I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 638 Table! Lifted!

Security personnel arrived.

Integrated law enforcement is here.

Of course, a lot of media who heard the news and ordinary people watching the excitement on their mobile phones also came.

As the Internet becomes more and more developed, the traffic era is growing wildly, and more and more institutions want to take advantage of the traffic traces.

Not long after, the entire [Jiahu Building] was filled with all kinds of people pointing and watching the fun...

It is human nature to like to watch the excitement.

However, this farce did not last long. The drivers of the advertising van were arrested on suspicion of provoking trouble...

However, the offline excitement is gone.

But it became lively online.


“Master’s wife, I really didn’t instigate this!”

"I do not know anything……"

"This has nothing to do with me. After the event, I went to bed. I didn't wake up until now. I haven't even eaten dinner yet..."

"It must have been done by a temporary worker. In this case, Master, when I find out who is doing this, I will fire him directly!"

"Isn't this smearing our [Qiangsheng Online Mall]? Do I need to use such despicable and despicable methods to disgust old people like Ma Yunhua?"

"What if Lao Ma has a bad heart and suddenly gets mad to death?"



The sun sets.

Zhang Sheng received a call from the Ministry of Commerce.

After receiving the call, Zhang Shengyi shook his head angrily, his voice was very angry!

There was a sudden long silence on the other end of the phone, and then Xu Linlin sighed: "This farce is almost over!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go back to the company and ask which bastard is causing trouble like this. I've already told them, and that's pretty much it..."

"Why didn't you answer the phone? Master, am I sleeping? I haven't slept for two days and two nights. I don't know that the relevant departments have come forward to calm the matter..."


After Xu Linlin heard Zhang Sheng's assurance, she didn't respond much and just hung up the phone.

Zhang Sheng put on his eyes and then went to the bathroom to shave. After dressing like a dog, he walked downstairs.

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"


Along the way, countless people looked at Zhang Sheng with excitement and admiration, as if they were looking at their biological father.

Zhang Sheng nodded to them one by one without any airs.

A few minutes later, he walked into Li Bin's office at [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Li Bin was not sleeping at this moment. He was constantly talking on the phone and paying attention to the traffic and today's sales of [Qiang Sheng Online Mall]. He didn't react until Zhang Sheng sat on the chair.

"Ah, teacher, you are here!"

"Sit down, was it you who instigated the disgusting old horse thing?" Zhang Sheng frowned slightly after seeing Li Bin.

"No, I didn't..." Li Bin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head violently.

"From a moral perspective, these behaviors are undesirable. If we win now, we must win with dignity..." Zhang Sheng smiled after seeing Li Bin's expression.

Li Bin nodded, deeply convinced.

Later, after the two chatted about the next arrangements, Zhang Sheng's phone rang again.

Zhang Sheng looked at the phone and then narrowed his eyes.


It’s the Ministry of Commerce calling again!

This is a price war involving the financial strength, manufacturer supply chain, and logistics control of all parties!

No one knows how far this price war will go...

Some even predict that the ecosystem of the e-commerce market may change as a result.

Many people in the business department take notice.

However, what they saw was that the offline mall, which had been impacted by online, was crumbling...

I also saw countless chaos happening in endlessly!

Department of Commerce.

Zhou Guoan sat back in his seat and watched the news silently.

After reading it, he looked at Xu Linlin again: "Is he still not stopping?"

"He's still going to fight!" Xu Linlin's eyes were complicated.

"Have you told him that the relevant departments received reports that he was maliciously raising prices and engaging in vicious competition, which has violated the [unfair competition] stipulated in Article 14, Item 4 of the Price Law?"

"I said..."

"How did he say?"

"He has a very good attitude towards admitting his mistakes..."

"Just admit your mistakes and have a good attitude?"


After October 10th...

[Hangmei Electrical Appliances] and [Taozhu.com] announced the results one after another and declared victory!

But [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall] seem to be jealous.

One received a call but did not adjust the price in time.

One didn’t receive a call until the evening of October 11. After receiving the call, until now, the price of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has not changed. In fact, [Taozhu.com] has been provoked from many aspects in an attempt to sell [Taozhu.com] again. Once involved in a price war, with his small size, he overpowered [Taozhu.com]...

At this moment, I saw on the Internet [Taozhu.com] that Zhang Sheng's [Qiangsheng Online Mall] still did not lower the price. The price that had been restored immediately dropped again.


A new round of price war has begun again!

In the end, Zhou Guoan decided that he would personally come forward and invite these people to sit at the table and have a good chat.


October 12th.

Ma Yunhua went to Beijing overnight.

When we arrived at the business department, it was already early in the morning.

"Mr. Ma, I haven't seen you for a long time. I feel like you have aged a lot...have you been boating less on the West Lake lately?"


When entering the conference room, Ma Yunhua saw Zhang Sheng coming over with a smile on his face.

After Ma Yunhua saw Zhang Sheng's disgusting face, her expression was gloomy, but she sat in her seat silently.

In the past two days, [Taozhu.com] had become distraught, and he was forced to pay some money to barely stabilize the situation. However, some of the emotions on the management team could not be suppressed after all.

If possible, Ma Yunhua would like to slap Zhang Sheng hard.


After all, I suppressed my emotions.

When Zhang Sheng saw Ma Yunhua ignoring him, he didn't feel embarrassed and sat back on the chair.


Zhang Yuanqiao from [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and Huang Guangrong from [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] are here.

After the two briefly greeted Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua, they sat down.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, Zhou Guoan walked in.

"I invited you here today because I want to talk about the charter. Generally speaking, the Ministry of Commerce will not take the initiative to interfere in business competition. However, this time the impact is too great, and the leadership level is also paying attention to this matter..."


"2011 is the time when all industries in China are booming. At this point, we should move forward and work together. It is unwise to compete blindly..."


After Zhou Guoan finished speaking, he briefly asked about their opinions.

Zhang Yuanqiao didn't want to fight. Although he lost a lot of money, he made some traffic and established the status of [Suzhou Tesco], and it almost stopped.

Huang Guangrong didn't want to fight anymore. Behind the seemingly 3 billion sales, there was actually a lot of shit waiting for him to clean up. This time he asked the Ministry of Commerce to mediate, and it was Huang Guangrong who personally went to the Ministry of Commerce for help.

Ma Yunhua sneered: "Director Zhou, we are a group of people who have some martial ethics, and we all know to give up when things are good, but there are a few young people who specialize in others' black tigers to dig out the heart... It's not that we don't want to stop, but There are people who don’t want to stop..."

"Mr. Ma, you can't say that. You started this business competition in the first place. Fight whenever you want, stop when you want? I've given you both good and bad words! And, Mr. Ma, don't criticize Huai. , what are some young people saying about black tigers taking out people's hearts? I, Zhang Sheng, have always been aboveboard in my work!

Zhang Sheng took a deep breath, looked at Lao Ma's increasingly ugly face, and immediately pushed up his glasses: "Now I can be aboveboard and tell you openly, I am going to start poaching your [Taozhu.com] people now." , Zhang Li of [Taozhu.com], Mr. Zhang, we sent someone to contact you...Now, has she submitted her resignation report to you?"

"Zhang Sheng!" Ma Yunhua slammed the table!

"Mr. Ma, don't be too stingy. You've made so much money yourself, you should give your brothers a share of the pie!" Zhang Sheng straightened his clothes, and then looked at Ma Yunhua's increasingly angry expression. After the expression, he did not calm down: "Aren't you just going to unite those capitals to suppress our companies standing in the sun? We are upright and we are not afraid of anything. Whatever you come to, we will take over... Fight! Then fight to the end! Don’t give up in the middle of the fight, Double 11, let’s continue to fight! I will accompany you to the end!”

After Ma Yunhua heard Zhang Sheng's words, her face became even more ugly, and she even clenched her fists.

"Mr. Zhang!" Zhou Guoan took a deep breath.

Finally, the fierce quarrel stopped.

He glanced at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng calmed down.

"Director Zhou, I am young. I am less than 24 years old this year. I have been suppressed by old horses. When an entrepreneur like me faces the monopoly of capital, I have no choice but to make a desperate move..."


"Of course, when I came to the Ministry of Commerce today, I was ready to be punished. I first surrendered and self-analyzed. [Suzhou Electric] and I violated Article 14 of the [Price Law], Article 4: [Business Operations] In order to squeeze out competitors, a manufacturer deliberately sells a certain product at a price lower than cost in a certain range of the market and within a certain period of time, in order to achieve the purpose of pushing out competitors and monopolizing operations]... I will not escape this point. To uphold the fairness and justice of the law and market rules, I hope that our company can be punished, and I personally hope that I can be punished too!"


"At the same time, [Hangmei Electric] also violated this regulation. [Operators shall not use false or misleading price methods to lure consumers or other operators into transactions with them]! This kind of price violation is often called Committing price gouging..."


"Of course, I am not convinced by Lao Ma. Lao Ma has violated the provisions of the Anti-Monopoly Law! Now [Taozhu.com] is the only one, and the world will suffer [Taozhu.com] for a long time..."


"I hope that all of us should get the punishment we deserve!"

When Zhang Sheng stood up.

When you recite a lot of legal terms one by one, you look more like a lawyer than a lawyer...

Except for Zhou Guoan, the expressions on everyone's faces were very ugly!

Is he going to overturn the table again?

(Second update today...)

(It is really……)

(bad mood……)

(The last three updates have made me really tired... There is still a lot of plot to come, so I have to do a good job in the details...)

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