I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 530 From Poison to Glory

Looking at the development path of Chinese e-sports, there have been short-term glory and also the loneliness of the cold winter.

The carnival of the minority gradually dimmed under the eyes of all kinds of discrimination, just like the rats in the sewer that climbed up the streets and everyone shouted to beat them.

At one time, he was placed on the pillar of shame and was reviled by thousands of people.

Prejudices and barriers exist from beginning to end.


The flame swaying in the wind has never been extinguished even in the darkest moments.


Burning stubbornly!


The title of [China Sports Weekly] is "From Basketball to E-Sports".

The name of the documentary is "From Poison to Glory".

The director’s name is Zhang Sheng!

Damn, narrator, director, writer...

You deserve it all!

When Zheng Huateng first saw the opening of the documentary, he was disgusted...

I don’t know if it’s Zhang Sheng’s voice, or the scenery and picture quality at the beginning of the documentary, or the word “Zhang Sheng”.

At the beginning of the documentary "From Poison to Glory", the pixels were very poor, as if it was a video shot by a mobile phone with hundreds of thousands of pixels...

In the video...

It's an Internet cafe.

Keyboards covered with tar and covered with strange grease, fast food boxes and instant noodle buckets everywhere, and cigarette ashes in the instant noodle buckets...

The lighting in the picture is dark, so dark that it feels like nesting in a small, oppressive, claustrophobic and hopeless garbage dump.

Every computer is on...

The people in the computer had disheveled hair and ragged clothes, as if they had been in the Internet cafe for more than a month and had not changed. However, their bloodshot eyes were full of excitement, and they were excitedly playing a game called "World War II Pioneer". .

The beginning of the documentary "From Poison to Glory" is consistent with the realistic style of documentaries.

It has never beautified the game, nor has it been high-minded, throwing out gorgeous scenes and concepts to directly package dreams. Instead, it has used the most realistic techniques to lower the tone of the entire lens and video to the simplest recognition or things.

[This is a group of young people obsessed with games]

[They carry many words with them, decadent, garbage, painful, hopeless, marginalized in society, lamentable, and a ruined generation]

[We don’t know whether it is appropriate to use sewer rats to describe them, but their attributes are the same as rats...]

[Living in dirty places, spending day after day aimlessly, wandering and confused in the darkness, they are losers no matter what era they are in, and only games can make them feel a little warm... 】


[Arong is one of the most insignificant among these young people...]

[This video was shot in 2007. At that time, Ah Rong dropped out of school and stayed in an Internet cafe to play games. When the video was taken, he had been playing for nearly more than a month...]

[A few years later, we asked Ah Rong how he felt at that time. He said that he felt like day after day passed in a daze. When he went out, he didn’t know what to do and he didn’t dare to go home...]

[With no money, he even went to beg on the street. His self-esteem was worthless to him...]

[Some friends who were surfing the Internet at an Internet cafe were even caught for stealing...]

[A few years later, when Ah Rong recalled it, he said seriously that the group of people who were caught were the luckiest. At least, they had their own ID cards...]

[And the other group of people are...]

[A person without identity...]


Zhang Sheng's voice was disgusting.

But I have to admit that Zhang Sheng's narration voice always carries a sense of sadness that penetrates people's hearts.

In the picture...

There are figures in the detention center with their heads lowered...

There are also a few young people lying on the dirty and messy Internet cafe chairs, like corpses about to rot...

A car also drove by, carrying young people coming out of Internet cafes one after another...

They were called by the agency to "work"...

The beginning of the documentary "From Poison to Glory" is too sharp. It is so sharp that it is obviously a documentary produced by Zhang Sheng, but at the beginning, it always depicts the "evil" of the game.

The intermediary's commission, a series of suffocating ID card industry chains, theft, robbery, fraud, illegal work, being exploited, buying ID cards...

In the documentary, all the "evil" was captured so vividly that Zheng Huateng even felt depressed when he saw this scene.

This is the day-to-day life of a group of marginalized people...

They look like mice, no, they are just mice.


If you think about it carefully, you can feel the sad current situation of some people at the bottom of society from the "evil" in the game.

Inevitably, Zheng Huateng fell into deep thought for a short time.

Were they harmed by the game?

The video doesn't give a direct answer.

In other words, a superficial answer was given in a strange way.

Various news reports on "Boycott Games" are constantly appearing in everyone's sight like a fleeting glance in documentaries, such as "Electronic Opium", "Psychic Poisoning", "Social Addiction" and other series There have been endless comments, and at the same time, many "electrotherapy places to cure Internet addiction" have appeared in documentaries.

Vigorous actions and wave after wave of rectification seemed to have pinned the scourge of [Game] in a corner, trembling.

"I know it's wrong for me to play games, wasting my studies and wasting my youth..."

"But when I play games, I can feel that I am alive."

"I don't study well and my family background is not good. My teachers and classmates look down on me. I don't have any sense of identity..."

"After graduating from vocational high school, I have been working very hard. However, after I go to work, I feel like an insignificant screw. Sometimes I feel like I am dead..."

"Only in the game can I win once, be respected, and not be laughed at..."

"I play games very well. In the game [World War II Vanguard], I ranked among the top 20 in the country. I have many teammates and we have been playing games..."

"We have our own group. In the group, we talk every day about where there are competitions and where there are sponsors for competitions..."

"One day, one of my teammates told me that there was a [World War II Pioneer] competition in Yangcheng, and the prize money was about 1,000 yuan..."

"I participated in this competition with the idea of ​​giving it a try... Later, thinking about it, I think this should be the first competition held by [World War II Pioneers] in China..."


Camera switch.

Cut to "A Rong" sitting in the office many years later, with a youthful expression on his fat face, and he carefully took out a well-preserved photo from his arms.

The lens gives the photo a close-up.

In the close-up, it is said to be a competition venue.

But in fact, it is still a dark, dirty world where young people with "Shamate" looks are everywhere.

"Ah Rong" stood in the middle of these young people, excitedly waving the photo of the [World War II Pioneer] trophy from the first Yangcheng Cup...

"I won the prize!"

"I got a bonus of about 1,000 yuan..."

"I bought a set of clothes and shoes for my parents, and I also bought myself a [Little Magic] (the original world is similar to PHS) mobile phone..."


After many years...

"Ah Rong", who is already in his twenties, still looks excited and proud when he recalls that day.

Then, he continued in front of the camera and chatted about the next story.


In the office.

Li Zongyao watched the documentary.

He clearly understood that the core of this documentary actually used an emotional technique that suppressed first and then raised.


The "game" has been pushed to the lowest point, as if he is a judge, standing in the most glamorous place of society, conducting a series of trials on the ugly side without hesitation.

From behavior to humanity, from darkness to despicability, those people trapped deep in the mud are so ugly that they can no longer be ugly.

Therefore, at this time, a ray of light suddenly appeared, and that ray of light became brighter and hotter.

[I bought a set of clothes and shoes for my parents, and I also bought myself a [Little Magic] (the original world is similar to PHS) mobile phone].

In a very simple sentence...

But with the unique technique and close-up expressions showing true feelings, even Lee Chung-yao felt deeply touched.

He looked at the assistant director positions of the documentary, deputy director Li Zhonghe and deputy director Bi Feiyu. They were two capable directors from Zhang Sheng's [NC Entertainment].

Especially Li Zhonghe. Li Zongyao had watched his movie called "Graduation Years". Li Zongyao remembered that after watching it that day, he couldn't hide his appreciation.

He went on to watch the documentary titled From Poison to Glory.

The documentary still takes "A Rong" as the perspective, and the overall tone has moved from the depression stage to the promotion stage.

Since "Ah Rong" won the first game, he began to participate in various domestic competitions one after another.

With his talent, he won awards again and again!

When the bonus is large, it is 2,000, sponsored by private bosses, and when it is small, it is 500...

Later, in each game, I also met more friends and more "game sponsors".

When he saw the appearance of those sponsors, Li Zongyao felt moved for some reason.

Those, the sponsors of the competition are not wealthy people, let alone have capital like him.

Sometimes, it is a middle-aged man who has been working for a long time but still has a childhood dream...

Sometimes, several young people pool their money together, then look for venues and buy equipment to sponsor games...

Sometimes, it’s a group of young people…

At the celebration banquet, each of the sponsors looked young or experienced, but they looked like they were wearing simple clothes...

People can't laugh at their "cheapness".

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