I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 554 Harvest some money

May 20th.

[Mi Chat] was held at the Yanjing National Convention Center.

February 18th this year.

The much-anticipated [Apple 4S] launch conference for domestic mobile phones was held in this place.

Lei Lei dressed up to attend, with an excited expression on his face, standing in the middle of the conference room...

On the one hand, it announced that the sales of its newly released mobile phone "Taomi 3" had exceeded 200,000 nationwide in just 14 days, allowing "Taomi 3" to keep up with the trend of smartphones.

On the other hand, it was announced that [MiLiao], which is equipped with almost all chat software functions on the market, is officially launched...

The conference room was crowded.

Li Zongyao, Pang Lei, Ma Yunhua, Li Hong...

Many investment giants in the Chinese capital circle were sitting in the front row, watching Lei Lei speak plastic Mandarin that was not fluent but very distinctive.

The reporter also saw that the corner seat in the first row was empty.

On that position, it says "Zheng Huateng".

At the same time, I also saw that the first row of the second row was also empty, with "Zhang Sheng" written on it.

The meaning is self-evident.

At the press conference...

Lei Lei, who is already in his forties, is full of high morale, like a young man, constantly feeding young people all kinds of "dating" chicken soup. He even talked about his "first love" when he was a student, and also hinted that he had been a lot of people. Licking the dog for a long time.

The whole place burst into laughter!

When the atmosphere was almost heightened, Lei Lei immediately began to show off his [Mi Chat]...

The excitement that [MiLiao] brings to the audience is not as strong as the excitement that [WeChat] brought to the audience when it first came out.

However, the warmer interface and the more private and imaginative gameplay made the audience feel particularly excited.

This is a software that straddles the line between marginal and serious.

This inability once stirred up the atmosphere to a climax...

The press conference was naturally a great success!

[YK Live] was even occupied by various netizens and trolls, and the traffic once hit the peak of [YK Live]’s history!

By the time the conference is over...

Lei Lei even announced a statistic on his official Weibo.

[Mi Chat] Released in 3 hours!

The number of downloads of [MiLiao] nationwide has exceeded 200,000!

With an average download volume of about 70,000 per hour, it once occupied the top spot in the real-time download list of major software, and even the daily list was once close to [WeChat] and [WeChat]...


Wait until the morning of May 21st.

[MiLiao] is no longer the protagonist of social software.

On the Internet, a series of H-scanning news appeared across the country...

A software called [WeChat] appeared in the public eye.

On the evening of May 20th.

The reporter found that countless young men and women were using the new function "Drifting Boat" in the "Friend Radar" just launched in the "WeChat" software to conduct a series of untimely transactions.

Moreover, the 520 Strangers event officially launched by [WeChat] on the same day seems to be suspected of inducing certain users...

Some transactions can easily increase the population next year, but some transactions involve some money to influence social atmosphere...

[WeChat] immediately issued a statement of "severe crackdown".

However, after posting, the "users" who privately reported [WeChat] almost paralyzed the mailboxes of relevant departments, with dozens of reporting messages almost every day...

In view of so many reports, the relevant departments issued a message on the evening of the 21st to review all aspects of domestic social software such as [WeChat] and [WeChat].

The review of [WeChat] ended in just one hour.

On May 20th, the other party temporarily did not carry out various 520 traffic diversion activities due to reasons such as [server maintenance] and upgrades to [Drift Bottle Version], [Shake] version and updates.

The announcement was also made very quickly, and it seemed very severe, but it was similar to the fact that although [WeChat] was operating healthily, some special factors were still found in [WeChat], and [WeChat] was given a warning...

However, the review of [WeChat] lasted for nearly a day!

During this day...

[WeChat] Various functions launched in 520 have undergone a series of rectifications under the supervision of relevant departments.

This time the rectification will directly turn off the new features!

[WeChat] took advantage of this time to see a surge in downloads, from 2.2 million to 3 million.

Become one of the social software second only to [WeChat] that attracts traffic...


May 22nd.

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't sleep all night.

Although relying on business diversion and a series of business methods.

[WeChat] has become one of the most popular social software in China...

But after the review of the relevant departments, and when they realized that Zhang Sheng had handed over all the data of [WeChat] to the relevant departments a long time ago...

Only then did he realize that Zhang Sheng had dug a hole in their [WeChat] the moment the [Drift Bottle] function was launched!


This pit is very deep!

"Mr. Zhang, Zhang Sheng has officially announced the code of [WeChat], and has also collected a series of evidence that our [WeChat] plagiarized [WeChat], and is preparing to take our [WeChat] to court! And with "WeChat" Based on the provisions of Articles 47 and 48 of the Copyright Law, we are said to have infringed upon the copyrights of others and plagiarized and plagiarized their works..."

“Where are we [Legal Department]?”

"Our [Legal Department] is currently fighting a [breach of contract] lawsuit against Zhang Sheng... Both parties are actively searching for information. Some figures from the legal department here in Yangcheng and the legal department here in Yanjing have already ended their lives..."

"Don't panic, we never lost!"

"But this time it's different."

"Why is it different?"

"The other party really produced evidence, and even hyped it up on the Internet. Public opinion on the Internet is almost one-sided against us... Our legal department has seen the code data that Zhang Sheng produced. It seems that the other party has been preparing for this lawsuit for a long time, and again It seems to be a foresight. I don’t know the specific content very well, but this matter seems to be very tricky. The overlap between our ideas and the other party’s ideas is very high... and the code similarity is also very high... Losing does not necessarily mean losing, but in In terms of public opinion, we are in bad shape right now..."


Zhang Xiaoqiang walked into the [WeChat] company.

He immediately saw Li Xiaozhou walking over with a solemn face.

Zhang Xiaoqiang logged into the Internet, and then saw a series of evidence posted by the [WeChat] official...

Weibo, the media, and major social networking sites are already discussing the lawyer's letter sent by [WeChat] to [WeChat] at this moment.

Include conversations, include bottles, include nearby people, shake...

The published release time and comparison time made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel a little confident!

After a long time...

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a deep breath, adjusted his mood and walked in the direction of Zheng Huateng.

After reporting a series of things to Zheng Huateng, Zheng Huateng looked slightly sullen, and then became very cold: "Fight him!"

"Online public opinion..."

"Don't worry about any public opinion. There are winners and losers in this world. Even if the winner is victorious, he will eventually be forgotten by the world and even write history..."

"Really going to Yanjing?"

"Don't go!"

"If he sues, let him come to Nanshan to sue us..."


"As a large listed company, we always have the largest litigation resources in China. We can provide many professional lawyers to defend and search for evidence. Slow litigation can make the case drag on. Zhang Sheng's company has a weak foundation and can only engage in litigation. A series of surprise attacks have made profits, and it seems to be full of vitality, but it has shortcomings in all aspects. It is only suitable for blitzkrieg, and it is difficult to fight a war of attrition with us... We have the conditions to win, why should we ask for it? Not interesting? Let’s hold off and not go!”


The court proceedings are generally at the defendant's location, but under special circumstances, the lawsuit can also be instituted at the plaintiff's location.

[Tengji Technology] has been standing in the legal circle for such a long time because it has understood the essence of the law and has an amazing team.

Even if Zhang Sheng, the challenger, truly controls the evidence, there is nothing he can do!

Either there is a constant tug-of-war with [Tengji Technology], [Tengji Technology] has more capital consumption...

Under siege from all sides, Zhang Sheng could no longer afford it at this moment.

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded after listening, and suddenly his emotions became a little complicated: "Zhang Sheng is after all a chess piece of [Jiahu Technology] that consumes us..."

Zheng Huateng said nothing.

He just waved his hand and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to leave.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang left, Zheng Huateng looked out the window with a little regret in his heart.

But then his eyes became colder and colder.


Public opinion is always on the side of [WeChat].

A series of data released by the official [WeChat] confirmed the public opinion of "plagiarism" on [WeChat].

However, "plagiarism" is inherently difficult to define.

For example, a series of tailoring creators in later generations...

Obviously the melody was pretty much the same, but due to several changes, it was difficult to convince the other party, and in the end the other party got away with it.

Late May.

Capital from all sides has always been eyeing all the industries under Zhang Sheng.

Then, I saw that the winner of the Thousand Regiments War was now trapped in a series of anxious and complicated battles and imprisoned.

I also saw that Zhang Sheng’s [Bird’s Nest Law Firm] once again sued [Tengji Technology] for bad business competition, and was even suspected of a series of illegal activities...

He also exposed a series of evidence of the other party's [Hungry Bar] takeaway restaurant puncturing electric tires, fighting, and provoking quarrels.

The public opinion on the Internet became louder and louder, and it was once directed at [Tengji Technology].

But [Are You Hungry] also posted a series of street stall fights, and [Beehive Jisong] was engaged in various illegal and vicious commercial competitions...

For a time, netizens all over the Internet were a little confused as to which side was right and which side was wrong in all this.

The whole water was extremely mixed...

The two sides are at loggerheads on various levels.


After seeing a series of tightening of territory in [Honeycomb Jishu], the capitalists realized that Zhang Sheng could no longer hold on!

And at this moment...

[Mitu Game] issued an announcement.

The announcement announced that 10 club places will be opened, which will include, but not be limited to, competitive games such as [Temple Run] in the future...

After the announcement, the person in charge of [Mi Rabbit Game] broke the news that [Mi Rabbit Game] will release 5 games in the second half of this year, including online games and mobile games...

at the same time……

[NC Entertainment] Part-time General Manager of the Commercial Department Shen Xiaoxi announced on Weibo that [NC Entertainment] will open 50 focus advertising spaces in the second half of this year, including but not limited to the [3rd Southern California International Film Festival] in November. Various projects like the Award...

And [Jitu Video] and [Shengteng Technology] also opened new cooperation projects as soon as possible...

this day……

Almost all of Zhang Sheng’s brands announced their next cooperation projects as soon as possible...

While countless people were laughing at Zhang Shengqiong for going crazy and making money everywhere...

[NC Entertainment] There was a long queue waiting at the door of the company!

The conference room was even more packed with people!

Entrepreneurs holding banknotes, seemingly irrational, swarmed in like crazy!

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