
[Tengji Technology]’s review department came round after round.

Endless interrogation, including every person Zhang Xiaoqiang and Li Xiaozhou had contact with in the past few months...

The rest of the technical staff who had just finished their vacation and had not slept for a few hours in bed were called up. They returned to the company exhausted and were asked a series of questions.

The review didn't end until the next morning.

However, the sequelae of this incident are deeply involved, but the top management of [Tengji] is quite iron-blooded.

Someone was still the mainstay of [Tengji Technology] at night, but early this morning, he received a message of dismissal...

There were several people from the technical department who were in charge of [WeChat]. As soon as they clocked in, they were called to the office for a lecture because of a program loophole.

Then, after training and training, the staff in the technical department couldn't stand the leader's tone and were so angry that they left their jobs...

May 17 at noon.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at nearly a third of the unfamiliar faces in the technical department, and he instantly felt his heart skip a beat.

From yesterday to today, the company seemed peaceful on the surface.

But there was a wave of panic inside. I don’t know who sent out a message saying that [Jiahu Technology] had planted a spy in [Tengji Technology].

That spy has always been engaged in various collusion with the enemy and the country. Even before [WeChat] came out, when the project was first established, Zhang Sheng had control of most of the [WeChat] project data.

Then, Zhang Sheng will directly make [WeChat] based on the original data, one step ahead...

Therefore, Zhang Sheng's [WeChat] will always make corresponding comparisons immediately after [WeChat] is upgraded to a new version, and then come up with a higher upgraded version!

There are rumors that the "spy" is an old employee of [Tengji Technology], probably from the technical department, and one of the main persons in charge of [WeChat]. From the beginning of the project, or even the beginning of the idea, he has Exists...

Although Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't know who came out with these rumors, he knew very well that these rumors were entirely aimed at him.

Both poisonous and spicy!


How to explain?

"Mr. Zheng, [WeChat] is the secret of our company. Except for me, Li Xiaozhou, and you, the rest of the company, not even the technical department, knows about it, let alone leaks the secret. I always trust Li Xiaozhou, It is impossible for him to leak, and I, I am the initiator of [WeChat], [Tengji Technology] is like my home, there is no way I can do these things! Although I have no evidence, I can definitely The company’s recent spy rumors must have come from Zhang Sheng, and this is sowing discord.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang opened Zheng Huateng's door, thought of his words, and spoke sincerely.

Zheng Huateng stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang expressionlessly: "It's not you, is it me? What you mean is, I'm going to tell Zhang Sheng that I want to do [WeChat], I will tell Zhang Sheng the secret, and let Zhang Sheng come and chat." I?"

Zhang Sheng's light words of "Spy" were like a needle, piercing deep into Zheng Huateng's heart!

At this moment, the needle pricked him in more and more pain!

All the recent incidents with [WeChat] cannot be explained by common sense except that spies are stealing trade secrets!

"Mr. Zheng, I hope you can believe me! I have been with you for so many years, and there is no way I will give up because of this! I can be sure that this is a coincidence, or we can think of Zhang Sheng in a more exaggerated way. In fact On the Internet, Zhang Sheng has developed [WeChat] to a relatively mature level, but he is waiting for us to take action, and then uses appropriate functions to hit us..." Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes flickered. He once felt that some things were very mysterious, but Always stay sane at this moment.

"Then do you think Zhang Sheng's grassroots team is better than yours and our [Tengji Technology] elite team?" Zheng Huateng still stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang expressionlessly.

"Perhaps Zhang Sheng's team is a Caotai team, but Zhang Sheng is inherently evil. From last year to this year's [Thousand Regiments War], to the food delivery industry... and even to the current rise of [Live Broadcasting Industry] and [Temple Temple] Escape] game... I have to say that he is a terrifying opponent that I have never seen before. I have absolutely reason to believe that [WeChat] has definitely been perfected in his hands!" Zhang Xiaoqiang faced Zheng Huateng. He sneered, but instead of being afraid, he stared at Zheng Huateng.

"..." Zheng Huateng was silent, the coldness on his face lessening.

“I always feel that we should not mess up! These days, my [WeChat] team and I have been working hard day and night for [WeChat]. For more than a month, almost all of us have eaten Living in the company, recording all calls, even going to the bathroom, we all know what each other is doing and I can be responsible for all of them..."

"..." Zheng Huateng remained silent, looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang's expression becoming more and more serious.

"Mr. Zheng, I think the more critical the time is, the more we should trust each other. I will never admit that our team is weaker than Zhang Sheng's team. I am more confident. My ability is weaker than Zhang Sheng's. Even if I One step weaker than Zhang Sheng, we can also strike from behind. In the social world, we have encountered opponents one after another. We have been overtaken by opponents one after another, but we have always survived. Many opponents with amazing talents and outstanding talents have fallen to us. At your feet, I believe that as long as you are willing to trust me and Li Xiaozhou, we can definitely use [WeChat] to rule the next ten or twenty years again!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang became more and more excited as he spoke, and his whole body even started to tremble.

Zheng Huateng looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang's appearance, and suddenly the scene when Zhang Xiaoqiang walked into [Tengji Technology] many years ago came to mind.

That year, this high-spirited young man replaced the old man who suddenly resigned, and said: "As long as you believe in me, I can do everything well!"

after many years……

He heard similar words again.

Zheng Huateng was silent for a moment. After a long time, his expressionless face became a little gentler: "If you need any support, just tell me..."

"I need my people! I'm going to give them a day off! I'm going to give them bonuses, we're winners, we're not losers."


"I hope the [Censorship Department] will stop causing us trouble and stop all kinds of overt or covert surveillance."


"I want Q dog to drain the blood!"


"I need a lot of money to promote [WeChat]..."

"no problem."

"I hope that before the new function appears, it must be perfect. It cannot be updated rashly like this. Suddenly Zhang Sheng disrupts all the rhythm and makes us like clowns. We can wait, at least, when the function is done, we all feel When it’s perfect, we can push it out!”


“I hope that other brands of mobile phones can have our APP built-in...especially [Samsung], [Nokia], [LG] and other brand mobile phones. They will launch new phones one after another in the second half of the year. By then, we will [WeChat] 】It will also be updated according to their updates..."



May 18th.

"Mr. Zhang, we can't poach them! [Tengji Technology] let them go back to work again, and gave them a pretty good bonus..."

"OK, all right."

[Shengteng Technology] Xu Guangbiao walked into Zhang Sheng's office with a bit of regret on his face.

Zhang Sheng sat on the chair. After hearing Xu Guangbiao's words, Zhang Sheng had no regretful expression on his face and just nodded.

These days, he has been watching every move of [Tengji Technology].

When he saw that [Tengji Technology] officially recalled those employees, he realized that some of his little tricks that were not on the table were of no use except to cause trouble for Zheng Huateng.

A large enterprise like [Tengji Technology] that has been standing for many years has its own system. It may be chaotic in the short term, but it will soon be adjusted and a new round of deployment will be carried out.

Means can only be used as an indirect catalyst, but they cannot become the kingly force of competition.

If you want to win [Tengji Technology], you can only have a chance of survival if you continuously lead and ride on the trend of the times...

"[Tengji Technology] has started to specifically attract traffic. [Q Dog] users can directly register for [WeChat]. At the same time, the person in charge of [Tengji Technology]'s business department has already contacted [Samsung], [Nokia], [ LG] and other big-name mobile phone contacts, I received news that in late May this year, [Samsung] will directly launch the [Samsung S5940]. This phone focuses on cost-effectiveness. I don’t know how much it sells for, but it will be better than our [ Apple 4S] is cheaper, and its materials and configurations will be slightly better than ours... Mr. Zhang, we need to be ready in time!"


In the office.

Xu Guangbiao told Zhang Sheng a lot of things.

Zhang Sheng nodded calmly.

After the cursor left, Zhang Sheng turned on the computer and browsed the current sales of [Apple 4S] and other mobile phones...

Ends May 15th.

[Apple 4S] mobile phone has sold 1.5 million units in China.

Putting aside various costs and expenses, based on an average profit of about 100 per unit, the comprehensive profit is about 150 million yuan.

But in fact, the money received from Zhang Sheng was only 80 million!

Among them, part is tax and part is investment in factory construction...

In fact, these 80 million cannot be regarded as usable capital. About 50 million of them will probably be invested in the research and development of the Android improved system of [Apple 4S]...

A total of nearly 3 million units of the remaining domestic mobile phones were sold. Zhang Sheng had a limited share of these mobile phones, and the profits were almost wiped out by various investments.

In the first half of this year, 4.5 million units of the domestic copycat mobile phones cooperated with Zhang Sheng were sold...

In the first half of the year, total smartphone shipments reached 25 million units.

The total number of mobile phones owned by Zhang Sheng only accounts for about 5.5%.

And iPhone4S, despite repeated troubles from Zhang Sheng, still sold an astonishing 7 million units in China!

Zhang Sheng estimates that the annual sales of iPhone 4S in China may exceed 14 million!

Global sales are estimated to have exceeded 20 million units...

Vaguely, Zhang Sheng remembered that the iPhone 4S mobile phone in the original world had sold 72 million units worldwide!

In the original world, [Huawei] mobile phones have already emerged. Although they cannot match the iPhone 4S, they can already compete...

This world is similar to [Yaohua Technology], which failed in its transformation and instead helped him make copycat phones...

Without checks and balances, iPhone 4S is expected to sell more!

And the remaining more than 10 million mobile phones...

Except for [Taomi Technology], which has recently appeared, the rest are dominated by mobile phones such as [Samsung], [Nokia], and [LG]...

After Zhang Sheng saw this series of data, his eyes fell into deep thought.

Just at this time……

He heard another noise coming from the gate below.

That taxi driver is here again!

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