I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 441: Guest is coming

On the boat, the bright beam of light shone from the lighthouse, which made the eyes of the people on the boat discomfort for a moment, but it didn't matter, for the mermaid, they could bear this little discomfort, so just rub it and get used to it.


   "Jack, have you ever met a mermaid?" Gibbs rubbed his sore eyes and asked Jack.


   Other people also looked at Jack curiously. The people here, Jack has the most experience. If anyone has seen a mermaid, it must be Jack.


Although other people have had a lot of experience, they have been burning, killing and looting with Barbosa, or looking for a way to relieve the curse, and looking for the last Aztec gold coin. For other fantasy things, they actually didn't have much contact. .


   "Of course, of course I have seen a mermaid!" Jack said bluntly, pretending to be a critical moment, he can't go back.


   "No, you must have never seen it. A mermaid will drag sailors to the bottom of the water, make love to them, and then eat them. If you have seen a mermaid, you must be dead." Another pirate retorted.


   "I've seen it." Jack was very stubborn, "You know, that day, you betrayed me."


   "That's right!" The pirates don't care. One person's betrayal is betrayal. If everyone betrays together, it is not betrayal.


"Throwing me on a lonely and helpless island waiting to die. There is nothing on that island. In order to escape from that island, I soaked in the sea for three days and three nights." Jack said in a sharp tone, emphatically: "Not moving. Stayed for three days and three nights!"


   "Until all sea creatures got used to my existence, on the fourth morning, when I was about to trap two turtles and make a raft to escape from the island, there was a moving song on the sea."


"That is the most beautiful voice in the world. No one can refuse the attraction of singing. I swam along with the singing and found a group of beautiful women with perfect faces and fish-like tail fins. They are in the sea. Swimming in the middle, the graceful figure is revealed."


   "Yes, they are mermaids. They found me. After hearing my story, they were very moved and thought that the traitor must be punished, so they helped me escape from the island."


   "Wait, Jack, you told me last time that you caught two turtles and made a raft before you escaped." Gibbs found something wrong and immediately questioned.


   Jack scowled and looked at Gibbs calmly, "You got it wrong, I said I wanted to catch a turtle, but I was spotted by a mermaid."


   "Really?" Looking at Jack's serious face, Gibbs fell into self-doubt. Could it be that he had heard it wrong.




   "I heard that mermaids only sing to seduce sailors during the mating season. When they mate with men, they will drag the men into the bottom of the sea and eat them. You are not talking about mermaids at all." A pirate questioned.


   Jack was speechless, thought for a while, and said stiffly: "You are lying, mermaids will not eat men at all, otherwise why are you on the boat? Are you afraid of being eaten?"


   After finishing talking, Jack also felt that what he said made sense and grinned, "Yes, you are lying, liar."


   "I didn't lie, I just think my life is too bad. If I can get the mermaid's kiss before I die, then death is worth it." The pirate said his thoughts truthfully, his face was very calm.


  Jack suddenly realized that what the other party said was probably true.


   Doesn’t that mean that I will be kissed by a mermaid and die happy?


   sounds good, but I don’t want it!


  Jack stood up immediately, looking around for tools that could return to the shore, then snatched the oars from a pirate, and wanted to row the boat back to the shore.


   "Jack, you will die, don't forget, you choose to seduce the mermaid on your own will. If you retreat in battle, the captain can hang you." Gibbs quickly reminded.


   Jack's old face instantly became dull, and then immediately recovered his composure, "I just have important things to report to the captain."


   Even though he said that, Jack did not continue to move. Pirates are an unsympathetic profession, not to mention that he and Gray have no relationship at all.


   "Mermaid, I like mermaid." Jack muttered.


   Suddenly, a cloud of sea water rose from the side of the boat, which shocked everyone and thought it was a mermaid, but they soon discovered that it was not the mermaid, but their captain.


   The sea changes, and it quickly becomes a string of letters!


   sing! Faster!


   "Hey hoo hoo, fifteen people sitting on the undead chest, hey yo hoo hoo, let's have a bottle of rum, let's have a drink, leave the rest to the devil, hey hoo hoo, come a bottle of rum..."


   Gibbs thought for a while, and started singing first.


   As soon as he spoke, the string of letters immediately changed.


   "Change one, change to that happy and brave sailor!"


   This song Gray knows that even if it is sung by the pirates' incomplete voice, the melody is not bad, and the pirates will occasionally sing this song on the ship.


   The pirates began to sing, "My name is Maria, I am the daughter of a businessman..."


   Even if I don’t have much musical talent, because they often sing, the pirates have a high level of mastery of this song. At least it does not sound bad, but it has an inexplicable charm.


   On the silent sea, the melodious singing voice spread far away.


  The endless dark man, only that piece of the sea, with a small boat, illuminated by a bright light beam, is very conspicuous.


   Gray didn't let anyone prepare to catch it, because with their combat power, it was difficult to win against the mermaid in the water.


   I watched for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The mermaid did not come. Gray knew that it would take time. The mermaid could not stay here all the time. They needed time to get here from other places.


   asked the pirates not to stop, Gray thoughtfully sent them a barrel of rum to quench their thirst, and then returned to the lighthouse.


   Little Jasmine is still trying to maintain the operation of the magic circle. Gray stepped forward to check the devices again, remembering that he still had a plug-in, maybe he could fix it.


   Pointing her wrist, the silly girl shot a scanning beam and scanned the entire lighthouse device.


   "Master, it's not a big problem!"


   Gray nodded slightly, "Mark the parts that need repair, and then tell me how to fix it. Well, if there is a video demonstration, it would be even better."


   "Master, this is a piece of cake for you." Said the silly girl, and then marked out the areas that need repairs, with a light screen text explanation.


   It took a few minutes, and Gray fixed it completely.


   "Well, little Jasmine, you don't need your help anymore."


  The fuel was ignited in the brazier, replacing the previous magic flame.


   Half an hour later, Gray stood on the lighthouse and looked at the boat below, and suddenly found that the water flow under the boat was abnormal.


   "Our guest is here!" Gray smiled happily.



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