I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 492 Sorry, I’m too good

New Year.

For Lin Xia, there was probably nothing to look forward to.

There is always a spacious room, always a cold bed, and fireworks outside the window that look bright, but are actually extremely noisy, making people unable to sleep.

In the impression, her father is always on the phone. In the past ten years, except for New Year's Eve, you can't see him from the first day of the new year to the next half month.

Her mother is also very busy...

Bright fireworks will always cause fires. Sometimes the fire department is short of manpower and will second people. Sometimes there are fights and troubles. Sometimes there are emergency cases...

During the New Year, there would always be messy things happening, and then she would watch the fireworks alone, waiting for the end of the event.

Lin Xia doesn't like Yanjing very much.

Yanjing is very lively, but the liveliness is bound to be noisy. At the same time, it also carries an indescribable sense of anxiety.

Lin Xia always remembers that Cangdong County is filled with stars. Looking up at the sky, you can always see shining stars blooming in the deep night sky.

However, since arriving in Yanjing, she found that the sky in Yanjing was always gray. When she looked up, she could not see the stars at all.

It's like living in another world.


This year’s Chinese New Year is different.


The group buying market during the Chinese New Year has gone crazy.

Lin Xia drove the car and searched for a long time in [Wanda Mall], but still couldn't find a parking lot.


There are various group buying advertisements everywhere in the underground parking garage.

You can see it on almost every pillar, every light sign, and even taxis coming and going on the street...

[Harvest Group Buying], [Group Buying], [Hanshou.com], [Baotuan.com]...

She no longer knows how many different group buying brands she has seen, all shouting various "New Year group buying and big sales!"

In the underground parking garage, I finally parked the POLO in the parking space. Before I could get out of the car, I saw dozens of people surrounding me like crazy.

"Hello, we are [Baotuan.com] and we have a big New Year promotion. Have you downloaded our [Baotuan.com] APP? After downloading the APP, you can receive red envelopes, mobile phones, hair dryers, TVs... The lowest discount is 10% off... "

"This lady, don't listen to her. Download our [Hanshou.com]. Our [Hanshou.com] is the largest group buying website in China and has strong capital. Our boss is planning to spend 800 million in discounts in the first half of the year to give back to new and old customers. ...You only need to click to download, which is very convenient..."

"Hello, have you bought the gifts for visiting relatives? Come to our [Fengyu Mall], we will deliver them directly to your home. At the same time, we have our own delivery APP, [Lainiao Takeaway], for any food, use Whatever you wear, as long as you are in Yanjing, we can all radiate..."

"Hello, madam, we download and give away mobile phone cases..."


The moment the car door opened, Lin Xia had countless flyers in his hands and in the car...

Lin Xia was even so crowded by these part-time "local advertising staff" that she couldn't get out of the car. Even Lin Xia said that she didn't need it anymore. This group of people still refused to let Lin Xia go, spitting and shouting all kinds of things. Such a [group purchase discount], even if it were not for the law, Lin Xia felt that these people were going to grab the mobile phone and force them to download their APP...

After finally squeezing through the crowd with Zhang Sheng's help, Lin Xia saw that the group of people just started fighting on the spot, seemingly trying to get a good position, using various tricks, and the scene was once chaotic...

"This is crazy!"

After breaking away from the crowd, Lin Xia glanced at the countless "local advertising agents" behind her with lingering fear, and then at the various group buying advertisements in the underground parking lot. She turned pale with fear.

"It should be the final madness. Behind every brand, there are countless capitals attacking cities and territories. The [Group Buying War] should be about to reach its final battle..."

Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes as he looked at these people.

"How many group buying websites do we have in China? I heard there are already more than 2,000?"

"In fact, there are more than 4,000 group buying websites, large and small!"

"My God, there are more than four thousand people!"


Lin Xia was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Sheng subconsciously took his hand and naturally pulled her to his side.

This made her subconsciously tense up and her face turned slightly red. She naturally broke away for a moment, but after seeing how strong the other party was, she finally let him lead her forward.

"There are a lot of people in the shopping mall. It would be bad if they get separated."

She looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng, still looking sanctimonious, led her into the elevator.

Her face was red and she lowered her head. She was nervous and a little overwhelmed, but in the end she didn't say anything.

The [Wanda Mall] during the Chinese New Year was more lively than expected, with almost everyone sitting next to each other, and countless noisy sounds that made the eardrums tremble from time to time.


Zhang Sheng naturally let go of her hand, and then subconsciously held her waist.

that moment……

Her whole body was stiff!

"Zhang Sheng, you..."

"There are too many people, and I can't help it. It's safe..."

"But, with so many people, can you..."

"Then go to a place with fewer people?"

"That's not what I meant, what I meant was..."

"What? I can't hear you. Let's talk about it in the cinema. It's too noisy here..."

She felt that instead of letting go of Zhang Sheng's hand, she hugged him tighter.

She struggled again and finally gave in.

"Zhang Sheng, you...don't do this next time..."

"Oh well!"

"Can't you hear me?"

"I heard it now. I was thinking about something just now. My mind was in a mess. Now I understand it..."


The movie is called "Big Diamond".

This is a black comedy directed by Zheng Hao and exclusively distributed by Zhang Sheng's [NC Entertainment].

When walking into the cinema, Lin Xia intuitively felt the craziness of the group buying market.

Almost everyone who queued up to buy movie tickets was forced to download an inexplicable group-buying app. In the chaotic market, the ticket prices for the movie "The Big Diamond" ranged from 25 yuan to 10 yuan, and then even as low as 10 yuan. 5 bucks!

Even if you buy movie tickets on the APP, you can get popcorn, drinks, barbecue, snacks for the whole family...

Those smiling "salesmen" almost rushed to lick the customers in line. Many people had the illusion that they were gods.

When Zhang Sheng and Lin Xia walked into the screening room, the crowded feeling became slightly better...

"Zhang Sheng, can your hand be okay..." When she was about to sit down, Lin Xia looked at Zhang Sheng's hand with a blushing face, and gently pulled it, her voice was almost inaudible, and her head shook. Too low to look at anyone.

"Oh, I'm sorry...I was thinking about something..."

Zhang Sheng nodded as if he was stunned, quickly retracted his hand, and sat down with Lin Xia.

The movie will start soon!

The first half of "The Big Diamond" was a joy to watch.

The whole screening room laughed...

As a comedy with black humor, Zheng Hao has completely caught the audience's laughter, and can always make the audience laugh with one scene or one line of dialogue.

Lin Xia was also amused by the plot and almost gave up on her image as a lady.


In the second half.

"I'll go out for a while..."

Lin Xia saw Zhang Sheng lowered his head and left the screening room silently.

Lin Xia didn't pay attention at first, but nodded, thinking Zhang Sheng was going to the toilet.

But until "Big Diamond" finished playing and the lights came on, she became a little worried when Zhang Sheng still didn't come back.

She followed the crowd out of the screening room.

Looking at the dense crowd outside, she was a little overwhelmed and called Zhang Sheng immediately.


【Wanda Mall】

In the VIP box of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant].

Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Panpan with a gentle expression.

"What's the matter?"

"Zhang Sheng, I..."

"It's okay, please speak slowly..."


Today, Zhang Panpan seemed to be deliberately dressed up, but her face seemed very nervous.

She told Zhang Sheng what happened during the Spring Festival Gala yesterday.

She said that she was very nervous when attending the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. Then she said that when she stood on the stage and looked at the people below, she felt a little dazed under the light...

Then from the Spring Festival Gala, we talked about her previous "dream". She said that now she has gradually realized that dream and can see the road ahead clearly.

Then she expressed her apology to Zhang Sheng...

She said that she used to be ignorant and ignorant of the world and did some stupid things. She hoped that Zhang Sheng would not take it to heart and so on. After apologizing, she expressed her gratitude...

Zhang Sheng listened patiently, but when he heard the last part, he looked at the time and frowned slightly.

"Drink less wine..."

"Zhang Sheng, I... you said, I..."

Zhang Sheng looked at Zhang Panpan's nervous expression with complicated emotions and finally shook his head.

"No need to thank me, I actually don't care about what happened in the past..."

"But, I... Zhang Sheng, do you think I..."


Zhang Panpan was a little incoherent.

Yesterday, when she came off the Spring Festival Gala stage, her mind was filled with the past and every detail of her contact with Zhang Sheng.

She felt that she should have a chat with Zhang Sheng and express her emotions.


When I saw Zhang Sheng today, all the emotions turned into another strange feeling wrapped in tension.

"Don't tell me, you like me?"


She saw Zhang Sheng and laughed.


She froze.

His mouth suddenly opened. He never dreamed that Zhang Sheng would actually say these words. He wanted to say something, but after a long time, nothing came out. His mind began to have inexplicable random thoughts, and he was so excited for a while...

"If it's about work, I'm willing to listen to you about your next plan, but if you think I'm too good and want to be with me and have children for me, then I feel very sorry... Lin Xia , stop eavesdropping at the door..."

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