I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 474 Do you want to fight with nothing?

[Price Capital] was established in late 2010.

The registered amount is 500 million, the full name is [Yanjing Price Investment Co., Ltd.], and the boss behind the scenes is named Wang Jiancong.

Wang Jiancong learned about Zhang Sheng in August last year.

At that time, Wang Jiancong took the 500 million yuan given by his father to establish [Price Capital]. After establishing [Price Capital], he was not in a hurry to invest, but found a group of very top "Price Capital" from domestic and foreign countries. Analyst".

The creation of the [Analyst] team took him about two months. After the team was established, this group of people analyzed China's current market every day.

From the mobile phone industry chain starting with the iPhone to the vigorous online shopping industry of [Group Buying War]...

Wang Jiancong saw a character many times in the analysis team.

That person’s name is Zhang Sheng!

Other entrepreneurs, even the long-famous [Tengji Technology], have an investment analysis index of only 89!

And Zhang Sheng actually reached an astonishing 92!

At the end of 2010, with the sudden rise of various emerging industries such as [group buying] and [takeaway]!

Zhang Sheng's investment analysis index soared from 92 to an astonishing 95. An astonishing 95, that is the trend of the times.

December 31st.

That live broadcast once again launched a new industry, which is Zhang Sheng's [Jitu Live Broadcast]!

When the value of 96 appears on the conference room panel...

The analysis team was shocked by this data, it was incredible!

And Wang Jiancong, from that day on, planned to chat with Zhang Sheng.

However, because we have been integrating the entrepreneurial team, time has been delayed.

Until yesterday, he suddenly saw Zhang Sheng preparing to hold a [Temple Escape] S1 Global Finals!

He realized...

He couldn't miss this opportunity again!

In fact...

He is also a loyal player of [Temple Run], and he knows very well how much potential there is behind this game!


"Mr. Wang, sit down..."

"Mr. Zhang, I am a straightforward person. I have 500 million yuan in capital. However, this 500 million yuan in capital is just investment capital. I am backed by [Wanda Group], a subsidiary of [Wanda Group] There are many businesses, among which [Wanda Cinemas], I think is one of the backbone cooperation forces that your [NC Entertainment] needs most. You can produce film and television works, and we can provide venues, resources, and more Film arrangement system... In addition, my own influence is not small..."


"Mr. Zhang, the gaming pie is very big. Especially if you want to make a game popular for all people, or for global competition, I think it will be difficult for you alone to do it. You need a helping hand. To put it bluntly, you It takes a lot of capital to push behind you and push this piece of cake bigger. I know that [Eps Capital] is secretly cooperating with you to a certain extent and is also pushing you, but it is far from enough..."


"I am very optimistic about the game [Temple Run], and I am very interested in [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals..."


From a detailed information, Wang Jiancong clearly understood that Zhang Sheng was a person who did not like to be long-winded and muddled.

So, when he walked in the door, he began to analyze a series of his own advantages and Zhang Sheng's shortcomings. After finishing speaking, he took a sip of the tea made by Zhang Sheng and watched Zhang Sheng's reaction.

Zhang Sheng nodded with a smile, without any other heartbeat or other emotions: "Mr. Wang, how do you want to cooperate with me?"

“In January, I established [Humi Live], which is a website that integrates outdoor live broadcasts, game live broadcasts, and food live broadcasts. It specializes in live broadcasts. It is classified into games. Currently, we have won [World War II Pioneer]. , the live broadcast rights of [Boxing Fighter] games and other games, and this time [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals, I also plan to win it..."

"Mr. Wang, how much money can you offer?"

"Five million!" Wang Jiancong quoted a price without hesitation.

Zhang Sheng frowned: "Mr. Wang, you should know that I have a video platform called [Jitu Live], right? This time, I not only want to make the game [Temple Escape] more popular, I even want [Jitu Live] to take advantage of this trend to consolidate its popularity... Five million will give my [Jitu Live] one more potential competitor. This is really not worth the gain..."

"What if I increase the price to 10 million?" Wang Jiancong squinted his eyes. He had already expected Zhang Sheng to say this: "We [Humi Live] will fully promote [Temple Run] S1 Global In the finals, the resources behind me will also promote this project..."

"Mr. Wang, this is not a matter of money. Have you seen those brands in the big conference room? I have thirty advertisements..."

"I'll eat them all, more than 30 advertisements, 300 million, how about that?"

In the office.

Zhang Sheng smiled and said nothing, but looked at Wang Jiancong.

Wang Jiancong felt inexplicably irritable.

But thinking that after the analysis team analyzed Zhang Sheng, this irritability was suppressed: "Mr. Zhang, [Tengji Technology]'s [National Parkour] currently has a good reputation. I got the news that [Tengji Technology]'s [National Parkour] currently has a good reputation. Technology] is waiting and watching over there. If you do [Temple Escape] well this time, the other party will copy you. They have always been that pissed... Just yesterday, I received a call from the business manager of [Teng Technology] We called people on the phone, they wanted to talk to us..."

"Mr. Wang, you should know that these words cannot create a sense of crisis for me..." Zhang Sheng was still smiling.

"Mr. Zhang, please tell me how we should cooperate..." After Wang Jiancong heard Zhang Sheng's words, he was silent briefly, and then looked at Zhang Sheng again.

In front of Zhang Sheng, he was still straightforward, but he was not as domineering as the rumors on the Internet. Instead, he looked sincere: "I came here this time with sincerity!"

"Mr. Wang, [Temple Escape] is just the beginning of the game, but I hope you know that we cannot only have one game like this... In March this year, we will launch another new game..."


"[Temple Run] S1 Global Finals is just a test run by our [NC Entertainment]. Of course, the commercial value and advertising value behind it are actually immeasurable... For example, the club..."

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean..." Wang Jiancong frowned. He realized the important point and subconsciously sat upright.

"Basketball, football...the huge number of users has given birth to clubs one after another, and those clubs rely on various live broadcasts, competitions, and brand effects to receive a lot of expensive advertising...In addition to advertising, there is also the buying and selling of star players. , training, club valuation...of course, and various peripheral income..." Zhang Sheng smiled and spread some things to Wang Jiancong.

"You mean, e-sports can also form such a club? But the problem is that there are not that many fans of games, especially mobile games..." Wang Jiancong frowned while thinking deeply.

In 2010, e-sports in China was actually in its infancy.

Although there are e-sports competitions, live broadcasts, and some star players, these events have always been in a niche scope and have never achieved scale.

"But times are progressing. I have said before that my games cannot be limited to [Temple Run], let alone mobile games..."

"You want me to invest in setting up a club? Help you make cakes?"

"Not just for the club, I can license the [Temple Run] S1 live broadcast to you for free... At the same time, I can also license my other games, similar to other competitions, for free..."

After Wang Jiancong saw Zhang Sheng's smile, he always felt a little panicked. Then, as if he thought of something, he finally stared at Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, you want to be a white wolf with nothing, want my [Humi Live Broadcast" ] Shares?”


In the office.

Zhang Sheng did not answer.

After looking at Zhang Sheng's expression, Wang Jiancong only thought that Zhang Sheng was a man-eating beast. Then, he thought of something again and fell into deep thought.

His [Humi Live] has just opened and currently has no traffic at all. The current valuation does not make much money at all.

As for Zhang Sheng, he has proven with actual actions that he is fully capable of doing various things to attract traffic.

[Jitu Live] is an example.

Currently, the daily active traffic of [Jitu Live] has stabilized at 300,000, which is a little behind [YK Live], but not by much...

His frown deepened!

He seems to realize that a huge market is opening up the tip of the iceberg.

But he wasn't sure what was behind that door.

After Zhang Sheng saw Wang Jiancong deep in thought, he still didn't speak and just smiled.

About ten minutes later...

There was a knock at the door.

Immediately afterwards...

Shen Xiaoxi stuck out his head.

"Mr. Zhang, we have prepared the PPT and various competition materials. Do you want to host it in person?"

"Well, I'll go myself!"


The office door closed again.

"Mr. Wang, if you are interested, come with me to the conference room and take a look at the project I mentioned. By the way, Mr. Wang, have you brought your analysts here?"

"Bring it, wait outside."

"Okay, let's go over and listen together!"



[NC Entertainment] has a large conference room on the first floor dedicated to brand owners.

However, when Wang Jiancong walked into that floor and saw the crowd of people, he immediately realized that the large conference room was still too small.

"Wow, Mr. Wang!"

"Mr. Wang..."

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

"Mr. Wang, you..."


When Zhang Sheng brought Wang Jiancong to the scene, it was almost a sensation!

Countless brand owners greeted Wang Jiancong, but some looked inexplicably wary.


"Wait a minute, isn't he here to drive up advertising prices? Is he also here to solicit bids?"


"Mr. Zhang shouldn't have packaged all the ads and sold them to Wang Jiancong, right? Did we co-write them for nothing?"


"Fart, behind Wang Jiancong is [Wanda Group], they really don't lack this kind of advertising!"


"Then what is Mr. Wang doing here...?"

Vaguely, Wang Jiancong heard a similar sound.


He saw the big screen on the podium light up.

He saw Zhang Sheng take the stage.

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