I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 544 This is business war!

May 4th.


Zheng Huateng looked at the logo of [Jitu Live] silently.

I also saw countless comments refreshing crazily in the comment area...

A tsunami of condemnation and various ridicules directed at [Q Dog] have occupied almost all comment areas.

Over the years, [Tengji Technology] has been winning.

Countless challengers have become dead souls beneath their feet.

But at the same time, in recent years, [Tengji Technology] has not had a good reputation among young people.

Tengji's business itself is prone to jumping between the two extremes of "poor reviews" and "fandom", especially in the content and creative industry such as games, which is mixed with a lot of subjective judgments and emotions...

Coupled with the wide opening of consumption channels such as borrowing and recharging, Zheng Huateng feels that many players have scolded him, and it is estimated that the words in the [Xinhua Dictionary] can be exhausted.

But Zheng Huateng ignored this thing from beginning to end.

He always believed.

Any software is imperfect at the beginning.

However, as long as it is improved and enhanced on the original basis, the software can be closer to the user's G-point, and [Tengji Technology]'s competitive victory in these years has also relied on this set of "reference" improvement and learning from each other's strengths. If You insist on saying this is "plagiarism" and nail it on the pillar of shame.

That's probably a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

He looked at Zhang Sheng like a clown.

A clown who works hard on stage to show off his skills and attract attention by grandstanding.

But he had to admit it.

This clown is sometimes so infuriating that people want to run over and rip his head off.


Zheng Huateng, who had experienced the storm and waves, regained his composure again and just gave an order to [WeChat] Technology.

Regardless of external public opinion, the press conference will be held as usual, and he will pay close attention to the [WeChat] press conference throughout the process...


this press conference.

Many people are paying attention.

Lei Lei from [Taomi Technology] was still sitting in the conference room with a group of people.

There are two projection screens in the conference room.

One is projecting every move of [WeChat], and the other is projecting the press conference of [WeChat].

[WeChat] These days, I have been working on local promotion projects...

[WeChat] The person in charge of the marketing department is named Liu Changyu.

He was once a capable person when [Qiangsheng Online Mall] started its business. He followed Li Dongqiang step by step to lay the groundwork for [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and he was very familiar with the series of operations he promoted.

May 4th.

Early in the morning.

In the capital’s large and small communities.

[WeChat volunteers] have already appeared.

They were wearing clothes that looked like [WeChat], carrying a blue egg, and using a loudspeaker, they were shouting about the program of "Log in to WeChat and get eggs" and "recommend friends and relatives" to get more eggs.

The scene was very lively...

Countless uncles and aunties came to the battle, swarming the [WeChat Volunteers] team. At the same time, [WeChat Volunteers] did not give up on those elderly users who did not have smartphones.

"Do your sons and grandsons have smartphones?"

"If so, you invite them to log in to our [Bird's Nest Mobile Mall] to download. If you need to replace your phone, we [Apple Technology] have 699,599 mobile phones... This phone also supports a simplified version of [WeChat], which allows you to You can save a lot of text message charges all of a sudden..."

"By the way, if you don't have enough data, it doesn't matter. We cooperate with the three major operators here and have various data package cards... whether it is China Mobile, China Telecom, or China Unicom..."



Zhang Sheng and the boss of China Mobile failed to reach an agreement.

But Liu Changyu, who is familiar with the bottom-level promotion business, had already established cooperative relationships with the department personnel of the three major operators before [WeChat] came out.

Liu Changyu helps them sell traffic packages for free, and what they have to do is very simple. They just need to help [WeChat] customize a communication package, and the others will just sit back and collect the money.

"[WeChat] downloads are very strong. In just a few days, there have been 700,000 downloads!"

"This is due to Zhang Sheng's launch of a series of mobile phone systems such as [Apple 4S]. Every mobile phone sold will have a WeChat APP built in..."

"He firmly controls the terminal and forms an industrial closed loop!"

"Moreover, every time the mobile phone system is upgraded, a [WeChat] APP will be built into the system. Of course, you can delete it, but just like some useful rogue software, some people will choose to delete it immediately, but some people will Selectively ignore and stay..."


Lei Lei looked at the various promotion measures of [WeChat] in just four days on the screen.

Various voices from the marketing manager next to him rang in his ears.

In his mind, he was thinking about [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] and waiting for the takeaway...

Now Zhang Sheng has put everything on the line and gone crazy with [Tengji Technology]. In fact, this is Zhang Sheng's weakest moment!

If, at the weakest moment, various online shopping industries such as food delivery swarm in and suppress them with capital, then the industry of Zhang Sheng, a small company, cannot support a multi-front war...


His eyes flickered.

After a long time, I called Li Zongyao. Li Zongyao was silent for a long time.


This is an unwinnable war.

Even Li Zongyao asked his analysts to continuously deduce the outcome of this Internet war, nearly 100 times...

The outcome is the same.

The earliest is two months, and the latest is October this year...

[WeChat] will completely withdraw from the competition of social software.

[Tengji Technology] The former challenger is more powerful than Zhang Sheng...

[Fetion] launched by mobile operators cannot defeat the powerful QGou. Can they win with a few mobile phones and seemingly exquisite and interdependent industries?

Li Zongyao looked at [Tengji Technology] silently.

At the turn of the millennium, he invested in Q Dog and made a fortune.

But in recent years, in addition to Qgou, [Tengji Technology] has spawned various industries, all of which rely on the traffic of Qgou, but have separated from Qgou...

Coupled with the subsequent arrival of shareholders and the dilution of shares, the first Q Dog investment is gradually shrinking, and Li Zongyao slowly realizes that he no longer has any say in [Tengji Technology], only The right to dividends once made the overseas capital behind him dissatisfied.

They want to control [Tengji Technology], not just the dividends from QGou chat!

Li Zongyao also talked to Zheng Huateng about [WeChat] investment, but Zheng Huateng happily rejected it.

Therefore, if [WeChat] becomes the second Q dog, then this separation will be more complete...

He didn't want to see this scene, and those people behind him didn't want to see this scene either.

When he thought of this, he pushed up his glasses.

"Since he will lose."

"Then, you might as well wait."


He thought about this sentence silently in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he called Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] and chatted with Pang Lei about the matter.

"It's okay to let Zhang Sheng try the water!"

Pang Lei only responded with this sentence.


You hope...

The boss of an era takes control of an era again.

Still hope...

What if there are challengers who desperately go up, consume it, see more of its flaws, and finally swarm it?

Entrepreneurship circle.

There is never a shortage of idealists.

There is no shortage of lunatics in the capital circle!



[Tengji Technology] In the press hall.

Countless reporters were waiting in the hall.

Before the live broadcast, countless entrepreneurs and capital were waiting for this moment.

They saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, wearing a suit, walking to the center of the press hall step by step with great ease, then standing in front of the big screen in the press hall and taking out a mobile phone.


He introduced the current status of [Tengji Technology] in a leisurely manner, and also briefly introduced a history of [Tengji Technology]...

During the introduction, I couldn't help but talk about some "dreams", some things like being like family to the user, some things like how much contribution I have made to this era...

He also talked about the reason why [WeChat] was born...

Probably at the invitation of the majority of users, we focus on creating new social products for users that are different from Qgou.


He clicked on WeChat.

"The world is changing so fast that it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "changing with each passing day." As a leader of the Internet, we have never slackened our efforts to explore and upgrade user experience..."

"We have always been humble..."

"We know very well that users' needs for mobile phones and mobile terminals are different, and stagnation will only make us fall into the inferior position..."


"It's called WeChat!"


"It is a very simple chat software. You may ask what is the difference between it and Qgou, but in fact, they are very different..."


Countless people saw [WeChat].

Users who have [WeChat] in their hands, when they see Zhang Xiaoqiang with a serious expression on his face, he found a product that is 80% similar...

Everyone was stunned!

[Holy shit, [Tengji Technology] started plagiarizing again? 】

[How can things between cultural people be called plagiarism? This is at best a reference. If you talk nonsense again, be careful Tengji will sue you for slander! 】

[I was wrong. How dare I slander Mr. Tengji? Who doesn’t know that he is Nanshan Pizza Hut...]


A moment.

All kinds of ridicule has surfaced on countless platforms on the Internet.

Zhang Sheng, who is far away in Yanjing, and his colleagues at Bird's Nest Law Firm are excitedly looking for evidence of "plagiarism" in [WeChat]...

And not far away...

The [WeChat] team is closely watching the entire press conference of [WeChat]!

When they saw that the new function of [WeChat] was voice chat, they relaxed slightly.

"Mr. Zhang, do those around us want an update?"

"Update, nearby people and the voice upgrade function will be updated together, but the shake function and the drift bottle should not be updated... let them learn from it first!"

"Okay! What about the press conference?"

"Open immediately. His press conference is over, and our press conference will begin immediately. The focus is on seamless connection!"


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