I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 643: Do it again! (Thank you to the jealous leader!)

After the millennium of this world.

A lot happened.

China has joined the WTO, successfully bid for the Olympics, the Internet is booming, social concepts have changed, and payment and e-commerce concepts have changed.

While China is developing vigorously and gradually becoming the second largest economy in the world, Internet companies are rising and countless foreign capitals have emerged...

Whether it is [Taozhu.com] or [Tengji Technology], they all originated from capital investment. As time goes by, the foundation becomes deeper and deeper...

The capital of many companies has become extremely complicated, so complicated that ordinary people cannot understand it at all.

A small group of leaders silently watched each capital make money in China, which also drove the vigorous development of the Chinese market.

While they were very pleased, they were also wary.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.

After the 2008 financial crisis, that small group of leaders became increasingly aware that they must treat every next step of China's economy with caution.

In fact, we cannot abandon it, but we cannot blindly copy Western practices.

As some enterprises and capital become larger and larger, the root systems involved become broader and deeper...

The sense of vigilance that followed became stronger and stronger.


[Hua Xia UnionPay] is a Hua Xia bank card joint organization approved by the People's Bank of China.

It is a cooperative institution of Hua Xia Bank Card.

The current chairman is Shao Haoyang, who is also the director of the General Office of the People's Bank of China.

October 20th.

A middle-aged man came to Zhang Sheng’s [Shengteng Technology].

Zhang Sheng walked to the door in person and took the middle-aged man in.

"I noticed you in 2009..."

"At that time, you were paying off your debts, and your deeds were published in the news in many places..."

"I was just thinking about what possibilities you would have..."

"However, I never thought that you could raise the possibility of my expectations to such a high level..."


Shao Haoyang, now 45 years old, was still shocked when he saw Zhang Sheng, who was under 24 years old.

Zhang Sheng in reality is younger than he thought.

"Haha, Director Shao, you are so flattering. You were lucky enough to encounter this era and reap the benefits of it..."

When Zhang Sheng met Shao Haoyang, he had a humble smile on his face. He was not deliberately trying to please, nor was he alienated, as if he was treating an elder.

"I heard that it's hard to get good tea here..."

Shao Haoyang laughed, and then when he saw Zhang Sheng lowering his head to make tea, he was suddenly shocked.

Colleagues who have met Zhang Sheng generally have a high evaluation of Zhang Sheng, saying that he has a high emotional intelligence and is very sensible. He knows what to do and what not to do...

But the only criticism is that the tea in Zhang Sheng's company is without exception poor, basically inferior tea.

This rumor was particularly widespread in the circles of the Ministry of Commerce. Some people even said that they would rather watch Zhang Sheng make tea than drink Zhang Sheng's inferior tea.

I don’t know where I got the tea foam from, but I’ll have diarrhea after drinking it!

"Director Shao, I don't know who is spreading the rumor, but I can be sure that if anyone comes to my place, I will make tea for them... Director Shao, the tea I gave you today is tribute grade. A gram of tea is worth a thousand gold. I have had tea for a long time. On weekdays, I can only smell the taste. I never dare to brew more, even just one piece, for fear of wasting the natural resources..."

When Zhang Sheng heard this sentence, he suddenly became serious. Then, he carefully took out a handful of tea leaves from the box and brewed it in the pot.

"If I remember correctly, this is the [Dahongpao] you got for free from Ma Yunhua, right?" Shao Haoyang said with a smile.

"Director Shao, oh, I think, no matter whether it's free or not, I just want to tell you whether this tea tastes good, right?" Zhang Sheng's face changed slightly, but then he handed the tea to Shao Haoyang with a slight seriousness.

Shao Haoyang took a sip gently, and the fragrance of tea overflowed, and he felt very satisfied. Zhang Sheng also took a sip himself, cherishing it very much.

After finishing the drink, Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses: "Director Shao, how are you doing?"

"Good tea!" Shao Haoyang nodded and suddenly praised.

"So, sometimes what you hear may not be true..."

After drinking tea and talking for a while, Shao Haoyang finally put down the teacup: "Xiao Zhang, did you know that we were paying attention to you a long time ago?"

"Director Shao, I don't understand..."

"I have been paying attention to you since 2009. I watched you step by step and do extraordinary things. I often thought it was incredible in advance, but then I suddenly realized that you were calculating every step, every step. The industrial chain has been woven into a network by you. In just three years, this network has become stronger and stronger. Even if Ma Yunhua, Zheng Huateng and others want to completely destroy this network, it is impossible... "

Shao Haoyang's expression became more and more serious: "Sometimes I don't understand. I always feel that there is some master standing behind you... For example, the prosperous [Hongtian Capital] and [Hongsen Capital] once looked for you when you were in trouble. They asked you, but you refused their cooperation. When you were under siege from all sides, they also came to you and gave you a series of conditions... Some conditions were no less than those of [Tengji Technology] and [Taozhu.com], everyone feels that it is the right path, or even the path that must be chosen, but you refuse inexplicably... You seem to have been waiting for an opportunity..."

Zhang Sheng took a sip of tea and squinted his eyes: "Director Shao, I don't cooperate with them because they are too complicated. I know I can't beat them... and I want the right to speak!"

"What kind of right to speak do you want?" When Shao Haoyang heard this, his eyes flashed with deep meaning.

"I want to change something, like a game. In this game, I want to hold the controller..."

"Like Ma Yunhua?"

"There is an essential difference between Ma Yunhua and I. We both realize that we are doing something great. He wants to be so great that it breaks through the sky, while I want to make the era more brilliant in the torrent, open the eyes of the sleeping dragon, and make the Roar, make it fly, make it stand where it should stand..." Zhang Sheng's expression suddenly became serious, so serious that it was even a bit solemn.

"You seem to be more ideal than Ma Yunhua, so ideal that you are even divorced from reality... Xiao Zhang, we are just having a simple conversation. You don't need to swear anything. This is not a political class..." Shao Haoyang laughed.

Zhang Sheng also laughed: "Actually, I think life is like a game, and in this game, I see many opponents... I like to let the opponents step by step into the cage I have set. , and then, watching them fight in the cage... I will feel very fulfilled. Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

"I think you are like a Machiavellian genius. It is really a waste of you to live in this peaceful era..." Shao Haoyang laughed, with a little regret in his words.

"Peaceful times also have the benefits of peaceful times. At least in China, I don't have to worry about getting up in the middle of the night and being shot..." Zhang Sheng was still smiling.

But Shao Haoyang suddenly stopped smiling. Instead, he silently glanced into the distance.

After about ten seconds, he looked at Zhang Sheng: "Zhang Sheng, can I trust you?"

Zhang Sheng also stopped smiling: "Director Shao, I have deceived Xiao Zheng and Lao Ma, and I even regretted it on the spot, but I have never deceived my collaborators, let alone those customers... Director Shao, what are you doing to me?" For me, I am a collaborator. If we cooperate next, I hope that we will cooperate equally... I don’t know how many pairs of eyes above are staring at me, but at least I am standing in the sun from beginning to end. I am better than Any entrepreneur on the Internet must be clean..."

Zhang Sheng is such a person sometimes.

When someone stares at you seriously, you will involuntarily choose to trust.

But precisely because of this incredible ability, Shao Haoyang felt that Zhang Sheng was using "psychological suggestion" all the time.

This time I came to see Zhang Sheng in person. Although it was in private and did not mean anything, in fact, it was an evaluation of something that was about to be done in the future.

This kind of evaluation is very important. It must be fed back to higher-level leaders and may even change the pattern of some fields in China...

After Shao Haoyang glanced at Zhang Sheng, he finally nodded.

Whether it is the detailed information collected, or the intuition and various analytical data, they are all satisfactory to him.

"Comrade Xu Zhenghua from [Hua Xia Bank] has recommended you to me many times. When I see you this time, I believe in my own vision and that of Comrade Xu Zhenghua. Xiao Zhang, on behalf of UnionPay, I am willing to help you with the guarantee from above. If there is any If necessary, I am more willing to use UnionPay to coordinate, collaborate and promote deeper cooperation between you and [Hua Xia Bank]... We will regard this cooperation as the first batch of pilot projects... However, because it is a financial relationship, the superiors will Send someone specifically to conduct an in-depth review and evaluation of [WeChat]'s payment system. Maybe the security department will ask you to submit some data..." Shao Haoyang's eyes suddenly became extremely serious.

"no problem!"


"what else?"

He stood up.

Zhang Sheng also stood up. After the two parties shook hands, his serious expression suddenly laughed again. He patted Zhang Sheng on the shoulder: "I will vote for you. This time, if I bet If I lose, it’s the end for me..."

Zhang Sheng looked at the other party's half-joking expression and smiled: "Director Shao, no one will lose... He will not lose now, and he will not lose in the future..."



October 22nd.

Ma Yunhua frowned deeply.

It is shown from the information provided by the people under the hand.

Starting yesterday, the heads of several banks in Huaxia began to run to Zhang Sheng one after another.


His frown deepened!

He realized that Zhang Sheng was a bitch...

There's going to be trouble again!

(Happy New Year’s Eve everyone!)

(Although the update is guaranteed today, I still want to ask for votes...)

(It’s the first day of the Lunar New Year tomorrow, so don’t ask for leave unless unexpected! Keep updating as usual!)

(Thank you to the jealous leader! Boss Zhou is awesome! Boss Zhou is making a fortune!)

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