many years ago……

Chen Shoumin sat on the chair of the Yangcheng Research Institute, looking at the road in the distance in trance...

That year, GPS was not yet popular in China.

The two GPS module sets purchased by the institute were a novelty for Chen Shoumin. Later, the topic was the research and development of GPS-related projects. Gradually, Chen Shoumin looked at the road in the distance and came up with the idea of ​​​​navigation.

after many years.

Chen Shoumin watched the Internet become more and more developed, and watched the three major Internet capital companies [Tengji], [Soudu], and [Jiahu] in full swing.

He realized that his "Map of Virtues" was also about to seek transformation.

The direction of transformation is probably APP...


Map navigation is really a bit useless.

You tell me to use it...

Basically, drivers who drive long distances can use it.

But you said this thing is profitable, right?

Searched my brain...

Apart from selling navigation, I really can’t find any profitable point.

It is a necessity, but it does not see short-term benefits, and capital is not optimistic about it and does not pay attention to it.


Chen Shoumin is 1.9 meters tall, but he doesn't look like Li Kui. Instead, he looks elegant and tall and thin like a pole.

His office is the messiest office Zhang Sheng has ever seen.

It is filled with a mess of books, including business books, Buddhist books, philosophy, and science...

He was very excited when he saw Zhang Sheng.

He immediately asked Zhang Sheng to sit down. Before Zhang Sheng could say anything, he gave Zhang Sheng a popular science guide about the current market share of [Zhongde Map]. It seemed that in order to prove his value, he even gave Zhang Sheng the first I dug out the 8 million users of [Zhongde Map] in 2010 from the drawer, and claimed that investing in [Zhongde Map] was the most accurate choice for Zhang Sheng in his life...

The spitting Chen Shoumin made a long conversation, while Zhang Sheng sat across from him and just nodded silently. For the first time in his life, he felt that he was at a disadvantage in the field of negotiation that he was good at.

Well, he couldn't get any words in at all!

The whole office was filled with Chen Shoumin's various "passionate" speeches. He was so excited that he even wanted to use a tweeter to hit Zhang Sheng on the head.

After Chen Shoumin beeped for about an hour, Zhang Sheng found a chance to speak: "Mr. Chen, don't get excited, I can feel your sincerity... I am also very optimistic about the future of [Zhongde Map]" …”

"I know that young talents like Mr. Zhang definitely know the value of our [Zhongde Map]. It is no exaggeration to say that our [Zhongde Map] will definitely be your future strategic standard. For example, 伱 [Hive Pole] Delivery], the delivery person has to use our [Zhongde Map], right? For example, we..." After seeing Zhang Sheng nodded, Chen Shoumin became even more excited, and wanted to talk to Zhang Sheng about [Zhongde Map] at the throat map] importance.

But Zhang Sheng immediately stopped: "Mr. Chen, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

"Didn't you say 1.5 billion?" Chen Shoumin took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement, and poured tea for Zhang Sheng with his heart pounding.

Damn it!

1.5 billion yuan!

Since Chen Shoumin founded [Zhongde Map], the biggest profit in a year is around 20 million.

This is still the highlight moment when working with various companies!

With 1.5 billion coming in all at once, can Chen Shoumin's calves not tremble?

"It's 1.5 billion, but as far as I know, the current total valuation of [Zhongde Map] is about 1 billion..." Zhang Sheng slowly took a sip of tea and looked at Chen Shoumin.

"But our potential business value is definitely more than 1 billion. Look at our user base. We still have so many drivers. Mr. Zhang, have you looked at our nationwide data? We currently have 8 million drivers nationwide. user……"

"But more than half of the 8 million users have been taken away by [Soudu Map]. I have investigated the active users, and it is probably around 1 million. Moreover, [Zhongde Map] has not been updated since the beginning of this year. [Zhongde Map] is currently in an awkward funding gap period, and you have been looking for capital investment since the beginning of this year..." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and still responded to Chen Shoumin's words slowly.

"Mr. Zhang, you can't calculate like this. We [Zhongde Maps] are one of the few companies in China that has the "double A" qualifications of national Class A navigation electronic map surveying and Class A aerial photography. We have some potential value and cannot be used alone. To measure the valuation...Mr. Zhang, if you are not optimistic about it, we can sign a betting agreement!" When Chen Shoumin heard this, he immediately became anxious. Without saying anything, he lowered his head and continued to dig out a series of certificates in the drawer. , continued to spit and talk a lot to Zhang Sheng.

The spittle almost hit Zhang Sheng's face. Zhang Sheng couldn't calm down anymore and stood up instinctively: "I will not break my promise of 1.5 billion investment, but for the phased acquisition, as for the gambling agreement, I will not sign it. Yes, if you are willing to continue working in this industry, I hope you can continue to serve as the CEO of [Zhongde Map] and maintain the status quo..."

"Yes, but I can't give you all the shares. I have to keep 20%! Otherwise, my team and I will just become your workers..."

"Okay, as for the details, you can talk to my lawyer. However, I hope that after my first round of investment, I hope to see the voice package upgrade of your [Zhongde Map]. At the same time, I hope to see More detailed mapping!”

"no problem."


"what else?"

"When the first round of acquisitions is completed, no matter who asks the outside world, you have to say 1.5 billion!"

"no problem!"

"Well, and..."

"You say!"

"You have to take out all the 8 million user data of [Zhongde Map] and find a way to revitalize it!"

"Ah, this..."

"Do you want to take 1.5 billion?"


"Every time you complete a goal, I will give you an injection of capital."



The sun sets.

Zhang Sheng led several people from [Bird's Nest Law Firm] and walked out of [Zhongde Map] Company.

After getting in the car, Zhang Sheng raised his head and glanced at the sunset, silently looking at the beautiful orange color under the afterglow of the setting sun.

After reading it, he looked towards the roadside again.

He saw a long queue waiting in front of the [Samsung] mobile phone store.

Countless people lined up to buy the new [Samsung S5940] mobile phone.

However, the long queue was not so harmonious.

Through the car window, Zhang Sheng could still hear [WeChat] shouting at the top of his lungs, pretending [WeChat] to send traffic and other activities!

And Zhang Sheng's [WeChat] local promotion team is also desperately trying to attract customers. For every customer who buys a [Samsung S5940] mobile phone, a group of local promotion staff rush forward to teach them to download [WeChat].

"Master, stop for a moment."

"These people are fighting again. This is the third time this month."


The taxi driver stopped.

Then, he saw a group of people in the distance getting into a melee and shook his head.

That was when local promoters from [WeChat] and [WeChat] had a verbal conflict, and at one point the two sides even pulled their collars.

When the taxi driver saw this scene, he was already surprised.

The local promotion battle between Yangcheng’s [WeChat] and [WeChat] did not come to an end because of [WeChat]’s astonishing number of users, but instead became more intense.

"Some time ago, in May, [WeChat] had always been at the upper hand, but in June, [WeChat] had a group of fighting experts in the promotion team from many places, specializing in the lower three lanes... and they all brought lawyers. If you win the battle, you will occupy the land, but if you lose the battle, you will directly let the lawyer take action... It is simply a lack of martial ethics..."

The driver watched for a while, and after seeing that [WeChat] had the upper hand again in this customer tug-of-war, he couldn't help but muttered a few words.

After reading this, Zhang Sheng nodded, his eyes flashed with satisfaction, and he motioned to the driver to continue driving.

When the car drove to an office building in Yangcheng, it stopped.

Zhang Sheng tidied his clothes and then walked into the office building.

As soon as he walked into the door of the office building, Zhang Sheng heard someone raising their arms and shouting at the top of their lungs.

[The ambition is to eat the meat of Huns when they are hungry, and to drink the blood of Huns when they are thirsty. Waiting to start over and clean up the old mountains and rivers! 】

Zhang Sheng saw the person coming clearly.

That person was Hu Guozhu. At this moment, he was waving his fists and shouting slogans, and the whole hall looked excited.

After he finished shouting, he immediately asked the staff members wearing [Honeycomb Jishu] uniforms to ride on electric bicycles and left the office building in groups.

When he saw Zhang Sheng, Hu Guozhu walked over excitedly.

Immediately report to Zhang Sheng how he took [WeChat]’s local promotion staff to start a war with [WeChat] during this period...

They fought nearly thirty times, big and small!

Missing arms and legs is impossible in today's civilized society, but bruises and swollen faces are common.

“When I came to Yangcheng, there was almost no foothold for our [WeChat] in this area of ​​Yangcheng. Our [Honeycomb Jishu] customers were almost robbed by [Lainiao Takeaway] and other food delivery apps. However, After I came, I cultivated a group of "wolf-like" teams, and we have regained one-fifth of the lost territory. But after all, Yangcheng is the territory of [Tengji Technology], and we cannot win all of a sudden. We need time to defeat them..." Hu Guozhu reported a series of situations to Zhang Sheng excitedly.

Zhang Sheng did not say a word, but brought Hu Guozhu into the office.

When Hu Guozhu just sat down, Zhang Sheng handed a mobile phone to Hu Guozhu.

"Brother Hu... I asked Mr. Xu from [Shengteng Technology] to help upgrade your taxi app to make it more suitable for our APP. You can see how it goes first..."

"Ah?" Hu Guozhu was stunned at first, then nodded quickly, picked up his [Apple 4S] phone, and opened a taxi-hailing APP called [Didi Di]...

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