I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 663 The horn to declare war! ! (Third update! Please vote for me!)

"In August, we and South Korea's [SOA] Games released a game called "Dungeon"."

"Once this game was released, it was welcomed by all players. From hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, to October, we officially exceeded one million users! At that time, "Gunfight" produced by [Tengji Technology] "Glory" only has 1.8 million users!"

"In October, our "Dungeon" game released its first paid package. It is called [Feitian Zhudai Package], and it costs 99 yuan per set..."

"Of course, consumers are not forced to consume, but are selectively consumed..."

"I don't deny my shamelessness. I play games just to make money..."

"I am very grateful to the 2.6 million users of "Dungeon" now!"

"The National Day set [Feitian Zhuri Set] will help us achieve revenue of 39 million yuan in October!"

"I won't hide it. Our "Dungeon" income, aside from development and operating costs, our "Dungeon" brought me a net income of close to 20 million yuan..."


Zheng Huateng's face.

It started to look uglier and uglier.

In October, they had 1.8 million users of “Gun Battle Glory” and 1 million users of “Dungeon”.

In November, there were 3.2 million users of “Glory of Guns” and 2.6 million users of “Dungeon”!

The distance is being reduced little by little.

The revenue of the two games is actually almost the same!

But the real net profit!

Oh shit!

He doesn’t earn as much as Zhang Sheng!

How high are the operating costs of his "Gunfight of Glory" and the [Tengji Games] behind it?

What about Zhang Sheng's "Dungeon"?

A 2D, arcade side-scrolling game, damn, how much is the operating cost?

Zheng Huateng suspected that the so-called net income of 20 million was full of water. In fact, the revenue was 39 million. It would be more than 30 million if the costs were put aside!

Moreover, it is different from "Glory of Guns". Although "Glory of Guns" is self-developed by Tengji Technology, a large amount of money has to be shared with overseas game companies...

What about Korean [SOA games]?

[SOA Game] Damn it, it was acquired by Zhang Sheng in the cheapest way!

Jin Minjing, the boss of [SOA Games], is now Zhang Sheng’s wage earner!

How much operating costs can you have?

Zheng Huateng only felt a slight pain in his heart, but he did not have an attack and kept staring at the [live broadcast].

The live broadcast continued, and Zheng Huateng saw Zhang Sheng pushing up his glasses in the video.

"Of course, apart from "Underground", the [Southern California International Film Awards] made me a lot of money, roughly how much, maybe in hundreds of millions... I don't pay much attention anymore..."

"It seems that [Hongwei Technology], [Jitu Video], [Bosch Technology] and other cooperative companies have also made a lot of money during this period..."

"But how much, whether you believe it or not, I'm really not interested in money..."

"Well, I just accidentally checked the flow of "Dungeon" and found out that I actually made so much money..."

"By the way, speaking of "Dungeon", I am always grateful to the players who support our "Dungeon" in front of the computer. I thought about it for a long time yesterday. In order to repay the support of the majority of players and friends, we are now announcing , all players who have recharged "Dungeon" and purchased [Feitian Zhudai Set]... We officially will randomly send red envelopes ranging from 10 yuan to 15 yuan in the account... With the account number and payment information , everyone logs in to our shopping festival on November 11th and can directly redeem it in cash!”

"I will give out red envelopes tonight..."

[Tengji Technology] In the conference room.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

Ye Kai from [Tengji Games] felt his heart tremble violently, and then said: "Mr. Zheng, I'm going to have a cigarette!"

Afterwards, Zhang Xiaoqiang also trembled all over: he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Zheng Huateng: "I'm going to smoke a cigarette too!"

"Let's go together!"


Zheng Huateng was soon the only one left in the office.

Zheng Huateng pushed up his glasses and stared at the live broadcast, his eyes gradually turning blood red.

He tried to remind himself to be calm, calm, and calm again...

However, what followed was an even more turbulent feeling of anger.

Oh shit!

What the hell do you want to do!

You're forcing us to follow you again, right?


At this moment, Zheng Huateng realized that his opponent should not be Ma Yunhua, but Zhang Sheng!

He stared at Zhang Sheng in the live video and felt his lungs trembling.

But he didn't get angry after all. When he saw Ye Kai walking in, he took a deep breath: "We also give out red envelopes!"

"But... Zhang Sheng's operating costs are low, and he can still make money by giving out red envelopes. If we give out red envelopes, our "Gunfight of Glory" turnover will be really in vain!"


Zheng Huateng stared at Ye Kai expressionlessly.

Ye Kai hesitated for a while and finally nodded.



"I know that some of you are trying to get into my cooperation system by trying to sell everything!"

"I'm not short of money now, not at all. Anyway, it's something I won't take with me in life or death..."

“So, I don’t want a penny from this event, and I won’t make any money!”

"I, Zhang Sheng, are despicable, I, Zhang Sheng, are shameless, I, Zhang Sheng, are shameless... Perhaps, you have heard many, many negative descriptions about me, Zhang Sheng, and even now, there are countless users in the live broadcast room, Call me Zhang Sheng!"

"However, you may call me a hypocrite, shameless, or a marketer!"

"I want to tell you that I can't accept the money from you people who are trying to support me. On the contrary, I am very grateful to you for coming to support our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] at this time. If you are willing If you make some blood, then within the scope of your ability, give the profits to our users!"

"Our users are not as rich as we imagined. More than 70% of our users are living in poverty. When buying something, they have to compare products! They will only buy something after repeatedly confirming the cost-effectiveness. …”

"Then, on behalf of the users, I will bargain with you for a good price! I hope that during Double 11, you can satisfy users, whether it is quality, quality, price or service..."

"You have served your customers and friends well. Customers and friends are satisfied. Give us [Qiangsheng Online Mall] a better evaluation. Make our joint mall a good place and be far ahead of your peers and friends. This is what you think of me." The best feedback ever!”


[Jitu Video].

Many people are paying attention to this live broadcast.

Many online users were watching. When Zhang Sheng said these words in the most sincere tone, the users in front of the computer began to get excited.

Zhang Sheng and other merchants are completely different from [Taozhu.com].

When they are in a pinch and shopping around, many people can't help but feel a sense of warmth.

Zhang Sheng and Ma Yunhua are different!

Ma Yunhua always stands high and brags.

And Zhang Sheng, starting from the [Apple] series of mobile phones, has always followed the cost-effective route!

Even in order to allow more people to use more cost-effective mobile phones, Zhang Sheng also launched a mobile phone for civilians and the elderly in the second half of the year...

Just when netizens finished listening and were about to go to the [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] to take a look, they saw Zhang Sheng talking again!


"I don't know how many of my friends are watching the live broadcast, and I don't know if my reputation is big enough. If I say something, I am overestimating my ability and will persuade a large number of users to leave..."


“This Double 11 is completely different from the previous Double 10 events!”

“This Double 11 is not a shopping festival, I named it [Domestic Products Festival]!”

"As the name suggests, this Double 11, the products we participated in the event, starting from toothpaste, to MSG, to washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, televisions... all are our authentic Chinese brands..."

"These brands have been established for a long time, but some of them, we may not have heard of..."

"Maybe they are not first-tier brands. Maybe you don't even look at them in your daily life. Maybe you can't see them in shopping malls and supermarkets..."

“However, I can guarantee that the brands participating in the event this time are all domestic brands that we have carefully selected and are full of sincerity!”

"As you all know, I, Zhang Sheng, have never guaranteed anything!"

"However, this time, I will guarantee it for our domestic brands in my own name and in the name of my [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and other companies!"


"If you think my reputation is trustworthy!"

"I hope you can take a look and click into our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to support our domestic products!"

"Even a click, a registration, an order, a discussion, even the tiniest few cents, is a support!"

"Please believe me, although our domestic products are in a very difficult situation, we are still alive and we are not bad! No worse than any overseas brands!"





"No matter how much you say, no matter how sensational you say, there is no point in saying too much!"

“From now on, I will work with you to prepare for Double 11 [Domestic Products Festival]!”

"What if this is a battle!"


"Let's fight!"

"Hit well, hit hard!"


Zhang Sheng's sonorous and powerful voice spread from the conference room to the outside.

He waved his hand!

The brand owners sitting in the conference room stood up in unison.

The thunderous applause, like a wave, continued to surge and lasted for a long time.

Zhou Haopeng of [Suzhou Tesco] felt his blood boiling and wanted to be Zhang Sheng’s dog right away!

He was convinced that no matter how he ended up this time, he made the right bet!

He Maowei from [Meiling Air Conditioning] burst into tears and his whole body was shaking with excitement!

Not far away, Wang Haijun from [Shenchuan Computer] raised his hand, his face turned red!

Dong Mingqiang from [Xingyang Electrical Appliances] clenched his fists, and his fists were shaking...

Yao Yuan of [Mengxiang Instant Noodles] applauded so hard that his hands hurt, but he still applauded...

Each figure, each brand!

In the past, those domestic brands that no one cared about...

In the past, those brands were squeezed by capital and eventually disappeared...

Once upon a time, domestic brands that were thought to have gone bankrupt...

At this moment, amidst Zhang Sheng's roar, they officially sounded the clarion call to declare war!

(The third update will continue today, please give me some monthly votes, please!)

(The previous leave request seemed to have caused several of us to fall out... I knew I was wrong)

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