I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 513 The storm is coming again!

So far!

[Temple Run] global downloads have exceeded 50 million!

Compared to [Temple Run] of the same period in the original world, this data is not eye-catching.

However, compared to other mobile games of the same period...

But it has been a great success.

[Tengji Technology]’s [National Parkour] has only reached 30 million figures so far!


[Zhongsheng Mobile] was founded in 1998.

In the era when the use of BB phones was at its peak, Ye Guojun, the founder of Zhongsheng Mobile, devoted himself to the research and development of mobile phones.

In 1999, the first all-Chinese dual-band GSM mobile phone [ZTS] was launched.

This is a golden age everywhere.

[ZTS] quickly occupied the market once it was released. In the following two years, it sold nearly 200,000 units, a business legend!

After the millennium, [Zhongsheng Mobile Phone], under the leadership of Ye Guojun, continued to expand its territory, and the launch of the second mobile phone called [Little Shentong] (originally similar to PHS in the world) led to mobile phone manufacturers. This is a new direction for our development, and [Zhongsheng Mobile Phone] has also reached its peak with [Little Magic Power]. In 2004, the sales volume of mobile phones for the whole year reached an astonishing 10 million units. The sales volume was once comparable to that of the booming [Nokia] ] Arm wrestling!

At that time, Lin Guodong was still standing on a high-rise building. He lost everything during his first transformation. Although he had a group of loyal entrepreneurs, he was very confused and did not know where to go...

At the IPO company at that time, Joes was sharpening his skills, convening more than 1,000 internal employees to form a team to develop the iPhone, and started a project classified as highly confidential...

At that time, Ma Yunhua was making investments everywhere, working hard to make a big pie for countless capitals, talking about what the future of [Taozhu.com] would be like, and she once sat on a stone in confusion, not knowing how to go forward. …

In the future, if we want to do "The Rise and Fall History of China Mobile Phones", then we will definitely write about "Zhongsheng Mobile Phones".


The author must be very sad.

Ye Guojun in 2004 must be a Joes-level figure now!

But during the Spring Festival after 2004, perhaps it was due to frequent overtime work, or the endless emergence of competitors that was mentally and physically exhausting, or perhaps it was a failed marriage, and 3G R\u0026D secrets were inexplicably leaked.

Ye Guojun died suddenly at home without any warning.

After the sudden death, [Zhongsheng Mobile] was in internal chaos, and the power struggle entered a fever pitch. It even delayed the official release of the upcoming color screen mobile phone [Z3] for half a year. After the official release, the entire mobile phone market was no longer [Zhongsheng Mobile]. In the world, foreign Nokia mobile phone market is booming, foreign Samsung is coming fiercely, [Z3] sales are completely crushed across the board, although it can barely keep its profits, but in the face of an increasingly booming market, [Zhongsheng Mobile] has already There is no way around it.

In fact...

After the collapse of [Zhongsheng Mobile], the rest of the newly emerging domestic mobile phones were unable to withstand the massive invasion of foreign mobile phones, and the market was completely destroyed.

April 2nd.


[Zhongsheng Mobile] In the president’s office.

Ren Kai looked at the [Apple] phone silently.

This domestically produced copycat mobile phone that emerged last year is already booming in terms of sales. The [Apple 4S] has sold over one million copies in just a few months!

For domestic mobile phones, this is a very amazing data!

Ren Kai's eyes were very complicated, with an indescribable sadness. In addition to bitterness, there was also a sense of jealousy.

Since Ren Kai took office in 2005, Ren Kai has been trying his best to restore Zhongsheng Mobile to its past glory.


As an aggressive leader, you can stabilize the internal team, but in fact it is completely insufficient!

You must have a keen and forward-looking vision, and at the same time, you must be ruthless about the market. Obviously, Ren Kai does not have these factors.

He is just a stickler. From 2005 to 2010, every mobile phone they launched was quite satisfactory. Relying on the glory and reputation of the past, the sales volume was not bad, but it was also very marginal. They could barely hold on to the number one domestic mobile phone. position, but they can only resist. Facing the ravages of overseas brands such as [Samsung], [LG], [Nokia], and [iPhone], domestic mobile phone brands without core technology can only protect themselves...

In 2010, iPhone4 was released.

Ren Kai felt that it was a new era of smartphones.

Therefore, he decisively began to invest everything in the direction of smartphones, and also launched the [ZE] touch-screen mobile phone with a fairly good reputation.

However, the [ZE] touch screen mobile phone is completely unable to withstand the wave of copycats launched by Zhang Sheng...

Not only is there a tide of copycats, but there is also a tide of prices!

How can they keep up with the unprofitable mobile phone price of 699?

How much money do big companies make?


Yes, large companies like [Zhongsheng Mobile] do have a lot of money and rich heritage, but at the same time, the equity structure of large companies is very complicated. Every shareholder meeting is like a large-scale quarrel.

When he walked into the large conference room with the [price war] proposal, the entire conference room suddenly became a quarrel. The quarrel lasted for more than a week and did not end...

On the one hand, this group of shareholders says that prices cannot be lowered because they would lower prices at the slightest sign of trouble. Isn’t that going to cause chaos? Our [Zhongsheng Mobile] is China’s [iPhone4] and has its own brand value!

Another wave of shareholders said that they need to lower prices and adapt to the scene, even if they don't make money, they want to conquer the market, otherwise they will be swallowed up sooner or later...

The means by which Ren Kai came to power were not very glorious in themselves. Voting and administrative rights were actually in the hands of this group of shareholders, and he had an unstable temperament and was unable to control the overall situation. When he officially decided not to engage in a price war, the two parties were already Months later!

Two months later, the day lilies were cold!

In 2011, all major departments of [Zhongsheng Mobile] unified their opinions and began to prepare the new [ZE] 2nd generation mobile phone...

But when everything is prepared and ready to launch a wave of market...

[Apple 4S] suddenly appeared!

This time, it’s no longer 699, but 1999. However, this time, the [Apple 4S] itself is very expensive, the configuration is actually higher than their [ZE] second generation, and the appearance is extremely exquisite. After it was put on sale, countless young people rushed to grab it!

This makes them realize that if their products are put into the market, they will only be crushed by others...

"[Temple Run] just took advantage of the opportunity and became a hit. Our [National Cool Run] is no worse than [Temple Run], even better..."

"[Temple Run] Global S1 Finals, don't think that it has nothing to do with your mobile phones. In fact, this game is to build momentum for [Apple 4]. It is a huge mobile phone advertisement in itself. Mr. Ren Kai, we I have already talked with Mr. Billy, the Chinese representative of [iPhone4S], and they will temporarily review and remove the game [Temple Run] on the pretext that it is unsafe..."

"We have also talked with [YK Live] and other well-known domestic video websites. They will not support the live broadcast of this game. At the same time, we have also implemented traffic restrictions on [Weibo]'s topic list... In [God] Temple Escape] During the live broadcast, we will no longer conduct any traffic... In addition, I hope that all industries under Zhang Sheng and your brand mobile phones can be given certain restrictions..."


"Mr. Ren, a young man who breaks the rules and wants to take the cake from us is not only unacceptable to me, but also to countless mobile phone manufacturers, game industries, and capital in China..."


The words of [Tengji Mobile Game Department] Qian Binrong came to Ren Kai's mind.

In fact, Qian Binrong was not the only one who came during this period.

In the past few days, capitals such as [Hongtian Capital] and [Hongsen Capital], as well as domestic mobile phones [Taomi], [VIK], etc., as well as the commercial departments of [YK Live] and [Taozhu.com]...

Many mainstream capital and brands that suffered greatly from Zhang Sheng have come in to talk to Ren Kai.

The core of the conversation is only one...

That is, before we fight against the outside world, we must first settle down at home!

We must first remove the cancer that is Zhang Sheng!



Joes collapsed at the press conference, becoming the most high-profile news in the technology circle.

Although, the [Apple 4S] presented by Zhang Sheng seemed to be boasting, saying that it was not inferior to the iPhone 4S, which indeed deceived the enthusiasm of a large number of Chinese users.

But, after all, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree.

The sales of iPhone4S are still crazy, even more amazing than the sales of iPhone4 last year!

Global daily sales of 1.3 million units!

In March alone, the sales and pre-orders of [iPhone 4S] in China alone exceeded 4 million units, and demand exceeded supply.

[IPO] The company predicts that within two months, global sales will exceed 10 million, setting a new record again and becoming a new milestone for global mobile phones!

After experiencing the haze of [Spy], the past March was probably the most exciting month for Billy.

He is sitting in the office of [IPO China] drinking coffee, watching sales and reading the news every day...

Of course, when he saw Zhang Sheng's [Apple 4], he still felt extremely dazzling and disgusting.


This feeling gradually changed in mid-March.

From mid-March to the end of March, his office was extremely busy.

The head of the mobile game department of [Tengji Technology] came to him and chatted with him about the cooperation of [National Parkour]...

The people in charge of [Fengsheng Group Buying], [Lainiao Takeaway], [Lingshou.com] and other people also came, bringing their software and a large amount of money from the capital behind them...

In fact, countless mobile phone dealers in China, [Taozhu.com] and the Ministry of Commerce and others have also come...

That damn Chinese guy touched these people's cakes.


A campaign against that abominable Chinese is going on quietly!

They hope that the [IPO] company can cooperate with them to eradicate this cancer first. They hope that not only [Temple Run] will be removed from the shelves, but also software such as [Honeycomb Jisong] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall] will be removed from the shelves. , and even more so that [IPO China] should personally come forward to announce the press conference, claiming that these software have viruses...

Faced with these people's requests for cooperation, Billy naturally had a smile on his face...

Losing a little download money of [Temple Run] and issuing a statement can completely destroy this Chinese...

Why wouldn't he do it?

Moreover, the emergence of [Apple 4S] is already the most serious provocation to iPhone4S!



[Temple Run] has about 500,000 daily downloads.

In early April, this number dropped to 300,000. By April 4, this number dropped to 200,000 again...

On April 5, the number of downloads began to halve. The number of new user downloads in a day was only 100,000. At the bottom, it was even less than 100,000, only 80,000...


This is not the cruelest thing!

The most cruel thing is that Zhang Sheng's industries, starting from April, almost at the same time were subjected to the most cruel siege since the beginning of his business!

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