I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 506: Styx Ferry Dead Soul

"This shouldn't be regarded as ordinary mint." Gray smiled. He felt a lot better when he smelled the smell. This alone shows that this mint is very effective, unlike ordinary mint. .

You know, refreshing is actually stimulating the mind, and his current mental power, ordinary mint is ineffective, this thing can be useful, it is enough to show that it is not ordinary.

However, although its effect has become stronger, it is still just refreshing, not a precious thing. Many potions he made have better effects than it.

No longer paying attention to the grass, Gray looked at Hernona, "By the way, why did you come here, didn't you go to Elysee Paradise?"

"I'm special, I want to see in the underworld before deciding when to go." Hernona smiled and was in a good mood.

The grass was not dead, but was rejuvenated, making her feel that she had encountered another romantic event worth remembering, which was a rare adjustment in her long ghost life.

After chatting with Hernona, Gray learned that the other party intends to take care of this peppermint here, at least until it grows up before leaving.

But Gray felt that it was just watching, because he also discovered that even if the woman was in the underworld, she still couldn't touch other things.

Unlike those dead souls, after coming to the underworld, some aspects can become similar to when they were alive, and it is possible to touch anything.

But Hernona couldn't. Although Gray didn't know the reason, he intuitively told him that it was related to the other party's ability to wander around in the underworld.

After discovering this, Gray invited her to walk around with herself, and she could come back to see this mint plant every once in a while, and it was also convenient to take care of it.

Hernona thought for a while, and felt that this was also good. Anyway, she has nothing to be missed by others now, she is completely fearless.

And if this peppermint really encounters a problem, having these two people by your side can really help. The life magic of the elf can solve many small problems.

So the two went on the road together, and Gray also asked her some questions about the underworld, such as where is the temple of God XX.

But Hernona didn't know about such things. She said that she was just a mortal with a trace of the blood of a **** on her body, not even a demigod, and there was no way to know these things.

So Gray didn't force it. Such a beautiful woman, even if she can't do anything, is enough to make a boring treasure hunt colorful and interesting just by bringing it around.

Gray stopped asking these questions and chatted instead, "Do you know what Charon's authority is? He is very powerful."

"I've heard of this. Charon's authority seems to be to ferry the souls of the dead, and his parents are primitive gods, and it is normal for them to be stronger." Hernona directly said what she knew.

"The original **** will not still exist, right?" Gray smelled that he had wanted to ask this question, but no one could not find the opportunity to ask.

Zeus, the gods who claim to be immortal, died when they died. Are all the gods stronger than them dead? Those were the original gods of Greek mythology. If they were all dead, the world would have been destroyed long ago.

Hernona said that they returned to the universe before, is it a whole method of return? Is it death?

"Of course primitive gods still exist, but when I was still alive, many primitive gods had already turned into the most basic phenomena in the world. Kars turned into chaos, Nyx turned into the night, Gaia turned into the earth, Tal Talos is incarnate in the abyss of hell..."

"They no longer show miracles, and no longer walk in the world, and some gods even suspect that in the endless time, their will has returned to the universe, and they have become a part of the universe."

Hernona's words refreshed Gray's spirit, but he didn't expect that he just got such a burst of information just by asking a chat.

The return of the primitive **** to the universe, isn't that an alternative death? That being said, he and Charon are really the only ones in the world, so can't he do whatever he wants?

"I heard these from my grandfather, and I don't know if they are right." Hernona added finally.

"It's okay, we can go find your grandfather." Gray said cheerfully. The underworld is so good. Not only can you see your soul here, you can also find your relatives and friends who have died a long time ago.

"It's useless, the gods were still there when my grandfather died, and he was a villain, he should have been swallowed by Tartarus by this time." Hernona shrugged.

Gray rubbed his head, he almost forgot, Hernona said that she was a figure in the age of the gods, she had died a long time ago, but a bit special, so she has been wandering around the world.

The main reason was that she entered the underworld at about the same time as herself, always giving him the illusion that this woman had just died.

Continuing to talk about the power of primitive gods, gossip, and so on, Gray turned the topic to Charon. After all, this is the second **** he has ever seen, and it is the only **** outside of him. Know more There is no harm at all.

"The authority of Styx to ferry the dead souls feels too limited~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No wonder he has not left the Styx and continues to transport the dead souls faithfully."

Hernona was silent for a moment and couldn't help but correct: "These are three powers, Styx, Ferry, and Dead Soul, three powers."

The corner of Gray's mouth twitched, and the soul of Styx Ferry still felt like a third-rate little god, but after being separated into Styx, Ferry, and Soul, it sounded like it immediately became taller and jumped from third-rate into a popular line.

At least, Styx and the souls knew that it was not a simple authority. No wonder he didn't feel very confident when facing Charon. Fortunately, he was decisive enough to come over directly after finding that this guy was not easy, otherwise it would be impossible to come. Easy to say.

While chatting and walking, occasionally take Hernona back to the position of the mint plant to see how the mint looks.

Little Jasmine is most concerned about this, and she has to take care of it every time, but even so, its growth rate is still very slow.

One year later, Gray was about to wander around the underworld, and this mint plant had only grown a little bit, with only a few more leaves.

While strolling in the underworld, Gray also met Charon several times on the banks of the river Styx. Every time the old man provoked him and wanted to fight him, but later changed to a blatant invitation.

But Gray ignored him, looking for his treasure wholeheartedly.

Probably Charon also discovered his interest, and used an unknown little god's temple in the Styx for two chances of fighting with him, and also asked Gray to make a full shot.

Of course Gray won't be polite, but this bad old man is so bad, he just happens to be a little better than him every time, and just presses him down.

Later, when Gray was bored, he would rush over, punch him from a distance, then turn around and ran back and forth, and then laughed when he looked furious.

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