I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 656 Our Movie Award! (superior)

three years ago.

There is just an open space here.

The lights were sponsored by [Xiaoliang Lighting], and the chairs were sponsored by Qi Haifeng’s [Qi’s Home].

Qi Haifeng's father and Li Bin led the construction team of "Bird's Nest Decoration" to build the stage day and night.

The equipment is simple and the speakers often make a sizzling sound...

The fake film critic Tom and a lot of Brazilian natives acted as the audience, sitting on the wooden chairs provided by [Qi's Home Furnishing], not knowing what was being shouted on the stage...

There are screenings and performances, but most of the movies shown are bad movies that the audience can't understand but think are great. The performances are also performed by a group of hula dancers brought in temporarily...

Almost everyone, including Qi Yufu himself, felt that this award was simply a way to deceive those Chinese directors who worship foreigners and get a little money out of them.

However, who could have imagined that three years later, buildings would rise one after another in the wasteland. More and more Chinese tourists would crowd the area. Contestants vying for the first place would appear in each screening. audience……


"Now, we solemnly invite Mr. Wu Guanli to present to us the first award of the third [Southern California International Film Awards], the Best Props Award!"


The flashing lights illuminated Zhang Sheng's face.

The gentle breeze blows, and the long gown flutters in the wind. I wave my folding fan gently, making a gesture of invitation in a cool and unrestrained way.

Then, in the corner where we were invited, the lights gradually turned on, and in the haze, Wu Guanli, dressed in plain clothes and smiling like an ancient master, walked in with a bamboo slip and a faint smile.

As he approached, the screen behind them slowly lit up, and an ancient book was slowly being opened.

In the book, chaotic radicals and radicals rushed out of the book, rolling up whirlpools. When the whirlpool gradually subsided, the radicals and radicals of the words formed complete words.

These words scattered like stars in the sky, and when they were combined again, they became the title of a movie.

Immediately afterwards, a personal name appeared below the movies.

Lin Lei, the prop master of the Chinese theme film "Flying Sky"...

Scott, the prop master of the Russian film "The Miracle of Life"...

R This movie "Flower of Evil" Tatsukawa Ichiro...

At the scene, many people stared blankly at a series of Chinese letters on the screen.

Some foreigners were shocked by the gorgeous special effects, but then they pointed in confusion.

These texts are not very friendly to them. They are only in Chinese and not in English. Only when the stills and pictures of these movies come out one by one can they see the English names.

There were bursts of uproar at the scene, but then it was interrupted by thunderous applause.

In this world, the universal language is English.

The three major European film festivals are basically all in English. Almost all Chinese films participating in the three major film festivals are in English. Chinese is almost invisible in major overseas film awards.

And the English translations of some movies are very straightforward. For example, "The Rogue Iljimae" is translated into "The Thief", for example, "Dragon Inn" is translated into "Evil Dragon Guest House", and "Farewell My Concubine" is translated into "Goodbye, My Little Biaozi》……


Like today, all award ceremonies are in Chinese. Some overseas users can't help but point their fingers, and even some film critics frown.

Next to him, Shaoshuai Zheng, the former director of "Mountain City" looked a little ugly.

He sat in the third row and came to the exhibition with his work "The Autumn of Seventeen".

He glanced at the other filmmakers from overseas and saw that some of them were whispering and discussing the name of the movie, some were confused and guessed the movie after seeing the stills, but were not sure, and some were simply too ugly... …

"Such a mess! Are you going to ruin the entire film festival?"

"At least put your English down there!"

"Purely Chinese, no one will read it. Do you want to persuade the few overseas filmmakers to quit?"


After Shaoshuai Zheng saw the expressions of these people, his expression became increasingly ugly.

I even feel that as a Chinese, I have an indescribable feeling of embarrassment.

In fact, when he walked into this venue, he felt uncomfortable. It was all the dregs of the old Chinese era, with wooden decorations and modern technology...

He was on pins and needles for a while.

Movies are originally a Western thing.

To go international, you must first be accepted and recognized by overseas filmmakers. You should at least show respect to overseas filmmakers who come from afar. Nowadays, they are made to look flashy and foreign, which is almost like At the scene of a disaster, there was absolutely no sense of respect for overseas friends.

His mood became worse and worse, and he finally lowered his head, feeling that staying here for even one second was torture.

"Congratulations, Mr. Scott, congratulations on "The Miracle of Life"..."

on the stage.

Wu Guanli still smiled, and then slowly opened the bamboo slips one by one.

When he saw a line of words on the bamboo slip, Wu Guanli laughed. After reading, he put the bamboo slip slightly away, then stood on the stage and made the same invitation as Zhang Sheng.


The lights on the big screen suddenly lit up.

Scott stared blankly as each movie title changed into radicals and radicals again...

In the end, these radicals and radicals were dismantled in an instant and turned into the most primitive, even the most basic horizontal, vertical, oblique, and N...

In the process of combination, disassembly and recombination, it becomes the words "miracle of life"!

When the spotlight shrouded himself, and a gentle and gauzy cloud filled the light, Scott was stunned!


He stood up quickly.

Running towards the stage excitedly and excitedly, step by step.

Eleven years!

He has been in the film industry for eleven years.

During these eleven years, he participated in the production of many films.

Here, there are famous Hollywood zombie movies "The Living Dead", "The Walking Dead", "I, Hero", as well as Hollywood monster movies "Godzilla", "Anaconda", "Tide of the Dragon"...

He is like a screw in the team, doing the hardest and most tiring work, but the person standing on the stage is never him.

The gear of fate suddenly came to him last year.

Last year, he received an invitation to the second [Southern California International Film Awards], and then appeared on the stage representing "Avatar."

Then, he met Chinese director Bi Feiyu and collaborated on "Prisoners", which is still talked about today. He also met Russian director Mikhalkov, the director of "Purple Sun" and participated in "The Miracle of Life" Photography and prop production...

During this year, he received recognition and honors that he had never had before.

The spotlight followed his figure all the way to the stage.

The fog became increasingly hazy, and when he got the trophy, his whole body was shaking.

Compared with last year, the [Southern California International Film Awards] has become more and more lively and authoritative.

Media outlets, film critics and producers from all over the world...

When he was about to deliver his speech, he suddenly became speechless, and his prepared speech instantly became extremely confusing.


"Thank you, my parents...Thank you Mr. Zhang Sheng, thank you to all the organizers and sponsors of the [Southern California International Film Awards]...I..."


Scott's voice was intermittent. He sometimes spoke English, and sometimes he struggled to speak extremely poor Chinese. If he was not an authentic Chinese, he would not be able to understand it at all.

He knows that the [Southern California International Film Awards] has extraordinary significance to Zhang Sheng.

And this time, it seems to be an attempt.

Therefore, he has prepared and practiced Chinese.

It was very bad at first, but by the end, I finally became more proficient.

After thanking everyone who should be thanked, he bowed to everyone.


Three forty in the morning.

In the Huaxia conference room.

After several leaders watched the foreigner exit the stage speaking excitedly in broken Chinese, the tall and lanky leader nodded repeatedly.

He, who was usually stern and unsmiling, could not hide his excitement at this moment.

This is a brand new window, but what is shown in the window is something that has never been shown in the history of global movies.

Regardless of whether these things can be accepted by many people.

But, at least, someone has taken a step forward.

"This is what young people are, bold and non-conformist!"

The tall and lanky leader heard a sigh of relief from another slightly fat leader next to him.

Then, he looked down at another middle-aged man who was listening: "I think the position of president of the Chinese Directors Association should be given to young people. What do you think?"

The middle-aged man was stunned.

Then he nodded quickly.

In the brief discussion here...

The second round of award ceremony began.

This time...

The host changed to a girl.

That was Shen Bingbing, a beautiful reporter from CCTV. At this moment, she was wearing a pink and white long gown, looking elegant, holding a round fan in her hand, smiling like a flower but looking a little shy.

Under the dim light, the slender tulle looks like a fairy descending to earth.

Her appearance shocked the leaders in the conference room, and several middle-aged people were even more stunned.

And through video...

Everyone heard bursts of exclamation.

A brief camera switch...

Countless people applauded, and countless overseas friends stood up excitedly.

She bowed slightly and bowed along with everyone. Then, with a gentle and elegant voice, she looked at the audience below: "Now, I will host the next awards..."

Her voice was like a breeze, blowing the hearts of everyone in the venue.

The screen behind...

It suddenly lit up, and a scroll was slowly opened again...

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