I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 400 This is just a magical accident!

"Patronus Charm?"

Owen looked at Victor intently.

This is a solution.

As the embodiment of the wizard's will and soul, the patron saint can be regarded as a personal ID card.


"Someone has guessed your method a long time ago."

Owen said, "Italian wizards have used this method to test Aurors for a long time.

Make sure they are not infiltrated by [Pretenders].

But you can't expect all wizards to know the Patronus Charm, if the disguised wizard doesn't know it. "

"Then it's just Veritaserum, or Legilimency."

"One is too precious to be mass-produced, and the other can be resisted by the Iron Armor Curse, and it is extremely difficult to learn."

"What?" Victor leaned back slowly and sighed softly.

Brown eyes became serious, "Are you so anxious?"

"Afraid?" Owen frowned, "Rozier Magical Disabled Hospital has recently received several patients from North America. You know what this means. This 'disease' has spread to North America. Maybe there are other places as well." The existence of the Pretender is just deeply hidden and not exposed."

"But technology requires testing, demonstration, and time." He stood up slowly holding on to the edge of the table.

"You are exactly the same as your grandma." He looked at Owen, "You have radically forgotten the original role of technology."

“—It should be used to benefit the world!”

"Isn't defeating [The Pretender] to benefit the world?" Owen frowned.

"Then you have to bear the technical consequences!" With a bang, he put his lame leg on the chair.

It was covered with crystals, emitting purple fluorescence, and blue blood flowed on the surface, which was strange—and cold.

"Do you know how he got here?"

Owen was silent.

The ancient magic flowing on his body was fluorescing in his eyes.

Ancient magic has a powerful mutation effect on organisms - the person in front of me must have tried this on himself.

"I know"

Owen looked away and murmured.

He knew that it would be extremely unrealistic for Victor to fight alone against the technology accumulated by the alien gods over tens of millions of years.

Not to mention whether he can come up with a solution, even just looking through the documents collected in Ionia would take countless years, and that's just one look.

It is beyond one's ability to research everything thoroughly.

As Makarov, the former director of the Black Sea Shipyard, said: Building an aircraft carrier requires the state, the Central Committee, the Planning Commission, the Military Industry Commission and nine defense industry ministries, 600 related majors, and 8,000 supporting manufacturers. , in short, it takes a great country to complete.

As for the wizarding world, it stumbles at the first step, because the Ministry of Magic is just a piece of loose sand.

"I'll come back later." Owen stood up and said.

"No need." Victor supported the table with both hands and said calmly: "I will contact you if there is any breakthrough."

This drive is very strong.

Owen naturally understood the underlying meaning of Victor's words.

With one last look back, he left here.


Owen left Victor's office and went to the library.

He had to find a way on his own.

I hope there will be records of this in the books in the large underground warehouse in Ionia.

No technology is perfect.

There must be some flaw, but he doesn't know it.


While eating, Hermione came to find him in the library.

The little witch seemed surprised because he had never been one to walk into a library on his own.

Every time I go to the library, there are other reasons.

She asked Owen carefully if he was in any trouble.

Owen didn't hide it from her.

Then the number of people looking for the record became two.

After lunch.

Hermione told her why she came.

She came here hoping that Owen would teach her the Apparition spell.

She had wanted to learn this magic since the summer vacation, but they didn't have enough time at that time, and Hermione's theoretical knowledge was lacking, so Owen just found some corresponding books for her.

Now that three months have passed, Hermione has already memorized the theoretical knowledge.

In fact, Hogwarts has a Apparition training class. Sixth-year students who turn 17 years old before August 31 of the following year can voluntarily sign up for Apparition classes.

This 12-week course is taught by Apparition instructors at the Ministry of Magic and costs 12 Galleons.

After the course, students over 17 years old can also go to Hogwarts to participate in special training and sign up to take the Apparition exam.

Certificates will be issued to students who pass the exam.

Apparating without a license will result in a fine from the Ministry of Magic's Transport Department.

But obviously, Hermione can't wait until next year to study again.

She desperately wanted to learn this magic.

Owen responded.

But not today, not tomorrow—but the weekend.

By then, Hermione's fake galleons would be finished.

Just in time for the D.A organization to be built.

There is already a learning mutual aid group in Hogwarts, which was organized by Hermione when Owen taught the little wizard magic.

Now it's just a matter of re-mobilizing the previous staff.

In the afternoon, except for class time, Owen spent all his time in the library.

Until the night is getting dark.

He just returned to the dormitory.

I didn't even bother to eat dinner.

But it doesn't matter, there is a kitchen next to Hufflepuff, and the elves will be happy to prepare midnight snacks for every hungry little wizard.

"What are you doing?"

As the wooden planks of the oak barrel opened piece by piece, Owen got through the barrel.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw many little wizards surrounding Justin.

Everyone's expressions were solemn, as if they were holding back a fire.

"what happened?"

"You're back Owen." Hannah waved to him.

When she got closer, she grabbed Justin's arm and pulled the back of his hand to Owen's eyes.

Some pale skin oozed red blood.

These bleeding places form a list - I want to respect the teacher.

"Umbridge did it, that old dominatrix." Ernie whispered in disgust, "Justin contradicted her in class. Although it had happened before, Umbridge asked him to go there this time. Office. It used to be just a deduction."

"Obviously, this is for you." Cedric said.

He frowned.

I was very aware in my heart that a bloody storm was just around the corner.

Owen stared at Justin's wounds.

The wand was pointed at the wound.

With the silver light shining.

Some black energy came out of the wound.

"There were traces of black magic on the wound. I applied some whitening fluid on him, but the effect was not very good." Hannah continued, "Professor Sprout was very angry. When we just went to the greenhouse to find her, she put A pot of Barbo tubers fell to the floor and I've never seen her so angry."

"Where is the professor now?" Owen asked again.

The wand lit up with green light, "Healed as before."

The next second, the wound on Justin's hand healed completely, as if he had never been injured.

"Going to Umbridge to reason." Ernie answered first. "Wow, that's amazing!"

He looked down at the back of Justin's hand.

It's really completely healed.

Just now, Professor Sprout had no other solution. She said she could only wait for the wound to heal on its own.

Hearing the sound, Owen turned and walked towards the outside of the common room.

"Wait a minute--" Hannah quickly stepped forward and took Owen's arm.

"What are you going to do? You're not going to kill her, are you." As a young wizard who had experienced the Battle of Hogsmeade and the Battle of Hogwarts, she, Harry, Justin, and Hermione watched Owen throughout the process. Cruelty to those dark wizards, werewolves and Death Eaters.

If anyone said that Owen lost control of his anger and killed Umbridge directly, she would not doubt it at all.

"No - how could I kill her?" Owen smiled cruelly, "She is a professor, right?"

"Then you want to torture her?" Hannah still didn't let go. After all, this was different from the past. Before, Owen had dealt with Death Eaters and dark wizards, and it was very chaotic at the time. No one in the Ministry of Magic knew what Owen had done. Those things.

But this time - if he takes action against a senior official of the Ministry of Magic, the news will be published on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow.

The reputation he spent three months building may not be destroyed in one fell swoop, but it will leave a stain.

She didn't want to see this happen.

"We can ask Professor McGonagall or Principal Dumbledore." Hannah suggested.

"Through formal channels."

"Hey boy!" Owen backhanded and patted Hannah's shoulder solemnly, "When violence occurs, you must stand up and stop it as soon as possible. Tolerance will only increase their arrogance."

After that, he turned around and left the lounge.

Everyone looked at each other and saw some tenacity on each other's faces.

Nodding to each other.

They followed together.

That's right - we Hufflepuffs are rebelling!

No matter what Irving does, they will support him to the end.

Moreover - they even want to see Umbridge's misfortune with their own eyes!

The vast crowds of people walked up the stairs, giving the impression of a gangster.

At night, some night owls who were still awake immediately understood that something big had happened after seeing this battle.

Then the soles of his feet quickly spread the word.

It was around nine o'clock—long past Umbridge's curfew.

They met Filch on the auditorium floor.

However, after seeing that the person leading the team was Irving, Filch did not stop him or stepped forward to ask.

Holding his cat in her arms, she left the spiral staircase trembling.

Go all the way to the fourth floor.

The young wizards in the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office are all too familiar.

When Sirius was here, this place used to be deserted, and there were some witches, especially those in seventh grade, who came here quite often.

Want to be Harry's godmother

But since Umbridge took over this place.

No little wizard would want to come here in this corridor.

Even passing by will feel unlucky.

Far away - not yet reached the door.

Everyone heard a faint quarrel.

As he got closer, the voice suddenly became clearer.

It was the voices of Professors Umbridge and Sprout. They had a quarrel.

However, there was more of Umbridge's scolding in her voice, while Professor Sprout's arguing voice was very quiet.

That's right - how could this witch who had spent her whole life dealing with plants be Umbridge's opponent?

Unless Professor Sprout goes out with a dozen or so biting cabbage.

The office door is closed but not closed.

So Owen didn't knock on the door, just opened the door and walked in.

When Quirrell was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, there was garlic everywhere and the whole room smelled of garlic.

When Gilderoy Lockhart lived there, pictures of him smiling were plastered all over the walls.

Later, after Professor Lupine moved in, every time he came to see him, he might meet a very interesting evil animal in a cage or box.

During Sirius's time, this place was filled with all kinds of interesting Auror props and Muggle automobile and motorcycle magazines. He also had a magical model of a miniature Porsche 911 that would run around the office by himself.

As for Moody, he displayed a variety of utensils and artifacts, as well as a variety of looking glasses - used to detect other people's misdeeds and hiding places.

Now - Owen feels like if this house could talk, it would say he was insulted.

As far as the eye could see, everything was covered with lace dropcloths and tablecloths, there were several vases filled with dried flowers, each placed on a separate small cushion, and a group of decorative ones hung on one wall. Plates, each with a large, brightly colored cat, each wearing a different bow around its neck.

To be honest, these things are just disgusting.

It’s not the stuff that’s disgusting – it’s the people who use it!

If this room was occupied by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl with a beautiful heart, or one whom Ron was obsessed with, every time he went to Hogsmeade Village, he would have to learn from the hostess of the Three Broomsticks Pub, who was graceful and charming. The saved Mrs. Rosmerta also has a unique flavor.

But alas, Umbridge lives here - can you imagine a toad wearing a pink tutu?

That's pretty much it.

"Oh—good evening, Mr. Rozier."

Umbridge, who was having a verbal argument with Professor Sprout, changed her face the moment she saw Owen.

Her face full of fat forced a smile, and she called Owen in a sweet tone.

At this time, she was wearing a dazzling red printed gown, and the color blended with the tablecloth on the desk behind her, making it almost indistinguishable.

Owen took a deep breath.

If the guy in front of him wanted to disgust him in order to attack him mentally, then Owen could only say that her body caused critical damage to him.

"Owen? What are you doing here?" Professor Sprout shouted seriously. She was still wearing the patched robe and thick hat, and her flowing gray hair was scattered from the brim of the hat.

Her face looked ugly.

It was obvious that he had lost in the fight with Umbridge.

When Owen appeared here, she was startled, and then immediately stopped him seriously.

I was afraid that this child would do something outrageous.

"It's okay, Professor. I just couldn't sleep and wanted to talk to this useless professor."

Owen said coldly.

He felt increasingly that he was becoming more and more hesitant.

If it had been before, he would have rushed over, kicked the toad and knocked it against the wall, then put his wand against her head and said 'Avada Kedavra'.

Now - I can actually have a conversation with her, it's simply unbelievable!

"Oh - child, what do you want to talk about?" Umbridge's smile was fake and disgusting. She stood firmly in place, as if she were Owen's boss, raising her head.

"That's the kind of professor." Owen walked over.

"Because I'm French." He found the special quill on Umbridge's desk.

It was a black pen with a metal shell, like a feather stuck on it.

Owen raised his hand, and the quill automatically flew into his hand.

In addition to this, there is an inconspicuous hair on her desk.

"So you have to be very proficient in English. I want to ask you if you have any practice copybooks or anything like that."

This black magic quill is actually a curse. The user is writing with his own blood as a medium of exchange to activate magic and leave wounds on the skin.

Owen, on the other hand, embedded Umbridge's hair into the pen at a moment when she could hardly notice it, replacing the chosen object of the curse.

Then ancient magic poured in, strengthening the curse and doubling its effects.

Of course - Owen probably wouldn't be able to write more than a few words and the quill would be damaged if he did this, but he didn't care.

"What?" Umbridge made a confused voice with a fake smile. She didn't understand what Owen meant. What was he doing here looking for a copybook?

But soon she stopped laughing.

Owen sat in the chair across from her desk and grabbed a piece of parchment.

Then he wrote on the paper————

I've always known that Voldemort was inferior to me, that he was trash compared to being evil.

Tom Marvolo Riddle was just a mongrel, the product of an affair.

Oh - although I am also a mixed-race mongrel, my father is a noble employee of the Ministry of Magic, who specializes in repairing doors for the Ministry of Magic.

Compared with cows and horses - I am considered a high-class cow and horse!

He's not just a brainless guy like Little Tom.

My success depends entirely on myself.

The road to promotion depends entirely on licking skills - my ability as a leader to lick boots is unparalleled in the world.

It starts with Owen writing his first word.

Umbridge, who was still proud of herself, immediately let out a scream of pain.

Everyone was stunned.

Including Professor Sprout and the little wizard outside.

Everyone watched Umbridge scratching her head and squirming.

Although confused, they had no idea what was happening.

It wasn't until Umbridge shouted again, holding her neck with her hands, and twisting her toad-like mouth together that everyone saw that her neck seemed to have been carved with a knife, and blood was flowing down her neck.

Each word of damage appeared on her neck - combined with her face - hands - and places they couldn't see.

But at this time - she could no longer scream.

At some point, Umbridge seemed to be frozen, standing motionless on the spot.

A statue of a man with a ferocious expression.

"Oh my god - Owen, stop it!" Professor Sprout was the first to react.

She was closest to Umbridge, so she could see it most clearly.

"Professor - I am practicing calligraphy." Owen wrote quickly under his hands.

The sound the nib makes against parchment is a joy to watch.

Very bookish.

And judging from his appearance, he really didn't do anything. He was just writing on the side.

But - neither Professor Sprout nor the little wizards outside believed it.

"Okay, take your hand away from that pen." Professor Sprout had seen the wound on Justin's hand, and he knew very well that the pen Owen was holding was Umri. Qi used it to torture little wizards.

Although she didn't know what means the little guy in front of her used to transfer this curse to Umbridge,

"Okay." Owen let go of his hand very obediently, but the quill did not stop, just like the automatic sketch pen sold by Wenrenju Quill Shop, it was still writing.


A ray of magical light passed from Professor Sprout's wand and accurately hit the quill in front of Owen.

Then, the pen finally exploded and broke into several pieces under the torture of several different forces.

"Get out." The professor glared at him.

"Professor, you destroyed the criminal evidence!"

"go out!"

"Okay!" Owen stood up immediately and left without a trace.

"Go back, don't you need to sleep?" Professor Sprout said to the young wizards outside the door.

At this time - Hufflepuff's little wizards were not the only ones who came to watch.

When the Gryffindors heard that there was excitement, they ran quickly.

There were many little wizards wearing red bow ties among the crowd.

"Professor, you." Hannah said worriedly.

She was afraid that after Umbridge recovered, she would go crazy towards her headmistress.

"Okay, this is none of your business." Professor Sprout said seriously, "I will report this 'unexpected' magical accident to Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore."

"Accident?" Hannah was stunned for a moment, then her face became happy, "Yes, it was just a magical accident. We can see clearly that Owen did nothing at all."

"That's right!"

"It was indeed an accident. We saw the whole thing."

The little wizards of Hufflepuff all have smiles on their faces and cunning eyes. At this moment, they are very different from the image of Hufflepuff in people's minds. Those who don't know better think they are a group of Slytherins.

"It's unexpectedly good, it's unexpectedly wonderful!" Justin couldn't say how happy he was.

When he saw Owen walking out of the office with a victory gesture.

Those calm eyes glanced over them, as if they had done something not worth mentioning.

Oh my god - I want to commit myself to you!

Everyone happily returned to the lounge surrounded by each other as if it was a festival.

As Professor Sprout said.

In the end, the farce came to an end with the intervention of Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

In the face of Umbridge's subsequent accusations, Owen rejected them all. In short, he said he didn't know anything he asked.

Didn't know the quill had a curse.

Not knowing can hurt other people.

I don’t even know why Professor Umbridge is so full of rebellious words.

He didn't even admit to knowing that the quill contained magic.

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