I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 736 Mr. Zhang, we beg you, don’t go bankrupt!

"In our lifetime..."

"The hardest thing is to admit your failure, and the even harder thing is to face failure..."

"However, the journey of life can never be smooth sailing. There may be thorns everywhere, and perhaps failure will run through our entire life..."

"Perhaps, at the end of a road going forward, all you see is darkness and abyss..."

"There are too many possibilities in this world."


"It doesn't matter if I'm going my own way, wishful thinking, or if I don't hit the wall and don't look back..."

"I just want to see how deep that abyss is and how dark that darkness is..."

"In this life, we also have to give up and gain..."

"I have decided not to fight this battle again!"

"That's it!"

"When I made this decision, it was very difficult for me. I even didn't want to look at my colleagues who followed me and conquered the world together..."

"I kept convincing myself and wanted to try again, but I found that no matter how I looked for reasons, I couldn't convince myself..."

“However, I sincerely hope that our [Hive Sharing] will bring convenience to your lives in just a few months after its birth. I also sincerely hope and appeal that after I leave this industry, we Our friends and businessmen can better serve you and create more convenience for you when traveling..."



"Nothing lasts forever……"

"We really can't go on this road..."


"Friends who have paid a deposit under [Hive Sharing]..."

"You can come to me to retreat at any time..."

"Our refund channel is very convenient. Click on our [WeChat] applet and click the [Refund] button, and the 99 yuan deposit in your account will be automatically transferred to your [WeChat] small vault."



[Hive Sharing] In the large conference room.

Zhang Sheng bowed to everyone, and then bowed silently to the camera.

Waiting for the moment to get up, under the camera.

Despair, confusion, uneasiness, hesitation, trance, reluctance...

Everyone saw Zhang Sheng's eyes.

Some people opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but found that no matter what they said, they could not speak.

I felt a sense of solemnity and solemnity coming over me.

After Zhang Sheng finished bowing...

There was no applause in the entire conference room.

Everyone looked at Zhang Sheng quietly.

Zhang Sheng glanced at everyone silently, then turned and walked towards the back.

this moment……

"Mr. Zhang! Don't leave!"

"Mr. Zhang, let's hold on a little longer!"

"Mr. Zhang, I have money. I don't want a salary. Please let us try again, Mr. Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang, I can invest in you, please don't give up, okay?"

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang, we will continue to fight with you. If they want to fight, they can fight for one year, if they want to fight for two years, they can fight for two years. We will definitely win, Mr. Zhang, we will definitely win!"

"Mr. Zhang, don't leave!"



The voices came and went one after another, and suddenly they sounded like waves. Countless people had tears in their eyes and shouted excitedly.

Zhang Sheng's back trembled slightly and seemed to pause for a moment, but in the end, Zhang Sheng still walked forward step by step!



Ma Yunhua and Liu Hong have been watching this live broadcast.

In the past few months, they have been carrying out all-round capital stranglehold on Zhang Sheng’s [Hive Sharing].

They have already prepared Zhang Sheng to use his deposit to continue fighting with them. They even spent close to 2 billion yuan, planning to use capital to fight Zhang Sheng in a war of attrition.


No one could have imagined that Zhang Sheng chose to quit without warning when [Hive Sharing] was at its peak.

Judging from the details of the live broadcast, Zhang Sheng’s withdrawal this time was not a show or an attempt to win sympathy, but...

Play for real!


At this moment, their phones vibrated.

Ma Yunhua and Liu Hong almost immediately and immediately saw a reminder to refund the deposit from [Honeycomb Sharing]...

Look at this tip.

Ma Yunhua and Liu Hong looked at each other.

"What is Zhang Sheng going to do?" Liu Hong stared at the screen, watched Zhang Sheng's video repeatedly, and fell into deep thought.

"He knew he couldn't win, so he simply changed the track..." Ma Yunhua was silent for a long time, her emotions still a bit complicated: "He is a smart man. Instead of waiting to be strangled by us, in the end [Hive Sharing] was penniless. It’s worth it, it’s better to cash out at the current high position and keep other industries..." After Ma Yunhua finished speaking, his eyes narrowed: "But..."

"But what?"

"..." Ma Yunhua did not answer yet.

Instead, he turned around and called his [Jiahu Technology] analysis team over.

Some people in the analysis team naturally knew the news that Zhang Sheng suddenly quit [Sharing].

"Mr. Ma, [Hive Sharing] is still the largest [sharing] unit in China. If we can get all the resources of [Hive Sharing], we will have an absolute advantage in [Tengji Technology]'s payment competition... …”


"According to our latest news, Zhang Sheng's economic situation is indeed not optimistic. This step [semiconductor laboratory] is too big and has already involved Zhang Sheng's entire core system... R\u0026D is no better than the Internet. If the Internet continues to burn money, we have no choice but to You can still see the traffic advantage, but in the R\u0026D field, burning billions is just a small amount of money, and it will eventually drag him to death..."


"We also found that Zhang Sheng's research and development direction is on the one hand chips, and on the other hand monocrystalline silicon for the photovoltaic industry... Under such a severe situation in China's photovoltaic industry, no matter how many times we have deduced, what we have obtained is There is only a dead end. Even if he makes a breakthrough in research and development, the blocked markets in Europe and the United States have already determined the upper limit of the industry... As for the [chip] field, even if we are as big as [Jiahu Technology], Dare to touch, even if it is a national-level intervention, it will not be able to break through the technical barriers and blockades. In terms of Zhang Sheng’s current situation of being surrounded on all sides, it is a dead end..."


"In fact, we are deducing from Zhang Sheng's point of view. We racked our brains and thought about it, but we couldn't think of any way out for Zhang Sheng. We deduced a hundred times and failed a hundred times... But if we say, this is Zhang Sheng It is impossible to borrow the cover-up method used by [Semiconductor Laboratory]. His investment is real. Who would spend more than one billion to use a cover-up method? With more than one billion, wouldn't it be good to continue to support his Internet industry?"


"Mr. Ma, Zhang Sheng has nothing to fear. We should send someone to talk to Zhang Shengfang about the acquisition of [Hive Sharing]... [Sharing economy] in the future will definitely be no less than [takeaway] and no less than [taxi-hailing] 】The big outlet... [Search and read] Yan Yan, [Teng Ji] Yan Yan, and even other capitals are all greedy for this industry. Zhang Sheng suddenly announced his delisting this time. It is bound that many capitals will swarm in and want to acquire Zhang Sheng. [Hive Sharing]..."


"He's so desperate that he doesn't play anything anymore, but we can't do that. Deposits are the lifeblood of capital leverage. His sudden announcement to refund the deposit this time will inevitably have an immeasurable practical impact on our future [sharing industry]. At least, He cannot be allowed to bring about this storm..."


"So, I suggest, Mr. Ma, that when we talk to Zhang Sheng, we can cover the deposit as well!"

In the office.

Ma Yunhua looked at each piece of information.

After reading it, Ma Yunhua narrowed her eyes.

But he did not agree with what the analysts said. Instead, he called the cooperating capital parties one by one.

At 12 noon, each capital walked into Ma Yunhua’s Jiahu Technology...


"Mr. Zhang, can you give us a chance? We don't want you to spend money. We will pay for it ourselves. We can put in all the bonuses you give us..."


"Mr. Zhang, you have always advised us not to give up before. This time, we hope you will not give up. Really, if there are any difficulties, we can face them together..."


"Mr. Zhang, I know it's difficult for us during this period, but I hope we can hold on a little longer. We are now number one in the entire field. We have the best ground pushing team. We will not lose to anyone. Our users are also very loyal..."


"Yes, Mr. Zhang, we are all willing to go on with you, we..."


[Hive Sharing] Doorway.

It was crowded with people.

Young people were so excited that they shouted in the direction of Zhang Sheng's office.

The young people in Zhang Sheng's system even spontaneously started to raise funds in their respective fields, hoping to keep [Hive Sharing] alive for one more day.

Nie Xiaoping briefly counted and found that these young people in the system had raised nearly 200 million yuan in just one day.

Other than that…

[Mr. Zhang, we will not refund the deposit, you take the money, we support you! 】

[Mr. Zhang, we are fighting with you. If 99 yuan is not enough, we still have money. Can we accompany you? 】

[Mr. Zhang, I know this is difficult, but, Mr. Zhang, don’t give up easily. I know you want to take a scientific research path. You just need to give us an account and we will raise money for you...]

[Mr. Zhang, you have always been our belief, I beg you, please hold on a little longer, we don’t want to see you fall...]


As imagined, a large number of user refunds did not appear.

Not only did it not appear, but the deposit of 730 million soared to more than 800 million, and it is even still rising.


Countless netizens have rushed to the [Honeycomb Extreme Free], [Group Buying], [Bird's Nest Decoration], [NC Entertainment] and other accounts to express their opinions. Everyone is supporting Zhang Sheng and everyone hopes that Zhang Sheng can survive.

Seeing this scene...

Nie Xiaoping was moved unconsciously.

When an entrepreneur takes on Mr. Zhang’s position, he reckons that if he really wants to fight with these capitals, it will not be easy to die.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't get excited. I will go and respond to Mr. Zhang. I will keep all your thoughts in mind..."

"But please give me some time. Mr. Zhang has never asked anyone for help since he started his business in 2009, and he never wants those of us who follow him to suffer losses. Therefore, no matter how much money we spend, There is a high probability that he will not agree..."

"But I promise, I will do some ideological work with Mr. Zhang..."


Nie Xiaoping had mixed emotions, and finally walked into the office amidst the crowds of people.

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