I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 153: Thieves' den

Golden Island, a rich, chaotic and crazy place.

No one remembers what the original name of the island was. Since the powerful pirate family built the castle here, it was renamed the Golden Island along with the island, showing the dominance of the pirate family here. Other lords here also gritted their teeth.

At a tavern on the pier, Gray was sitting on a table in the tavern in dirty-looking clothing. Few pirates were clean, but too clean was conspicuous.

He pretended to be drinking while holding a glass, and listened to news from the bar by the way.

Ten little brothers split into several waves and successfully penetrated the pirates. For the time being, Kwain and Merida were only around him. The reason why these two guys were kept was really uneasy for them.

Needless to say, Kwain, the original vicious werewolf pirates are also very familiar with this place. If they ran away at a certain gap and leaked the news to the so-called golden family, the trouble would be big. I believe the other party would not mind gaining a fortune. Windfall.

And the other thing is not a worry-free thing. Seeing the pirates, she wanted to pick up a bow and arrow, as if she had a fate with them. The last time she met the pirate ship, she was not satisfied after shooting a few arrows. It was the first one to jump over during the battle, faster than Gray. If you don't look at it, sooner or later you will have trouble coming.

"Sir, this is a list of items, you see what you need, we will prepare it right away." A waiter in the tavern walked over with a list, smiling and handing it to Gray.

This tavern is part of the industry of the Golden Family. Basically, you can bring up any materials you want here, and you can also sell your own goods to them.

Of course, there are also bazaars, where pirates can pay rent and then put their goods in stores for sale.

But Gray obviously doesn’t plan to bother himself. You can check it out later, but it’s better to buy materials here. The other party has huge resources and basically all needs can be met. Then they will be delivered to the door and carried out on the dock. transaction.

"Okay." Gray took the list, which listed in detail the most commonly used materials, such as food, drinks, fruits, vegetables, etc., that are most in demand by pirates.

At the first glance of the list, Gray thought of how many gold coins the gold family had saved. According to this speed of grabbing money, should he get a lot of treasures?

"We still have some food for ourselves. This time we will buy half a month's worth of wine. Twenty barrels of wine are required. One barrel a day is enough for them. So many people drink one barrel. They have to drink or not. Drunk affects work. Buy fruits and vegetables that are storage-resistant, as well as meat. Don't use too much fresh meat. Buy more dried meat.” Gray wrote down what he needed on a piece of paper.

"Sir, the items you bought are fifty-two gold coins in total. Do you see a problem?"

"Yes, deliver the stuff to the dock. Will you check it out?" Gray tried his best to resist the urge to draw people. In his kingdom, a sheep only costs a few silver coins. The price of these things has completely doubled. It's not bad to grab the money.

"Yes, please rest assured, we do business, the most important thing is credibility." The waiter was very confident and didn't ask for a deposit. No one dared to take things from the Golden Family for nothing. Money must be given.

If you don't give it, then the Golden Family will have another windfall. If you don't want a windfall, you will have to have an extra boat. Anyway, you can't run away.

"Send to the pier in those two hours. By the way, I still have a batch of slaves. Do you want it?"

"Of course, we are willing to collect all the goods you are willing to sell, no matter any goods, as long as there is value, the gold family will not refuse to come."

After buying a batch of things, Gray waved his hand and the soldiers dressed as pirates gathered behind him and walked to the bazaar together, reporting to Gray what they had heard.

These include the more famous pirates, the current power situation on the island, and the information about the Golden Family that Gray most values.

According to the news they heard, the pirate fleet with three large ships led by the five werewolves is also a relatively famous group of pirates, vaguely ranked in the top ten.

"So, the strength of these pirates is not very good?" Gray glanced at Kwain and said softly.

"Captain, you can vaguely enter the top ten, in fact, it is about eleven or twelve. The top ten pirate fleets each have at least three ships, the number of crew is close to one thousand, and there are powerful characters sitting in the town." Explained: "But when these people are united, they are not the opponents of the Golden Family. Moreover, it is said that there are several pirates in the top ten supported by the Golden Family themselves."

This is the strategy of the violent bears to support their own pirates among the pirates. In this way, these pirates can no longer unite, because once they are united, who knows which pirate is an insider? When the time comes, we will fight back and everything will be over.

Gray rubbed his chin. "That would be interesting."

If every pirate is not weaker than the werewolf pirates, then when ten pirates add up, Gray himself can only retreat temporarily, and the human sea tactics can kill him alive.

The strength of the Golden Family that can compete with these pirates is conceivable, and the strength of the pirates of CNOOC and the others should not be underestimated. Gray temporarily dispelled his plan to plunder.

Most of the people cultivated on this island are slaves, and a few are the family members of the Golden Family, and even some pirates who retired and don't want to work. Many of the offspring of these people will join the Golden Family again to add fresh blood.

So they forbid anyone to looting on the island.

In addition, there are several indigenous tribes on the island, but that was before, and now they have also become lords, with not weak armed forces, and unclear relationships with some pirates.

Walking to a dirty and messy market street, looking at the shops around which were obviously lacking management, Gray even walked in at first and didn't bother to look at it later, because there were basically no good things inside and it was very chaotic.

Most of the time, he basically walked over with a glance. The pirates were really bad at managing. After this section, the shops set up by some small town lords and village lords appeared to be much better than the pirates.

But compared with the pirates, the contents in it are much richer. Gray went around and slowly selected a batch of materials. These materials may be used in refining medicine in the future, and the others are not looked at. Your Majesty does not need Those ordinary things.

From this simple market, you can see the huge castle of the Golden Family in front of it. The tall castle is located by the sea, with a pier underneath, and a dozen big ships parked.

Gray’s first impression of this castle is that it is dangerous ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ easy to defend and difficult to attack. For other needs, it all ranks behind the attribute of defense. It looks like a military fortress.

The construction style of the castle is also rough, and the various techniques are very bad. It is just like a random construction. It is very simple. If you look closer, you can see a lot of stones protruding from the wall. , It seems that it will collapse in the next second, but this does not affect its easy-to-defense and difficult-to-attack characteristics.

"It's like a pirate style." Gray said. The style of pirates he had seen was a mess on the ship, and the castle seemed normal.

"Captain, let's go back." Kwain seemed quite afraid of the Golden Family.

"No hurry, it's all here. The Golden Family can make pirates like this. It's our role model. It's worth learning. Maybe this is what we will look like in the future." Gray waved his hand and walked closer and walked around the castle. It seems.

A tall man riding a big horse, followed by a line of carriages pulling supplies towards the gate of the castle, as if hearing Gray’s words, looked at them in surprise: "Haha, are the little pirates so arrogant now, still want to be Pirates like the Golden Family, go back and dream, then your dream may be realized sooner."

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