I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 695 Red Packet Rain

"Dear leaders, distinguished guests, and viewers in front of the TV..."

"happy New Year everyone!"

"We are busy preparing for the Spring Festival Gala..."

"Before the Spring Festival Gala begins, please allow me to play a simple interactive game with you..."

"Open [WeChat] and upgrade to the new version..."



Bright lights illuminate the stage.

Countless lenses followed the direction of the light and illuminated the figure slowly walking out on the stage.

Under the light.

Zhang Sheng was wearing a suit, holding the microphone, and slowly walked to the center of the stage with a smile.

He looked at the camera, looked at the audience, and simply bowed to everyone.

Then, a mandarin spoken like a broadcast host echoed in everyone's ears.

His voice seemed to have magic power, it was both gentle and had a strong ability to control the situation. The moment he spoke, some young people couldn't help but take out their mobile phones.

"Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another year is here. Saying farewell to the old and welcoming the new, family reunions, dragons and tigers leaping, and smiles always open..."

"Thousands of words of blessing linger in my heart, but the moment I stand on this stage, I still feel that I am short of words..."

"Thank you to all the leaders for giving me such an opportunity to be on stage..."

"Thank you also to all the viewers for sitting in front of the TV and computer in advance to play this little game with us..."

"To thank everyone for your support and trust, my friends and I are here to send you a billion-dollar blessing..."

"For those who have opened [WeChat], please take out your mobile phone and turn on our shake function..."

"The first blessing red envelope is on its way..."


Ha Wenliang stared at Zhang Sheng on the stage.

From the moment Zhang Sheng appeared on the stage, his heart was in suspense.

Although he is the chief director of this year's Spring Festival Gala, there are too many force majeure factors.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Zhang Sheng's speech on the stage and at the leaders sitting next to him.

The leaders were a little surprised, but didn't say anything. Several of them had smiles on their faces and looked at Zhang Sheng with interest.

He also looked at the audience. The audience responded enthusiastically. At a glance, the audience all took out their mobile phones and turned on the shake function in [WeChat].

The lights on the stage dimmed slightly.

Zhang Sheng bowed with everyone again with a smile, and then left the stage.


"I heard that Zhang Sheng will give out 100 million yuan in red envelopes this time. I don't know if it's true..."

"It's probably true..."

"One hundred million? Really?"

"It's true. I heard from the internal staff of [Shengteng Technology] that this time red envelopes are distributed to people across the country... Moreover, at the end of last year, did you forget Zhang Sheng's year-end award live broadcast? Others posted Year-end bonuses are all awarded by Souchou, but Mr. Zhang..."

“God, this young man is so rich!”

"Don't be stunned, open your phone, the first red envelope will be distributed on time at 7.30..."

"Damn, why does time pass so slowly?"

"My hands hurt from shaking."



The Spring Festival Gala, which used to be less and less anticipated, is particularly lively this year.

Since mid-January, there have been rumors on the Internet that Zhang Sheng will pay New Year greetings to people all over the country during this year's Spring Festival Gala, and the way of paying New Year greetings is very likely to involve spending money.

Starting from January 18th, this kind of rumor became more and more bizarre. At first, it was rumored that Zhang Sheng would give out 50 million, then it reached 100 million, and finally it slowly reached 200 million...

And today...

When [WeChat] suddenly updated the red envelope system, when Zhang Sheng’s apology video to employees in [WeChat] was exposed on the Internet.

The word "Red Packet Rain" suddenly became a hot search topic.

Then, more and more news about [red envelopes] were bombarded on the Internet.

Someone broke the news that this time Zhang Sheng will give out nearly 700 million in cash red envelopes during the Spring Festival Gala...

Some people also broke the news that Zhang Sheng’s red envelope this time, everyone has a share, as long as you shake it, shake it hard, you can shake out a big red envelope of 200!

Some people even broke the news that it was not just 700 million, but 1 billion...

In short, a capital carnival is going on...

In front of the TV.

When Zhang Sheng left the stage, countless audience members subconsciously took out their mobile phones, and then looked at the shake on their mobile phones.

Shake it, and it turns into a bright red festive color at this moment.

Some people looked at the [WeChat] interface with suspicion...

Some people are desperately calling their parents to ask them to update [WeChat] quickly, and they are also calling relatives and friends to let them watch TV...

Some of them were speechless because their parents' mobile phones were for senior citizens. Then they rushed into the mobile phone store downstairs, ready to buy a cheap smartphone, but found that the mobile phone store downstairs was already full of people.


The power of capital is terrifying.

Before the Spring Festival Gala starts, it doesn’t make much sense to look at the ratings.

However, the moment Ha Wenliang walked backstage and saw the CSM national measuring instrument data.

He was completely silent.

CCTV-1's market share has soared from 12% one hour ago to 18%, and its ratings have also increased from 9.2% to 12.4%.

Moreover, this data is not a peak. The curve is still climbing upward. Instead of slowing down, the speed is rushing upward. The market share is about to exceed 20...

In 2011, after the Spring Festival Gala started broadcasting last year, what was its market share during the same period? What are the ratings?

15%, 9.3%!

After reading this data, Ha Wenliang looked at the stage...

At 7:30, Zhang Sheng officially handed out a 100 million yuan red envelope. So, what will the ratings be at 7:30?

"What are you doing? You are a staff member. Your most important task now is to keep the data stable, not to participate in that little game!"

Just as anticipation flashed through Ha Wenliang's mind, he suddenly saw a staff member secretly taking out his mobile phone not far away.

He frowned, then scolded harshly.

The staff member lowered his head.

The phone stays on the [Shake] interface of [WeChat].

Ha Wenliang glanced briefly, his eyes becoming colder and colder, but deep in his heart, the words "100 million yuan" were still imprinted on him.

At this moment, some inexplicable pictures appeared in his mind. These pictures made his emotions suddenly become a little turbulent, but then, he suppressed these pictures and his expression became calmer.

One hundred million yuan is scary.

However, he is a great director of the Spring Festival Gala, and a veteran in the Chinese directing industry. He has seen the big world, and these things are just a kind of capital toy at best.

The clock on the wall kept ticking forward.

We passed 7:15 and passed 7:20.

CSM national measuring instrument data continues to surge over time. CCTV 1’s market share has exceeded 20, and its ratings have also risen to nearly 14...

Ha Wenliang stared at the data in a daze.

At this moment, several marginal staff nearby, and even the health aunt at the Spring Festival Gala, secretly took out their mobile phones, turned down the volume of [WeChat] and hid in the corner.

Ha Wenliang naturally noticed this scene...

After scolding these people several times, these people finally became honest and collected the mobile phones one by one in the box.

When putting down their mobile phones, several people obviously had a bit of regret on their faces.

"Director Ha... The Spring Festival Gala hasn't started yet. Sometimes, don't be too harsh on them..."


At 7.27, Ha Wenliang saw Zhang Sheng's voice ringing.

He turned his head sharply and saw Zhang Sheng walking towards the stage step by step with a smile on his face.

When the stage lights come on...

He looked at Zhang Sheng's back.

He once felt dazzling, as if his whole body was surrounded by layers of golden light, and this golden light somehow made his mind go blank.


"Let everyone count down with me!"









"The first billion-dollar blessing is distributed!"

"I wish everyone a happy new year and all the best!"

"The audience in front of the TV, in the live broadcast room, and on site... let's shake it together!"


There was sudden silence.

A mysterious sense of excitement gradually lingered in everyone's hearts.

As Zhang Sheng counted down, countless young people took out their mobile phones in unison.

In front of the TV.

Figures sitting one by one...

Some are doubtful, some are excited, some are expecting, some are anxious...

The moment Zhang Sheng counted to 1...

They saw that the entire Shake interface suddenly changed, and countless red envelopes filled the entire [WeChat] interface...

It seemed like it was raining!

A heavy rain...

At this moment, no matter whether they believed it or not, everyone began to shake desperately!

The sounds of [click], [click], and [click] kept sounding, as if guns were loading bullets.

With a [ding] sound...



"18 yuan!"

"I'm 25 yuan!"

"Huh? I only have 1 yuan!"

"I only have 5 cents, why do I only have 5 cents!"

"101 yuan, wow, I actually have 101 yuan, my God..."


Countless excited voices rang in front of the TV.

At the Spring Festival Gala, many young people were even more excited, and there were faint screams.

Several leaders frowned when they heard the sound, but some laughed and participated in this little game.

The Spring Festival Gala has not even started yet, and the atmosphere is suddenly extremely warm!


Ha Wenliang stared at this scene blankly...

Next, stare at the CSM national measuring instrument.

The ratings of CCTV 1 have exceeded 21, reaching 22.5!

He looked at [Network Data] again. At this moment, the network data exploded!

Countless excited voices erupted on various major platforms...

Countless pictures of red envelope amounts were posted on the Internet at this moment...

There are 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 20 yuan, and a penny...

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