I Just Become The Richest Man: Received an Admission Letter from Hogwarts

Chapter 12 Anti Education Snape's Attitude

Sean's heart froze, knowing that apart from Sean's family, no one knew that those arms were actually made by Sean. "Any questions?"

Sean asked innocently.

A trace of anger flashed in Professor McGonagall's eyes:

"Do you know how many people lost their lives because of your weapons?"

At this time, Sean stopped pretending, frowned and said:

"Professor McGonagall, my original intention of making weapons is for people to protect their country and protect themselves."

"By the way, Professor McGonagall, what do you think of Mr. Ollivander?"

Professor McGonagall didn't know why Sean asked this, and thought for a while before saying:

"He's a very nice guy."

Sean nodded:

"Yes, but I guess he didn't expect that the wand he made would be used by Voldemort to mutilate so many people, didn't he?"

Sean's voice just fell, and the originally noisy banquet hall could be heard instantly.

Everyone looked at Sean with a weird look, even the professors.

"Weapons are just tools, and tools aren't right or wrong, don't you think? Professor McGonagall?"

Professor McGonagall was speechless by Sean.

At this moment, Dumbledore finally spoke:

"Mr. Sebastian, you are right. There is no right or wrong with a weapon. It is the person who uses it to hurt others."

"And Mr. Sebastian, we never say that man's name."

"Okay, please go back to your seat, the banquet is about to start."

Sean nodded, walked to the position and suddenly said:

"I'll take your opinion into consideration, Professor McGonagall."

After speaking, Sean sat down.

The whole venue was still silent.

"Okay everyone, a little episode, the banquet begins!"

Dumbledore clapped his hands, and all the tables instantly appeared in abundance of exquisite food.

The food seemed to have successfully diverted the attention of these little wizards, and the venue was lively again.

Out of Sean's sight, Professor McGonagall gave Dumbledore a helpless look.

Dumbledore chuckled and returned Professor McGonagall's calm gesture.

Sean looked at the dishes in front of him, and really couldn't get any appetite.

Mainly, there are only two ways for these foreigners to cook, either boiled or steamed.

Another option is to mix it directly.

Sean really couldn't take a bite out of these dishes.

After eating some fruit, Sean followed the prefect to the dormitory.

Slytherin's bedroom is located at the bottom of Hogwarts, near the Black Lake.

Sean was a little stunned when he walked into the common room.

Slytherin's common room is nothing short of luxurious, especially with a glass that has a black lake behind it!

Sean can even see fish swimming outside!

"First graders, stand against the wall, Prefect Charlie wants to speak!"

A group of senior students surrounded Sean and others, and looked at the freshmen with a smile.

The prefect known as Charlie stepped out of the crowd arrogantly and looked at Sean and the others.

At this moment, Sean's head is big.

Seriously, these people in Snake House are not only small, but most importantly, they are too ugly!

But this is also predictable. Those ancient wizard families often marry close relatives for the purity of their blood.

Therefore, most of the offspring are not smart.

At the same time, the flaws in appearance will make these children want to regain their confidence in other aspects, such as their very perverse personalities.

Sean's task now is to let Snake House win the Academy Cup, so Sean must change these students.

But blindly making them confident is useless, and the inferiority complex in appearance cannot be changed.

"Unless you give them plastic surgery, it will be difficult..."

"What are you talking about? Stand up!"

Charlie, with big buck teeth, pointed at Sean and said sharply.

Sean poked out his ears:

"What are you doing? Freshman education?"

Charlie grinned, revealing his rotten teeth:

"This kid knows a lot, you all listen to me."

"It's a Slytherin tradition that first-year students are responsible for cleaning all the sanitation, including the common room!"

"Of course, and the dorms of the seniors, did you hear that?"

"Impossible, it's house-elf work!"

In the crowd, a sharp female voice came out.

Charlie looked at the girl and teased while pacing:

"Pancey, Pansy, Pansy, in Slytherin, I'm the prefect, and filthy creatures like house-elves aren't allowed in our courtyard, understand?"

"Pancey, and you, Sean, right, you two start cleaning now, and you can't sleep until you've cleaned all the dorms!"

"have you understood?"

Charlie bent down and stared at Sean.

"Oh, I didn't want to worry about your troubles. To be honest, I'm quite busy."

"But since I joined Slytherin, I announce that I will be Sean as the prefect of Slytherin in the future."


The whole common room was silent for several minutes, and then there was a burst of terrifying laughter.

"Hahahaha this kid is crazy!"

"Laughing at me, little guy, are you under some kind of curse?"

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