I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 637: Resurrection of the old god

When the Earring Girl went online, it was already past eleven o'clock in the real world, and Gray was still playing guerrilla with them, harvesting rich gold coins and equipment props.

I also maimed a few zombies along the way, turning them into meat sauce and burying them in the soil. By the way, they were pressed with a big stone to ensure that they would not even have a chance to uncover the coffin.

"Where are you? Why don't you keep guarding them?" The earring girl sent a message.

After she went offline, she felt a little tired. She squinted on the sofa after eating, but she didn't expect three or four hours to pass.

"They are a bit powerful. I retreated into the forest to play guerrilla tactics with them!" Gray watched as the three people below slowly walk past his eyes, while editing a message and sending it, and then they walked across a place. When, press the remote control button on your hand.

It was not an impact mine, but a one-off item he picked up from an avatar behind him. Because it was a one-off, it was quite powerful.

In just a moment, the transparent armors on the surface of the three incarnations shattered directly, and then the three of them turned into gold coins in the white light and crashed and fell. The vegetation within ten meters of the white light was all carbonized, and then turned into ashes, and the ground also turned into a similar crystal structure. .

"Not bad!" Gray jumped down with a smile, reached out and put all the gold coins into his account, then took a look at the giant mechanical spider they had dropped, and also put it into the virtual interface.

"Now every time it takes a lot of time for a batch to come in outside, I don't think there is much oil and water, and I am ready to retire. If you are tired, just go offline and rest. I am also going to leave the hut in the forest."

But the girl with the earring did not reply. One minute later, Gray heard the roar of a motorcycle, and the girl with the earring stopped by him with a beautiful sudden stop.

"It's all resolved, not bad!" The earring girl turned around the place, her face was slightly surprised, "Did you use nuclear weapons here? The land has crystallized!"

"The three men have good armor, and they have to use some powerful props." Gray explained, "It's late now, do you want to play for a while or plan to go offline."

It’s not good for Gray to play games together.

"Let's play a little longer, let me see how you hide and seek with them, and go offline at twelve o'clock." The earring girl said, she didn't plan to go back to the tunnel to block people, she wanted to try the feeling of forest hunting!

"Then let's find a place to make a trap, hide it and wait for the prey to be hooked!" Gray felt that he had returned to the time when he used to hunt Beasts in the forest, using all kinds of methods, and it would be a good thing to kill the opponent.

However, after the two set up the trap, no one came after waiting for half an hour. Gray observed the footage from the camera and no one passed through the tunnel.

"It seems that no one is here, shouldn't they retreat because of their difficulties?" Gray said to the earring girl next to him. The two sat on a piece of grass pretending to be a stone together, surrounded by regenerated cloaks.

"It should be. I killed you for seven or eight hours, and you killed yourself for three or four hours. There should be a lot of people killed. These people probably understand that coming in is going to die."

The earring girl smiled, no one is a fool, especially the bounty hunter, each one is as good as a monkey, and they will not do things that are obviously dead.

No matter how much money you don’t get, it’s just to die. It’s a huge loss for them. Once or twice, you should stop the loss in time. If you die a few more times and lose your pants, you can only start again. , All equipment must be re-save, do not know how much time it will take.

Of course, the experienced ones may re-emerge in a shorter period of time, and some have no previous luck, fail to get good equipment, and tend to be mediocre.

"Then what shall we do, go out for a drink?" Gray was also a little speechless, why these people have no perseverance at all, and can't even last for a day.

How can we succeed in this way, how can we stand out? He blushed for them.

"Okay... be careful!" The earring girl instantly took out her weapon, and there was a burst of taps in front of her.

In the dark forest, a huge black bat roared towards him, and then was beaten back by the earring girl.

"Is this the vampire behind?" Gray asked puzzled.

Although they did not take the initiative to interfere with the plot, the braided girl and her family are still sleeping in this land. The change of the plot is inevitable. It is no longer possible to develop according to the original situation, and it is not surprising what it becomes. , Unexpectedly, they still rushed down to release these things.

While the earring girl was shooting, Gray took out a big laser sniper and aimed a shot at the bat's head. The powerful force directly shredded its head and exploded like a watermelon.

But it hasn't died yet. Many monsters in the forest hut are not afraid of physical attacks. At least ordinary physical attacks will not let them die, such as the previous zombie family and the vampire bat in front of them.

"We are in a state of fighting, and there will only be a steady stream of monsters behind. Let's go a little farther, and leave the battle!"

The earring girl put away her weapon, took out her small motorcycle again, and motioned for Gray to sit up.

"Hurry up!" The earring girl said handsomely.

"Where?" King Gray said wretchedly.

"Believe it or not, if I shoot it down, your head will blossom!" The girl with the earrings turned black, and once again took a big shot against Gray's forehead.

Honestly grasping the waist of the little man, the little motorcycle roared away. Soon after they left, a huge python smashed the trunk all the way and chased it.

Then when it passed a certain position, I didn't know what it touched, and there was a loud noise, and the huge snake body was directly divided into two halves from the middle.

Gray looked back, full of regret and distress, "Oops, my trap hasn't been recovered yet, I don't know what ruined it now!"

"How many levels!"

"One-time traps of more than 70 levels are as powerful as some weapons above level 85!"

"It's a pity!" The girl with the earrings was convinced. If it blows up an enemy, they don't know what it has blown up. If a powerful monster is blown up and the gold coins and equipment can't be collected, it feels very bad. deficit.

However, the two did not look back. The back has become a purgatory. When they turned back into a fighting state and couldn't get out, they really played.

Although the atmosphere of the hut in the forest is not terrifying, it really brings together all the weird monsters of horror movies, and any one is a killing machine. If it is played as a copy, it is a little low in **** difficulty with five stars.

The two rode on their motorcycles and quickly came to the entrance of the tunnel where they ambushed others.

Gray looked at the situation on both sides and said to the girl with earrings, "Let’s go to the top of the mountain, I want to see what kind of old **** the old **** is. Only one hand appears in the movie, which is a shame!"

"Well, I want to see too. They said that the following is Cronus, I don't know if it is true!" The earring girl also nodded.

"Cronus?" Gray only watched the movie. She didn't pay attention to some in-depth discussions. There was a slight difference. "It turns out to be a **** of Greek mythology. I have seen Calypso and Charon in Greek mythology. Killed her!"

"It's as if someone has never been to the Pirates of the Caribbean World. I even kissed Elizabeth!" The earring girl curled her lips.

"But you can kill Calypso now? Impossible, Calypso is also a god~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when the other gods in the Pirates of the Caribbean world don't appear, they have the same ceiling."

"You and Elizabeth?" There was a picture in Gray's mind. "You are so good. Are you really a big boss?"

"You want to die!"

The motorcycle parked on another hill, and the two waited for the sunrise in the world of huts in the forest. As soon as the sun came out, the old **** came out.

Soon, a red cloud rose to the east, and the sun was about to jump out of the ground.

Under the feet of the two, the earth was shaking, and something was about to break out of the ground.

The two glanced at the state. Fortunately, they were not in a fighting state and could withdraw at any time. Moreover, there was a barrier that made those monsters temporarily unable to get out.

Ahead, the World Mountain in the barrier burst and cracked. A huge black and red hand broke through the ground and then smashed it down. Then the other hand stretched out, grabbed the ground and started to climb out.

"It's really big!" The earring girl looked at the giant hundreds of meters high and couldn't help but admire.

"No wonder being sealed, it looks really ugly." Gray said, this guy is not like him, even if he deliberately gave himself a devil appearance, he is still handsome and horrible, which has attracted countless people's envy.

And this guy is a monster, with a hideous face, an aura of destruction exuding all over his body, extremely fierce.

"Roar!" The giant let out a roar of unknown meaning, looking at them with huge eyes, as if hearing what Gray had just said, slapped it suddenly and hit the barrier.

With just a slap, cracks began to appear on the barrier.

"Trash!" Gray stretched out his **** to support the high-tech glasses that he hadn't taken off.



Run away after loading, thieves are excited!

If you don't run, you die, let alone an incarnation of little power, even if he is here, facing a big guy of this degree, he has to turn around and run.

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