I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 610 Everyone, help me pick up the money!

One’s entrepreneurial credibility…

How good can it be before people squeeze in like crazy?

First half of 2011.

[Qiming Chinese website].

Well, that's the website where Zhang Sheng once wrote "Break the Sky", a rebirth novel called "Rebirth 2002" that became popular.

The novel tells the story of a protagonist who failed in business, was in debt, and was forced to commit suicide by jumping off a building. He was reborn in 2002...

Then, I met Zhang Sheng, who was 14 years old and had just entered the first grade of junior high school.

The protagonist had an idea, and then began to get close to Zhang Sheng in various ways, and finally won Zhang Sheng's trust, and successfully accepted Zhang Sheng as his younger brother, and then took Zhang Sheng to make a fortune together.

In the end, he slapped [Teng Technique] with his hands and kicked [Armor Tiger] with his feet, achieving great dominance!

After the movie "Rebirth 2002" became popular...

[Qiming Chinese Website] A series of rebirth articles have become popular.

The plots in the rebirth novels vary, but most of the rebirth novels are about being reborn to Zhang Sheng when he encounters a sudden change, reaching out to save Zhang Sheng, and then making a lot of money thanks to Zhang Sheng's gratitude.

Female videos also have similar routines...

While rescuing Zhang Sheng who was trapped in hell, he was having a sweet love affair with Zhang Sheng, and at the same time he was making a fortune with Zhang Sheng, which shocked Zhang Sheng...

Various stories, starting from [Qiming Chinese website], gradually spread across the entire Internet literary circle.

Moreover, as Zhang Sheng climbed higher and higher, the data of these novels became better and better...

This is the case in the novel world, and that is the reality...

Well, maybe...

Reality is sometimes more magical than fiction.

this era……

There are really too many people who want to succeed.

Those who love fantasy can experience the joy of success through novels.

However, in reality, entrepreneurs are willing to do whatever it takes in order to succeed!

[News Network] It seems to be a signal!

This signal shocked countless entrepreneurs, and then excited countless second- and third-tier brands!

[NC Entertainment] From Vice President Shen Xiaoxi to the sweeper aunt, nearly a hundred brands in China are penetrating through various relationships.

The person involved cannot do it!

Let’s start with the relatives of the person involved…

What is even more exaggerated is that some brands go to remote rural areas, carry boxes of gifts, walk in without explanation, and then brainwash their confused relatives in various ways.

The relatives didn't understand what they wanted to do. They only knew that they wanted an advertising space. They thought that there was nothing difficult about the advertising space. It was just like a telephone pole or a TV advertisement, so they agreed, and even some The person received a sum of money from the advertiser...

As a result, without exception, they were scolded!

Chinese society is a human society.

Some people can refuse on the spot, but some things are really hard to refuse.

For example, Sun Xiaoxiao, the manager of the brokerage department.

[NC Entertainment] From the beginning to the present, Sun Xiaoxiao has been diligently assisting Shen Xiaoxi. His husband is the brand leader of [Wang Yang Sports]...

[Wang Yang Sports] Almost gave his husband a death order!

We must win brand cooperation...

For example, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] Mr. Li, Li Bin’s uncle appeared out of nowhere...


"Mr. Zhang, I am Chen Xueli, the brand manager of [Wang Yang Sports]. Mr. Zhang, we [Wang Yang Sports] are very sincere this time..."

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, I am Mr. Meng's classmate of [Obon Integrated Ceiling]. Did Mr. Meng tell you? My [Xinneng Kitchenware] hopes to discuss business cooperation with you..."

"Mr. Zhang, I..."


September 2nd.

Zhang Sheng returned to [NC Entertainment].

The noisy brand owners and countless directors blocked the door, so Zhang Sheng had to come in through the back door.

But despite going through the back door, some brands who received "inside information" rushed over excitedly, attacking Zhang Sheng's security defense circle like a scourge.

Zhang Sheng had a smile on his face and was not agitated. He replied to these advertisers one by one seriously, but he did not agree to cooperate with them.

Zhang Sheng finally walked into [NC Entertainment].

Shen Xiaoxi came over with an embarrassed expression.

"boss Zhang……"

"Mr. Shen."

"Mr. Zhang, the quota for this year's [Southern California International Film Awards] is already full, but many brands are interested in this event... I know we have to be responsible to every brand, but Mr. Zhang , some brands are really difficult for me to refuse sometimes..."


Zhang Sheng nodded after hearing Shen Xiaoxi's words, but did not respond.

"Mr. Zhang, should we start some new projects?"

"Let me think about it again, Mr. Shen, you go and do your work first."


"Mr. Shen, don't be anxious about anything. You must regard us as service providers. We cannot be coerced by relationships. We must serve every brand well..."

"I know!"


Shen Xiaoxi nodded, then stopped talking.

In the end, looking at Zhang Sheng's back, he swallowed the names of some related households.

Zhang Sheng walked into the office, and then looked down at all the living beings below.

He saw countless jealous people swarming in under the huge heat, all wanting to take a bite of this sweet traffic cake...

At this moment, as long as Zhang Sheng simply nods, as long as he is shameless enough, then, not to mention hundreds of millions, even more than one billion, or even billions of advertising fees, may be obtained by him.

No need for any hunger marketing at all.

But Zhang Sheng is not in a hurry, and has not decided which brand to cooperate with.

Leeks, cut them bit by bit!

Otherwise, it's just a one-time deal. Even if it makes you billions, so what?

After all, this is Zhang Sheng’s capital!

About ten minutes later...

Zhang Sheng made a call to Xu Guangbiao from [Shengteng Technology].

About half an hour later, Xu Guangbiao hurried over.

"boss Zhang……"

"How many clubs have cooperated with [Tengji Technology]? How many clubs have signed a cooperation agreement with us for "Dungeon"?"

"Ah? We [Shengteng Games] have about eleven [Game Clubs], five of which have signed up with [Tengji Technology] for the service of "Gunfight Glory"... Well, our game "Dungeon", Seven of them have already signed, and the authorization of others is still being negotiated... Of course, there are still some people talking to us about the creation of the [Club]..." Xu Guangbiao hesitated for a moment, and then reported on the work of the [Club].

"Oh." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"You will call all the owners and investors who signed our cooperation but did not sign [Tengji Technology]'s "Gunfight of Glory" club. In the afternoon, I want to see them..."

"Eh? Afternoon?"

"Yes, at two o'clock in the afternoon, I will hold a meeting for them and give them a big gift!"


Xu Guangbiao hesitated for a moment, then nodded and immediately left the office.

After Xu Guangbiao left, Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes.


When the State Sports General Administration has officially approved [e-sports] as the 99th sports event.

Zheng Huateng of [Tengji Technology] instantly realized that a big cake was placed in front of him!

Not only Zheng Huateng, but even the bosses in the gaming circle were excited!

September 3rd.

[Tengji Technology].

As the number of registered users of "Gun Glory" exceeds one million!

Club investors who had collaborated with Zhang Sheng on Temple Escape all saw the huge potential behind Guns of Glory.

And [Tengji Technology]’s rational and emotional calls were very useful to the club’s investors and owners. Furthermore, when Zhang Sheng sold the [club] quota to them before, he never Restrictions, what games are they allowed to play...


In the first battle between "Dungeon" and "Glory of Guns", they chose "Glory of Guns" first.


After signing agreements with these clubs, Ye Kai, the person in charge of [Tengji Games], also signed [YK Live Broadcast] agreements with them.

Since the traffic of [YK Live Broadcast] was overtaken by [Jitu Video], in order to overtake [YK Live Broadcast], it finally sold part of its shares to [Tengji Technology] and relied on [Tengji Technology] Technology] has won the live broadcast rights of games such as "Gun Battle of Glory".

Currently, only they [YK Live] have the live broadcast rights of "Gun Glory"!

Just as Ye Kai finished planning the next series of tasks...

It’s time to get ready to taste the big cake of [e-sports]!

On the afternoon of September 3rd.

He heard a message!

Then, his face shrank, almost frightened.

Then, he hurried to Zheng Huateng's office.

"Mr. Zheng!"

"Any more news about Zhang Sheng? Tell me."

At this moment, Zheng Huateng's expression was very calm, so calm that he was almost stiff.

During this period, like Ma Yunhua, he was bombarded by Zhang Sheng every day, and he had become accustomed to it...

Ye Kai took a deep breath.


He took out his mobile phone, and then opened a video transmitted from [WeChat].

After seeing [WeChat], Zheng Huateng's calm face instantly turned green: "Mr. Ye, do you want to rebel in front of me?"

"Mr. Zheng, this video can only be posted on [WeChat]. Please watch it first..."


When Zheng Huateng heard these words, his chest suddenly became clogged.

But I still clicked on [WeChat] and saw a video.

The video appears to have been shot secretly.

I happened to take a photo of Zhang Sheng.


“Do you see the brand owner below?”

“Recently, there are simply too many brands looking for cooperation with me!”

"They must force me to cooperate! They must give me money!"

"Although I am not interested in money at all, what I value most is the quality of each brand..."


"There's nothing I can do!"

"They force me to earn some money, and even use various connections to get the money into my hands. What can I do?"


Zheng Huateng's originally ugly face suddenly turned greener than a cucumber!

His eyes were very unkind and he stared at Ye Kai!

"Ye Kai! Tell me what Zhang Sheng means by showing off?"

"Mr. Zheng, please continue reading..."


Zheng Huateng lowered his head, and then saw what Zhang Sheng said.

"Hey, there is too much gold on the ground. I bent down to pick it up, but my lumbar muscles were strained when I picked it up..."

"Everyone, you are my loyal partners... When "Dungeon" was released, even when friends were poaching you, you still supported me immediately. I am very touched!"

"Now, I need you to do me a little favor. Let me briefly talk about the next cooperation project of "Dungeon"..."


"Please help me pick up the money..."



When he saw this, Zheng Huateng couldn't stand it anymore!

He was so violent that he dropped his phone on the ground!

Oh shit!

There's no end to this, right?


The other end...

The eyes of a group of clubs who betrayed Zhang Sheng widened!

(Guaranteed two updates today... I want to go for a foot massage... to have a better body, more, and better content...)

(Fight again tomorrow!)

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