Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, sit down, I'm coming over today." Just look around and there’s nothing…”

"Director Zhou, sit down, sit down...Mr. Chen, hurry up and pour tea for all the leaders. Use the best Pu'er tea, the one that costs 100 yuan..."

"Ha, Mr. Zhang, don't be restrained, just treat me as an ordinary old man, coming to chat with you..."

"Then, how can that be..."

There was a tug-of-war between the two sides, and after a long while, Zhang Sheng sat down flattered.

Xu Linlin next to her twitched her mouth slightly, and then sat down next to her with a normal expression.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, I originally heard that you started a business and studied at the same time in 2009, without missing a beat. You even won a scholarship from the education department as the first in your major. I thought it was a bit incredible, but I saw it today. Only then did I realize that Mr. Zhang, you have put in as much hard work as anyone else!"

Zhou Guoan burst out laughing, took out a book next to Zhang Sheng, and turned a page at random. After seeing that the page had densely packed contents, he couldn't help but feel a little admiration in his heart, and he appreciated Zhang Sheng even more.

"Eh... Director Zhou laughed at me. I was actually just improvising. I had signed a military order with the leaders of Yanshihua Chemical before, saying that my grades in all subjects were up to standard before I was allowed to start a business... Thanks to the various help and guidance from the leaders of Yanshi Chemical , I can get to this point..."

"Mr. Zhang, you are so humble, you are so humble...haha..."

In a messy office.

The atmosphere is exceptionally good.

Xu Linlin listened to the conversation between Zhang Sheng and Zhou Guoan, especially when she saw Zhang Sheng's naive and frightened appearance, her facial muscles twitched slightly again.

This guy is really wasting his talent if he doesn't go into politics. Look, this formalism is simply...

When she came to see it yesterday, the office was still neat and tidy, okay?

This "formalistic" exchange lasted for about ten minutes and finally came to an end.

"Director Zhou, can I show you our upcoming projects?"

"Your study..."

"It's okay, Director Zhou. I have a good grasp of the general content..."

"Haha, then I'll waste half a day of your time..."

"No delay, no delay...what are you talking about!"


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