I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 428 Two Bloods, the Successor of Quetzalcoatl (Happy New Year)


Explosion - a shocking blow.

Lightning spread like raindrops in all directions. Ron had quick eyesight and quick hands. He expanded the iron armor spell to cover Koatl inside.

Some of the other dark wizards who had rushed up had to defend on the spot, while others failed to react in time and were severely hit by lightning.

He fell on the spot. Twitching, not knowing whether to live or die.

Ron had no time to be surprised, let alone sad.

There was only endless anger in his head that was invaded by the whispers of the outer gods.

The dark wizard who dodged the blow cast a spell on him again, and he couldn't take care of anything else at all.


Koyatel, who fell to the ground, coughed heavily, and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth.

Scarlet eyes slowly lowered, and she looked at Ron, who was fighting the dark wizard, but was gradually losing ground.

His lips and teeth moved, and he spat out bloody words, "We will all die here."

"Sorry. I deceived you."

Her limbs exploded with final strength.

The arms were raised with difficulty.

Her long black hair hung down, covering her face.

Only the thick red blood dripping onto the ground was so obvious.

"I live for gods and die for gods."

A trail of blood was left on the steps.

She crawled hard.

From time to time, magic spells struck the stone steps around her, flying rocks flew and hit her hard.

As for the girl - she only paused for a moment, and then continued to crawl towards the altar.

The road was only a few steps away, but it took her dozens of seconds.

Finally, she pushed away the debris exploded by the lightning, spread her arms, and lay back on the platform.

"Torn apart."

she murmured.

The next moment, an invisible blade cut her wrist open.

Ron half-knelt on the ground and turned his head mechanically.

Perhaps it was because of the sound of the attacking spell coming from behind his ears that the beast, which had lost its self-awareness, felt danger.

Of course, after seeing Koyatel slit his wrist, his ferocious face was full of confusion.

"Don't worry, that's how it should be," she said.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The girl looked up at the ceiling covered with stony milk, her pupils becoming dull as they lost their highlights.

Her blood—along with her wand—sinked into the three caves.

The silver pool water has a darker red color - it has become turbulent.

Waves hit the cave entrance and even overflowed to the ground.


"I have fulfilled your will."


"Ahem—" She coughed heavily.

The fire of life has burned out.

Suddenly, an endless wilderness seemed to appear in the distance.

The breeze swept over the mountains and lakes, carrying the petals and turning them into a pair of big hands.

It was a man with blond hair, bronze skin, a strong build, and was wearing a dress made of some kind of feathers.

That was a woman who looked like a god.

And beside Zhi——there were countless people standing.

They may have long hair or short hair, they may be men or women, but the same thing is that they are mostly young people.

Among this group of people, a certain red-haired witch stood out.

Compared to other red-haired wizards, she is younger, and the look in her eyes is softer and gentler.

"It's not the time yet." The red-haired witch walked to her side and rubbed her cheek affectionately like a mother.

Koatl smiled.

She couldn't understand.

Can't see clearly.

My thoughts can no longer be gathered together.

She closed her eyes and uttered the final magic spell.


Guard—guard! ! ! "

In an instant - it's dawn!

A brilliant silver glow flew out from her broken body.

The silver glow spreads an indescribable gentle magic.

Then a large feathered snake emerged from the silver glow.

It was only dozens of feet tall. The scales on its body were mainly scarlet, dark green, and blue. Its head had hard horns, and its eyes were full of compassion.

There is a pair of white wings on the back.

A strong natural charm surges out, turning into an invisible charm.

Everyone present was shocked by this lonely silver light. They stared blankly, all the impurities in their eyes were receded, leaving only the shining figure of the god.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the Death Eaters were already planning to escape.

Some of the Purifiers had expressions similar to those of the Death Eaters, and some had expressions full of excitement, as if they had seen something they had dreamed of.

This desire comes from decades of constant struggle and desire.

And the Quetzalcoatl in the mid-air didn't care about the appearance of all living beings. He lowered his eyes and countless ancient runes emerged around him.

They fall from your wings.

The gods are disintegrating themselves.

It seemed that something had been activated. Ancient magic penetrated Koyatel's body, and along with her blood, flowed into the three deep pits.

The next second, the deep pit where countless human souls gathered set off a violent storm.

The thing underground is trying its best to resist.

This is a tug of war.

The entire obelisk shimmered.

The ancient magic patterns that should have existed in the wall clearly emerged again.

In the dark sea, a lighthouse seemed to appear.

It is a candle in the wind, and the sea breeze blows away the little bits of brilliance.

Death Eaters and Federation Aurors were at war.

The urgency they each saw in the strangeness they each attributed to the other.

The battle instantly became more intense.



Like an earthquake, waves surged across the entire sea surface.

The golden afterglow fell into the sky, and an invisible golden curtain slowly fell.

High in the sky, the magic ring composed of countless runes expanded to several sea miles around in a few breaths.

Immediately afterwards, golden sword rain fell down, with stars above, like meteors falling to the ground.


The sword rain penetrated into the sea reef, and then there was a violent explosion.



Countless explosions ebb and flow.

The wizards around were stunned.

They were completely distracted by the brilliant rain of swords and the dharma ring made of high heaven's runes. They were speechless and had nothing to say.


Mad-Eye Moody was the first Union wizard to react.

His magic eyes moved quickly.

From those sword rains, he saw deep malice.

Sure enough, the next second he said this.

A wizard next to him was stabbed to the core.

The other Aurors who were belatedly reacted and quickly gathered together to hold up the Iron Armor Charm at the same time.

On the other side - the Death Eaters and Purifiers were surprised to find that those sword rains - it would not attack them.

The golden glow will only penetrate their bodies directly.

without causing any harm to them.

It's obvious - the winner has been decided!

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"The Dark Lord succeeded. Long live the Dark Lord!!!"

"God - this is a miracle!!! It is definitely not a power that a wizard can control! Power!!!"

The dark wizards roared wildly and were hysterical.

They celebrated, and then looked at the fleeing Aurors with the same eyes as they looked at the clown.

There is no need to take action anymore.

They just need to stay and watch the show.

The rain of swords in the sky is getting denser and denser, and no wizard can hold on any longer.

Behind them - the obelisk collapsed.

This tower may have existed since the dawn of mankind, and it has withstood the impact of time - but ultimately resisted the strife between enemies.

The gravel fell to the bottom of the sea, and the waves reflected the golden light and splashed golden water.

As if the dust had settled on the ribbon, the drama came to an end.

And the remains of the collapsed obelisk.

On that platform, Quetzalcoatl's silver light spread out like ribbons.

The sharp sword was inserted into the body, and it was a golden sword.

Still struggling to hold on, the prohibition compiled by ancient runes turned into chains and wrapped around the figure on the altar that looked like the resurrection of an ancient god.

"Is it too late?"

A whisper, like the end of an era.

Quetzalcoatl's glorious body disintegrated faster.

Ron lay on the gravel beside him.

His consciousness woke up the moment Quetzalcoatl appeared.

One of his arms was hit by a stone, and blood flowed down his left arm like a fountain - this must have been an artery being cut.

His right hand was empty, and his wand had long since disappeared in the earth-shaking vibrations and explosions.

"Heal quickly."

"Heal quickly!"

He was crying and casting magic spells without a wand. The wound on his left arm was slowly healing, but this magic spell could not treat such serious injuries and fractures.

He just barely managed to reduce the amount of blood spurting out.

But at this time, the pain caused by his body did not make him feel despair directly.

What Ron was really distracted by was the man who had just crawled out of one of the three pits, exuding golden brilliance——


"I'm a little surprised at how tenacious you are."

Voldemort said with a half-smile.

He was wearing a dark blue robe, and his whole body was filled with golden light.

Seven chains ran through his body, and the other end was a rune on the earth. This is the original prohibition.

The prohibition that binds the outer gods.

But now - the iron chain is like a broken candle, about to melt.

Although Quetzalcoatl replenished the magic power of the restriction, it was obvious that the magic power squeezed out by thousands of Muggle souls far exceeded the magic power of the restriction itself.

It's too late.

It was also an hour early, and there was still hope of restarting the ban.

But now - it's just the sail of the old era, mounted on the steel ship of the new era.

Voldemort shook his head as if reborn.

A powerful magic power filled his body, which was unprecedented.

He had never felt more omniscient than now.

As for the chain behind him - it's nothing serious.

He could tell that in a few minutes, the chains would melt and become part of his magic.

Feeling relaxed, he lowered his eyes to look at the girl who had brought about the accident.

"What a surprise. The desolate god actually found a successor for himself." He said, raising his right hand slightly and squeezing Koyatel's neck.

"But -" the scorching flame eyes fell on Ron, "if you don't resist, it will be a bit boring."

"Let her go," Ron said through gritted teeth.

"Let go?" Voldemort's voice was cold and cruel, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if foreshadowing the coming disaster.

With a wave of his hand, Koyatel was thrown out like a cannonball, aiming directly at Ron.

A trace of panic flashed across Ron's face. He reluctantly raised his hand and tried to perform a "shock reduction and speed stop".

However, since he could not cast the spell perfectly without a wand, the gray spell flew out of his hand and hit the girl, only slowing her down.

She still hit her hard, pushing him several feet away like a kite with its string broken.

Ron held the girl in his arms tightly, even though his left arm was broken and only flesh and blood remained, he did not let go. At the cost of several sternums, they finally stopped.

Ron lay on the ground, one eye fixed on Voldemort, while the girl in his arms was safe and sound.

Voldemort looked at them with a cruel and satisfied smile on his face. "Yes - he is indeed a student of Dumbledore." He mocked, "Hogwarts today is much more powerful than it was back then."

He held his wand lazily.

With just a slight wave, lightning as thick as an arm shot out.

Among the rubble, Ron, with one eye open, instinctively struggled to get up.

He used his last ounce of strength.

Turn the girl in your arms under your body.

Blocked the lightning with his back.

Lightning struck Ron's back and swallowed him whole in an instant. However, he didn't make any sound. Because he no longer had the strength to speak.

After a moment, the lightning disappeared, and a fist-sized hole appeared on his back.

He looked down at Coyatl.

On the girl's pale face, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

There was also a hollow in her chest.

Voldemort's magic ran through them.

"No -" Ron spat out a mouthful of blood. In the end, everything he did was so stupid, like a clown idiot.

A strong sense of self-blame eroded his fragile self-esteem.

"That's it! It's pretty good."

Koyatel murmured in a voice that could only be heard by Ron who was close to her.

At this time, she suddenly wanted to stretch out her hand to comfort the boy in front of her.

Just like the red-haired witch comforted her in the vision just now.

But - she has no strength.

She is not dead yet, but her physique has been enhanced by ancient magic over a long period of time. If it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago due to such a large amount of blood loss.

"Thank you." In the end, the girl could only use her last bit of understanding to say these two words.

From birth to now.

Her life is one of loneliness and fear.

in a short life.

No one has ever been sincerely willing to sacrifice for her. However, at this last moment of life and death, Ron protected her with his own life, allowing her to experience the feeling of being cared for and protected.

Her life was like walking on thin ice, and everyone regarded her as a monster, an evil spirit, the resurrected body of an alien god, and an unreasonable madwoman.

If the ending is like this - for her, maybe this can be regarded as a gift.

At least she has that one 'friend'?

Maybe go deeper?

It's a pity - at the last moment of returning to glory.

A trace of reluctance suddenly filled her consciousness.

Her freedom was too short.

It's really too short.

Just like a flower, it will wither as soon as it blooms.

At this moment - the blood of the two people merged together and became entangled with each other.

Telling of unspeakable regrets.

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