I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 524 Don’t let him feel cold

November 15th.


The sun is in the west, but the weather is getting hotter and muggier.

A bus stopped at the entrance of the [Temple Run] Global S1 Finals venue.

"We're here, wake up!"

"are you OK!"

Zheng Chonghuan woke up from a nightmare.

See the coach's concerned eyes.

He turned pale, took a breath, and wanted to say something, but for some reason, he couldn't say a word.

He was dreaming.

And it's a nightmare.

But he couldn't remember what nightmare he had. He only knew that the cold throbbing feeling in the dream was like a knife, piercing his chest fiercely.



The coach looked at his expression and handed him a glass of water.

He took a sip and then nodded. The feeling of anxiety, uneasiness, and fear finally eased.

He got off the bus.


He saw countless dark crowds squeezing toward the bus.

Countless camera lenses seemed to be all-pervasive, as if every pore of his body was clearly exposed to public view.

His first thought was to escape.

A few months ago, he was surrounded by countless reporters. The chatter of interviews left him speechless, and the righteous denunciations made him huddle in a corner.

His emotions reached a critical point and finally broke out, but after the outbreak, it turned into a new round of denunciation, and was even posted on the Internet, turning him into a teenager who was "harmed by games".


He didn't run away.

He heard the sound of cheering.

The sound was surging like waves, making his eardrums vibrate continuously, and he subconsciously turned his head.

Then, in the dark crowd, he saw countless young people, rushing to reach out their hands to cheer him up. He even saw his own photo, made into a poster, and then swaying in the wind...

For a moment, he felt like a star, not a rebellious youth corrupted by Internet addiction.

Subsequently, countless reporters swarmed around the contestants from China, interviewing them with various questions.

The voices of these reporters were not sharp, nor did they have any discriminatory gaze. Instead, they were extremely serious and serious, as if they had regarded all of this as a competition.


"Do so many people like this game?"

Xu Chenlong came to the competition site.

on site……

There are huge crowds of spectators, countless young people from China, and various competition posters can be seen everywhere.

He was in disbelief at first, but then fell into deep thought.

Ten million, twenty million, thirty million...

In the computer, what he saw was always cold data...

There seems to be no difference between 10 million download data and 50 million download data.

However, when he actually came to the scene and looked at the crowded road in the distance and the players walking down one by one, he deeply felt how obsessed young people were with this game.

as well as……

A huge gaming market.

Xu Chenlong looked at Zhang Sheng not far away.

After Zhang Sheng heard Xu Chenlong's words, he turned his head, thought for a moment, and then his expression became more sincere than ever before: "Teacher Xu, I don't want to hide it from you. In order to liven up the atmosphere, I hired two hundred rhythmic actors... "

After hearing Zhang Sheng's answer, Xu Chenlong's expression froze slightly and he looked at the crowd of people again.

"However, the first scream may have been made by the actors. They pushed the atmosphere to a climax. However, there were no actors in everything that followed. Everything was the most real reaction emotion..."

"Before our [Temple Run] was suppressed, we had nearly 60 million users around the world... Even though we were suppressed, the data on the Internet seemed to be decreasing sharply, but when we announced the [Temple Run] Global S1 Finals When it is about to begin, players from all over the world are flocking here..."

"They all came here at their own expense."

"For competitions such as "World War II Pioneer" and "Boxing Fighter" held in Europe and the United States, many people traveled thousands of miles to buy air tickets and tickets, and sat in relatively simple venues with great interest, just to watch a two-hour game..."

"It is inevitable that there will be many parents with colored glasses about games. It is even more inevitable that some people will abandon their studies and fall into the wrong path because of games. However, it is impossible to deny the love of a group of people..."


Zhang Sheng looked at the players not far away.

This group of players who came from afar watched the players enter the venue, but they still stayed outside, waving the "team flag" and swaying desperately.

At the far entrance, more and more players crowded in, not only players from China, but also Europeans, Americans, and even black people from Africa...

"E-sports is a collision between technology and technology, and it is also an interactive activity between countries..."

"The future is definitely mainstream!"

Zhang Sheng is still instilling the concept of "e-sports" with Xu Chenlong.

Xu Chenlong just looked at the noisy crowd in the distance and listened to many of Zhang Sheng's words, but he remained silent.

He visited the [Bosch Battery Manufacturing Base] and saw the various companies that Zhang Sheng and Leo John are cooperating with in Brazil, from batteries to mobile phones to [China Brazil Technology Cooperation]...

After seeing each industry, it was inevitable that his emotions would be greatly touched.

A twenty-three-year-old young man...

Climbing out of the abyss step by step to where we are today, every step is a miracle!


Even if he got some kind of recognition from his senses, he couldn't make a decision right away.

He knew very well that he had to think carefully and carefully about every word Zhang Sheng said.

He knew better that after he returned to China this time, what he said to the leaders would be of great importance and might even trigger public opinion...

[Games], [E-Sports].

It’s really too deviant!


Zhang Sheng led a group of people into the hall next to the finals venue.

The hall was already full of people.

these people……

Some are entrepreneurs from Brazil, and some are entrepreneurs from China...

They sat at a round table. At the front of the round table was a large screen. On the large screen, the words "Signing Ceremony" were written in Portuguese and "Chinese".


Department of Commerce.

The meeting is still going on.

The takeout box with the words [Lai Niao Takeout] was placed on the table not far away.

However, no one took the initiative to get takeout.

Everyone looked at Zhou Guoan.

three hours ago…

The lunch takeaway has already been delivered to the Ministry of Commerce.

However, no one stood up to eat the food from the takeaway.

The young man who ordered the takeout first had a slightly gray face and was hiding in the corner from beginning to end.

He seemed to realize that he had done something wrong, but for a moment he felt that it was not that...

However, ever since he brought in the boxes of takeaways, the whole atmosphere became inexplicably weird.

The meeting was on as usual, but no one said they were hungry and wanted lunch.

Then, the takeout went cold.

Time passed little by little.

Three hours later, the [Signing Ceremony] between China and Brazil was being broadcast live on the big screen in the conference room.

In the live video, Leo John, the head of Rociniya, was very excited. He took the microphone and said some words of gratitude to Chinese friends excitedly in broken Chinese.

"Xiao Xu, this signing ceremony, as the cooperation material of the friendship between China and Brazil, was cut into the promotional video..." Zhou Guoan had a gentle smile on his face and glanced at the pale young man not far away.

The young man stood up suddenly and nodded quickly, and finally there was a little more color on his pale face.

When Brazil's Leo John came down, Zhang Sheng, wearing glasses and looking gentle, walked onto the stage amidst applause.

Zhang Sheng did not have a speech script, so he first spoke fluently in Portuguese. After finishing speaking, Zhang Sheng naturally switched to Chinese.

"Thank you all very much for being here. Here, I first want to talk about my emotions. At this moment, I am very emotional. At the same time, I am very honored to be able to host this event. It is a unique event. Signing meeting…”

"China and Brazil have been friendly neighbors for a long time. When I set foot on the land of Brazil and saw Mr. Leo John, I felt an unprecedented sense of intimacy..."

"That sense of intimacy is like being one of my elders..."

"I am very grateful to our friends in Brazil. They support our [Southern California International Film Awards] with their patient and tolerant, diligent and hard-working attitude. Well, this award was once regarded as a pheasant award..."

"The success of the [Southern California International Film Awards] gradually gave me more confidence. It is this confidence and the sense of trust in cooperation that allow me to continue to try new projects..."

“So, we have our [Bosch Battery Production Base], [Apple Technology], [Pineapple Technology], and [Hongwei New Energy]...”


Zhang Sheng's sincere voice echoed in the conference room.

Zhou Guoan watched Zhang Sheng come on stage and also watched Zhang Sheng step down.

The camera moved to the signing site.

There were many entrepreneurs present, but it was not cluttered.

Everyone had smiles on their faces, chatted with each other, and shook hands with each other.


Under the camera, many projects began to be signed one after another.

There is a sales contract between Brazilian soybeans and China’s [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

There is also a technical cooperation contract with [Hongwei New Energy Vehicle]...

There is also the signing of the [Huaba Lithium Battery Cooperation] project...

In the conference room, everyone watched the signing of the agreement.

Zhou Guoan looked out the window dimly.

"Many entrepreneurs are working hard to expand overseas markets..."

"As service providers, we must do our best to provide encouragement and support to those entrepreneurs..."


"When necessary, we must provide substantial assistance, and we must not let them feel cold..."

"Especially some young entrepreneurs, China's future development depends on them!"


Zhou Guoan said this quietly.

in the corner……

The young man known as "Xiao Xu" trembled all over.


Lower your head.

I feel that [Lai Niao Takeaway] not far away is getting more and more eye-catching...

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