I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 547: Skating and war

In Arendelle Castle, when Gray walked into the hall, his feet slipped and almost fell.

"Aisha, when making ice and snow in the castle, can you hang a reminder sign at the door?"

"Sorry, Grey is going to skate together?" Aisha stepped on the frozen ice skates, slid over like a wind, and then stopped in front of Grey.

A few strands of raised hair flicked across Gray's face. Gray smiled, and the tablet in his hand turned into a bracelet and was worn on his hand, "But I haven't played with it!"

"Get out of the way!" Anna shouted and rushed over.

"I teach you!" Aisha finished, grabbing Gray's arm and driving him to the ice and snow, avoiding the reckless Anna, and then a magical force fell on his feet, and an ice skate that could support him was formed on the sole of the shoe.

With the ice skates, Gray walked cautiously and was dragged forward by Aisha.

"Wow, does the omnipotent King have anything to do?" Anna steadied her body and slid over carefully. It could be seen that as long as her technique is better than Gray, she can proudly express that she is more powerful.

Gray was not in the mood to pay attention to her, clutching Aisha's hand tightly with a nervous expression, "You won't let me go suddenly?"

"Of course not, never!" Aisha said firmly.

"That's good!"

An elf stepped on a small ice skate under his feet, holding a small ice cream in his hand, and quickly slid past them, leaving a big white eye.

Gray was really a bad guy, and he was lying again.

However, His Majesty said that no matter how strong he is in combat and how well he controls his body, he will not be able to meet those who cannot. He is not omnipotent, and he must be brave enough to admit what he is not good at. Know how to pretend.

It just so happened that he couldn't master skating. He felt that it should be a matter of talent. Some people are naturally good at certain things, but they don't know anything about other things that seem simple, and they can't learn it.

Seemingly startled by the elf who suddenly passed by, Gray was in a rush and almost fell down several times.

A few minutes later, Gray let go of Aisha's hand with a confident expression, "I think I can!"

boom! boom! boom!

"Grey, are you okay?" Aisha quickly slid over, looked at the Gray poster on the wall, and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I can definitely learn it!"

A few minutes later, Gray swayed towards the wall that was under the pressure that this age should not bear. The wind was blowing under Aisha's feet, and she quickly rushed over to hold him in time.

"Get out of the way!"

Obviously, she only noticed one beginner who was not technically competent, and the other was completely forgotten by her.

The one she had forgotten at this time was rushing over at a speed of one hundred and eighty yards. According to the trajectory, they were unfortunately blocked on her way forward.

"Be careful!" His Majesty the King deserves to be a powerful warrior, with quick eyes and quick hands, he put his arms around Aisha's waist and hid away.

Because of the too much action, the two directly lost balance and fell to the ice.

Gray's mind turned quickly, turning Aisha above him in the air, anyway, he was not afraid of falling.

Aisha grabbed Gray with one hand, and pointed a finger towards the ground. A magical force fell to the ground, and a pile of snowflakes formed on the ice.

The two fell directly into the pile of snowflakes and were overwhelmed by snowflakes. But soon, a hand was stretched out from the pile of snow and pointed at the wall, which was also full of snowflakes.

The perpetrator screamed and rushed directly into the snowdrift, and was buried by snowflakes into a snowman.

A little elf passed by the snowdrifts, glanced at the two snowdrifts, leaving behind a stupid word and slipped away.

Anna struggling out of the snowdrift, shaking off all the snowflakes, and looking at the place where the two fell, only to see a pile of snow, nothing else.

"Aisha!" Anna yelled, not daring to slide on the ice, walking over carefully, trying to remove the snow.

"Anna, I'm fine!" Aisha replied in the snow, but she did not come out by herself.

A dashing little elf passed by again, and performed a trick in front of Anna, leaving a look of foolish eyes.

When Anna's finger touched the snowdrift, Aisha turned over in the snowdrift, and then sat up, blushing.

Gray also sat up and reached out to touch the snowflakes on his head, "Your Royal Highness, are you trying to murder?"

"I didn't, Aisha, are you okay?" Anna turned her face to the side with a guilty conscience.

"I'm fine!" Aisha stood up, regardless of the two, sliding under her feet, and left directly, and then slid around the hall, and the walls of the hall were suddenly covered by snow.

The black wall turned white, Aisha stretched out her hand and tried it. It was thick, and it didn't matter if she ran into it.

"Can you really hit it?" Gray and Anna walked to the wall and reached out and tapped.

What Anna didn't see was that a sinful hand had been stretched out behind her. When she was studying the snow intently, that arm pushed behind her and Anna rushed directly into the snow.

"It's stupid, didn't you just ran into it?" Gray grinned and ran away.

Who knows that he really didn't notice his feet, slipped under his feet, fell with his feet upside down, and sat firmly on the ground.

With a boom, it was very dull.

Anna looked back from the snowdrift, just to see this scene, and smiled tremblingly.

Of course, it was nothing to Gray to fall like this. He got up in the second second and continued to run~www.wuxiaspot.com~ could not stand with the female driver, and was still an angry female driver.

"Hmph, I know, you are actually a bear, a big stupid bear!" Anna said with certainty, reaching out and grabbing a handful of snow in her hand, Tuancheng threw it at Gray.

As a beginner with poor skating skills, Gray failed to escape and was hit in the back by a snowball.

"I warn you, you are starting a war." Gray was furious, rushed to the front wall, threw a big snowball, and then threw it at Anna.

"War is war, who is afraid of whom, Aisha hit him!" Anna Yuan squatted down, a big snowball hitting the human-shaped snow pit before her.

"Hit you two!" Gray yelled, with an arrogant attitude that made people feel disgusting at first sight, and couldn't help but want to hit him.

Aisha rubbed her face and smiled softly, "You said it yourself!"

With that, a snowball appeared in her hand and threw it towards Gray.

In a one-to-two, Gray still didn't persuade him. He grabbed the two snowballs by his side, and threw the two snowballs directly at them, one for each, not partial.

Aisha moved at high speed in the field, avoiding the snowball, and at the same time greeted Gray with the snowball. There was a pile of snow beside Anna for her to rub the snowball.


With a scream, Xue Bao, who ran in at some point, was dismantled by Gray. He threw his head and body at Aisha and Anna, followed by the belly and two short legs.

Xue Bao fell on the wall behind and found that he was okay. He stretched out his head from the snow cave, "Excuse me, can you give me a belly?"

"Xuebao, I will help you teach him, there is no time now." Anna is very busy.

Aisha slid over in a gust of wind and threw a few parts of Xuebao up.

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