I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 490 New Year’s Madness!

One year old is eliminated amidst the sound of firecrackers.

When the fireworks outside the window finally stopped ringing, the whole land became quiet.

Lin Xia was lying on the bed, wrapped in quilt, obviously a little sleepy, but couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

She stared at the door from time to time, repeatedly confirming that the door was locked, and the tension deep inside her felt a little better.

She was afraid that Zhang Sheng, a pushy guy, would suddenly knock on the door and then...

Then Lin Xia's face turned red again!

She tried hard to keep calm, relax and sleep well, but after lying in bed for a long time, she tossed and turned even more!

She sat up suddenly and looked at the time irritably: 3:30 in the morning!

She took a deep breath and listened in the room for a while...

After seeing that there was no sound outside, she put on her clothes and opened the door carefully.

When she came to the sofa, she saw that Zhang Sheng had already fallen asleep with his back stretched out. Although he was not snoring, he slept extremely comfortably.

She tiptoed over and sat next to Zhang Sheng, looking at Zhang Sheng's face...

This person, sometimes he looks very heartwarming, sometimes he is quite hateful, his shameless behavior makes people grit their teeth, but sometimes...

But she felt that Zhang Sheng had countless secrets hidden in him, which made Lin Xia feel uneasy...


[Lin Xia, I said, this is the most valuable investment in your life].

When Zhang Sheng's words appeared in Lin Xia's mind, Lin Xia gradually felt at ease.

"Hey, he looks mature and a bitch, but isn't he just kicking the quilt when he sleeps?"

Lin Xia carefully picked up Zhang Sheng's quilt and covered it gently. Then, she looked at Zhang Sheng for a while. After confirming that Zhang Sheng was sleeping peacefully, she smiled and walked toward the room. Walk inside.

After returning to the room, Lin Xia's mind was filled with Zhang Sheng, and then she thought about the future and her new book...

After thinking about it, I fell asleep unconsciously.

The hall fell silent again.

Zhang Sheng lay on the sofa from beginning to end. This time, he slept peacefully...

The sofa was warm and had a faint fragrance, so he couldn't help but wrap himself in a quilt.


He seemed to have had a dream.

I can’t remember what I dreamed about. I just feel that this dream seems to be very beautiful, and I feel very energetic after waking up from the dream.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Lin Xia had already made breakfast and was basking in the sun on the balcony while reading a book.

Zhang Sheng stretched and glanced in the direction of the master bedroom. Lin Guodong and Gu Jiangyan did not go home last night...

He smiled.

"you're awake?"

"Well, I woke up..."

"You go and wash up first. Breakfast is ready. Simple porridge and vegetables..."


Zhang Sheng stretched again, and after getting dressed, he got off the sofa.

Lin Xia had already prepared new toiletries. Zhang Sheng was brushing his teeth while thinking about some inexplicable things.

for example……

If he hadn't taken out the quilt yesterday, he would...

for example……

How should I arrange my next new life? Should I live together...

For example, after thinking about living together, Zhang Sheng then thought about buying a house, and then naturally thought about building a villa or something, then thought about how to decorate the villa, and even thought about building a courtyard or a manor...

Thinking about it, Zhang Sheng suddenly laughed at himself.

Damn it!

Hasn’t he become a new leek in real estate?

Just when Zhang Sheng was laughing at himself, Lin Xia came over from the balcony and looked at Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, do you have any plans for today?"

"No... I don't want to go to work on New Year's Day this year..."

"Oh, do you want to go to the movies?"

"Okay..." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"Then I'll buy a ticket?"

"Okay, um, by the way, Lin Xia, open the [Minuo Ticketing] of [Honeycomb Jishu] on your mobile phone APP and see if there are various movie tickets online?"

"Yes, on board!"

"Well, then buy it!"

"A dollar movie ticket?"

"Yes! By the way, Lin Xia, I want to tell you something..." When Zhang Sheng finished washing and sat on the table to have breakfast, he suddenly thought of something and looked at Lin Xia solemnly.

"You said..." Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng's expression and immediately became serious.

"Last night, I slept on the sofa. It was very cold outside. Well, the air conditioner in the hall was very warm, but it was very dry. In short, my face was also relatively dry. Look at my lips. They were dry. Some are cracked..." Zhang Sheng pointed to his lips seriously.

"Ah?" Lin Xia was stunned, and subconsciously stepped forward to take a look. After a moment, she was a little confused: "No!"

"Yes, by the way, Lin Xia, I think your lips are quite moist. I personally think that you need to put your lips slightly against my lips, and then, use some of the moisture inside your lips, and then Moisturize my lips…”

"Zhang Sheng!"

Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng's serious look, and instantly she became famous. After giving Zhang Sheng a fierce look, she took the book and ran to the balcony.


The first day of the Lunar New Year in 2011.

For Zhang Sheng, the past 2010 was definitely a good year.

Good harvest in career and love.

But for Zheng Huateng, bad news came one after another on New Year's Day.

He stayed up all night, and after running to the company, he felt that his whole body was congested and he couldn't breathe.

There was a vague feeling of shooting myself in the foot.

That vigorous report really pushed [Temple Escape] to the edge of the cliff...

However, in view of that vigorous report, the relevant departments attach great importance to the impact of [games] on young children, and the new version of the "Game Anti-Addiction System" has been implemented almost as soon as it was released.

The mobile game department of [Tengji Technology] received various messages from parents early in the morning.

The operators in the mobile game department were overwhelmed. They all asked [Tengji Technology] for their children’s account information. After asking for the information, they almost always said that children are not allowed to play this game during the Spring Festival, and that the game’s The recharge system has been monitored!

The staff had absolutely no choice but to provide the account to the user...

On the afternoon of February 3rd, the first day of the Lunar New Year, the person in charge of the mobile game department hurried over and said that [National Parkour] new user registration traffic had dropped by nearly half. What was even worse was that they had After a whole day of meetings, the [New Year Skins] launched in the mall received an unprecedented cold reception. The amount of money received in the morning was completely lower than expected. Even the post bar was filled with ridicules and curses...

After Zheng Huateng saw the data of [National Parkour], he took a deep breath.

It was like a slap hit him hard on the face, making his face turn blue and purple...

The recharge system received a cold reception, so even if more users download [National Parkour], what's the point?

"Mr. Zheng..."

"Zhang Sheng, a man who suffered a thousand blows, spent tens of thousands of dollars on an advertisement to buy off those parents. Now, Temple Run, which everyone was clamoring for, has become the first choice for parents to encourage their children to play..."

"Mr. Zheng, take a look at the official website of [Temple Run]. They are now recruiting professional players with great fanfare, and they completely ignore the bans imposed by relevant departments..."


Qian Binrong, the head of the mobile game department, hurried over and handed a series of news about "Temple Escape" to Zheng Huateng with sweating profusely.

Zheng Huateng frowned even deeper when he saw the latest news about [Temple Escape].

He saw Wang Jiancong, the young master of [Wanda Group], announcing that his [Price Capital] was going to spend 100 million yuan to formally establish [PG Game Club]. At the same time, he announced that his investment in the live broadcast platform [Humi Live] Now comes the live broadcast rights of [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals!

He also saw that the person in charge of Brazil, Lacey, announced that he would build an e-sports venue next to Rocinha. The e-sports venue will be specially used for the [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals!

He also saw that [SOA Game] Jin Minjing from South Korea announced that he would officially represent the Korean version of [Temple Run], and spent huge sums of money to build [SK Club], planning to personally lead the team in the competition...

[Tengji Games] The marketing department and public relations department never imagined that Zhang Sheng could make such a big sacrifice for a [Temple Escape] game and create a [career ecological chain] for these kids. , under this kind of ecological chain, there is Zhang Sheng’s good reputation in the past, and there is the stimulation of millions of dollars in prize money, this meal fermented...

Oh shit!

The heat is really going to be aroused by him!

After reading a series of news, especially when he saw that the number of downloads of [Temple Run] Huaxia surged by more than two million last night, Zheng Huateng felt an inexplicable headache.

After a long time, he waved his hand.

Qian Binrong left wisely.

He thought for a long time in the office, and in the afternoon, he asked Qian Binrong to come over again.

"Mr. Zheng..."

"Go and talk to Zhang Sheng about cooperation."

"What cooperation?"

"We have users on hand, and Zhang Sheng has products. As for how to cooperate, it's up to you... We have Q Dog. In the future mobile industry, we will make payment tools. Zhang Sheng is a person who can be fought for, at least don't let him Run to Ma Yunhua..."

"Oh, good! What if he doesn't agree?"

"Then fight!"

Qian Binrong nodded.

Left the office.

Not long after, Zheng Huateng's phone rang.


"Mr. Zheng, Zhang Sheng and Lin Guodong's daughter are watching a movie..."

"Lin Guodong's daughter?"

"In the past six months, although Lin Guodong's [Yaohua Technology] has been keeping a low profile, I have found out something. Behind many domestic copycat phones, Lin Guodong is behind the scenes controlling [Apple 4] and [Pineapple Phone]. With his presence, not only does [Yaohua Technology] hold a part of the shares, but even the R\u0026D teams behind these brands have many figures from [Yaohua Technology]... Although [Huaxing Mobile] failed,... he has actually been in Overtaking on a curve!”


"Just now, the iPhone 4S released a new model configuration list and concept sheet, while [Apple 4S] directly released a new model, and the configuration list is exactly the same as the iPhone 4S..."

"Ah? Is this happening? What do you say about the price..."

"Cheaper than iPhone 4S! As long as you shop online, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] will subsidize you with a thousand yuan! They say [Apple 4S] is the exclusive mobile phone for [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals..."



Joss, who was far across the ocean, was woken up by a phone call.


"Mr. Joes, the appearance of China's [Apple 4S] is completely copied from the [iPhone 5] that we haven't released yet and even just launched the project!"



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