I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 636 A great victory!


Gradually it got deeper.

Li Bin's eyes were bloodshot.

He looked at the beating data one by one, and his heart was beating crazily along with the data.

You can even vaguely hear the "thump thump thump" heartbeat.

There are five computers in his office, and in each computer, a data backend is opened.

Although, they have used all kinds of methods, including but not limited to poaching merchants, showing subsidies, showing off logistics, etc. to attack the sales and reputation of [Taozhu.com].


They still couldn't resist 2,200 big-name merchants joining the Double 10 event. At 11 o'clock in the evening, [Taozhu.com] sales exceeded 3.7 billion, a daunting and even incredible figure!

Moreover, this data does not include the previous home appliance order, it is simply the sales from the Double 10 event...

When Li Bin saw this data, he breathed a long sigh of relief, as if he felt a mountain pressing on his chest, making him breathless.

They want to break 4 billion!


After a brief absence, Li Bin silently looked at [Suzhou.com]. [Suzhou.com] public data showed that on the day of the odd and even 10 event, their [Suzhou.com] official website traffic exceeded 700 million, online and offline orders are surging. In a single day, they have already rushed towards sales of 1.5 billion...

He looked at the [Hangmei Mall] of [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] again. At 11 o'clock in the evening, Huang Guangrong, the owner of [Hangmei Shangcheng], posted the sales of his [Hangmei Mall]!

And, with a unilateral announcement, they [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] won a big victory!

When he saw the sales, Li Bin was shocked!

On the day of the Double 10 event, sales actually exceeded 3 billion, directly doubling that of [Suzhou.com]. It seemed that public opinion on the Internet was not affected at all, and even made it hit a new high.

After being shocked for a moment, two words "swipe orders" suddenly emerged from deep in his heart!

His eyes looked at his [Qiangsheng Online Mall] again, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the total sales of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] have exceeded 800 million!

After seeing the 800 million, he suddenly felt a little complicated, and his eye circles instantly turned red...

He had been working hard since last night. He only squinted at his desk for a while during his lunch break, and then fell back into work again.

During this period……

He sits at the rear. If the management has any issues, he will personally participate in solving them. If the brand asks for the slightest request, he will rush over like a grandson.

It’s been nearly a year!

The boss of a decoration company was suddenly told that he wanted to take over such an online shopping mall...

At that time, traffic was at its peak of 500,000 to 600,000. At that time, the elders of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] looked at the CEO who suddenly took office...

Although everyone was applauding, he knew that no one would like him, and almost everyone regarded him as a [connected person].

I don’t know how many people are behind this!

In fact, every time he makes a decision, he will be opposed, as if it is an imaginary tragedy!

But fortunately, he persevered. Under tremendous pressure, he eliminated the former Li Dongqiang's old team members who needed to be eliminated, and dealt with what needed to be dealt with...

Over the past year or so, he has been working hard and staring at [Qiangsheng Online Mall] every day. Even his girlfriend wondered whether he had become a three-second man because of his work.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] Finally survived!

Traffic increased from hundreds of thousands to millions to tens of millions...

The number of merchants has increased from hundreds to thousands, and now it exceeds 10,000. There are hundreds of big-name merchants participating in the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] activity subsidy this time, and there are countless small merchants!

He survived!

"Finally, we can let those who once doubted..."

"Shut up!"

He suddenly muttered to himself, then lay down on the chair and breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

After lying down for a while, he braced himself and walked towards the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] business department.

He saw that the group of young people in the [Business Department] were staring at every screen at this moment, and they didn't even notice when he came in.

He found a place to stand...

Time passed little by little, and he still watched the number of 800 million rising, to 900 million, to 950 million...

The alarm clock rang suddenly at 12 o'clock, which seemed to be extremely dazzling.

Countless managers look at the figure of 950 million unwillingly!

Didn’t break 1 billion!

That's a pity!

Some people suddenly sat down on their chairs, gasping for air, wanting to say something, but for a long time, nothing came out...

After the alarm clock rang, there was suddenly a deathly silence!

Li Bin wanted to say something, but he didn't say it...

At this moment, there was a burst of applause from the door!

Li Bin subconsciously looked towards the door, but saw his teacher Zhang Sheng walking in at some point...

"we won!"

"Congratulations to Mr. Li, it was a great battle!"

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work!"

"We won big!"


Zhang Sheng's words suddenly pierced the water-like silence, and countless people screamed like crazy.

Li Bin's tears flowed down even more unsatisfactorily!


He found himself being lifted up!

Then, he was thrown into the air, with a feeling of weightlessness, as if he would fall to the hard and cold ground at any time, but when he fell, he was caught by a pair of hands.

The cheers pierce the ears!

When Li Bin finally landed on the ground, his expression was complicated, but his eardrums were buzzing uncomfortably. He heard everyone screaming excitedly, but it seemed that he couldn't hear clearly what they were saying.


"Please take out our mobile phones bound to [Hua Xia Bank]..."

"I asked the Finance Department to give you a little thought. It's not much, and it doesn't represent [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. It just represents a little personal encouragement from me... Well, let's treat it as a supper for everyone!"

"Today, the [Fat Xiao An Restaurant] downstairs is open 24 hours a day!"


After the thunderous applause ended, Zhang Sheng pressed it with his hands, and then a smile appeared on his face.


Almost at the same time, everyone in the office subconsciously took out their mobile phones.


"One hundred thousand!"

"Wow, I have one hundred thousand too!"

"Wow, this, this..."



All the managers lowered their heads in a daze, and then looked at the text messages one after another.

[[Hua Xia Bank]: Your 44*** account received [Supper Fee] 1000* at 12.10...]

They counted the numbers carefully!

One hundred thousand!

The core management personnel of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] who participated in the operation of this event all received 100,000 [late night snack fees]!

The sounds of excitement, shock, and excitement echoed throughout the big office!

Li Bin also lowered his head, but there was no prompt in his text message.

Just when he was confused...

He saw Zhang Sheng pat his shoulder.

An agreement was slipped into him.

That agreement is a partial equity transfer agreement for [Qiangsheng Online Mall]!

His eyes widened!


"Take a good look. If there is no problem, just sign. The next Double 11 will be our new battlefield!"

Li Bin hadn't spoken yet and was looking at the equity document blankly. Before he could even react, he saw that Zhang Sheng had already left the office!


Early morning!

Liu Changyu did not rest.

He and a group of people in his [WeChat] team are still working.

The sales volume of the Double 10 event put [WeChat] Pay’s operational pressure suddenly heavy.

On the one hand, he takes care of the market, and on the other hand, he is responsible for managing internal technical data...

When he saw that the sales of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] exceeded nearly 950 million, his emotions instantly felt complicated.

That was the beginning of his business.

If I had stayed at [Qiangsheng Online Mall] back then, would I have been the creator of this miracle?

He suddenly felt a little lost again!

Although Mr. Zhang gave him very high rights in [WeChat], and the number of [WeChat] users is increasing day by day, but...

Is it possible that one day, he will be abandoned again, or will he be picked up by a direct descendant who descended from the sky again?

The emotion inevitably came in waves, and he went outside to the balcony to smoke a cigarette.

But before I was halfway through smoking, I suddenly heard a burst of noisy sounds from the [WeChat] business department.

He put out the cigarette butt and walked back. Then, he almost saw a group of demons dancing around. All the staff were waving their mobile phones and screaming!

Amid the noise and excitement, he knew that Zhang Sheng had given a very impressive [late night snack fee] to reward their WeChat team.

He lowered his head and took out his mobile phone...

But there was nothing.

that moment……

Suddenly there was a bad taste in his mouth.

At this time, he received a call from Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Liu!"

"Come to the office..."


He hurriedly came to the office.

Then he knocked on the door.

But he saw Zhang Sheng sitting with an extremely serious expression.

"Mr. Liu, sit down..."

"Mr. Zhang, why are you looking for me so late..."

"Mr. Liu, I have thought about it for a long time and finally decided to talk to you about something."

"Ah?" Liu Changyu suddenly felt a little emotional.

"I feel that you are no longer suitable to be responsible for the promotion of [WeChat]..."


When he heard these words, Liu Changyu suddenly felt his heart being beaten hard, his face flushed, and his whole body's blood surged upwards.

Suddenly there was a sense of sadness, and his lips turned white: "Mr. Zhang, I..."

He found that he couldn't say anything, he just felt cold all over his body, very cold!

“Become the vice president of [WeChat]!”

"..." All the complicated emotions suddenly trembled.

His pupils shrank sharply!

Then, he stared at Zhang Sheng in disbelief, thinking that he heard wrongly!

"I don't want to give you bonuses anymore. Let's just give you shares. From now on, if you have a mouthful of food from me, you won't be able to starve to death..."

"Zhang, Zhang, Mr. Zhang, I, I, I..." Liu Changyu began to stutter!

"When doing big things, don't be surprised. From now on, you are responsible for fucking Xiao Zheng for me!"


He saw Zhang Shengyu patted his shoulder sincerely and smiled!


Just when [Taozhu.com] was celebrating the first Double Ten event with total sales exceeding 4 billion...

A piece of news that made all the management excited suddenly turned to silence.


Involuntarily looking at their mobile phones...

That message was about Zhang Sheng’s [late night snack fee], and...

Changes in the equity of its subsidiaries!

(Three updates today!)

(Please give me a monthly ticket!)

(You can beg today! How about we rush forward?)

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