I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 645 The Last Work (Happy New Year!)

year 2011.

This is a milestone year for the iPhone series of mobile phones.

As of October 2011, the global sales of iPhone 4S have exceeded an astonishing 50 million units, accounting for an astonishing 35% in China alone...

This is the first time in history that it has occupied the first place in market share, and it is also the first time that it has defeated the old [Nokia] series of mobile phones and was crowned the king.

[IPO] All management, including everyone in the database, are clearly aware that the future upper limit of iPhone 4S is definitely upwards of 70 million!

This is a new chapter in history.

It's also a whole new page.

In 2011, the [IPO] company also ushered in a "new change". From a company that was once on the verge of bankruptcy, it transformed into the company with the highest market value in the world through the iPhone series of mobile phones.


For Jos, this result is still not satisfactory.

At that time, Android was still going strong...


Starting from September this year.

José can no longer function normally.

He could only lie on the bed and live with nutrient solution every day. He could sit up occasionally, but it was extremely difficult for him to sit up.

While listening to the internal information of the [IPO] company, he directed various things remotely.

This state lasts until late October...

His body became weaker and weaker, with almost only bones left all over his body. Last month he could sit on the bed for half a day. This month, he could only sit for a few hours. Then he felt weak all over and had to continue lying down.

During this period, my old friend McCann Kusuo came in and talked with him about the research and development arrangements of the [iPhone5] series...

Last year’s iPhone 4S was released on February 18. This year, Kusuo also plans to adjust the iPhone 5 series to be officially released on February 18.

However, McCann Kusuo was still very nervous.

He and Joes started a business together, and the division of labor between the two parties was clear. One was in charge of technology, and the other was in charge of the market. Over the years, through ups and downs, every time the iPhone series was released, it was Joes who stood in front of the stage to preside over...

And this year, the doctor said that it is a medical miracle that Joes can survive to this day. There is a high probability that he will not be able to wait until February 18. If he can really wait, he can only stay in the hospital bed and watch TV... …

"It's fine!"

"you can……"


McCann Coors and Joes talked a lot about the [IPO] company, which also revealed many concerns about the future of the company.

Once the [IPO] company loses the legendary figure of Joes, no one knows where [IPO] will go in the future. McCann Cosme himself doubts whether he can stand in the new era and continue to carry this success. Big flag.

Joss had a smile on his face and encouraged McCann Kusuo over and over again.

But after McCann Kusuo left, Joss fell into an unprecedented sense of panic deep in his heart, as if in the darkness, a pair of hands would come at any time and pull his soul away.

This sense of panic reminded him of the leaked appearance patents of the iPhone series, and he slowly became paranoid.

Then there is the appearance of the other party’s Apple 4S…

It looks exactly the same as the iPhone 5 that was previously filed for [IPO]!

The shells are almost identical, so people won’t think about coincidence at all. Are you saying that the designers of the [IPO] company copied that little-known Chinese company?

How can it be?

The panic of death, coupled with the fact that he was gradually moving away from the [IPO] company and gradually losing control of the company, the only thing Joss thought about was to find the spy before the new [Phone5] came out.

In October, he had to pay more attention to the [IPO] situation. He asked McCann Kuscher to withdraw all the appearance design teams of the previous series and secretly set up an [iPhone 5] team. He operated remotely at all times. On the hospital bed, he personally selects suitable module models. If he is even slightly dissatisfied, he will get angry like a tyrant.

His harsh criticism of the [iPhone5] series has almost reached a perverted level.

After doing this, he still felt that all this was not enough, so he secretly investigated the entire [IPO] company. Once he felt that something was slightly wrong, or a designer suspected of having contact with the outside world, he They immediately ordered people to shelve it and completely eliminate the R\u0026D team...

This is his life, perhaps his last chance to participate in research and development.

The curtain call should be perfect, rather than closing your eyes with regret and unwillingness.

October 26th.

The door to the hospital bed opened.

A middle-aged man named Jimmy walked into the hospital bed silently.

Joss opened his eyes, and when he saw Jimmy, he motioned for Jimmy to sit down.

Jimmy's eyes were complicated, with some sympathy for Joss, but also always with a bit of unwillingness...

“What kind of mobile phone is the iPhone 5 series?”

"I have no idea……"

Joss looked at Jimmy. His weak body made his voice gradually dry and hoarse, but the look in his eyes made it clear to Jimmy that this legendary figure had not lost his mind due to illness.

At that moment, Jimmy was suddenly disappointed: "When I learned that I was thrown out of the core of design, I still didn't understand why I was not worthy of your trust..."

José was speechless.

Jimmy continued, "I have followed you in starting a business a long time ago. I even regard you as an idol. We have gone from the 2G era to 2.5G and then to 3G step by step. Our first-generation iPhone series From the touch-screen mobile phone, the mobile phone revolution that changed the world, to the glory of the iPhone 4S, I have always dedicated my blood and spirit along the way...Why can't I be trusted?"

Several security personnel rushed over outside the hospital, but Joss shook his head and told the security personnel not to do anything to Jimmy.

Jimmy's face became increasingly bitter, and after seeing Jos's calm look, the chill deep in his heart became deeper and deeper.

“The iPhone series is the most important part of my life. It is the greatest honor and the greatest meaning in my life. I can’t stand this meaning being gradually taken away from me... Mr. Jos, I don’t know how many outstanding people you have found. I just want to tell you that there are only two ways in front of me now. One way is to continue to fight with the company and create greater glory. The other way is to leave. This [IPO] that I once admired, was enthusiastic about, and dedicated to, then jumped into the abyss..."

Jimmy was very emotional, but in the end, he never did anything extreme. On the contrary, his eyes were full of hope, and he planned to fight for himself one last time.

Jos's weak body slowly leaned on the bed.

His eyes were calm: "I trust everyone, but I need to explain to some people..."

"So, that's what I told you?" Jimmy's face became increasingly ugly.

"Not just you, all engineers who have participated in the appearance design and part process design of the iPhone series will be terminated from the research and development of [iPhone5]..."

"What if that shit company in China still comes up with the same appearance as the iPhone 5?" Jimmy stared at Joes fiercely.

When Jos heard these words, his eyes gradually darkened, and then he shook his head. He did not answer directly, but murmured to himself: "I am about to die. Before I die, I want to give McCann Kusuo Sir, leave a clean company. I have never believed in God. Now I pray to God every day, praying that I can live through October, live through November, live until February... looking at McCann Ku. The moment Mr. Suo came on stage..." Jos coughed and then closed his eyes.

Jimmy looked at Jos: "What is our outcome? Do you know what McCann Kussou told us? Mr. Jos, do you know how serious the current internal struggle of [IPO] is? The shadow of leaks always hangs over In everyone's head, everyone is like a spy or a criminal. Everyone lives cautiously, not only for themselves, but also for their colleagues... None of us have even traveled to China. Not to mention not contacting any yellow people, colleagues started reporting each other again..."

Then, he stared at Joss: "I don't know how on earth I made you so distrustful..."

"Is it because I went to a Chinese restaurant to eat and someone happened to take a photo of me?"

"Is it just because I went to see the movie "Seven Days to Die"?"

“Is it just because I said that China’s [Apple 4] looks interesting?”

Jimmy said a series of excited words.

After finishing speaking, when he saw Joss shaking his head and still not responding, he finally stood up.

"I'm leaving!" Jimmy walked out of the ward.

When he was about to leave, he paused.

Joss lay back on the bed, seemingly exhausted, and seemed to have accepted the ending by default.

Jimmy finally left the bed without a word and closed the door.

Wait until Jimmy leaves.

Only then did Joss glance at the direction Jimmy left.

[iPhone5] may be his last legacy, and he must treat it well.


Boomerang a year ago.

Actually, a year later, he returned to his side.

October 26th.

[Southern California International Film Awards] The scene was crowded with people...

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, met a short American wearing glasses through Berto Abel.

The American's name was Jimmy. After the two parties shook hands, Jimmy stared at the Chinese man who had made him lose his job. His eyes were particularly complicated.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I used to hate you very much before, but now, I want to know what means you used to steal the secrets of iPhone 4S..."

"Mr. Jimmy, I want to tell you that I have never stolen anyone's plan, but your former company stole my ideas..."

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, let's not talk about appearance patents. I would like to know that some time ago, for no apparent reason, I would meet some Chinese young people who would strike up a conversation with me on the road. I saw them almost every day, and many of them were walking through Mexico. The informants in the past lived by selling your pirated mobile phones... Were these people arranged by you?"

"I never deceive anyone... Yes, I arranged it, but I am not targeting you, I am targeting all employees of the [IPO] company... I often apply eye drops to Mr. Joes. Do it, I like to do it too. Of course, if he trusts you enough, he can’t doubt you. I’m just acting like a villain..."

"I came here to see you. I never wanted to cooperate with you. I wanted to set up my own mobile phone brand..."

"That's a good thing. I can license some of my next mobile phone appearance patents to you... From series 4 to series 12, I have patents for them all!"


When Jimmy heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched sharply.

(Happy New Year to everyone, may everything go well, and may everything go well and may the God of Wealth be prosperous!)

(No day off on New Year’s Day!)

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