I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 516: Entering the game with your own body is the winner!

Millennium to present...

China Internet has experienced vigorous development for nearly eleven years.

The space where barbarism grows has naturally fostered countless darkness and evils...

In fact, starting in 2007, China's top executives realized that [Internet security] was a proposition that had to be avoided.

Starting in 2008, when China's newly emerging Internet companies began to apply for payment licenses from the government one after another...

This proposition has gradually become more important. How to make the Internet healthy, how to protect residents’ property, physical and mental safety and even life safety, how to maintain good competition...

Everything is being discussed among the leadership of the Ministry of Cyberspace Information and the Public Security Department.


Wang Bingrong is an APP specialist in the [Internet and Information Department] who specializes in new business formats.

I just climbed to this position last year.

However, Wang Bingrong was not very happy sitting in this position.

He was promoted and received a salary increase, but all kinds of pressures came one after another. He knew how much responsibility he had in app review and web page review. If he was not careful, he would be criticized and even commit some principled crimes. Therefore, he did not do anything to make him a new official. Instead, he devoted himself to his work conscientiously, fearing that there would be any oversights in his work.

Of course, in fact, the superiors have always had their own set of practices. His senior told him that the simplest way is to apply it across the board.

One size fits all…

How to cut...

The senior did not tell him, but said seriously that everything depends on his own understanding.

He met Zhang Sheng in January this year...

In January this year, it was a cold noon. Xu Linlin from the Ministry of Commerce called him and asked if he was free.

Faced with the call from this senior sister, Wang Bingrong was naturally free, and he was also very interested in Zhang Sheng, an "inspirational guy", so he was in the office, waiting for Zhang Sheng's arrival...

Zhang Sheng is here.

After arriving, I did not exercise any privileges or ask him to do anything difficult.

Instead, he very proactively took out the information of all his apps, including all the evidence and even the [security statement].

His first sentence was: "Wang Ke, I know the importance of [network security], and I also know that everything I have come to now is not easy, but I always have a passionate and innocent heart. , and I don’t want to cause trouble to you, Wang Ke, so I hope to actively cooperate with your work. This is the information and data of all my APPs. The data is completely open to the public. In order to make our network environment better, I hope to lead by example. , leave it to Wang Ke for your review. This is our code, and I am willing to accept all supervision and review..."

After hearing Zhang Sheng's words, Wang Bingrong was stunned at first.

So far in his career, the entrepreneurs he has seen are either enthusiastic, excited, or flirting with each other while drinking and smoking. They seem to cooperate with the work, but in fact they are secretive and delay the progress of the work.

Never before has Zhang Sheng put all the APPs in his hands so simply and straightforwardly...

Invisibly, he had a better impression of Zhang Sheng.

The conversation that followed naturally came up with the topic of network security. Zhang Sheng was very enthusiastic about this. Not only did he have to provide various review opinions, he even wrote a special [Review Letter] after returning home.

Especially regarding fraud and property security, he writes in great detail...


There are also shortcomings in it. I don’t know if it is because I am relatively immature and immature. Some [Astringent App] Zhang Sheng simply brushed it off...

He was very serious about filling in this piece, and also wrote a more detailed report, and finally handed the report to his superiors.

Two months passed quickly.

Several APPs owned by Zhang Sheng have been running under the supervision of relevant departments. Various units have rated Zhang Sheng’s webpages and APPs relatively high. Although green and healthy webpages and software will not be issued, as long as there are no problems in the future, These software will not be subject to review...


A lot of news about various apps suddenly appeared on the Internet. In addition, the results of previous sample reviews were not optimistic.

These news, coupled with the previous sampling report, attracted the attention of the superiors, who immediately called Wang Bingrong...

After Wang Bingrong heard the leader's [review] arrangements, he nodded quickly.

April 11th.


"Start with the three major domestic Internet giants and review them one by one, step by step, and level by level, and the review must be strict..."

"By the way, there are still some rumors. We must clarify them and not let go of any rumor makers..."


Wang Bingrong immediately assigned tasks to various departments.

After handing over the task, I thought about the upper layer of documents again.


Maybe a warning.

Even if you think about it at a deeper level, you can easily realize an extremely sharp and important piece of information!

That is, foreign capital and the domestic Internet are colluding with each other to maliciously control the market, which has reached an extremely serious level.

Zhang Sheng was surrounded and suppressed this time, and was even blocked by capital and the Internet in all aspects. He was even on the verge of collapse and withdrew from the market. All of this was seen by the relevant leaders.

China has never been a market monopolized by capital, let alone a carnival feast dominated by capital...

After Wang Bingrong thought about this, his frown relaxed slightly!

He knew what he should do next...


On the afternoon of April 11th.

Sudden big review.

Li Hong of [Soudu] was caught off guard!

Half a day ago, he was still enjoying the pleasure of using his capital to surround and suppress Zhang Sheng, a competitor.

After Zhang Sheng falls, an extremely huge market will be vacated, and their [Qianniao Gou] will rush into the market at this time to take advantage of the dividends of the times!

As for the next face of [Taozhu.com] and [Tengji Technology] dividing the pie and formulating rules, then this is another explanation!


"Mr. Li..."

"It's too much to pour too much dirt on Zhang Sheng, which indirectly makes the superiors start to pay more attention to [network security]!"

"Moreover, I got news that the relevant departments seem to be talking about the monopoly of our three Internet giants!"

"Li Zongyao and Mr. Li are now urgently contacting the [Weibo] department and asking them to eliminate all evidence of suppression..."

"China is not a capital society. Everything we capital must serve the national conditions. Seeing us unanimously suppressing us from above may arouse deeper resentment and vigilance. Zhang Sheng acted like he was involved in the situation, but instead put us into a passive situation..."


Li Hong was shocked when he heard the analyst's analysis.

As smart as he is, he quickly realized that his actions in teaming up with Li Zongyao and others to suppress Zhang Sheng were not a fault in terms of competition for capital, but China is not the United States, let alone other countries...

Doesn’t this indirectly tell us that we have the ability to cover the sky with one hand? Belonging to the people who make the rules?

When he thought of this, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Afterwards, he immediately called Li Zongyao and others, but no one answered the call.

Just at this time……

People from relevant departments are here.

"Mr. Li Hong, your [Soudu] is suspected of illegal trading of brand links. We have found nearly 3,000 non-health-oriented websites from your [Soudu] guide links!"

“At the same time, the name of [Qianniao Gou], which you invested in, is suspected of being edgy and contains non-health-oriented words. If possible, we hope that your [Qianniao Gou] can change its name to avoid misleading young people... "


Li Hong saw people from the relevant departments coming in, and he handed the Internet information of [Qianniaogou] to Li Hong seriously.

Li Hong saw the information...

I found that the [Qianniaogou] I invested in was ridiculed by many netizens, and some bold netizens even drew an ugly cartoon and posted it on the forum.

Countless replies below…

"Not only that, your [Soudu Tieba] has a lot of unhealthy content. We hope you can rectify it, especially some [J Lao Tieba], [Sese Bar], [Fengqing Bar]..."



The newly established [Qianniaogou], at this moment, CEO Shen Mingqiang is having a meeting sweating profusely.

Yesterday, they were still scrambling for the market, discussing with Zheng Xudong from [Lai Niao Takeaway] how to distribute the future cakes, but today, the two of them were sweating profusely.

The two were discussing the name change of [Lianniaogou] at the meeting!

"Oh shit!"

"After changing the name, haven't all the funds previously invested in publicity been wasted?"

"But it won't work unless I change it. Someone on the Tieba specially used our [Qianniaogou] to draw an unsightly cartoon. I heard that this cartoon was noticed by the relevant departments... Damn it, what do you think we should do?"


After the half-hour meeting, Zheng Xudong and Shen Mingqiang both walked out angrily.

In the end, the two announced that they would separate [Qianniao Gou] again and divide it into [Lianshou.com] and [Lainiao Takeout], but the software was still interoperable, resulting in the fact that there is me among you and you among me...

Anyway, if they exchange shares, this time the business is separated, they will not lose much, but they can retain the user base left by both parties.

When making this decision, Shen Mingqiang heard a message from [Tengji Technology].

[National Parkour], which just defeated [Temple Run], was criticized by relevant departments because of the revealing clothing of the new character!

The two looked at each other.

Neither of them had ever dreamed that this network security review would be so violent and so fast, disrupting the positions of countless people at once!

Later, they saw various news from [Taozhu.com] and [Weibo]. [Taozhu.com] APP was found to have malicious link guidance, and was reported to have a Trojan horse installed...

[Weibo] is a capital transaction. Some news content distorts facts, spreads rumors and stirs up public opinion, and many Weibo celebrities have been banned...

Just one day!

A new round of flames on the Internet suddenly burned like crazy.

Just when I saw the flames getting hotter and hotter...

They saw the news about Zhang Sheng!

"Except for brands such as [Zhongsheng], [Taomi], and [VIK]!"

"We [NC Entertainment] are willing to make all mobile phone technologies, appearance patents, and some research patents public!"

"I hope that everyone can enjoy the new round of dividends of the times just like [Apple 4S]!"


"Everyone come!"

"Besides that, I am willing to sacrifice my own interests so that the majority of mobile phone users can use the most cost-effective mobile phone!"

"We always believe that customers are God and customers come first!"



More than just burning the internet!


It also started to burn crazily!

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