I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 671 Give you a gift

[Shenchuan Computer] Sales exceeded 9,000 units during the Double 11 Domestic Product Festival!

[Xingyang Home Appliances] Sales exceeded 230 million!

[Mangxiang Instant Noodles] sales exceeded 26 million packs!

1 o'clock in the morning.

Groups of data appear on the Internet.

The data ends with exclamation points...

Later, the bosses of each brand recorded videos of thanks to customers on their Weibo.

Some had tears in their eyes, some bowed, and some were so excited that they knelt down in front of the camera on the spot...

Countless brands express their gratitude to customers in the most simple way.

And countless staff members merged into the hustle and bustle of the sea in excitement.

The wind in the early morning was very cold.

The commotion went on for a long time.

It seemed like it was swaying in the wind, but with the momentum, it ignited a blazing fire.

In the flames, figures were carnivaling.

This is a big win!

In this battle, the figure sitting on the card table of China E-commerce is no longer just [Taozhu.com].

In this battle, countless brands that were pushed into corners opened a gap in the gloomy and cold darkness, and saw a meter of warm sunshine.


With the rise of the Internet age, the older generation is gradually coming to an end.

The Spring Festival Gala these years seems to be getting worse every year.

Ratings are getting worse every year.

The program gradually became a bit monotonous and poor in all aspects. The festive sound of making dumplings turned into a preachy and boring noise.

In 2011, CCTV carried out a restructuring, and then director Ha Wenliang came on stage.

Ha Wenliang was born in the 1970s. He is a relatively famous director, screenwriter, and producer in the Mainland. He is also the most special director among the five generations of directors.

When he received the invitation to direct the [2012 Spring Festival Gala], his first thought was that he had received a hot potato. His second thought was, how about this year's Spring Festival Gala so that it can be interactive.

In October, he took over the task.

He spent the whole month of October preparing various programs, and even went to many places in person to invite seniors who retired last year.

The seniors invited several people, but then, he faced another problem, that is, how to achieve interaction in front of the TV and behind the TV.

With the gradual arrival of the Internet age, young people like to surf the Internet, but they pay less and less attention to TV and the Spring Festival Gala. How to make the Spring Festival Gala not only please the audience in front of the TV, but also please the young people on the Internet? Taste, that is the most critical issue.

He asked the seniors of the Spring Festival Gala for advice...

Seniors have made many suggestions.

However, in his opinion, these suggestions have no substantive effect.

He also invited some experts, but the experts were very clear when they talked about the truth, but when they actually went to the battlefield, they were not bullshit.

"Maybe you have to pay a visit to Mr. Zhang..."

"boss Zhang?"

"Yes, he is the big sponsor of this year's Spring Festival Gala. He plans to invest 600 million in advertising fees. In the final analysis, how to capture the hearts of young people is all about marketing. When it comes to marketing, this man is an expert!"


During a chat with relevant departments, Zhang Sheng broke into his field of vision.

Then, he accidentally checked Zhang Sheng's resume and was immediately shocked.

Nine o'clock in the morning on November 12th.

"Director Ha, please come this way."


"Mr. Zhang stayed up all night yesterday because of the [Domestic Products Festival]. He may be catching up on sleep now... Your coming here this time is a bit too sudden. We were not prepared..."

"It's okay, I can wait. It's my fault for coming to visit rashly..."


As a fifth-generation director, Ha Wenliang does not have the airs of an old-timer.

When he walked into Zhang Sheng's [NC Entertainment], he always had a smile on his face and kept his posture very low, which made Shen Xiaoxi a little uncomfortable.

[Southern California International Film Awards], [Domestic Products Festival], [WeChat], [Honeycomb Extreme Gifts], [Jitu Video]...

In the past, in the entertainment industry, seniority might have to be ranked, and Ha Wenliang might be able to put on airs, but when he met Zhang Sheng, Ha Wenliang really didn't have the courage to rank seniority.

One of the few international directors in China, Bi Feiyu, Wu Guanli's close disciple, is Zhang Sheng's younger brother. If Bi Feiyu wasn't making a movie, the station even had the idea of ​​inviting Bi Feiyu to be the deputy director of this year's Spring Festival Gala, and to become a full director next year...

Faced with Zhang Sheng, who has such a vast industry and is the major sponsor of this year's Spring Festival Gala [advertising sponsorship], he really can only keep a low profile.

From 9 o'clock in the morning to 11 o'clock in the morning, after lunch, Ha Wenliang finally waited for Zhang Sheng.

"Director Ha is here?"

"boss Zhang!"

The moment he saw Zhang Sheng, Ha Wenliang stood up quickly. His legs were a little sore from sitting, but his face showed excitement.

"Director Ha, please come this way..."

When Zhang Sheng saw Ha Wenliang, he had no airs about him and invited him into the office with an extremely enthusiastic expression on his face.



Ah K woke up from his sleep.

When he woke up, he felt a little tired. He touched his dry eyes and opened the curtains.

The sunlight outside the window made him feel particularly dazzling.

The room was not tidy, with messy manuscript papers and a series of things piled everywhere.

After singing the theme song for "My Sassy Girl Sadako" and causing a sensation, Ah K once again fell into silence in the music scene.

In addition to participating in various activities arranged by the company, Ah K always hides himself in a corner.

Ah K, who is bright and beautiful in the eyes of countless fans, is an extremely simple person in life. In the singer circle, he is more like an outlier.

I don’t take drugs, I don’t smoke fans, I’m not a fan, I don’t accept any guest appearances in movies, I don’t appear in any variety shows...

He bought several sets of commercial houses in Yanjing, and after briefly decorating them, he brought his parents to Yanjing City. He occasionally lived with his parents on weekdays, but mostly he stayed in the recording studio to record songs... …

However, after recording songs for a long time, none of them were turned into albums and appeared on the market.

After July, Ah K fell into the most confused moment in his life...

He found that his talent was being squeezed dry by himself, and his emotions for songs and music were also being completely wasted in his creations. Sometimes he wanted to squeeze out the things in his mind, but he couldn't. I found that no matter how hard I squeezed, what came out was a pile of shit.

[You need to do more activities, and you need to take advantage of the popularity now and accept some variety shows! After making money for a lifetime, stop thinking about things. 】

[You don’t have to create by yourself, we will help you contact famous creators. With your current celebrity status, there are so many people who want to cooperate with you...]

[You just need to sing, and don’t be picky. This era is the era of traffic. You just need to post a few saliva songs, and then we will help you promote them, and your sales will still be invincible...]


The manager's voice seemed to gradually echo in his ears.

The agent told himself to lower his demands, bow his head, and compromise...

He also compromised.

He has come into contact with various songwriters and read what they wrote.

After reading what they wrote and then taking a look at the rankings, Ah K found that he was getting more and more confused.

It seems that, I don’t know when, times have suddenly changed. There are more and more new music talents on the Internet. On the Qgou music rankings, saliva songs have begun to occupy half of the country. When singing, they are abnormally brainwashed. After singing, Later, I found that I couldn't get into it at all. Then more and more young people attended major music awards, but the songs awarded were all songs that Ah K was confused about.

He applauded in the audience...

There was only a daze on his face. He tried very hard to learn and squeeze out, but found that he couldn't squeeze out any smile.

It seemed that he had become old all of a sudden, too old to keep up with the times!

This feeling of confusion gradually made him anxious. After the anxiety passed, he began to write one salivary song after another desperately...

Either cheerful, light, excited, or unrestrained...

The lyrics became increasingly vulgar and brief...

Then I sang for a long time and felt more and more like shit. My manager thought the writing was pretty good and gave it to a group of newcomers from [NC Entertainment] to sing...

The newcomer sang extremely awkwardly in the recording studio, making his ears feel like there were waves of disgusting shit. However, the feedback from the market was pretty good. Although he couldn't reach the top, he made some money.

After September, Ah K became more and more confused.

After writing too many slobbery songs, his feeling began to gradually become numb. Each word and note seemed to be a cold machine, running continuously in front of his eyes, but making bursts of unpleasant sounds. Then, he found that he continued to write I can't even compose fluent lyrics, even the most basic saliva song.

He once lost his "feeling" for music, and he felt like a walking zombie. When he opened his eyes every day, all he saw was gray and white. He often sat in the recording studio for an entire afternoon, unable to record any songs, and could not record any songs. I didn't know what I was supposed to do sitting there, I was just in a daze, feeling uncomfortable.

He seems to have lost his dream too...

When I was a street singer, I once wanted to be the "King of Music".

He is unrestrained, passionate, and crazy about his dreams, but he is no longer poor or wandering. Instead, he often appears in the spotlight. After that, he found that he seemed to be getting further and further away from the "King of Music".

Go higher and higher.

The more it tests a person's appearance, talent, timbre, talent...

And he...

On November 11th [Domestic Product Day] Ah K bought an acoustic guitar online.

At 11 a.m. on November 12, when he was carrying his acoustic guitar and planning to go to the recording studio to daze, he received a call.

The call was from Zhang Sheng.

"Ah K..."

"boss Zhang?"

"Come to my office and give you a gift..."


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