I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 707 An era is coming to an end

On the hospital bed.

A haggard body is silently watching the sales of iPhone 4S.

The iPhone 4S was released on February 18 last year and will be released on January 27 this year.

This mobile phone, for which he had high hopes, once again set a new sales record in the global smartphone industry with an astonishing sales volume of 70.29 million units.

Looking at this data...

The corners of his mouth opened, a little pleased and a little regretful.

However, his voice was unusually dry, as if all the moisture had been drained from his throat. It took him all his strength to finally say "GOOD".

His body has dropped from 82 kilograms to 49 kilograms...

The rapid weight loss and endless surgeries and chemotherapy have made his thick hair thinner and thinner, and his cheeks are almost sunken, like a dead tree that is about to blow down at any time.

McCann Kusuo sat in front of the hospital bed.

During this period, he visited his old friend at his bedside almost every other week. Every time he came, he brought new upgraded technology of the iPhone 5 series.

But every time I arrived, the news I heard was always bad news.

Just now...

The doctor told him in the most pessimistic tone that Jos might only be alive in the next two days.

The moment he heard the news, McCann Kusuo felt his heart being hammered hard, and immediately afterwards, his eye circles couldn't help but turn red.

He followed Joss from the PC era to the IPO era, and finally stood on top of the world step by step and became a technology giant that attracted much attention.

In the iPhone era, Ling Yi fought against the gods, making the [IPO] company become the most valuable company in the world in one fell swoop, overlooking the world, and becoming the king of the world...

Scenes of experiences seemed like yesterday.

But today, I was told that an era will eventually end.

What a despairing thing this is!

"Whatever you want to say, write it down with a pen..."

On the hospital bed, Jos looked a little excited after seeing Kusuo. He kept trying to say something, but Kusuo couldn't understand him and finally took out a recognition software.

【How is iPhone5? 】

On the recognition software, this sentence appeared.

"We will officially hold a press conference tomorrow, January 28th..."

Looking at Jos's hopeful eyes, McCann Kusu felt his heart tremble slightly.

When he saw Jos nodded, Kusu hesitated briefly. Although he didn't want to cause Jos anxiety at the last moment, Kusu still let out a long sigh: "I don't know what our iPhone will be like in the future. How about it……"

As the final time approaches, Kusuo spends every day in anxiety.

Every time, he thought about what he would do if he were in Jos's position...

However, after all, I am not Joes, nor the "god" who brought [IPO] from a small company to a world-renowned large company.

I am just a loyal executor.

[You are you, you are not Joes, and you are not anyone else. Don’t think about what will happen when I am here. You have to think about what will happen to me if it is you... Just be yourself. ! 】

On the recognition software, this passage slowly emerged.

After seeing these words, McCann Kusuo was slightly shocked. Then he looked at Jos, and saw Jos giving him an encouraging look.

This sentence undoubtedly brought great confidence to Kusuo, and Kusuo nodded: "I will do it."

[What's going on over there in China? I want to know the news about that Chinese guy...]

When he saw such a line of words appearing on the recognition software again, Kusuo glanced out the window: "His [WeChat] is catching up with [Tengji Technology]'s [WeChat] at this moment. If nothing else happens, , it is estimated that in two days or three days, it will officially become the largest social software on the mobile side after [Q Dog]... His pirated version of [Apple], except for its appearance, still has no breakthrough in technology, let alone any core technology. , has always been in the OEM stage like other Chinese mobile phones..."

"He is just a clown who is taking advantage of the popularity of our iPhone series, that's all!"

That Chinese guy...

To Kusuo and others, it is still very small.

The difference between a true technology company and a contract processing Internet company is still very different.

Kusuo didn't understand why Jos paid so much attention to the Chinese man. Almost every time he came over, he would see Jos asking about the young man's condition.

[Arrogance is the original sin. Although the distance between us is still very large, I always have a hunch that the Chinese will do some amazing things in the future...]

[From 1949 to the present, from the atomic bomb to the gradually involved fields of science and technology, the country of China has created too many miracles...]

[It is inevitable that they are dirty and they are behind, but they always stand as pursuers and have been chasing us for the time when we were lost]

[What’s really alarming is that their culture has never fallen. With five thousand years of culture and national cohesion, I always feel that they can create miracles]

[Every time I lie in bed during this period, I will be dreaming. I dream that one day, our iPhone series will no longer surprise people. I dream that one day, our technical barriers will be broken through by them. I also dream that there will be One day, our advantages are gradually being caught up...]

[We stand very high, and we see everyone as small, but these small existences will always climb to our position inadvertently...]


Young José was once arrogant.

He is so arrogant that he knows he has a heart problem. He is so arrogant that even though he has cancer, he still thinks that he can improve it by being a vegetarian and eating other things.

He paid a heavy price for his arrogance.

But during those days on the sickbed, after he no longer dealt with the tedious things every day, he began to calm down and truly began to examine himself and each of his former opponents.

In the past few days, he could not help but think of the despicable Chinese young man who once made him gnash his teeth, and then a feeling of worry gradually emerged in his heart.

Seeing Kusu's indifference, he suddenly felt a surge of worry and fear deep in his heart.

He used his greatest strength to convey the worry and gloom in his heart to Kusu through words.

"I will pay attention to him!"

Kusuo looked at Jos's expression and finally nodded solemnly.

Seeing Kusuo's solemn expression, Joss did not relax, but continued to write a line of words on the recognition software.

[We must face up to ourselves, and we must face up to our opponents. We must always be wary of any new forces, and we must always maintain technological competitiveness.]


"Yes, Mr. Jos, you rest first!"

Kusuo's cell phone rang.

Kusuo answered the phone, and then looked at Joss again, who was struggling to sit up and seemed to have countless things to say.

"I will do a good job at the press conference tomorrow."

Kusuo's eyes finally turned red. After saying this, he stood up and finally walked out of the ward.

Joss looked at Kusuo's leaving figure, his lips kept moving, and his body struggled more and more fiercely, but at that moment the ward was closed.

His body slowly calmed down.

His eyes gradually became dull and he stared blankly at the ceiling.

The entire ward became extremely quiet.

It was so quiet that he could hear his heart gradually slowing down and his life force gradually passing away.

He finally closed his eyes.

In the ear...

The nurse's sudden, anxious voice seemed to echo.


Even though iPhone4S was driven by Zhang Sheng in various ways...

However, the astonishing global sales of 70 million are still surprising.

The number of units in China reached a stifling 24.5 million units...

When this sales volume was announced, the entire Internet was blown to the sky, and the popularity remained high.

A product.

It can really sell well and last for a long time.

In addition to brand effect, product power and brand influence are also needed.

Obviously, iPhone4S does have this influence.

Ma Hongbo’s [Apple 4S] China sold a total of 6.3 million units last year, including domestic and overseas sales.

It’s a pretty good report card.

[Apple 4S] Does it have product capabilities?

Yes, but apart from cost-effectiveness, it has always occupied the mid-to-low-end position, following the ranks of mobile phone brands such as [Taomi Mobile] and [Zhongsheng Mobile].

Are there any things independently developed?

Do you have the core technology?


Except for the so-called [appearance patent] and [battery], it has nothing.

The sixth day of the Lunar New Year.

January 28th.

Ma Hongbo hurried to Zhang Sheng's office.

When he arrived at the office, Ma Hongbo had a complicated expression.

“Should our [Apple 5] be released?”

"What configuration?"

“The previous [Apple 4] had an S4 processor from [American Long Sky], and this year’s [Apple 5]… we can’t purchase the S5 from [American Long Sky] Group in terms of processors…”

"Why can't I buy it?"

"It's just...a channel problem. The other party claimed that it takes a while..."

"Do you know what processor the iPhone 5 will use?"

"I don't know the specific information, but it is most likely to use an A6 dual-core processor, but we have upgraded it in other aspects, such as the camera..."

"Do we have our own intelligent robot?"

"We have Android's smart voice..."


Ma Hongbo sat opposite Zhang Sheng.

Looked at Zhang Sheng silently.

He felt that the atmosphere was unprecedentedly solemn.

He tried to suppress this solemnity: "We can take advantage of the popularity of the iPhone 5 release to release our [Apple 5] on the same stage. Mr. Zhang, as long as you come on stage and shout, with your current influence, you can definitely... At least in terms of sales, it will definitely be better than [Apple 4S], maybe it can exceed 8 million..."


Ma Hongbo sounded hopeful, but he didn't see Zhang Sheng's nod.

This was the first time he saw a serious look on Zhang Sheng's face.

"Do we have to rely on each other's influence to flaunt ourselves every time?"



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