I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 405 Field Investigation

Chairman Samuel G. Kohaug was slightly stunned. He suddenly felt that he was not talking to a young wizard who had not graduated from magic school, but to a wily politician.

Moreover, he heard something strange in Owen's words. If the other party really had nothing to do with Koyatel's death, he would have been more excited. Now that he was arguing with him, he would not really murder the American. Magical geniuses are carefully created by the Magical Society, right?

As he thought about it, the look he looked at Owen gradually became dangerous.

Wait—suddenly Chairman Kohaug realized something.

His arrogant attitude lessened a bit because he noticed that the four Hogwarts wizards present seemed to be extremely talented.

Needless to say, the witch is already recognized by the outside world as Dumbledore's successor.

The genius therapist in front of him also shone a few months ago.

The little wizard with black hair and glasses behind him - the flash of lightning scars on his head made him realize the boy's identity.

As for the redhead.

Chairman Kohaug's pupils shrunk - he must be a member of the Weasley family, British red hair - so recognizable.

Ha - his expression was uncontrollable, a complex one, full of anger and restraint. Scarlet eyes fell on the elegant witch in the office.

No wonder—no wonder!

No wonder you don't want to work with us anymore.

It turns out that you don’t like our technology anymore. These children are all your masterpieces.

It’s amazing, amazing!

If that's the case, what's the point? !

The overwhelming anger overflowed into his head.

He walked straight forward, his eyes full of sinister evil, quickly passed through Owen and others, and then left the office.

The sudden change surprised Owen.

what happened?

This was so well said, why did he suddenly leave?

But others in the office didn't seem to have too many emotions about the gentleman's departure.

It seems that I already knew there would be such an ending.

Judging from the quarrel coming from inside the office before they entered it, even without Irving and the others' participation, the conversation between the four of them would have ended in vain.

"Okay, let me tell you, what are you doing here?" Dumbledore was still smiling, as if he had expected all the endings.

At this time, Owen also redirected his gaze away from the back of the departing man.

"Nothing!" Owen spread his hands and said, "It's just that a dark wizard may have sneaked into Hogwarts, most likely Voldemort himself."


Dumbledore's expression froze, then he stared at Owen.

Next to him, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ober Benny, and Percy who were following him all looked at Owen.

Voldemort sneaked into Hogwarts?

Wait - why does such a big thing come out of your mouth as casually as if a pot was left in the kitchen?

That's Voldemort! Voldemort! ! !

"How do you know?" Dumbledore said softly.

Then, Owen told Harry's dream and the plot of the dream in general.

After listening to his description.

Except for the young wizard and Dumbledore, the other wizards present felt extremely ridiculous.

Even Victor looked at Owen in surprise.

He only knew that Voldemort had entered Hogwarts, but he did not ask the source of the information.

——That's just a dream!

Not to mention Harry Potter, a young wizard who once fought against Voldemort. Isn't it normal for him to have a dream about Voldemort?

"I understand." Dumbledore said to Victor in a calm tone, "Professor Norton, could you please take Professor Eulalie, Professor Rozier, Miss Granger, and the two Mr. Weasleys first? And Mr. Benny, can you please step aside? I have a few words that I want to say to Potter and Owen."

"Okay." Victor nodded and led everyone out of Dumbledore's office.

Before leaving, Owen saw his grandmother glare at him, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

The office fell silent.

So many people left all of a sudden that the place suddenly seemed empty.

"Sit down first. We need to confirm some things before we can take action." Dumbledore said, taking out his wand and conjuring two chairs.

"Do you have any suggestions? Owen."

After the two sat down, Dumbledore spoke again.

"It just so happens that today is the Christmas holiday, so all the little wizards in the school are sent home because the school needs to be decorated." Owen thought for a moment and immediately came up with his solution.

"It's an idea." Dumbledore stood up slowly.

He walked to the right and said to an old portrait on the wall, "Evra. Did you hear everything?"

The yellow-faced wizard with short black bangs in the photo frame nodded, then stood up and walked out of the frame from the side.

But instead of appearing in the frame next to it, it simply disappeared.

All that was left in the frame was a dark lotus seed and a beautiful leather chair.

"Evra is a famous principal in the history of Hogwarts. He once served as the president of the Union. His portrait can be found in many institutions in the wizarding world.

He can come and go between his portraits at will, so he can deliver messages quickly. "

"Okay, now we need to confirm where the place you saw was." Dumbledore asked softly, as if talking to Harry, but without looking at him.

The wand in his hand was frivolous.

Then a cabinet in the room opened automatically.

A magical instrument like a looking glass floated out.

"Can you allow me to take a look?" Only then did he look at Harry.

"Huh?" Harry was a little confused, but he knew that Dumbledore wouldn't hurt him, so he nodded confusedly.

next moment.

The Elder Wand was aimed at Harry's temple, and as Dumbledore flicked his wrist, a little silver thread was pulled out by him.

Then he sank the strand of silk into the instrument in front of him.

Then he tapped it lightly with the tip of his wand.

The next moment, the instrument started running, making a rhythmic clanking sound, and the small silver tube at the top spurted out wisps of white smoke.

Smoke gathered and swirled in the air. Dumbledore looked at the smoke intently, frowning.

After a few seconds, a few wisps of light smoke turned into a steady stream of smoke, getting thicker and thicker, hovering in the air.

Then various scenes began to be visualized.

Harry's dream was replayed in front of them like a projector.

Sure enough - compared to Harry's self-report.

When viewing these images from a third person perspective. Sure enough, some problems were discovered.

First of all - the scene in the picture is indeed Hogwarts.

But it seems to be older than the current Hogwarts.

Last year, Dumbledore renovated the castle in order to host the Four Wizard Tournament.

And many display cabinets were added to the corridor, which contained some ancient photos or some ancient cultural relics. In short, the historical atmosphere of the school was suddenly heightened.

But the castle in front of me has none of these things.

Secondly – ​​the location of some classrooms.

The professors at Hogwarts change every year, especially in recent years.

In the past, when Defense Against the Dark Arts was not yet cursed, the teaching staff was relatively fixed.

Many of the classroom locations in the picture do not match the current situation.

Owen and Harry couldn't see anything - but for Dumbledore, who had spent almost his whole life in the castle, the slightest change there would attract his attention.

In front of me - the scene of smoke continues.

Soon the ghost that Harry had spoken of appeared.

It was indeed the soul of a wizard, and Owen had the most experience with it.

He has seen many souls this summer.

Owen didn't know the poor guy - the wizard who was about to be eaten. He had no impression of him at all, which proved that he was not an important person.

"Mr. Broderick Bird." Dumbledore called out this man's name in one breath.

"Who is this?" Owen asked curiously.

"The Silent Man," the principal said, "a researcher at the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, engaged in theoretical research on time magic."

"Time magic?" Owen's eyelids twitched, thinking of the time turner.

"Yes. Nowadays, all countries prohibit the study of time magic, but only related experiments are prohibited. There are still a large number of researchers conducting theoretical research. They want to find out what [time] is? Is it a kind of energy? Or is it a kind of energy? Space-like dimensions.”

"Are there any results?" Owen was more concerned about this.

"Unfortunately, there has been almost no progress in this type of research for hundreds of years. The only time disorder phenomenon was observed was more than a hundred years ago." Dumbledore said slowly.

"It seems that he has been killed." Although the old principal stated the death of a person, there were not many emotional changes on his face.

This was not a difficult thing for Owen. He rarely saw emotions other than fatigue and melancholy in Dumbledore.

Is tiredness an emotion?

"Okay, looks like we're going to go somewhere else to investigate a little bit."

After that, Dumbledore walked towards the door of the office and motioned for Owen and the others to follow.

Outside the door, in the empty corridor, Owen saw his grandmother standing in the corner in a daze.

At first, he thought she was waiting for Dumbledore.

Until she suddenly walked over and headed straight towards him.

For some reason, Owen suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.


A slender, cold palm quickly came over and pinched his cheek.

"It hurts - it hurts." He pretended to scream a few times.

Immediately afterwards, grandma let go of her hand.

"Where are your manners?" she said coldly.

"What?" Owen, who was rubbing his cheek, raised his head pitifully and looked at Wenda.

On the side, Harry looked at this scene in astonishment.

Then his expression became unnatural.

He has never seen anyone who can make Owen feel defeated. In these years, the person in front of him may be the first one.

But the corners of his mouth were raised—and suddenly he froze.

Because Harry realized that this might be something called family love that he had never had.

"After you met me, your eyes were evasive and your behavior was exaggerated. Is this what Dumbledore taught you?" Wenda's voice was not loud, and she described it straightly, but it was particularly heavy in Owen's ears.

"Who am I to you?" she asked.

"I'm sorry grandma, I was wrong grandma." Owen bowed his head decisively.

Although he didn't know why his grandmother's attitude towards him changed so quickly, but - it was definitely right to bow his head and admit his mistake at this time!

"Okay." She waved her hand and her eyes fell on the child in front of her who almost didn't resemble her in appearance. She couldn't help but move her lips and teeth slightly and gritted her teeth.

It seems that he is enduring something.

"Remember to come home at Christmas," she said, "and take that Miss Granger with you."

Then, she turned and walked towards the other side of the corridor.

Owen continued to rub his face - what are you doing! Isn’t it just to go home for the holidays? Why are you so nervous?

Scared to death.

Elsewhere, during the time Owen was bickering with her grandmother.

Dumbledore had already called Victor and Hermione from the back living room next door.

After going out, he smiled and looked at Wenda who was far away.

Then he looked at Owen again.

Then he whispered something to Victor.

After the other party understood, the old principal led a group of people to drive away from here in a mighty manner.

Owen guessed that they were leaving the federation headquarters and returning to the UK.

I think the Federation headquarters also has restrictions on anti-Apparition spells, so you have to go to a place where Apparition is allowed and leave.

After a while, they returned to the golden hall where they came from.

Then Victor cast the spell again.

After passing through the stone door, they returned to Hogwarts again.

But this is not the focus of Harry and Owen's trip.

While the little wizards were having breakfast, the principal went to Professor McGonagall to discuss some matters.

About half an hour later.

The principal returned to the auditorium.

After waving to Owen and Harry, the two of them grabbed the principal's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

After a while of phantom disembodiment.

The three of them appeared in a large hall.

This is a majestic Gothic building with towering spiers and hollow arched windows. The surface of the building is covered with dark gray stone. After the baptism of time, it looks calm and solemn.

In the middle of the foyer is a fountain.

In a circular pool stands a group of pure gold statues, which are larger than life. The tallest among them is a noble wizard, holding his wand high and pointing directly at the sky.

Surrounding him were a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin and a house elf.

Centaurs, goblins and house elves all looked up at the two wizards with admiration. Sparkling jets of water shot out from the top of the wizard's wand, from the centaur's arrow, from the tip of the goblin's hat, and from the two ears of the house elf.

There were ding-dong-ding-dong, the sound of rushing water, the popping and popping sounds of people apparating, and the chaotic footsteps of hundreds of witches and wizards.

They had that dead look of the morning on their faces. After all, it was unbelievable that there was no holiday on the day before Christmas.

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