I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 309: Wait for me at home

   Seeing Gray had finished eating, furniture came up to remove the plate, and served a dessert and fruit.

   Gray put down the book in his hand, either a magic book or ordinary literature.

   He doesn't like reading books as much as Belle, but when he is free, he will pick up a few books and have a look, otherwise he won't collect so many books in Kant Manor.

   At that time, he didn't have much thoughts about Belle, and he didn't mean to kneel and lick in advance.

  Every magician is a knowledgeable person, let alone knowing everything, but at least he knows a lot. Some knowledge is acquired by them, and some rely on reading.

   Gray is a qualified mage and has never stopped enriching his soul.

   After putting down the book, Gray looked at Sunni. The other party had finished eating. He narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Miss, introduce myself. My name is Gray. What do you call it?"

   "My name is Suni, thank you for your hospitality, the delicious food." When asked by him, Suni suddenly became a little nervous and stumbled.

   gave the beast a look, and the other party immediately understood, stretched out his hand to tidy up the collar, "Hello, this is Pedro, I am glad to meet you."

   Gray gave him a surprised look. Even if he came to the castle for so long, he still called him by the name of the beast when he encountered the beast, not because he didn't want to call him by name, but the beast himself never said his name.

   So, he only now knows that the name of the beast is Pedro.

   "You said that you were lost, so where did you go before? What did you do?" Gray asked faintly, his eyes fixed on Suni.

   "I'm going..." Suni was about to speak, she frowned suddenly, "I...I'm going...Where am I going? I don't remember."

   She herself seemed to have really forgotten where she was going, and she didn't look like a lie, and the lie detector... and little Jasmine did not respond.

   "Where did you come from?" Gray continued to ask.

   "I...I don't remember." Suni felt that she remembered it, but her previous memory seemed to slip from her mind like running water, leaving no trace.

   "My name is Suni, and my home is... I don't remember."

   Suni's expression became more and more distressed, but she couldn't remember anything after thinking about it carefully, which made her feel like she was breathless with a boulder on her chest.

"Okay, don't think about it." Looking at her appearance, Gray knew that she really couldn't remember, interrupted her, and then looked at the beast, "Since she has forgotten where her home is, let her live first. Right here, okay?"

   "Of course, we welcome it." The furniture enthusiastically said that there is no problem.

   "Yes." Pedro also nodded.

   Gray looked at Sunni, "Don't worry, they are all good people. You can leave whenever you remember."

   "Yes, if you want to leave, you can leave at any time." Others also nodded. At this time, you can't give people a feeling of confinement.

   "Then...Thank you." Suni hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement. She didn't know where to go. This seemed to be the last place to stay.

   Mrs. Teapot, they all became excited and took Suni upstairs to arrange a room for her.

   Gray reached out and grabbed the restless elf, and looked at Agat, who had reduced his sense of existence without saying a word, "Where is the flying broom I gave you?"

   "In the room, do you want to use it? Didn't you just make a new one?" Agat replied calmly.

After Gray made a new flying broom, he tried the speed and found it was better than before, so he gave the original flying broomstick of the old witch to Agat and let her study it by herself, and suggested that she can Try to make one from her magic rose vine, maybe it will work well.

   The new thing is that he himself stayed and studied its effects.

Last night and today, he did not make a new flying broom. He has been perfecting some of the small mistakes that appeared before and some small problems in the last flying broom. He didn’t pay attention to what she did. Now think about her. Maybe it's busy day.

   "Go take it down and let me see."

   Gray's face changed slightly, and someone bit his finger.

   Aga walked upstairs, the beast stood up and walked to Gray, hesitated for a while and said, "How can I make a woman like herself?"

Gray's research is not without results, at least, now the beast can suppress the cursed beast instinct and become like a normal person, and because of his teachings and a group of furniture, he is continuing to move towards a qualified gentleman and monarch. .

   Gray wanted to say that it’s ok to be handsome, and the two conditions of being tall and rich are not difficult, but after looking at the face of the beast, he decided to teach him some methods that apply to ‘gao rich’.

   "Pursue a girl, don't be too blunt. You can invite her to read together, ski together, water the flowers together, have a snowball fight together, etc., do some romantic and beautiful things. The true feelings are cultivated in this way."

   Gray said: "And you can enrich yourself in this process, even if you fail in the end, it will be rewarding."

   Ye Beast asked him to point out how to invite girls to do these activities. He can’t just open his mouth and just ‘let’s read a book’, ‘let’s go to a snowball fight,’ right?

   Gray thought for a while, and found that he had no such experience, because when he wanted to invite girls to do something, he said it was basically possible.

   This is the trouble of being too handsome, and I can’t experience the life experience of some ordinary people.

   Talking to the Beast, ten minutes later, Agat has not yet come down.

"Think about it for yourself. It's mainly up to you to chase girls. Other people's suggestions can only be used as a reference." Gray said, walking upstairs to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Agat's room His room was not far away, it was easy to find, knocked on the door, no one answered, Gray opened the door violently, no one inside.

   "Playing disappears, huh!"

   Closed his eyes, a magic circle appeared under his feet, and his perception spread out like water waves. Soon, he felt the person he was looking for.

   "Hidden on top of the tower." Gray slowly walked up.

Listening to the approaching footsteps, Agat’s face showed a panic, he wanted to escape, but he also knew that the main body couldn’t escape, and he was even more impossible. If he accepts his life and waits for death, perhaps he has a better attitude and can leave a whole body. .

   "It's okay, I didn't let me continue looking for you." Gray nodded.

   "I sent the flying broom back to the body, and I forgot it just now." Agat laughed embarrassedly.

   "Don't explain, you don't know yet, I have little Jasmine." Gray shook his head.

   Little Jasmine heard her name, swish and flew up from below, "What do you want me to do?"

"Chocolate for you." Gray took out a piece of chocolate and handed it to her, staring at Agat from top to bottom, and finally stopped on her neck, gently put her palm up, pinched her neck and brought it to her. .

   "Master, listen to my explanation." Agath shouted. It would take at least one or two months for her to recover from the loss of a clone.

   "What is Belle doing?"

   "She is reading the book you brought her back." Agat replied immediately.

   "Let her go to rest."


   "Wait for me at home, don't let me look everywhere."


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