"Oselle, have you thought of your last words?" a

cold voice came into everyone's ears.

Her long, light gray white hair fluttered in the sea breeze, and her red eyes sparkled like jewels.

"Mirror...... Mirror Stream!" Paimon jumped up excitedly. "Are you here to save us?"

Kagami didn't answer Paimon's question, but walked slowly in the direction of Othello. The sea surface that the mirror stream walked through with each step would condense into solid ice, which could not dissipate for a long time, emitting bursts of cold air.

"Who are you. Oser looked cautiously at the woman in front of him. This woman ...... Easily took his own attack...... And this sense of oppression...... It's even more terrifying than when he faced Morax back then!

Osir already had the idea of returning to the seal by himself at this time, but this opportunity was too rare for Othello to give up. So I could only pray that this strong man was not from Liyue's side......

"Do you know what you've done?" asked Kagami, answering Sayre's question, instead with a dark face.

"Yes, Your Excellency, I sincerely apologize for this attack on Liyue, and I will leave immediately. Upon hearing Mirror Stream's words, Oselle mistook her for Liyue's side, and prepared to return to the seal and seal it for hundreds of years.

But just when Oser wanted to leave, the entire Yunlai Sea was frozen in ice, and Oser was also frozen in place, unable to move.

"What does it matter to me that you attack Liyue, even if you destroy Liyue, it has nothing to do with me. Jingliu snorted coldly. Then he said

, "You're wrong, it's wrong for the shouting after breaking the seal!!" Mirror Stream stared at Osel through gritted teeth.

You don't shout early or late, but shout at the most critical time, ruining your relationship with Columbia. You really damn it!!

Thinking of this, the resentment in Jingliu's eyes became even heavier.

At this time, Othello didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem, and he was happy when he heard that Jingliu had

nothing to do with Liyue: "It has nothing to do with Liyue, that's a good relationship, as long as you don't make a move, after I take Liyue, you will be nine and I will be one, how about we divide Liyue." "

Although I only need one percent, it is worth it to be able to hug the thighs of the mirror flow.

"Or you can do ten or zero, and I'll be your subordinate. Seeing that Jingliu's expression did not change in the slightest, Osel hurriedly spoke.

The people and immortals below also looked at Jingliu a little nervously, although Jingliu would most likely not agree, but the conditions were indeed very attractive.

Jingliu listened to Oselle's words, and his face became darker and darker.

Osel also noticed that Jingliu's face was not quite right, and hurriedly said humbly: "Sister, sister, what do you need, Xiao Ao, I will also get it for you when I go up and down the fire."

Jingliu couldn't bear it anymore, and raised his hand to raise the Tanhua sword to give Oshire a sword, and the cold sword qi cut through the space and slashed towards Oselle.

Before Oser could react, the sword qi fell on his body, and where the sword qi hit, it turned into solid ice, and gradually spread, and then shattered, turning into ice crystals.

"Roar......" Osser shouted in pain.

"Sister, sister, dissipation, dissipation. Othello ignored the wound and said hurriedly.

As for why Oser didn't attack Jingliu, of course, Oser knew that he had a few pounds and taels compared to Jingliu. Why don't you try your best to please Kagami, maybe you can hit it a little lighter?"

"It's almost, it's almost! You're really damned, you're really damned!!" The more Kagliu thought about it, the more angry he became, and the attack towards Osir became stronger and stronger, and Osir's painful wails grew louder and louder, resounding throughout Liyue.

"This, this, what kind of stimulation did Jingliu receive, it's terrifying......" Paimon couldn't help but shudder as he looked at Jingliu's appearance at this time.

"This kind of strength...... Who is she?" Liuyun did not pay attention to Jingliu's emotions, but observed Jingliu's terrifying strength.

"Completely pressed Oser to ...... With such strength, I'm afraid the emperor is not an opponent when he comes...... If she had any thoughts about Liyue—" Liuyun was a little afraid to think about it at this point. If Jingliu were to attack Liyue, I'm afraid that the combined combat power of all Liyue would not be a single enemy......

"The Fatui Executive, the Zero Seat "Sword Head" Jingliu, the executive officer who was airborne three years ago, knows very little about her. "

For the past three years, I have been staying in the winter, and my relationship with the three "girls" is very good. It wasn't until recently that he left Solstice for Mondstadt. I heard that he also helped Mondstadt solve the dragon plague. Ningguang told all the information he knew.

"The Fatui...... Jingliu, what kind of organization is this Fatui? Why haven't you heard of it before?" asked Liuyun suspiciously.

"The Fatui are a diplomatic organization from the Winter Solstice, and their executives possess the power bestowed upon them by the Ice God himself. "

God of Ice, what is that little girl doing?" said Liuyun with a frown. (The brow is not visible though.)

"The battle seems to be coming to an end. Hearing

this, everyone hurriedly looked. Although it is said to be a battle, it is just a one-sided crushing of the mirror stream.

At this time, Auxer's body was covered in wounds, and many of his previous heads were now only one.

Oser was also angry at this time, this is not taking himself in his eyes at all, he is also a top demon god at all! But Oser was angry at this time and did not dare to speak, the water around him was all frozen, he was completely unable to move, no matter what, he could not break free, he could only be beaten passively.

At this time, the mirror flow qi holding the Tanhua Sword in his hand also disappeared a lot, although he still looked at Oselle with a little anger.

"Don't fight, hurry to find Columbia and see if you can do it again. Kagyu muttered.

The next moment, the mirror jumped up and rode in the moonlight.

"Just let ...... This round

of moonlight "The moonlight was slowly covered by black shadows, and the power of the Tanhua Sword in his hand became stronger and stronger.

"Shine through the !! of Wanchuan"

As the words of Jingliu fell, the Tanhua Sword emitted a brilliant light, and countless suffocating sword qi slashed towards Oselle.

"......" Oser looked at the sword qi falling towards him, and finally understood a truth.

That's the one who is a demon god, and you must not shout, otherwise you won't know how to die. And...... I really don't know......

As the sword qi fell, Yun Laihai was instantly split into halves, Oser was wiped out under the strangulation of the sword qi, and the remnants of the demon god that broke out after death were also turned into dust and ...... under the power of the sword qi

When the power dissipated, there was no longer the figure of Jingliu and Oselle above the sea of clouds, and a top-level demon god was easily eliminated.


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