I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 654 You can’t afford to offend Zhang Sheng

November 7th.

Early morning.

Li Qingming smoked cigarettes one by one.

The bright moonlight outside the window illuminates the still noisy land below.

Looking down, waves of bonfires were lit, and groups of young people gathered around the bonfires.

not far away……

[Southern California International Film Awards] In the most conspicuous place, the torch is burning.

The fire burned for seven days.

Never extinguished.

Li Qingming's eyes were red, and his anger was like a flame that could not be extinguished.

But never said a word.

The hotel room was empty, with only a few young directors accompanying him. Dong Chao, the director of "Red Corn", couldn't control his emotions at first and cursed.

After cursing for a long time, he finally looked out the window and muttered to himself: "What great directors are, aren't they all servants of capital? Ha, even the relevant departments are actually..."

Li Qingming listened to Dong Chao's rebellious words, but did not stop him.

When Dong Chao said angrily, "Let's go, we don't have to stay here", Li Qingming shook his head, his face looked ugly, but he finally sighed.

"Can't leave..."

He looked at a text message on his phone.


On the morning of November 7th.

The sun still rose the next day as usual.

"The Legend of Tang Cat" has not been withdrawn and is still being screened in the [Commercial Screening Hall].

After the last film screening, Chen Kai bowed to the countless audiences and filmmakers with tears in his eyes and said thank you.

Afterwards, he led the production team out of the screening area, and then immediately walked into the distance.

In the distance is the [Southern California International Trading Area]. On the large screen outside the [Southern California Film Trading Area], the copyright transaction information of a movie is still circulating in turn.

Crowds of users and film producers walked into one exhibition area after another.

A dazzling array of Chinese movies are displayed here, of all types.

Last year, various copyright transactions in the [Southern California International Trading Zone] reached 1.2 billion.

Of course, this 1.2 billion is almost full of water. After squeezing it out, the real movie transaction will probably be less than 500 million.

Zhang Sheng played a word game during the promotion and compared the transaction amount of the [Cannes International Film Festival] in 2010. Well, the [Cannes International Film Festival] in 2010 was 1 billion US dollars, while the [Southern California International Film Festival] The prize is 1.2 billion yuan, and major media outlets also followed suit and deliberately removed the U.S. dollar from the title.

Netizens were really shocked when they saw the title.

And this year...

[Southern California International Exchange Zone] Before closing, the screen released a set of real data about movies.

The main theme movie "Flying" has been traded in 13 countries, with a transaction volume of about 200 million.

The second place went to Chen Kai’s "The Legend of Tang Cat", which was sold in eight countries, with a transaction volume of 180 million.

The third place is the Hollywood animated film "Sinda", which was sold in five countries with a transaction volume of 150 million.

[Southern California International Trading Zone] The total film transaction volume has exceeded 1.25 billion this year from 1.2 billion last year.

Although it seems to be an increase of only about 50 million, in fact...

Last year was basically full of water, but this year, except for Chen Kai and the creative team of the movie "Flying", which improved some data, the rest of the movies were clean.

At 11 noon.

[Southern California International Film Exchange Zone] is about to close.

Li Qingming stood at the door of the trading area.

He looked at the jumping numbers on the big screen not far away.

Then, he looked at the trading area, which was still crowded with people.

Directors are desperately promoting their films, while film producers from all over the world stop to watch and frown from time to time.

Li Qingming looked on expressionlessly.

Dong Chao next to him was gnashing his teeth, with anger and jealousy visible to the naked eye.

The other director's face was also ugly, but more complex.

"Zhang Sheng is so ruthless that he charges 100,000 yuan for a stall!"

"Not only that, the copyrights of all the films participating in the exhibition are licensed to France's [Séroux Cinema] at the lowest price!"

"[Sailu Cinema], hehe, isn't that a foreign cinema owned by Zhang Sheng?"

"But there is no way. Many short-sighted young directors are eager for their films to be distributed and broadcast overseas, and they can't resist..."

"This despicable method has even dragged away many directors from our Directors Guild..."

"Last year [Cinema Serou] was revitalized from a dilapidated cinema next to Cannes. I heard that there are more and more licensed movies coming from the mainland. Now there are more than 30 cinemas in France..."


Li Qingming nodded and stared at the [Southern California International Film Trading Area].

Both greedy and helpless.

At this time, he heard another round of discussion coming from the side.

"The market has really been made."

"The overseas rights of "Seven Days to Die" and last year's "Prisoners" are really good, and the price is not expensive, so this year many film producers came to try their luck... This year's [Southern California International Film Awards] Awards] is more than twice as lively as last year, with more films participating. Almost all the old films released last year or a few years ago are here for sale. Naturally, the Chinese films in the trading area are also dazzling..."


After Li Qingming watched for a while, he left the scene with a few people.

"You guys wait here first, I'll go in and sit down."


Dong Chao and several other directors looked at a cafe in front of them.

Then, they watched Li Qingming say hello to several people and then walked in.


"Have you seen it?"

"seen it already."

"Are you going to be absent?"


The midday sun shines on the coffee table.

Zhou Songtao took a sip of coffee, and then looked at Li Qingming indifferently.

Li Qingming's eyes were dazed and he did not answer, but lowered his head slightly.

He saw the popularity of the [Southern California International Film Trading Zone].

I also saw the sign on the square not far away that after the [Southern California International Film Awards] ended, the global finals of S2 [Temple Run] and S1 [Dungeon] were about to begin...

I also saw that most of the industrial parks in Brazil are Zhang Sheng’s cooperative units.

"Three years ago, this place was still a wasteland..." Zhou Songtao looked at the silent Li Qingming and said calmly.


"We have known each other for many years. In the past, I always turned a blind eye to some things, but this time, I hope you know that this time the [Southern California International Film Awards] are paying attention..."


"I know you are applying for a green card in the United States now. I also know that some of your relationships overseas are relatively complicated. I know all this, but it is not an important thing. But this time if you really bring all the directors with you, Let's go, then... things will be difficult to handle. Not only will it be bad for you, but it will also be bad for me. Many directors in China and even some department leaders will be bad... The leaders behind you may not be able to handle it either..."


Li Qingming's whole body trembled.

It was as if he had woken up in the middle of the night, especially after seeing Zhou Songtao's smiling eyes, he felt a chill in his back.

"I didn't want to destroy anything, I just felt..."

"You can take some of the credit, but you can't take away some of the credit... Given the same starting point as Zhang Sheng, can you use three years to build this wasteland into the area it is now?"

Li Qingming was about to say something, but was stopped by Zhou Songtao in an instant.

His lips trembled. At this moment, his whole body was cold and his legs were almost numb.

Zhou Songtao's seemingly simple words were a warning. He reacted quickly and trembled: "I really just want to make the Film Awards better, but Zhang Sheng is too extreme. I will definitely cooperate. But Zhang Sheng’s side…”

"It's okay, he's here..."

The door not far away opened.

A ray of sunlight shone in, and Li Qingming suddenly felt a little dazzling.

In the sunshine, he watched Zhang Sheng walking over.

"Zhou Chu..."


"Okay, yo, President Li, are you here too? I thought you had returned to China? Oh, no! I just found out that you seem to be preparing to immigrate? Yo, you are going to become a foreigner and a superior person soon. Well, congratulations!"


Zhang Sheng's words made Li Qingming's face turn red and his whole body trembled with anger.

I wanted to punch Zhang Sheng in the head.

However, he gritted his teeth and lowered his head without saying a word.

"Okay, okay, I didn't come here to quarrel with you today... President Li, you go back first, I will communicate some things with Mr. Zhang."


Li Qingming had a gloomy face, then nodded.

After staring at Zhang Sheng, he left the cafe.

"Don't irritate him..."

"I didn't provoke him, I congratulated him! He may be feeling so happy..."

"I reported to my boss about the Spring Festival Gala. I'm very interested in your sponsorship, but I want to see what your plan is specifically..."

"Hand out some red envelopes."

"Send some red envelopes?"

"Yes, I have made a lot of money this year. Thinking that China's purpose and national policy is to get rich first and then get rich later, I simply did the math and found that this year's income is in hundreds of millions... Isn't there a saying, The greater the energy, the greater the responsibility. Since this era lacks a benchmark, then I will set a benchmark..."

Zhou Songtao looked at Zhang Sheng. He didn't know how to respond to such majestic and upright words.

He really wanted to see through Zhang Sheng's eyes what Zhang Sheng was thinking deep in his heart.

But, unfortunately, he found that he couldn't see it at all...

In addition to being clear, the eyes are clear, without even any impurities.

"Zhang Sheng, I really can't understand you..." Zhou Songtao sighed faintly: "How to operate it specifically, you can talk to Mr. Ha Wenliang, the director of the Spring Festival Gala."


Just when Zhang Sheng nodded, Zhou Songtao's phone rang.

Zhou Songtao answered the phone.

Then he looked at Zhang Sheng with a complicated expression.

"Zhang Sheng... the leaders attach more importance to you than I thought. In the future, I'm afraid the last news broadcast will not be enough..."

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