I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 574 Clouds move in all directions

Original world.

Online car-hailing started around July 2010.

That year, people didn’t have many options for traveling.

Most are buses and taxis, and the subway is limited to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen...

On rainy days or during peak periods, you often have to wait for a long time, even more than an hour.

Yidao, the originator of online ride-hailing, started the first battle of taxi-hailing in China, and subsequently countless capitals rushed into the market.

This is a bloody and cruel capital war. During the crazy period, far more than 10 billion yuan of subsidies were burned in two months...

And this world...

Online ride-hailing is a little earlier than the original world.

Started around March 2010.

The originator of China’s online ride-hailing service is not called Yidao, but called SF Express.


June 20th.

Four p.m.

Cheng Wei returned to the company in Yangcheng.

From March 2010 to June this year...

In the past year, [Shunfeng Kuaidi] has gradually grown from a taxi-hailing software serving [car rental agencies] to an online taxi-hailing software with one million users...

The annual revenue has exceeded 10 million!

For a programmer who had just turned twenty-nine and initially just wanted to make software and make some money, everything seemed like a long sweet dream.

Obviously, God wants Cheng Wei to continue having this dream.

"Mr. Cheng, [Hongtian Capital] and [Hongsen Capital] called us and asked us to chat..."

"The other party didn't say anything clearly, but judging from what he said on the phone, he would probably invest more than 100 million for us!"


Cheng Weigang was sitting on the chair in the office. Before he could drink tea and read gossip, he heard Vice President Xu Tingting walking over in a hurry, her words even trembling.

Excited, excited, incredible...

Cheng Wei stared at her face, and for a time these emotions appeared on that delicate face.

100 million investment!

When he heard about the investment of more than 100 million, Cheng Wei was in a daze for a while, and then he felt like his heart was stabbed hard, making him tremble.

But then, he looked out the window, took a deep breath, controlled his emotions well, and tried to calm down.

"We are on the right path..."

When he turned around, he turned on the computer and saw Zhang Sheng's message.

He was deep in thought.

Last half month.

The number of users of [Shunfeng Didi] gradually increased, and at the same time, more and more capital came to seek cooperation.

Invisibly, my own "Shunfeng Kuaidi" has become a favorite in the capital circle.

He also met with several capital investors.

From chatting with capital, he realized that the taxi-hailing software he inadvertently created had brought him into a new trend.

Cheng Wei doesn't know what this trend will mean in the future, but he knows that the more he is at this time, the more calm he has to be, the more he has to choose capital carefully, and he must not get lost in hundreds of millions of RMB because of recklessness.

[Hongtian Capital] and [Hongsen Capital], Cheng Wei flipped through the information of these two large capitals.

Turning over and over…

His emotions could no longer remain calm.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Cheng, someone from [Tengji Technology] is here. Mr. Cheng, do you want to see him?"

"Who?" After hearing the words [Tengji Technology], Cheng Wei suddenly stood up from his chair.



June 21st.

The [Fourth World Environmental Protection Conference] is coming to an end.

The theme of the conference, "Low-Carbon Mission in Economic Transformation and Development", was plastered all over the streets of Qingdao.

Even in Yangcheng, there are various promotional slogans such as "Low Carbon Environmental Protection", "Safe Production", "Green Mountains and Green Waters Global Village".

Li Zongyao sat in the car, looking at the slogans, his eyes gradually became cold.

He closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the car, thinking about the next step.

He knows very well that with the gradual rise of mobile Internet, a new era is blowing the horn.

Behind the hustle and bustle, there are always shadows of swords and swords hidden.

Amidst the flash of swords and shadows, small and medium-sized capitals are eyeing the established capitals with eager eyes, desperately trying to take advantage of the edge of the times to challenge their status.

"[Tengji Technology] contacted [Shunfeng Kuaidi] last night. I don’t know what the situation is at the moment, but [Shunfeng Kuaidi] is probably a hot commodity now... The founder, Cheng Wei, is very likely to wait for a price. sell……"


Kelly's voice echoed in Li Zongyao's ears.

Li Zongyao nodded silently, and when he opened his eyes, his eyes were deep.

Zhang Sheng used the [taxi-hailing APP] to weave a layer of net. This layer of net makes people hate and hate it, but it cannot be torn apart, let alone break away rashly.

This feeling made Li Zongyao extremely uncomfortable.

But, he had to follow!

His analysis team told him that it was a hot spot, with a market worth at least tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions or trillions!

The capital controller behind him told him that this step must be taken...

And his opponents are reminding him all the time that he must race against time to get everything ready before the market has really opened!

The car arrived at [Shun Feng Kuai Di] very quickly.

Li Zongyao followed Kelly and the lawyer down.

When several people walked into Shunfeng Kuaidi, he saw Zhang Sheng's men, and Hu Guozhu was also waiting with a group of people.

"Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Hu..."

When Hu Guozhu saw Li Zongyao, he subconsciously stood up and greeted him enthusiastically.

Li Zongyao responded with a smile, but did not shake hands with Hu Guozhu.

In the lounge, there was a moment of stiffness, and then Hu Guozhu retracted his hand angrily, looking slightly embarrassed.

In about a few minutes...

The door not far away opened.

Li Zongyao saw a woman coming over excitedly and shook hands with him tightly.

"Mr. Li!"


"I am Xu Tingting, the vice president of Shunfeng Kuaiidi. Our manager, Mr. Cheng, is waiting inside!"


Hu Guozhu also stood up.

But Xu Tingting's expression was slightly cold, and she just smiled and said hello.

After seeing Xu Tingting's cold expression, Hu Guozhu's smile froze slightly, and then he watched Xu Tingting lead Li Zongyao towards the office more enthusiastically.

Hu Guozhu frowned.

"Mr. Xu, I have been waiting here for two hours."

"Mr. Hu..." When Xu Tingting heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and then she forced a smile: "Sorry, please wait!"

"What's the meaning?"


Xu Tingting did not respond, but turned around and took Li Zongyao into Cheng Wei's office.

Hu Guozhu's eyes were cold. After a moment, he stared at their leaving figures again, turned around and left the lounge.

After walking out of the office, Hu Guozhu stared at [Shun Feng Kuai Di].

He originally wanted to cooperate with Shunfeng Kuaidi. After all, Shunfeng Kuaidi is the originator of China’s online ride-hailing service. If he could replace Zhang Sheng and acquire Shunfeng Kuaidi, then the next layout would be easier. !

But, now it seems...

He was somewhat humiliating himself.

No one would have thought...

A small company like Shunfeng Kuaidi will one day become a software that competes for capital.

Cheng Wei once reminded himself repeatedly that he must be calm, rational, and choose a good partner.


When many big investors came to visit us in person.

When hundreds of millions of investments were put on the table, Cheng Wei still felt frightened and lost himself for a time.

In the evening, he looked at the information of each capital.

After thinking for a long time, he finally made a call to [Tengji Technology].


"Mr. Zheng, we have won Shunfeng Kuaidi. Cheng Wei, the founder of Shunfeng Kuaidi, is already on his way over. Are you sure you want to meet him in person?"

"Let's meet."

"Okay! I'll make arrangements."

[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng placed the information on [Shunfeng Kuaidi] on the table, and then said calmly to his assistant.

The assistant nodded.

[Shunfeng Kuaidi] and [Tengji Technology] are both in Yangcheng, not too far apart.

About half an hour later, there was a knock on the door in the office.

Zheng Huateng saw a gentle young man walking over.

The young man seemed a little nervous and said respectfully, "Mr. Zheng..."

Zheng Huateng nodded and motioned for him to sit down.

The young man became flattered.

"Do not be nervous."

In fact, when Zheng Huateng saw this young man's reaction, although he had a gentle expression on the surface, he still felt good in his heart.

At least, it is much better than a guy like Zhang Sheng who specializes in the lower three lanes and only knows how to sneak attack!

The next thing went smoothly. After Zheng Huateng briefly listened to Cheng Wei's views on the future, he nodded and asked Cheng Wei to follow his assistant and leave to discuss the acquisition.

After Cheng Wei left...

Zheng Huateng silently looked at the sunset on the horizon.

do not know why……

Lately, he has been feeling a little uneasy.

It seems that in the darkness, there are cold arrows about to strike...

He was once hard to guard against.

"Dong dong dong".

"Come in."

Zheng Huateng watched Zhang Xiaoqiang from the [WeChat] Business Department walk in seriously.

"Mr. Zheng! [WeChat] has exceeded 9 million registered users!"

"9 million?"

"Yes, just now, it exceeded 10 million!"

Zheng Huateng took the report handed over by Zhang Xiaoqiang.

The number of users of [WeChat] on May 30 was 4.05 million.

On June 5, the number of users reached 5.04 million.

On June 10, there were 7.05 million users!

On June 18, 7.5 million users...

On June 21, there were 9.01 million users...

After seeing this data, Zheng Huateng's eyes gradually became serious.

Although, the number of [WeChat] users at that time had exceeded 50 million, accounting for the traffic advantage of Q Dog registration!


The growth rate of [WeChat] has never stopped.

“The number of advertisements on Zhang Sheng’s taxi-hailing APP caused the number of users to skyrocket. In just four days, the number increased by 1.5 million!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a deep breath.

"Has Zhang Sheng's speech also begun?"

At this moment, Zheng Huateng thought of something. His brows wrinkled again, and the wrinkles became deeper and deeper. Then, he turned on the live broadcast on the computer...

(Sorry, my mind is a little confused today. I have been holding back the second update for a long time and I am not satisfied with it. I will go wash my feet and continue tomorrow...)

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