I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 424: New crew

Early the next morning, the white mist in the sea area of ​​the Isle of Death had dispersed a little, but there was still a shallow layer, and the shallow white mist covered the area with a hazy veil, like a fairyland.

Of course, this is ignoring the wreckage of ships under the mist and the bones under the water. When the mist disperses, this place will immediately become a terrifying devil's sea.

In the mist, a ship much smaller than the Black Pearl approached slowly.

"Why should we approach the Black Pearl? Jack didn't come back all night. I think he has suffered an accident. We should act according to the piracy code!" A short pirate said to the others.

"But I saw Jack and Will yesterday. They were having fun on the Black Pearl. They have forgotten that we are still waiting for him." A woman shook the binoculars in her hand and said very unhappy.

"Black Pearl? Jack has recaptured the Black Pearl. He is the captain of the Black Pearl again. We can also board the Black Pearl." The rest of the pirates became excited.

"Annamaria, are you sure you are not mistaken? Jack was not caught, but the Black Pearl?" Gibbs wanted more accurate information.

Anna Maria shook her head, "I only saw it through the telescope, and I couldn't even hear their voices, but they did have a good time. At least they drank several barrels of rum."

"More importantly, Barbosa did not appear on the ship, not even once."

"I think if he was caught by Barbosa, the other party would not be so kind to entertain him, right?"

If it weren't for the dense fog, she couldn't see Jack at all, and even through the dense fog, she didn't dare to get too close at the time for fear of being discovered by the black pearl.

So I went back decisively, planning to ask the master to settle the accounts with him, and then rested for a night, until now.

"There are enemies!" Many of the drunk pirates who drank last night stayed on the deck. One of the pirates got up and stood on the side of the ship to solve the problem, and just saw a ship coming, and the frightened water jet stopped suddenly. !


The boat suddenly became lively, and the pirates clamored to get up from the boat, looking for weapons they didn't know where they were throwing.

Jack staggered to look at the so-called enemy, and quickly stopped, "Quiet, quiet, no enemies, no enemies!"

"Is there an enemy?" Gray pushed open the captain's room door.

"No, no enemies, captain, no enemies, that's mine!" Jack ran over and laughed.

"Your people?" Gray was puzzled, very puzzled.

"No, it's your captain." Jack rolled his eyes and changed his words quickly.

"Then tell them to come over." Gray nodded slightly, his crew would be fine.

He remembered that Jack's future crew should be on the Interceptor, and he had spent several movies with him.

However, these crew members are immediately their own.

Anna Maria breathed a sigh of relief. She almost turned around and ran when she heard them calling the enemy.

Fortunately, Jack stopped them in time and didn't see Barbosa. It seems that he did retake the Black Pearl.

The Interceptor approached, and the two ships were on deck.

"Jack, I knew that you would succeed." Gibbs came over with a laugh and gave Jack a hug. "You are the captain of the Black Pearl again. This is really a happy thing. I want to Toast you a glass of rum."

"What a majesty, I finally stood on the deck of the Black Pearl again." Gibbs looked at the legendary pirate ship with emotion.

When he first met Jack, he was still the captain of Black Pearl, and he had also been on this ship, the fastest ship at sea.

Unfortunately, soon there was news that Barbossa betrayed Jack and took the Black Pearl.

"Jack, the Interceptor really belongs to me!" Anna Maria confirmed again.

"Of course, dear Anna Maria, this is totally fine, the Interceptor is yours." Jack left Gibbs and walked over to Anna Maria, tentatively extending his hand.


Jack, who was slapped, immediately became more honest.

"Everyone, welcome to my Black Pearl, please introduce yourself, my first mate Jack Spyro told me that you will be my crew." Gray smiled and stood in front of the people coming from the Interceptor. .

"First officer?" Everyone looked at Jack.

Jack stepped back quietly, stood behind a pirate, half-length exposed, "Our heroic Captain Sutton killed the undead monster Barbosa and lifted everyone's curse."

"The kind he knew I wanted to be on the Black Pearl, and generously offered me the position of first officer. I am very grateful for the captain's appreciation."

"Of course, if you want to board the ship, the benevolent captain will consider your request."

Jack expressed his gratitude to the captain for his appreciation for allowing him to serve on the Black Pearl. He will definitely work hard to make the Black Pearl better under the leadership of the captain in the future.

"Do you want to get black pearls?" Gray looked at the group of people, some of whom were recognizable.

Gibbs with a beard and a chin missing, Jack's future chief mate, Cotton the parrot without a tongue, and a dwarf who is less than one meter.

Just these three, the other Grays don’t remember ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yes, sir, I have long admired the Black Pearl, please allow me to board the Black Pearl. "Gibbs was the first to speak.

It is a ship. When a pirate must have a ship, the bigger the ship, the better, and the stronger the crew, the better, because this will enable them to save their lives when they get treasures.

"It's all smooth sailing, all smooth sailing!" Crotton's parrot cried.

"This usually means yes, Captain, he is willing to join your fleet." Gibbs translated.

"They are my crew!" Before the rest of the people expressed their opinions, Anna Maria said, her attitude was very tough.

Her Interceptor also needs a crew to drive, she can't drive it back alone, so she must keep the crew.

Jack rolled his eyes and approached Gray, "Captain, a woman on a boat will bring bad luck. These guys might have gotten her bad luck."

"You didn't come on this ship?" Gray glared at him. "Well, I don't like taking or forcing anyone.

But since these two have already said that they want to join us, and I have invited them, I can't say nothing without believing them. These two will join us, and the rest are your crew. "

Those who can live the Five Steps should have good luck, and the income under the commander might increase a little luck.

And they have all got black pearls. If these crew members don't collect them, it seems that something is missing.

"Deal!" Anna Maria knew that she didn't have any qualifications to negotiate terms, and she was just two people. She could recruit more when she returned to Tortuga Island, and the ship was the most important thing.

"You are welcome to join the Black Pearl. My first mate Jack will assign you positions."

"Yes, Captain, I'm honored!" Gibbs bowed slightly.

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