I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 477 Something happened!

[Qdog News] Since its establishment in 2003, it has integrated news information, regional vertical life services, social media information and products. With its comprehensiveness, diversity and authenticity, it has become one of China's four largest news agencies. One of the big news portals.

Zheng Huateng frowned deeply as he looked at the news.

The [Temple Escape] advertisement over there had just sold 400 million, and his [Q Dog News] was promoting it with great fanfare, which made him feel like he was stabbed in the back.

This feeling made him more and more uncomfortable. He finally took out his mobile phone and made a call to [Q Dog News].

The call was quickly connected.

The person in charge, Chen Zhilong, was obviously a little worried when he received the call from the big boss. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether Zheng Huateng was accusing or asking, but he said conscientiously: "Mr. Zheng... Zhang Sheng has a lot of traffic. This person It is the news flow that our entire team unanimously agrees on, and it turns out that the clicks on the news pop-up about Zhang Sheng are obviously more active than other news. In terms of monthly clicks, he ranks at the forefront. We do news, especially on the Internet. News, click traffic and activity are always what we pay most attention to, and..."

"And what?"

"Just yesterday, Zhang Sheng's company spent 10 million to buy the headline news and pop-up news on our portal... 10 million to buy one day's headline news. This is the first big order we have encountered this year, not only It was Zhang Sheng Company who spent the money. [Apple 4], [Pineapple 4] and other mobile phones also spent millions on our headlines... Our [Q Dog News] first needs a steady stream of attention and traffic. We maintain a corresponding position in the industry, and secondly, while maintaining authenticity, we reap corresponding benefits..."


After Zheng Huateng listened to the other party's explanation, he was silent for a long time, and then nodded: "You did a good job."

From the standpoint of [Q Dog News], Chen Zhilong has no problem at all in doing these things.

What an Internet news portal is about to do is, first, to generate enough active traffic, and second, to maintain corresponding profits and provide more financial support for [Tengji Technology].

Ten million buys a headline.

In 2011, it was definitely a big deal. [Q Dog News] In the past 2010, except for the group buying investors, no one was so generous.


After hanging up the phone...

He still felt like he had swallowed a fly, as if the other party was using the traffic of [Q Dog News] to promote their own products.

Earning Zhang Sheng's money is somewhat disgusting.

After Zheng Huateng thought for a moment, he looked at [Soudu News], [Chaolang News]...

He realized that Zhang Sheng was in the Internet news, spending money to buy headlines and hype his [Temple Escape] Global S1 Finals!

He stared at the [Temple Run] Global S1 Finals for a long time, and then looked at his [National Parkour].

An idea was born in his mind...

He squinted.

Afterwards, I immediately held a meeting with the mobile game department to ask the mobile game department to launch an [anti-addiction system] to limit the gaming time of minors...


Year 2008.

China has 253 million Internet users, surpassing the United States for the first time and ranking first in the world.

In 2010, China's Internet users exceeded 450 million, and the number of mobile Internet users far exceeded 300 million.

The gradual popularization of the Internet has brought about an era of information explosion, and the countless prejudices and arrogance of the past have gradually been swept into the wave of the new era.

[Temple Run] China’s highest score is 19.85 million points, with a total of 60,000 meters...

The founder is a vocational school student named Zheng Chonghuan from southern Hunan.

at first……

Play [Temple Run] just to pass the time.

A vocational and technical school looks like a high school, but in fact, about 70% of the students who enter such high schools, except for a few, come here to hang out.

Teachers hold classes above, while students read novels and play mobile games below...

At first the teachers would take care of it, but as time goes by, as long as you don't go too far and don't make any noise, the teachers will turn a blind eye at most.

This is the current status of vocational schools.

In this context, many students who have no interest in learning, no interest in technology, are confused about the future, have ordinary looks, have ordinary family backgrounds, and don’t know what to do are actually living in confusion.

It’s not unexpected to come into contact with [Temple Escape]…

Since the advent of iPhone4, the smartphone era has become the mainstream. For students, iPhone4 is unaffordable. The appearance of China’s [Apple 4] just happened to allow many students to experience the feel of iPhone4 with the least amount of money. and appearance, and can experience the gifts of the smartphone era without losing face...


How could it be that the [Apple 4] I bought was a pirated version? The news that Zhang Sheng sued the iPhone 4 is still circulating on the Internet!

Is the iPhone4 infringing Zhang Sheng’s [Apple 4]? And if you can support domestic production, why not?

Under such circumstances, [Apple 4] has become a substitute for [technology] for many poor students.

Then, it was natural that the game "Temple Run" was installed in "iPhone 4" and became popular among the student community.

At first, Zheng Chonghuan just watched the mobile game "Temple Run" become popular among students, so he followed suit...

This game is very easy to get into. Before you know it, you will be immersed in it, forgetting about time, and enjoying the thrill of running and chasing...

Moreover, he seems to have an innate talent for this game.

He is the first player to break 10 million!

Zheng Chonghuan will always remember the scene when he uploaded the 10 million-point record picture to Tieba...

That post!

Nearly ten thousand people responded!

Amidst the praises of "master", "fuck you awesome", "awesome" and "crazy!", he felt an unprecedented sense of vanity. It was an experience he had never experienced before, coming from a rural area and being unknown since he was a child. , that feeling of being under the spotlight is unparalleled.

Three days later, his record was surpassed!

This once aroused his desire to win, so he began to be a little crazy about "records"!

He was immersed in the game world, hitting new records again and again day and night...

His parents scolded him for being ruined!

I scold you every day...

Neighbors, relatives and friends all looked at him with strange eyes, as if they were looking at a monster...

Countless voices around him thought that he was a waste, no different from the [Master Sanhe].

Playing games...

What future can there be?

Are you obsessed with [Temple Run]?

He is indeed obsessed...

But is it really crazy to be obsessed with a game?

Not really...

Playing the same game all the time, watching the same scenes, boring scores, failing again and again...

No matter how fun the game is, you will get bored!

So why persist?

On the contrary, in real life, I never get recognition and are always belittled. I long for a little sense of respect and vanity on the Internet to make myself feel that I am still a "special person".

When he sent the 15 million points data to Tieba, there was another burst of exclamation.

But at the same time, some people questioned him for cheating...

Angry, he scolded the doubters in the forum for a long time, and finally decided to challenge in the form of [live broadcast]...

He was live broadcasting on [Jitu Video]. In the Internet cafe, he turned on the camera the whole time and let the camera shine on his hands and mobile phone!

He ran for more than half an hour and reached 19.8 million points.

That was his craziest day and also his most exciting day...

This is not only his highest record, but also the highest record in the entire [Temple Escape] Chinese region!

At first, there were only a few hundred people in the live broadcast room, but after he finished running for half an hour without any distractions, he saw that the number of visitors to the live broadcast room exceeded 10,000. At the same time, a group of young people were surrounding the seats in the Internet cafe.

That day...

In the virtual world, he is surrounded by people, like a hero that attracts everyone's attention.

In the real world, he was amazed by people. Seven or eight people looked at his screen in shock, watching his skillful operation, and asked him how he did it...

That was probably the most glorious moment in his life!

He even...

I made my first money in my life.

It turns out that in [Jitu Live], viewers are rich when they give themselves gifts!

The next day, he saw an extra thousand yuan in his bank card...

However, his happiness did not last long as he saw the door to his home open!

His parents ran in first, and when he was confused, they slapped him hard...

Immediately afterwards...

A group of reporters came in from outside.

Immediately afterwards...

With wide eyes, he watched the reporters, whom he had only seen on the news, walk into the yard of his house carrying long guns and short cannons.


He saw [CCTV reporter] coming.

He heard his parents cursing...

In front of reporters, his parents actually took out his report card from elementary school and said how excellent and good his grades were in elementary school...

Then he talked about "games".

Accusing the game of ruining him, because he was obsessed with arcade games, his academic performance plummeted...

In his confusion...

His parents slapped him hard again, then shook their fists angrily. In front of the reporters, they beat him again and smashed his cell phone to the ground.

"Ever since he bought this phone, he has been watching it every day. He doesn't eat, sleep, or go to class. He plays during the day and at night, like a madman... He has lost his dignity..."

"The state should take charge!"

"Games are electronic opium, and they are ruining these young people..."



January 23rd.


Zhang Sheng was awakened by a rapid ringing of the phone.

He answered the phone.

"Mr. Zhang, no, our [Mi Rabbit Game] has been smashed..."


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