I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 607 The King’s Explosive Card!

[Today, young entrepreneur Zhang Sheng, together with major well-known enterprises, held a working meeting in Cangdong County to promote the economic development of his hometown... The following is our reporter, Zhang Guozhi's on-site report...]

night sky.

The sky is filled with stars.

This is a night scene that I have not seen in Yanjing City for a long time.

Li Dongqiang was lying on the bed.

But tossing and turning

Finally, he simply stopped sleeping.



Is it so vague that it is unreal, or is it in a quite real dream?

Li Dongqiang didn't know, he only knew to lie in the hotel, watching "News Network" over and over again under the bright starry sky...


Li Bin told him...

He plans to once again implement the policy of "surrounding cities from rural areas" and locate the "Jingsheng" logistics point in second- and third-tier cities across the country.

Although the economies of second- and third-tier cities across the country are relatively weak, competition pressure is relatively light because of this.

After the network of logistics points in second- and third-tier cities gradually expands and a certain industrial foundation is established, we can then enter big cities such as [Yanjing], [Modu], and [Yangcheng].


With a mass base, they can advance and attack and retreat and defend.

After Li Dongqiang listened, he put forward some contrary opinions.

In the past few years...

Except for [Thousand Regiments War], almost all successful business cases started in big cities, and then gradually spread to small and medium-sized cities, and even spread across the country.

Although the pressure of logistics competition in second- and third-tier cities is low, the network is relatively weak. Many families do not have computers. Even though Taozhu.com has been dominant for many years, there are still many people who do not know how to shop online.

Furthermore, the population of second- and third-tier cities is relatively scattered, the logistics distance is too far, and the cost consumption is no less than that of first-tier cities...

After listening to Li Dongqiang's words, Li Bin fell into deep thought.

Later, the two of them decided to meet Zhang Sheng.

However, no one could have imagined that when the two of them stepped into Zhang Sheng's office, Zhang Sheng was about to go out.

"go together."

"Where to go?"

"Cangdong County."


Then, Li Dongqiang and Li Bin confusedly followed a group of teams and got on the bus to [Cangdong County].


No one would have thought...

With this move, the [opportunity] that changed their lives was actually met by them at this moment!

"News Feeds"!

"News Feeds"!

That's where the country's leading talents appear!

In just a few dozen seconds, countless information has been covered!

Li Dongqiang stared at the meeting in "News Network". The footage of the meeting focused on Zhang Sheng's face and paused for a moment.

Then, he needed to search very carefully to find his fleeting shadow.

But, all fools know what this means!

This means cards!

It also means that my [Jingsheng Logistics] is a project that the official is paying attention to, and the key project that the official is paying attention to, even if you want to die, you can't die!

After watching [News Broadcast] over and over again, Li Dongqiang's thinking became clearer and clearer.

From the beginning, he had some doubts about the so-called strategy of "encircling the city from the countryside", but at this moment, not only did he not have any doubts, he even realized unswervingly that this was a one-shot kill!

Mr. Zhang has this kind of Wang Zhao in his hand, why didn’t he tell them!

Even Li Bin hid it?


Zhang Sheng never hid anything from anyone.

He was even a little shocked himself.

At first, he just received a call from Chen Mengting. It happened that Nie Xiaoping, Zheng Chaoxian and others were discussing things like setting up a factory...

Then, he took advantage of the situation and pulled his hometown [Cangdong County] out.

This is a small thing.

However, no one could have imagined that a trivial matter in Zhang Sheng's eyes would actually be noticed by the officials.

Then, Zhang Sheng's phone rang, and it was Xu Linlin calling.

She told Zhang Sheng that there would be a period of work shooting next, which would not be very long...

But Zhang Sheng never dreamed that the person filming was actually a frontline reporter from CCTV. What was even more unexpected was that this simple meeting would actually...

I gave him such a big surgery!

To this day, he still feels magical.

Late at night.

In the hotel.

"Brother Zhang!"

"President Xu..."

"Calling you President Xu is too foreign. I'm not much older than you, so just call me brother..."

"Brother Xu."

Zhang Sheng and Xu Zhenghua from [Hua Xia Bank] sat by the window. Xu Zhenghua drank some wine, and he burped with a big belly, and then nodded with satisfaction.

The water in this area of ​​the bank is very deep...

A person who can be transferred from a small local bank president to a district in Yanjing, and then promoted to the management of the district again within one year, you said that it is all based on hard work...

It's certainly not impossible, but the odds are as good as a fairy tale.

many people……

It seems that he lives in a second- and third-tier city and is an unknown clerk and leader, but in fact...

I just came here to practice.

Xu Zhenghua patted Zhang Sheng's shoulder and seemed to be feeling emotional: "When I learned that you were going to return home with part of your industry to help your hometown's economy, I felt that this might be an opportunity..."

"I made a simple work report with the leader of [Hua Xia Bank], but I never dreamed that the leader would actually tell a bigger leader, and what I never imagined was that the people watching you from above would actually be so I didn’t expect that the leaders of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Sports, the Commercial Development and other relevant departments all agreed that this was an opportunity and should be promoted well..."



"This is the country's recognition of you!"

After Xu Zhenghua saw Zhang Sheng's moved expression, his face gradually showed a different kind of complex emotions.

Then, he suddenly sighed: "Today, there is no one else, so I will simply tell you all the things that should be said and those that should not be said..."

"Today, China's economic circle is booming and has entered a new era. However, a very small number of capitals have said in public more than once that crazy words like 'If the bank doesn't work hard, we will change the bank'..."

"Not only us [Hua Xia Bank], but also [Industrial and Commercial] and even [Agriculture]... When they heard this sentence, everyone's face turned dark!"

"Of course, as far as the superiors are concerned, there are some people above...hey..."


Zhang Sheng listened silently.

He learned a lot of information from Xu Zhenghua's drunken mouth.

When he heard Xu Zhenghua chatting until three o'clock in the morning, Xu Zhenghua looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Your payment system has been downgraded..."

"Your industry has already come down..."

"You have begun to take shape now..."

"But, Zhang Sheng, don't think you are nagging me. I hope that no matter how big an entrepreneur you become in the future, no matter how many fields you are involved in, I always hope that you can stand in the sun and never walk on a tightrope..."

“The higher you stand, the more cautious you have to be.”

"Remember, you can only thrive under the sun. If you hide in the darkness, then... no matter how big an entrepreneur you are, or even someone like Ma Yunhua who wants to change the world..."

"Don't look at his current glory, wait five, ten, twenty years, and then look at him..."


Zhang Sheng listened carefully, then nodded: "I know..."

"Go to bed early. Tomorrow, I will explain a series of things about going to the countryside to help farmers..."

"If your [Jingsheng Logistics] needs a loan or something, tell me directly how much it requires. Your current status basically means taking the green channel..."


Zhang Sheng watched Xu Zhenghua stand up and was about to walk to the door.

"Brother Xu!"

Xu Zhenghua's figure stopped.


Xu Zhenghua smiled and then walked out of the door.

After everyone leaves...

Zhang Sheng was lying on the bed. He had always been very calm, but at this moment he actually had insomnia.

He found that he met many [noble people] along the way...

But at the same time, I realized something.

The superiors need a benchmark for young people, and maybe I am this benchmark!



Ma Yunhua also couldn't sleep all night.

Some messages from [News Network] kept echoing in his mind.

Many years ago, the former entrepreneur Ma Yunhua appeared on [News Network]. Well, when the leader met with the pioneer of the times, he simply showed his face.

However, the information Zhang Sheng suddenly revealed on [News Network] was really unusual!

He is different from himself. He is based on the online and offline economy. Online is the big player, but behind Zhang Sheng is an amazing industrial economy!

What does that mean?

It means [employment], it means [poverty alleviation], it means [economy]!

It also means that the superiors have drawn a red line with this group of people. It doesn’t matter how you fight the capital war between major Internet software, but you can’t touch Zhang Sheng’s core [industrial economy]!

"He can't die!"

Wait until seven o'clock in the morning.

Ma Yunhua, who had always been calm, had extremely cold eyes at this moment, and then took a deep breath!

He seemed to see a man who squeezed onto the card table and always kept a deck of trump cards in his hand, smiling evilly at him!

Just at this time……

Ma Yunhua's cell phone rang.

Ma Yunhua answered the phone.

Immediately afterwards...

"Zhang Sheng has officially started working on the payment system!"

"He is ready to completely connect his industries!"

"At the same time, I received news that they have a very close relationship with [Hua Xia Bank], and their payment system may be upgraded!"

“And, it’s possible that it will be officially released soon!”


When Ma Yunhua heard the news, she was not surprised.

From Zhang Sheng's various actions, he clearly realized that Zhang Sheng was going to take this path!

He wants to grab food at the mouth of his own bowl!


"Go to Cangdong County!"

Such an idea suddenly appeared in Ma Yunhua's mind!

Then get up immediately...

Ask the assistant to prepare the car to Cangdong County.

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