I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 482 The so-called dream

Zheng Chong has been away for almost four days.

After learning that Zheng Chonghuan had run away from home, reporters who had dispersed suddenly swarmed in again and surrounded the yard of Zheng Guotang and his wife's home.

Zheng Guotang and his wife saw the news...

In the news.

He saw the news about [Family destroyed], [Game killing], [Zheng Chonghuan dead]...

The speed of communication in the Internet age has made the world become more and more impetuous. All media people like to amplify the facts, and then use an eye-catching title and close-up.

Zheng Guotang and his wife no longer [accused the game] of harmful news. Instead, they became more and more disgusted with these media. They were so angry that they even wanted to stab these reporters to death one by one with a knife.

However, they have no intention of caring about what these media say...

Because they are looking for their son Zheng Guotang.

At first, it was because of the [10 million bonus].

They heard the personal testimonies of the employees who worked at [NC Entertainment], and also saw Zhang Sheng’s annual meeting...

They realized it was actually possible for them to get the money!

Ten million!

In 2011, for ordinary people in a village, it was an unimaginable astronomical sum.

They can't think about what their family's future will be like after they get this bonus...

Later, because Zheng Chonghuan had been away from home for too long, they became afraid, fearing that something big would happen to their child.

In the past four days, they searched all the Internet cafes, KTVs, game arcades and other entertainment venues in the county. They even called the police.

But they still haven't found it.

Zheng Chonghuan did not use his ID card, nor did he take trains, buses or other means of transportation, which made the search very difficult.

There are more and more words like "Zheng Chonghuan is dead" and "Game Killer" on the Internet. Countless public opinions are all accusing "Temple Escape" and the game...


January 29th.

The weather is getting cold.

The wind outside the house was like a razor blade. After getting off the car, the gust of wind hurt my cheeks, as if they would split at any time.

Zheng Chonghuan stayed in the Internet cafe, looking at the dazzling array of mobile games on the computer screen. The games that were once tempting to play all night long now completely lost his interest.

He sat there for more than ten minutes, feeling tired, tired and sleepy...

He looked down at his hands.

Until now, his hands are numb.

Afterwards, I don't know whether it was due to choking on the smoke or for some other reason. I kept coughing all the time, as if I could smell the sour smell and tar at any time.

Two days ago…

He followed some new friends from the Internet cafe and got into a broken van.

The car was driven to an electronics factory, where they were paid 5 yuan an hour and worked for a day.

That day...

For Zheng Chonghuan, it was unforgettable. When he recalled it a few years later, he could still see the small smelly room, the dim incandescent lamp, and the workshop director who urged, wore a mask, and cursed from time to time...

Fifteen hours later, when he returned to the Internet cafe and heard the introductions from his friends, he realized that it was the lead-acid workshop with the least people doing it, and the work they did was the most unavailable in the entire lead-acid workshop. process.

"Why do you want to work?"

"Because we can only get in that van..."


"Our ID cards have been mortgaged, we can't even sit on the bus, our bank cards can't be used, we can only pay in cash, and we can't access the Internet at regular Internet cafes..."


Zheng Chonghuan heard the understatement and took it for granted.

The owner of that voice was smoking a 2.51 pack of "Blue River", squinting his eyes and playing the most popular game [World War II Pioneer] in the Internet cafe in recent years without looking back.

His hair is greasy and disheveled, his clothes are smelly, and he is constantly operating on a keyboard full of tar and dust...

The computer desk is full of leftover trash cans, some from yesterday and some from today. The air is always filled with the smell of decay. Even if the trash cans are cleaned out, the smell never goes away.

Zheng Chonghuan glanced at him silently, and then at himself...

I felt sick at first...

But when an increasingly tired feeling came over him, and as soon as he closed his eyes and fell asleep, discriminatory eyes and scolding expressions appeared, and he suddenly woke up.

Then, I want to sleep, but I can’t sleep...

Looking outside the Internet cafe again, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know where to go after going out. Instead, he could find a trace of stability by staying in this area.


He lowered his head.

At first, like the new friend next to me, I clicked on the competitive game [World War II Pioneer].

Early morning.

The area in the corner of the Internet cafe was still very lively, with bursts of excited shouts coming from time to time.

[World War II Vanguard] This game, the feeling of immersing in the game seems to make Zheng Chonghuan feel a lot less tired. He seems to have a certain talent for this type of game that relies on reaction ability and endurance.

Even when he waited for the next morning, he felt that this kind of life didn't seem too bad...

He doesn't know what depravity is.

A person like him, who has been morally condemned to the core, appeared on CCTV, and was ridiculed, spat on, and looked down upon by the whole country, how can he not be depraved?

All he knows is that when he is making all the difference in the game and is praised, praised, and shocked by others, he can find his own self-esteem, which makes him very close to all players, and there is no inequality or discrimination at all. …


Occasionally, when I see in the forum, [Temple Escape], [Temple Escape]’s global record has been refreshed, and it is ranked in the top ten in the world, but there is no Chinese at all, that kind of unwillingness will instantly come to my heart.

He saw that Deng Xiaoqi from his village seemed to have participated in the [Temple Escape] global S1 competition, saw photos of Deng Xiaoqi in sportswear posted on the forum, and also saw the leaked competition schedule.

It seems that although the competition was ordered to be suspended, [NC Entertainment] still seems to be holding the competition in private?

It’s just that I don’t know if the bonus is that high...

Seeing this scene, he felt an inevitable sting deep in his heart.

A week ago, he dominated the game.

He even has the opportunity to go abroad and play a competitive game with overseas players. No matter what the outcome is, this is at least his stage...

February 1.

The day before New Year's Eve.

He gradually adapted to this kind of Internet cafe life.

My friends around me all go to work for one day and then go to the Internet cafe for two or three days...

When I'm hungry, I eat the $2.5 fried rice noodles in the alley next to me. When I'm thirsty, I have a large bottle of mineral water, and the water from the faucet in the Internet cafe can also handle it. When I'm sleepy, I lie down and sleep for a while.

The Internet fee in the Internet cafe is also very cheap. It only costs 50 cents for an hour at night, 1.5 cents for an hour during the day, and there are recharges...

Of course, there are some things that he cannot accept. Several friends will also do some "petty theft" things, such as stealing mobile phones to sell, such as...

Although the network manager is a fat man, he is a nice person. For these people, he sometimes turns a blind eye because there is no monitoring. The fat man can at most cooperate with the customers and say a few words to remind them to take care of them. Money in your pocket…

As one of them, although he won't do these things, he won't snitch either...

On the evening of February 1st.

The door of this musty-smelling Internet cafe in the basement opened.

A young man wearing a mask came over.

The young man stayed at the bar for a while, and then walked to the corner.

It seemed that he was holding his mobile phone and turned on the video...

The few people who were immersed in the fighting had no chance of noticing that this young man was standing quietly behind them. He was just shouting and fighting in the game...

Zheng Chonghuan gradually became the backbone of the team of this battle game called [World War II Pioneer]. Every smooth operation won more exciting applause time after time.


Became the cheapest thing.

It wasn't until he reached out his hand happily after playing two games and saw a bottle of drink placed on the edge of the table that he suddenly understood.

"Network administrator, you sent the wrong one, I didn't order a drink..."

Zheng Chonghuan looked at the network administrator subconsciously.

The network administrator didn't say anything, but he heard a voice from behind: "I'll treat you to a drink..."

Zheng Chonghuan turned his head subconsciously.

But they saw a young man wearing glasses and a mask appearing behind them at some point and smiling at them.

His companions were also stunned...

They all turned their heads at this moment, confusion flashed across their faces, as if they didn't understand what this young man was trying to do...

"The game is pretty good."

Zheng Chonghuan couldn't see under the mask whether the young man was smiling or not. He only felt that the young man's voice was gentle.

He had rarely heard such a gentle voice, and he felt very close to it.


The second game started quickly.

Time passes little by little...

Zheng Chonghuan didn't know when he started chatting with this young man. At first, he seemed to be playing games while answering various questions from this young man...

I vaguely feel that this young man seems to be a new player in the industry?

But gradually, not only him, but even a group of them began to chat with this young man.

During the chat...

They said many, many things unconsciously...

This young man is very strange and contradictory. His temperament and some of his tone of voice make people feel a sense of admiration. It seems that it is awe? But it's extremely close...

He seems to be a "black man" without an ID card, and he is becoming more and more friendly with his companions...

The gears of destiny...

It seems that on this day, it gradually opened up.

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