I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 675 Can you give me some bottom line? (Third update! Big update for Guo Jiuxing of Silver Al

Chapter 675: You**, can you give me some bottom line? (Third update! Big update for Guo Jiuxing of Silver Alliance!)

The word IPO is often used in competition answers to learn about powerful countries.

It refers to the company's first public recruitment.

If a company wants to go public, it will find a number of investment banks as underwriters, and the underwriters will help you value and sell the shares.

Advanced users such as funds, private equity institutions, and wealthy individuals are potential investors. They are also called the primary market.

The trading market formed after a successful listing is called the secondary market.

If the number of subscriptions in the primary market does not meet expectations, the listing will be broken [the stock price in the secondary market is lower than that in the primary market], which may even lead to failure of the listing.

There are many underwriters in China, including CITIC, CITIC Construction Investment, CICC, Huatai, and even more overseas, including Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse...

If a company's listing value is extremely high, then countless underwriters will swarm in...

November 15th.

Early morning.

This is the most glorious moment in Ma Yunhua's life.

He was sitting in the largest conference room of [Jiahu Technology].

In the conference room, all the internationally important giants were sitting in front of him at this moment.

Ma Yunhua used slightly plastic English to explain that her Taozhu.com will be listed in the United States next year in 2012.

[Credit Suisse], [Deutsche Bank], [Goldman Sachs], [Morgan], [Morgan Stanley] and [Citibank]...

The staff of the well-known underwriters across the country were listening carefully to every word he said at this moment.

"[Taozhu.com] will be listed in the United States first. In the future, it will be the world's largest online retail and wholesale platform, and it will be the dominant player in the e-commerce field!"

"From now on, we will gain absolute freedom, we will have the absolute right to speak, and we will truly create our own empire!"


Ma Yunhua looked at the underwriters one by one, and he waved his hands with enthusiasm and excitement.

The management of [Taozhu.com] is in China and its service points are in China. However, its source of funds and registration point are overseas.

China currently prohibits foreign investment from controlling Internet information companies, and foreign venture capital is generally refused to be listed in the country.

Ma Yunhua felt that his body, fists and feet were restrained and he had no freedom at all. Moreover, whether he wanted to or not, he had to take another step forward.

“The listing of [Taozhu.com] is just the first step. When [Yu Libao], a subsidiary of our [Zhi Li Bao], becomes the largest credit platform in China, I will take [Yu Li Bao] to the US market again... "

"I know, you need data, you want to see data..."

"But don't be impatient!"

“[Taozhu.com]’s sales of 4.5 billion Huaxia during Double 11 is just the first step, and soon, we will launch [Yu Li Bao], which will let you see what the real king is!”

"The trumpet of the era is being blown. While we have created this era, we will also push this era forward!"

"Our road has been bumpy in the past, but our future is bright!"


The more Ma Yunhua talked, the more excited she became. The more she talked, the more excited she became.

In the conference room, the staff of the six major underwriters looked at each other, and then they applauded. Then, one after another, they stated that they would go back and provide Ma Yunhua with what they heard today. The data will be reported to their leaders one by one, and they will try their best to persuade the leaders to pay more attention to [Taozhu.com].

Three o'clock in the morning.

When everyone dispersed, Ma Yunhua suddenly felt a little bit empty.

He sat on the chair and kept thinking about the moment in 2004 when [Taozhu.com] was first established.

At that moment, he couldn't find any investment bank in the country and was homeless. Everyone thought he was a big liar.

But, who could have imagined that one day, he would move forward step by step, and finally stand at the pinnacle of this era, about to create a new era that no one has ever created before?

this moment……

He suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart, and wanted to find someone to talk to, but when he looked around, there were only empty tables and chairs. There were many people following him, but there was no one to talk to.

He habitually wanted to call Zhang Li, but when he took out his phone, he found that Zhang Li, one of the founders of Taozhu.com, had already left.

She doesn't understand herself!

In other words, she never truly understood herself.

Perhaps, this is how it feels when it’s cold at high places.

He sat on the chair for a long time and suppressed this strange thought.

He finally made a phone call with Ni Yongjun of Zhilibao.

Soon, Ni Yongjun came over excitedly with a festive look on his face.

He has heard from the side that the six major investment banks in the country are extremely interested in the IPO of [Taozhu.com], and they have made it clear that if everything is finalized, they will turn around at this moment and will leave a mark in the history of the Internet. A very thick sum!

As the person in charge of [Zhilibao], the benefits he will receive in the future will be immeasurable, and will even benefit his descendants!

"[Taozhu.com] is about to go public, but our influence data in China is also within their consideration, did you know?"

"I know……"

"Let [Zhilibao] go online in advance! We want more people to see our influence in China, and put more weight on [Taozhu.com]'s IPO!"


"From now on, when it comes to promoting [Zhilibao], I want all platforms to know that we have launched [Zhilibao]!"



Ni Xingjun nodded and walked out of the conference room.

Ma Yunhua sat alone in the conference room again.

But this time, he felt an indescribable coldness deep in his heart.

If it weren't for Zhang Sheng's influence, his [Zhilibao] wouldn't have been released so quickly!

Without Zhang Sheng, [Taozhu.com]’s Double 11 will completely defeat [Hangmei Electric] and [Suzhou Electric], and then swallow up the resources of the two companies through various situations such as acquisitions, mergers and cooperation, etc. Make up for [Taozhu.com]’s final electrical shortcomings.

Zheng Huateng’s [Paipai Mall]?

How could he be his enemy?

Without Zhang Sheng, [Taozhu.com]’s Double 11 sales would not only have been 4.5 billion, but could have been 6 billion...

And [Taozhu.com] is still the overlord in the entire Chinese e-commerce field. He still has a telescope and can't find his opponent!

When he stands in this conference room and talks about IPOs to people in the world, he will be more confident, and future IPOs will be more beautiful.

As for the big killer weapon [Zhilibao], they can wait a little longer. When it is bigger and the times are more mature, they can take it out again!

Ma Yunhua's eyes tightened, and she felt more and more that Zhang Sheng was a thorn in her heart.

When [Taozhu.com] actually goes public in the United States, he will take out his hand and pull out this thorn!

Between thoughts...

The office door opened.

He saw Ni Xingjun walking out with a complicated expression.

"Mr. Ma..."

"What's wrong?"

"[Zhilibao] How about putting it online later?"


"It's not easy to promote publicity now..."

"Why is it not easy to unfold?"

"Zhang Sheng...has been dominating the headlines on all channels. The popularity is too high and we can't suppress it...all the news is about Zhang Sheng and the Spring Festival Gala..."


Ni Xingjun silently handed a piece of data to Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua stared at the data...


His face became increasingly ugly.

Zhang Sheng!

Zhang Sheng!

It’s still Zhang Sheng!

What on earth is this man going to do?

What is he going to do!


On the morning of November 15th.

Countless netizens woke up from their sleep, and then stared at the news one after another with their mouths open.

In the news...

It was revealed that Zhang Sheng took Spring Festival Gala director Ha Wenliang to the Bird's Nest Decoration. After going to the Bird's Nest Decoration, he did nothing but invited a migrant worker to the Spring Festival Gala!

Who are the migrant workers?

My name is Liu Chungen!

He only had a primary school diploma and had never received any higher education except for building walls as a mason. He had never even studied a day of real systematic music.

I reluctantly did some live singing on [Jitu Video] after get off work, and then...

There is no more!

There are only more than a thousand fans in total!

Not even a real internet celebrity...

After seeing this news, netizens once thought that this was fake news!

However, when this news was confirmed to be true, although the official did not indicate whether the mason would be allowed to attend the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Sheng was indeed inserted into the Spring Festival Gala review team...

Everyone feels that this world is becoming more and more magical.

But the more outrageous news is yet to come...


"What is Zhang Sheng doing?"

"This is crazy, isn't it? The Spring Festival Gala is through the back door. How can it be done like this?"

"This man looks too ugly when he eats!"

"Damn it!"

"[Bird's Nest Decoration] has been stuffed into the Spring Festival Gala stage, and I admit it. Over the years, [Bird's Nest Decoration] has really gained a good reputation, but... why are you dragging migrant workers to the Spring Festival Gala? What are you trying to do? Is this how you get privileges?"

"Damn it, why don't you stuff all your relatives into our Spring Festival Gala? What is our Spring Festival Gala? It's Zhang Sheng's own corporate annual meeting, and it's a country stage? What the hell!"


"Leader, you asked Zhang Shenglai, who has no directing experience, to be the assistant director. We tolerated it and thought he was our big financial backer. But...he is an assistant director. Hell, his status is even lower than that of the chief director Ha Wenliang. It’s Director Ha’s fault, so we might as well move the Spring Festival Gala to their company!”


"Besides, mason, I can't bear it. Damn it, leader, do you know what he does? This guy brought a guy who knocked on the wall to act in a skit!"

"What is he going to do?"

"I'm going to ask him what he wants to do?"

"Can this person have some bottom line?"

"Leaders, leaders, take a look at the Internet. Now the Internet is exploding. The popularity is about to hit a record... If this continues, our Spring Festival Gala will really turn into a big rural stage!"


November 15th.

CCTV Spring Festival Gala Project Team.

A group of assistant directors rushed in excitedly.

The leader was surrounded by the group of deputy directors, his expression became more and more exciting, and then he let out a long sigh.

He made another call to the Ministry of Radio, Television and Culture.

After hearing the reply from the Ministry of Radio, Television and Culture, the leader let out a long sigh.

It’s over!

This year’s Spring Festival Gala is completely over!

(Third update! Big update for Guo Jiuxing of Silver Alliance!)

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