I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 626 Payment System

September 25th.

[Shenchuan Computer] released a set of data.

New product: [Kamikawa T9] total notebook sales exceed 3,000 units!

[Kamikawa A12] Total desktop sales exceeded 5,000 units for the first time!

It has been 10 days since the two new models were released on September 14th.

Sales of 3,000 and 5,000 units are really not enough for [Lianzhong Computer]...

In 2011, as of September, [Lianzhong Computer] had shipped 25.9 million PCs worldwide, with an average monthly shipment of nearly 4.31 million units!


When [Shenchuan Computer] released a sales curve, countless people fell silent.

The sales curve of the [Kamikawa T9] laptop and [Kamikawa A12] desktop computer has been rising all the way. When they were first released, the total sales of the two new models of [Kamikawa Computer] was 700 units.

However, as the popularity on the Internet continued to rise, and after the news of the [Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas] subsidy channel, the sales volume reached 1,000 units the next day.

Then 1500, 1900...

By the 10th day, the total sales of notebooks and desktops exceeded 8,000 units!

At the same time, the purchase of new models from [Shenchuan Computer] indirectly drove the sales of old models. In 10 days, more than 1,000 notebooks and brand-name machines were sold in total.

Compared with the same period last year, it increased by nearly 30%!

And at the same time...

[Xingyang Electrical Appliances] also released its sales volume immediately.

[Xingyang Refrigerator], which was once ignored, has shipped 315 units nationwide in 5 days from September 20th to September 25th!

The curve is also rising all the way, and the situation is great!



"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Chen, hello!"


Chen Xingrong is the Yanjing branch president of [Industrial and Commercial Bank of China].

In the third quarter, after he saw a significant increase in the number of users and deposits of his neighbor [Hua Xia Bank], he consciously turned his attention to [WeChat].

At present, [WeChat] has more than 13.6 million payment users, which is completely incomparable with Qgou and [WeChat], but Chen Xingrong is obviously aware that [Taozhu.com] and [Tengji Technology] are backed by Everything is the Internet, and the Internet data is very beautiful, but after all it is not truly rooted in the enterprise, and what stands behind [WeChat] is a more solid physical industry that is visible to the naked eye.

What does real industry mean?

It means that [WeChat] is not just a social chat and dating software, but more like a tool that serves the industry. It also means that [WeChat] will have a long life. Once everyone forms new payment habits, it can Just the most delicious cake.

Chen Xingrong was keenly aware of the potential energy behind [WeChat], and after seeing that Zhang Sheng and [Hua Xia Bank] were inseparable, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and visited Zhang Sheng in person!

Zhang Sheng made Chen Xingrong a cup of tea.

The aroma of tea overflows.

After chatting briefly for a while, Chen Xingrong finally looked at Zhang Sheng seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, judging from your current layout, I know that you want to fight both Mr. Ma and Mr. Zheng... These two are the overlords of the Internet. It seems calm at the moment, but in fact, there are already things around you. Crisis is everywhere. I heard that the Liu family is preparing for development, and I also saw that the food delivery industry of [Soudu Technology] is about to take off..." Chen Xingrong wears glasses like Zhang Sheng, and is slightly shorter than Zhang Sheng. With a Chinese character face, even if He always looked serious when he smiled: "Director Zhou of the Ministry of Commerce may be retiring soon... You have to consider another path for yourself."

"Mr. Chen, I don't know what you are talking about..." Zhang Sheng smiled and looked unconcerned.

"Although you are very powerful and have a wide influence now, once the Internet giants join forces to attack you, you will be in a state of embarrassment from all sides. The continuous capital war will not be enough in a month, two months, or even a year. When it comes to the end, they are best at fighting a war of attrition and can easily bring you down..." Chen Xingrong continued his serious analysis.

"But I am purely a real economy..."

"The real economy will also face strangulation and siege... What's more, there are strong enemies in every field, especially the Liu family. At this moment, they have united with strong enemies..."

"..." Zhang Sheng has heard of the Liu family countless times.

My ears are calloused when I hear it.

Almost everyone who wants to cooperate with him will analyze some situations with him very seriously and advise him to calmly look into some dark corners in an attempt to occupy the highest point in this cooperation negotiation.

"Mr. Chen, my IQ is not high, and my emotional intelligence is not high either. Let's not beat around the bush and just talk about how to cooperate..."

"Cough, cough..." Zhang Sheng's words made Chen Xingrong cough for a while, and then continued with a straight face: "Mr. Zhang, I admire you very much. In fact, we have been paying attention to you since you came from a small place. You...I can't bear to see a person who climbed up from the bottom step by step and finally fell under the siege of capital. Although your situation is very good now...but, I hope you understand that when Director Zhou retires, the new The leader who takes office will not take sides... He is more willing to see the prosperity of the market, and is more willing to let capital promote the development of the entire economic system..."

"Mr. Chen, if Director Zhou doesn't go down, do you know who will come on stage?" Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes.

"In every system, there is a circle. Since it is a circle, there must be disagreements and factions... But don't worry, everyone is working towards the great cause of economic revitalization, but the direction chosen is different. Same..." Chen Xingrong did not hesitate, let alone hide it, but spoke quietly.

"Mr. Chen, how should we cooperate?"

“First, we [ICBC] are very willing to help popularize [WeChat]’s payment system, and we are even more willing to cooperate with your work and assist your system in all activities across the country...”

"Do you have any requirements?" Zhang Sheng nodded after hearing this, but then asked.

"I don't object to you cooperating with [Hua Xia Bank]. After all, if a software wants to be more popular, the more cooperation, the better. However, I hope that we [ICBC] must be the first on the payment page under your system, and the cash withdrawal system , you must also cooperate with us [Industrial and Commercial Bank of China]... Of course, there are benefits. We can assist you [WeChat] in launching a fast payment system. Of course, the payment handling fee belongs to us..." Chen Xingrong pushed up his glasses: "Of course. During the promotion period, we can also choose to cooperate with no handling fee... giving you [WeChat] more room for growth..."


When Zhang Sheng heard this, he suddenly fell silent.

Seeing Zhang Sheng's silence, Chen Xingrong continued to add: "In fact, our first target is not your [WeChat] but [Tengji Technology]'s [WeChat]... But, on the one hand, I admire you very much, I feel that our cooperation can create more possibilities. On the other hand, [Tengji Technology]’s internal equity is actually a bit complicated..."

"Where's Ma Yunhua?" Zhang Sheng suddenly asked.

The smile on Chen Xingrong's face was slightly stiff, and then he shook his head: "His [Zhilibao] ingredients are more complicated and involve too many capital factors. There is another reason. Now he is at the peak of his power and shouts the slogan of changing the bank. Do you think I will go over and cooperate with him at this time? Of course, I still have cooperation with Ma Yunhua..."

"Mr. Chen, please continue..."

"Ma Yunhua has [Zhilibao], [Zhilibao] is a financial product, and we can predict his next step. After [Zhilibao] payment is completely laid, he will carry out a series of lending and leverage Business... these things are relatively sensitive, but they are very useful for expanding the business of [Zhilibao]..."

"So, Mr. Chen, what do you want to do?"

"We can cooperate. With your [WeChat] power and our [ICBC] formal channels, we can do formal loan business. Of course, at the same time, we can also cooperate to build a system. This system is similar to [Industrial and Commercial Bank of China]." Libao], users can deposit money in it, and if they save for a long time, they can get a good interest... We [Industrial and Commercial Bank of China] are behind the promotion and choose the corresponding fund operation to revitalize all the funds... With us With [ICBC] standing up for you, users can feel more at ease, and you don’t have to be burdened by the credibility of financial products. Isn’t this a win-win situation?”


After Zhang Sheng listened to Chen Xingrong's words, he admired Chen Xingrong but also felt a little wary of Chen Xingrong.

During the simple conversation, he realized that Chen Xingrong was in deep water.

He didn't dare to enter rashly.

"I need to think about it, but Mr. Chen, I'm telling you the truth, I have cooperation with Mr. Xu Zhenghua from [Hua Xia Bank]... I'm afraid you [ICBC] will be ranked first in payment. I'm afraid this won't work... And for financial products like [Zhilibao], I might be more inclined to Mr. Xu Zhenghua..."

"It doesn't matter. We can talk slowly and cooperate slowly. It's okay to include us [ICBC] in your payment system first... Next, if you encounter financial difficulties in your system, you can You can come to me and I can help you fight them together!"


After hearing this, Chen Xingrong did not show any displeasure on his face, but expressed understanding.

Then, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Zhang Sheng also stood up immediately and walked Chen Xingrong to the door. When he was about to turn around, Zhang Sheng saw Xu Zhenghua from [Hua Xia Bank] walking in.

After a brief chat...

Xu Zhenghua looked solemn. After a moment, he stared at Zhang Sheng: "[Financial Products] I hope you choose us [Hua Xia Bank]. We have cooperated for so long. You should know that we all have a common goal...lending or something. It’s not that easy, and you might touch a sensitive line. Chen Xingrong is digging a hole for you. In this way, if you believe me, our Hua Xia Bank can also come forward for you and help you develop this industry together... However, we are now If we can't do it, we have to wait for Ma Yunhua to do it. If Ma Yunhua can do it without any problem, we will do it again..."


"Zhang Sheng, you must be careful about your current position. You are based on industry. Don't let the superiors see your stain!"


After Zhang Sheng looked at Xu Zhenghua's sincere eyes, he nodded silently: "I know."

"By the way, Zhang Sheng, I received news... Ma Yunhua will make a big move recently. Let me explain to you in advance. You must reserve funds. This battle is a tough one!"

While Xu Zhenghua was speaking.

Zhang Sheng’s cell phone rang.

When he lowered his head...

He saw the news about Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua...

Suddenly took action!

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