I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 526 The footsteps of the times

on the stage……

Young faces appeared on the big screen.

With every passing face...

A middle-aged man holding a microphone slowly rose in the center of the stage. Then, with a high-pitched and loud voice, he bent down and pointed to the other side with nearly all his strength!

"Welcome, we are [Mitu Club] from China, welcome Zheng Chonghuan, welcome Deng Xiaoqi, welcome..."

"Welcome, [SOA Club] from South Korea, let us invite one of our [Temple Run] worlds, the uncrowned king Lee Sang-cheng..."

"Welcome [PG Club]..."


That is……

Former CCTV host Fang Shengmin!

When he appeared, there was an uproar at first, and then more violent applause continued.

The young people at the front suddenly stood up.

Waving the battle flag of [Mi Rabbit Club], the battle flag is flying in the audience...

Under the camera, the battle flags of [SOA Club] and [PG Club] were immediately raised.

The young people from foreign countries all roared hysterically, and their eyes were completely focused on the figures of the teenagers on the stage.

Some game fans even raised their hands and kept cheering and roaring. Especially the audience from China could not suppress the excitement, pride and pride in their hearts, and their faces turned red.

So far!

This is a game with the largest investment, the highest prize money, its own dedicated stage, and even its own dedicated team among gaming competitions in the world!

And this game was born in China!

Zheng Huateng was not very used to the heat wave that hit his face at the scene. He even felt a bit suffocated.

For a moment, he thought of the scene when he went to a dance club for the first time when he was a teenager.

That day...

He seemed to have entered a crazy world.

In that world, with the accompaniment of local high-pitched music, countless people seemed to be intoxicated, shaking and flying wildly in the pool, mixed with the gorgeous lights that flickered on and off, like a chaotic dance of demons.

Wearing glasses, he looked out of place in the crowd, but inevitably he felt an indescribable feeling of heat.

Some say this is the feeling of freedom.

Some people also say that it is a feeling of wantonness, releasing anger and stress, just like rock and roll in the past, roaring and roaring again and again...

Some people also say that it is youth...

However, Zheng Huateng doesn't care about youth, he is just the harvester of youth!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the discomfort deep in his heart, and glanced at the audience.


Among those crazy people, those waving battle flags, even those who were the first to roar and applaud, there were many actors invited by Zhang Sheng!

However, countless people know that it is impossible for an actor to stay on stage all the time, let alone cause such a big sensation!

He saw the expressions of the audience one by one, and he realized that this should be the most successful competition event in the history of the game!

He also realized that a simple mobile phone game could be so lively. As for the large-scale competitive games in the future, then if it were those more popular global event games...


An image flashed through his mind.


That thought is unstoppable!

He stopped watching the game, but stood up, left the venue with his assistants, walked through the noisy and lively streets, and came to their hotel.

In the hotel...

The assistant helped him turn on the computer.

Then, he clicked on [Jitu Live Broadcast].


Main stage!

The host is introducing the competition system and the rules of the game.

However, [Jitu Video] is not only the main stage, but also has nearly ten sub-stages.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoyu. Today, let me try to explain the first game of [Temple Escape] S1 Global Finals!"

"First, it's the lottery..."


on the main stage.

The hosts were all dressed seriously, and their explanations were extremely official. Although they were impassioned, they lacked some flavor.

But the sub-stage is different.

The moment the flame was lit in the [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals, all ten sub-stages opened their commentary channels at the same time!

Audiences who don't understand the game, or who accidentally clicked on it by mistake, can't move their eyes as soon as they see the explanation.

Secondary stage.

There are cheongsams, COS skirts, royal black silk stockings, and even lolita sounds...

In the world of dazzling flowers, countless gentlemen swallowed their saliva uncontrollably, and then all they could think about was the high heels that were lifted to each side and the white boy who was dressed seriously and legally, but with a snowy breast...

When Zheng Huateng saw this scene, he was also shocked!

"This, these hosts..."

"Didn't Zhang Sheng take the [National Radio and Television Announcer and Host Qualification Certificate] some time ago? The same batch took the qualification certificate, and those who passed the exam, Zhang Sheng immediately invited them with a high salary to work for [Temple Escape] S1 Global To support in the finals, to be professional guests, to be commentators... But most of the girls who did not pass the exam but had dreams of stardom and distinctive looks were signed by Zhang Sheng to [NC Entertainment], and then, as [Jitu] Video] The commentary anchor of the sub-stage..."

"As for the ordinary boys and girls who didn't look outstanding and didn't pass the exam, Zhang Sheng didn't let them go. According to the latest news obtained by our [Strategy Department] colleagues, some of them were recruited to be supporting actors, that is, applauders and flag-wavers. , the other part is arranged under the camera, as a stage assistant..."


Oh shit!

This person is not willing to waste any resources, right?

When he heard this scene, Zheng Huateng took a deep breath and instantly wanted to blurt out MMP.

But because of his image, he took a deep breath and finally held it all in!

Then, continue watching [Jitu Video]...

He suddenly discovered that the [Game Channel] created by [Jitu Video] has become crazy popular!

Even the popularity brought by some female anchors once surpassed the popularity of [YK Live Broadcast].

Immediately afterwards, they opened Wang Jiancong's [Humi Live Broadcast], and they found that Wang Jiancong's [Humi Live Broadcast] was completely copied from [Jitu Video]. Although it was not as popular as [Jitu Video], it was once broadcast live. The boss of the industry [YK Live] was squeezed into a corner...

Zheng Huateng squinted his eyes!

He has already felt that an all-round stranglehold that started with [Temple Escape] and is surrounding the live broadcast circle, game circle, and mobile phone circle is underway!

Zhang Sheng is making great progress!

And others...

I realized it later, and I was even caught off guard!

Just as Zheng Huateng was thinking about it, his cell phone rang, and the voice of [Hongtian Capital] Li Zongyao was on the other end of the phone.



"Let's talk?"



The exciting draw began.

One by one, clubs came on stage one after another and drew their opponents.

Zheng Chonghuan was emotional.


After the lottery was over, he began to hide in the bathroom and vomited continuously, retching out all the food he had eaten at noon today. When there was nothing left to vomit, he felt a little better.

However, the tension that followed made him more and more uneasy...

He drew Lee Sang-cheng’s team!

His highest global score in [Temple Run] is 3120, but Lee Sang-cheng has 5820 points.

This is a daunting, even incredible statistic!

Before that, he kept hearing various myths about Lee Sang-cheng in the gaming circle!

He is the former champion of [World War II Vanguard], and he is also the regular champion of the arcade game [Boxing Fighter]...

He has unparalleled, even abnormal reaction ability, and unparalleled gaming talent!

A few minutes ago, the cheers at the scene made Zheng Chongxu ascend to the most glorious position. He felt the expectation, admiration, and surprise...

It feels like everyone is watching, as if I am the protagonist of this event.

However, such attention and excitement made him feel more depressed. He could not imagine what kind of words these people would use to treat him after he lost...


People are always focused on the one who sits on the throne.

Even if there are still generous bonuses for second and third place, then...

At the same time, although it is a war between clubs, the players all have different nationalities, and the audience also has differences, and there is also a sense of national pride, and they all want to prove something, intangibly. , the pressure became even heavier.

Time passes little by little...

When the game is about to start.

Zheng Chonghuan gritted his teeth until they almost bled!

Then, take a deep breath!

Trying to adjust his mentality, he walked out of the room.


In the venue.

[Temple Escape] The first knockout round of the S1 Global Finals!

Finally started in a tense atmosphere!

"Two runners will start from the same starting line..."

"They will run through various roadblocks. At the same time, we have also updated the [Temple Escape] competition map..."

"The game characters of the two players can take extremely difficult shortcuts while running, and at the same time, use various geographical advantages to throw the opponent away..."

"Whoever reaches the finish line first wins the first round!"

"Of course, the map is completely random!"

"This time, we have prepared nearly thirty new maps!"


In the VIP box.

[Jitu Video] The live video of [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals is being played!

As the host finished his first sentence, the screen quickly switched to the game scene!

More than thirty maps were rotated in the system immediately...


Switched to a piece of "The Great Wall"!

As the scenes of "The Great Wall" unfolded, and after the competition started, the leaders present during the inspection were slightly stunned!

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