I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 430 A Faith

"What now?" Koyatel quickly adjusted his mentality, "Where is this place? Why did I end up in a place like this again?"

"Well -" Shani said slowly, "although I don't understand how you ended up in a place like this last time."

"But the reason why you are here now is because of him." She pointed at Ron.

"He——" Koyatel glanced at Ron, "You? Are you relatives?"

The same red hair, and he seemed to have seen the woman in front of him before.

Her name seems to be Shani Weasley?

They are also from the Weasley family, maybe she is Ron's ancestor?

"Yes." Shani stretched out her hand and rubbed Koyatel's head and said, "Maybe you have come into contact with this generation of ancient magic heirs. I once had such an identity."

As she spoke, the smile on her face slowly faded, "That's not a good status. I lost a lot because of it."

"After my death, perhaps this identity allowed part of my will to be passed down along with my bloodline. Little Ron is the best descendant to inherit my bloodline."

"It's amazing. This is a unique thing that has never happened in history. It may be related to the fact that several generations of heirs have been members of the Weasley family."

"Several generations?" Koyatel expressed surprise. This was different from some of the history she knew. Isn't the identity of the heir random?

"As for why I appear here?" A smile appeared on Shani's face again.

"Then take a guess."

"What you must understand is that, Miss Coattell, the experience you and Ronnie have together is unknown so far. No one has ever stepped into this magical realm in the past. It is a series of coincidences and inevitable accelerants, full of... A wonderful arrangement of fate.”

"Is it because of the blood?" Koyatel frowned. In her last memory, her blood and Ron's blood were blended together.

"My body contains ancient magic, so I have reawakened your consciousness."

"Yes." Shani nodded, "But not entirely right. This is the final trigger. The powder keg has been prepared before that."

"Could it be that she and I had a conflict before? I remember our wands were connected together. Owen said that only if the wand's core belongs to the same magical animal, that kind of situation will happen, like a flashback spell." Ron His eyes rolled crazily and he quickly gave his answer.

"That's right, but earlier -" Shani said with a smile. She stopped being pretentious and started to explain, "Ronnie, on that train, when my junior used the magic spell to threaten you and Harry, , the ancient magic overflowing from him has awakened the power in your blood."

"Train?" Ron scratched his head, and then suddenly came back to reality, "Oh - you mean when I first met Owen on the Hogwarts Express in the first year - has it started since then? "

"This is a very wonderful connection." Shani said, "The ancient magic tightly intertwines your destiny. That kind of connection is invisible to you. It affects you subtly. You should have discovered it.”

"In the past time, you and Owen have had countless magical contacts. I believe that your wand absorbed some of his powers and qualities, which permanently changed your personality, and the unique magic-infected The Horned Beast (Ron's old wand) no longer suits you either.

A wizard's wand is like a patron saint, representing a person's nature. Even if the previous wand is damaged, the core of the new wand will usually be made of the same material.

But you are different. All the unicorns refused. This is very rare. It is not uncommon for Aurors to use unicorn wands and inevitably use dark magic. Most of them just need to calm down for a period of time, and the wand will return to normal, and you - the reason is that you have changed.

During the World Cup, Quetzalcoatl noticed me, and I saw you for the first time. " Shani looked at Koyatel again.

"To be honest, I couldn't believe it. For a moment, I thought that two heirs of ancient magic appeared in the world. Later I discovered that it was not your power, but belonged to Quetzalcoatl.

Of course it still surprises me. Because this is impossible - there are two opposing forces in a person's body. How such a person is born, I thought about it for a long time, and heard many answers from Ronnie's ears.

Only later did I understand what kind of power it was, which supported a living and fragile soul. "

"What is it?" Koyatel asked hurriedly.

Facing the anxious little wizard, Shani bent down, held the girl's cheek with her right hand, and said in an unprecedented gentle tone, "Love, child. It's love."

"Love?" Koyatel's eyes were full of confusion. What kind of answer was this?

"Coatle Stewart." Shani said softly, "You should learn about your family history, the history of the Stewart family.

And - those who died before you, the deformed babies you thought were monsters, those Koatl - not everything was filled with hatred, and you were not their vengeful flame. Maybe everything is warmer than you think?

Love - children, they love you and want you to be alive. "

Faced with such an answer, Coyatel suddenly fell into confusion. She never thought that under Isabel's deep harbor, the seedlings of love would grow among those bones.

Isn't that the vestibule of hell?

Why does she feel so inconsistent?

"Love!" Ron shouted at this time, "I know, Owen and Dumbledore both said that Harry survived Voldemort's killing curse because of his mother's love.

It was an ancient and powerful force beyond the understanding of wizards, a power that Voldemort could never understand in his lifetime. "

"So what is love?" he asked.

"Love is a belief." Shani responded, "You will know, it is that simple. When your body and mind only have one belief left, miracles will happen.

It has nothing to do with age or whether you have mastered many powerful spells. It may happen in the next second and appear in those actions that try their best to be altruistic. "

"I see-" Ron lowered his head, completely confused.

Koyatel glared at her with slight disgust, then looked at the mother-like woman in front of him, "It's too profound for me to understand."

"You don't need to understand now, how old you are, you still have a long time to live in the future - oh - by the way - are you eighteen years old?"

Koatl was stunned. She was the same age as several other people in the semifinals. If she were still in Ilvermorny College this year, she would be in seventh grade.

She will turn eighteen on her birthday this year.

"There is a future there. We are already dead." She did not answer, but Ron on the side answered for her, and he shook his head.

"Oh - you're not eighteen years old?" Shani glanced at Ron and nodded understandingly, "That means you're less than three years old, which is good. You! You're not smart enough, so you should let others take care of you. ."

"Hi -" Koyatel was annoyed for a while, what time has it been, and you are still in the mood to talk about such boring topics.

"Don't worry-" Shani laughed, "You are not dead."

She said, "Ancient magic has a powerful mutation power on organisms. If it is properly controlled, it can be used to heal any wound. Just leave it to me in a moment."

"You?" Ron's eyes widened, "Can you still be resurrected?"

Shani rolled her eyes at her silly offspring, "How could that happen? But I can still cast a few spells with your body."

"What should we do? Can we go back?" Ron didn't want to die at all. He wanted to avenge the little wizards!

Shani saw through the flames in Ron's eyes at a glance, the blazing fire of revenge, "Not for the dead, Ronny. For the living. The most important thing is to cherish those around you. You have to reduce the number of innocent souls who are harmed and broken. family. Choose a worthy goal. A noble goal.”

"As for going back." She stood up and looked around, "That's up to you. This is your home after all."

Ron took a few deep breaths, adjusted his mentality, clenched his fists, and looked around with his eyes.

He didn't understand what the ancestor in front of him meant when he said it was up to him, but this was indeed his home. Warmth, noise, happiness. Home supports him from slipping into a darker abyss. This is the strength he has innately.

He stared at Shani's eyes and looked at her for a long time.

Although he still hasn't figured out what kind of difficult times this ancestor has suffered, she must have been burdened with a lot. She eventually died alone in the kitchen secret room of Hogwarts, and her name does not exist in the wizarding world. , what a desperate ending, but she - she never seemed to care about it.

She never mentioned that when talking to them.

She was so kind, so gentle, just like—just like his grandma, Cedrella Black. Although she bears the name of Black, she is actually a gentle woman.

Of course, like Sirius, she was also expelled from the Black family because she married her grandfather, a Weasley.


"Last question, ma'am," said Ron, "Why Weasley? Why have generations of heirs been Weasleys?"

Shani still looked at him gently. Everything around her, the Burrow, turned into mist again, just like the scene in the Pensieve.

"Someone chose us." Her figure still became illusory, but her voice was still so clear and gentle, "Maeve, Vivian, Morgan, Arthur, William, Charlie, Frederick, St. George, Po Sibal, Ron (Ron is the abbreviation of Rhongomyniad, meaning: Rhongomyniad, King Arthur's spear.) Guinevere.

The names of all the Weasley family members follow a certain pattern, and most of their names come from the legend of King Arthur and historical figures from the Middle Ages.

I don't think this is an accident. "

"That bastard - he didn't even ask for our opinion."

The fog condenses and the world collapses.

While waiting for consciousness to return, Koyatel found himself lying on the ground.

The smell of rotting corpses hit my face.

She felt the irregular stones beneath her body hurting her back.

But other than that, she couldn't be in better shape.

It's never been easier.

All the wounds on his body were gone.

Even Ron, who was holding her down, was gone.

? ? ?

When the girl came back to her senses, she thought she would hear Voldemort's voice cheering for victory, celebrating her death and his gaining the power of an alien god.

But in fact, her ears were filled with Voldemort's curses.


She opened her eyes and looked over.

I saw Voldemort fighting a certain wizard.

Although he was completely in the upper hand, he just couldn't defeat the wizard. Angry and ferocious roars were coming from his mouth. The wizard was injured and seemed to be defeated soon, but every time his fatal attack could always Dodged by the opponent.

This made Voldemort very angry.

Immediately, more powerful and terrifying magic was used by him.


The entire island trembled, and Koatl was carried away by the rolling stone and pushed far away.

After a while, she crawled out from the edge of the island. She almost fell into the figure under the stone bridge.

The girl stuck her head out and stared straight ahead.

Her wand was destroyed and her fanny pack was missing.

Although she was not weak at casting spells without a wand, facing an opponent like Voldemort, it would be too stupid for her to cast spells without a wand.

Getting involved at this time will only cause trouble for the wizard.

Immediately, her eyes looked elsewhere.

The center of the island is where the two wizards fight.

On the other side of the altar, behind Voldemort.

Koatl finally found Ron's trace.

He seemed to have changed.

There was no wand in her hand, but her fingertips kept writing ancient runes that she didn't recognize.

Each word is like a dancing spirit, sinking into the altar and into the void.

Immediately afterwards, Koatl saw that the already illusory Quetzalcoatl suddenly became solid above the altar.

It was as if someone had re-infused power into Zhi.

Voldemort didn't notice this. He was drawn by anger and his attention was entirely on the black-robed wizard.

She also noticed that there were only two chains left on Voldemort's body, instead of the original seven.

As 'Ron' wrote more and more runes, two iron chains suddenly flew out of the hole and tied Voldemort's neck.


Senior Tom didn't notice this at all.

He was pulled by the force and staggered down from the air.

Grindelwald's eyes lit up, and he took the opportunity to throw out several more spells, which successfully caused harm to Voldemort.

He had already noticed Ron.

Although he didn't know what the boy wanted to do, he had been helping him to attract Voldemort's hatred.

"Damn it? You? Why aren't you dead yet?"

Voldemort, who fell to the ground and had his wand knocked away by Grindelwald, finally noticed Ron's presence.

He stared at the other person angrily, his scarlet eyes seeming to eat him up.

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