I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 660 Rise! (Third update)

"This time Zhang Sheng appeared on [News Broadcast], it not only brought about earth-shaking changes in the film industry, but also the rise of many aspects at the same time! This rise is explosive!"


"In the past, we have been using the power of capital to encircle and suppress Zhang Sheng, but now, Mr. Ma... I have to remind you that now, Zhang Sheng has led many merchants, brands, and enterprises to gradually begin to encircle and suppress us!"


On the phone.

Zhang Li spoke sincerely, but every word was heartbreaking.

Ma Yunhua listened expressionlessly, but it felt like a needle had been stabbed in her heart.

After answering the phone, Ma Yunhua closed her eyes silently and sat on the chair.

[Zhilibao] The joy that was about to be released gradually disappeared, and instead he felt an invisible pressure pressing on him.

Double 10 event a month ago.

[Taozhu.com] created a Chinese e-commerce record with an astonishing sales figure of 4 billion, shocking countless people.

Under the huge gimmick, the registered users of [Taozhu.com] increased sharply, from more than 400 million users to officially breaking through to the historical record of 500 million.

As of early November, the store registration list released by [Taozhu.com] company showed that 25,920 stores had become members of [Taozhu.com].

However, such successful and huge data,

However, he was unusually low-key and never said anything like "I took out my binoculars and searched, but I couldn't find my opponent."

Despite being interviewed by reporters, he always maintained a condescending and indifferent attitude.


He knows it very well, and the team and capital behind him know it very well!

Their opponents are growing barbarically and can no longer be suppressed!

After the Double 10 event, the number of users of [Taozhu.com] is increasing, and the number of registered users of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is increasing like crazy!

From more than 10 million registered users, it soared to 20 million. Then, this data did not stop. By the beginning of November, this number had soared to 32 million!

The number of registered merchants is also increasing, from 1,251 merchants on October 10 to 2,598 merchants...

Moreover, this data is constantly rising, and it is already the most important competitor of [Taozhu.com].

Zhang Sheng started social software, Zhang Sheng started payment, Zhang Sheng started online shopping, Zhang Sheng’s influence in the brand group...

Every point!

It's all a crisis!

He sat in the office for a while.

Then I opened my eyes and felt a chill coming from my back!

He turns on the computer.

The news on the computer, and even [Q Dog News], which is hostile to Zhang Sheng, are reporting Zhang Sheng’s interview in Brazil and the [Southern California International Film Awards] at this moment.

Ma Yunhua was suddenly shocked!

He realized that a big net had been completely woven, and this big net was slowly tightening!

The key is, you can't touch this net. Once you do, it's a red line!

He was no longer immersed in the joy of [Zhilibao], but immediately convened a shareholders' meeting to discuss the next arrangements.

“In this year’s Double 10 event, because of the appearance of this shit-maker, our subsidized merchants lost a lot of money!”

"Zhang Sheng [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] is small in size and suffers small losses. The subsidies seem to be large, but the base is small..."

"We are big..."

"This time on Double 11, if we continue to follow, the money posted will only be more!"

"But if we don't follow... we will lose all our users. Moreover, I got news that this guy Zhang Sheng is still not stopping after the last fine and wants to start a price war again!"

"No! This time, it's not a price war, but a subsidy war!"


The meeting was noisy.

Ma Yunhua felt like she had a headache, and even felt that the restless guys in her team had been disrupted by Zhang Sheng.

Ma Yunhua rubbed her head and finally calmed down.

He left the meeting room and called a few people one by one.

This time, those people unexpectedly all agreed!


When the [Southern California International Film Awards] were taken seriously by the officials.

Whether it is [Q Dog News], [Milang News], or [Weibo] and other mainstream portal websites, they have received a hint from the above. In the end, whether it is the entertainment section or the hot search section, they will All the news about the [Southern California International Film Awards] made headlines...

When [Senchao Clothing], [Elegant Shampoo], [Mengxiang Instant Noodles], and [Vitality 19] appeared on the [News Network] page through the [Southern California International Film Awards].

Starting from the movie circle, weaving into the brand circle, and from the brand circle, weaving into the Internet...

Official leaders attach great importance to it. It is a window, and they must maintain this window...

The filmmakers are very excited and this event makes them very enjoyable...

Movie fans are very proud that it is China's first international film award...

Brand owners are even more excited!

Joining Zhang Sheng's system is to get a ticket to success, and Zhang Sheng can push these brands to the extreme!

that moment!

Everyone understands it!

Everything is a network that has been woven long ago. This network is very large and covers many corners. There are many people on the network.

These people also include Ma Yunhua, Li Zongyao from [Hongtian Capital], Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital], Liu Jiahui from [Lianzhong Computer]...

They saw [Suzhou Tesco] once again announced online that they would work with [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to create the largest Double 11 shopping festival on the Internet!

After the announcement of [Suzhou Tesco], they saw that the former [Hangmei Electric Appliances] online had been merged into [Paipai Mall]. Under Zheng Huateng’s instruction, they immediately announced that they would bring [Paipai] Mall] also have a shopping spree together, of course, not in the name of Double 11, because a specific trademark similar to Double 11 has already been registered by Zhang Sheng...


The e-commerce war that just ended is now filled with smoke again!

November 9 at noon.

Ma Yunhua's club was full of guests at this moment.

A group of well-known capital in the country all came over at this moment.

From the moment the [Southern California International Film Awards] appeared on the news network, they realized that the cake in their hands was being eaten by Zhang Sheng, a beast with no martial ethics.

We can no longer let this beast take their cake!

Moreover, what is even more irritating is that Zhang Sheng, a beast, came to them not only to grab the cake, but also to change all the business rules established in the past one by one!

On the stage, drama is no longer sung.

At this moment, they have no intention of doing so.

"Lao Ma, I have already talked with the people in charge of [Tongkang Instant Noodles], [Laoshifu Instant Food] and other subsidiaries. They will continue to put pressure on [Mengxiang]. Zhang Sheng wants to lead this group of miscellaneous workers Come on, this time, it’s time to break Zhang Sheng’s business myth!” Li Zongyao sat on the chair.

His analysis team is fully aware of some things in China, and his big boss in Japan is also aware of the seriousness of this Double 11 at this moment.

They have been trying to suppress and acquire [Mengxiang] since 2007, but unfortunately, [Mengxiang] is too hard-boned. Even if the internal disputes are extremely chaotic, the leaders of the older generation firmly disagree. Japanese capital enters...

The Japanese side also noticed that the sudden appearance of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] made [Mengxiang], which was about to reach a dead end, start to enter online sales, and online sales have a sign of coming back to life!

This wave of Double 11 activities must not be allowed to be carried out by [Qiangsheng Online Mall] again!

"Mr. Ma, this time, Zhang Sheng wants to fight however he wants, and we will fight with all our strength! We [Yinhong Group] will spend one billion yuan in subsidies, and we will fight him to the end!"

"We are not only subsidizing Double 11. After Double 11, we will continue to subsidize them and kill them!"

Not only the Japanese leaders of [Hongtian Capital] think so, but even the shareholders behind [Taozhu.com], the Japanese [Yinhong Capital], also mean this...

Matsushita Furukawa of [Silver Red Capital] came back from Japan in person, with a cold expression on his face.

"Mr. Ma, [Lianzhong Computer] will always support you. In the computer field, we have put pressure on Zhang Sheng's cooperative brand [Shenchuan] Computer in many aspects. We have invested in the first-line brands [Jinhong Refrigerator] and [Chuangdu TV] , [Songsen Air Conditioning] and others unanimously decided to suspend channel cooperation with [Suzhou Tesco]. This time, they will not participate in the Double 11 event..." Liu Hong of [Lianzhong Computer] took a deep breath and looked at Ma Yunhua.


Ma Yunhua watched each capital stand up with a calm expression on his face, a smile appeared on his face, and at the same time, he felt a little more confident in his heart.

This battle!

He [Taozhu.com] must participate in the fight!

The rise of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] must be curbed, and it cannot be allowed to grow any longer, otherwise, it will be a disaster!


On the evening of November 9th.

Zhang Sheng received some news.

Although there is no public opposition!

Many first-tier brands have announced that they will no longer participate in Zhang Sheng’s Double 11, but will instead participate in the year-end promotions of [Taozhu.com] or Zheng Huateng [Paipai Mall].

However, when he saw this news, Zhang Sheng not only did not feel depressed, but instead smiled, and his smile became deeper and deeper!

He got out of the car...

Walking towards the entrance of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], which is crowded with people.

Countless domestic brands are surrounding him at this moment.

After looking at a few familiar figures, Zhang Sheng's smile deepened.

Under the protection of security personnel, he walked step by step to the highest point of the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] office building, and then looked down at the dark crowd of advertisers below!

He pushed up his glasses!

"You want to join my Zhang Sheng system!"

"Come with me!"

"From now on, our door will always be open!"


No long-winded sensationalism.

There were no impassioned speeches.

Zhang Sheng looked down at everyone and said these few words very simply and calmly.

Then, turn around...

Slowly walking into the office building, a door just opened.

(Third update, not counting additional updates, just making up for yesterday’s update...)


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