I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 646: trap

"What are you whispering? I didn't fail!" Gray slanted his eyes and looked at a few shocked guys.


   "But..." Before they could finish, the ice under the front console shattered, and the console fell into the water with a thud.


   Gray shrugged, with an expression on your face that you were too young, "Why can't you wait until things come to fruition before talking?"


   They did not answer, because as the game console fell into the water, the ice above the cave began to fall one by one, some in the water and some on the ice.


   The faces of the four unknowingly changed again. Just now the game console fell into the water instead of Gray. They thought the game was over.


   But in this situation, they couldn't help but show up. Halliday felt that it was too easy to fall directly, and wanted to arrange a wonderful way for Gray to die.


   A huge ice fell in front of Gray, smashed on the ice and turned into a storm, mixed with the kind of wind and snow.


   The five people are familiar with this scene. Although the methods are different, the path is still the same, that is, the appearance of Halliday in the incarnation of Anok after the clearance.


   The four of them turned from worry to joy, their complexion changed again and again, feeling that the muscles on their faces were a little cramped.


   Anok, a white robe made of ice and snow, appeared in front of Gray, reaching out and handing out a crystal key.


   "Thank you!"


   The three keys are in hand, and there is a huge crystal-like portal on the water in front of which corresponds to three locks.


   "Are you ready for victory?" Gray looked at the four people behind and walked toward the crystal door with a laugh.


   walked to the door, Gray inserted the first crystal key that he had just received, then the second emerald key, and finally the brass key.


   Three keys opened the three locks, and the crystal door collapsed, revealing the world behind the door.


   Behind is still a castle, with countless gold and silver spread inside, like a king’s treasure house, extending to the deepest part of the castle.


  The deepest part is a dome with orange light. This is Halliday’s egg, the egg that all players dream of.


   Gray waved to the four people behind, letting them go in with him.


   "Can you?" Several people looked at the white robe Anok who had not disappeared.


   "Of course, you are friends, aren't you!" Anok nodded and gestured to invite in.


   The five people walked into the door and walked towards the easter egg step by step. Parsifal felt a little dreamy. The easter egg that he had been thinking about day and night was in front of them, and it was already within reach.


   "If you get it, will you become the new owner of the oasis?"


   "That's right!" Anok appeared in front of a few people kindly, wearing a golden brown mage robe, holding a golden pen in his hand.


  He handed the golden pen to Gray, "As long as you sign these documents, the oasis will be yours!"


   On the table, the documents are already placed, just waiting for Gray to sign.


   "Buyer Gray Sutton!" A few people glanced at the information above, and finally saw the buyer's signature column, and looked at Gray incredulously, "You use your real name as your nickname?"


   "Didn't you add a "king"!" Gray shrugged and looked at the earring girl. "I just don't want to introduce myself in the real world after meeting the right person."


   I checked my eyes and met the right person.


   The earring girl ran into the deer in her heart, a god-given opportunity, she leaped forward and bit her.


   Anok didn't bother him. He waited until the two of them were done before handing over the gold pen again, "Sign, you will be the new owner of Oasis."


   "This is still a test!" His Majesty the King Zhizhu was holding, calmly pressing the golden pen on the document, "You have made mistakes yourself, don't want others to do it again, right?"


   "Very good!" A light flashed in Anok's eyes, his tone changed, and he became more emotional, "I just want to check again."


   After finishing speaking, the robe on Anok turned into gold shavings and flew up, as did the surrounding buildings, like peeling old paint.


  The flying gold shavings disappeared, and a group of people reappeared in a new room. The room was messy, but it was very homely.


   Anok also turned into Halliday's appearance, there was nothing outstanding about his clothes and dressing, and he stood quietly on the side.


   "This is your home!" Parsifal looked up and looked around curiously.


   At the window, a little boy is playing a game.


   "That was me a long time ago, I like him by my side." Halliday said, and then walked to the door, "Come, look at this."


There was a red button at the door, and Halliday pointed to it and said: "This button, as long as you press it, the entire oasis will be closed, and the bug cleaning program will clear all the backup servers, which means that the right to permanently close the oasis is now You have it."


   "Then this button will become your most failed invention. Everyone likes Oasis, why close it." Gray shrugged.


   Halliday smiled, did not speak, and walked to the window here, "Now accept the reward, get the easter egg, and the game is over."


   Halliday is like an old man bidding farewell to the world, talking about his own affairs while rummaging in the drawer for the egg.


   No one interrupted him, everyone was tolerant enough for an old man who had passed away.


   Finally, Halliday found the easter egg from the clutter and handed it to Gray. "The real world is the only one."


   "As long as you like it, virtual or reality is your own choice. Everyone has the right to choose their own life." Gray did not agree.


  Halidi didn't speak any more, he didn't understand Gray, maybe for someone who still uses his semi-real name in the game~www.wuxiaspot.com~The difference between the game and reality is not very worthy of attention.


   Gray also brought the easter eggs to the four of them to let them see clearly.


   When the young Halliday finished the game, he put down the handle and walked over, and walked to the door with the old Halliday, "Goodbye, King Gray!"


   "Mr. Halliday, wait a minute." Gray asked the protagonist's exclusive question, "Are you not an avatar?"


   "No!" Halliday replied affirmatively.


   "Is it a consciousness upload?" Gray was curious, this technique is actually immortal in disguise.


   "No, I'm just a program, a program with high intelligence." Halliday still shook his head, denying his guess, "I upload consciousness, is this kind of thing really possible?"


   "I don't know, but I think you look alike."


   "Go out, the real papers have been sent to your home, thank you for participating in my contest." Halliday opened the door and walked out of the room with his boyhood.


   Gray took out a twenty-five-cent coin, then looked at the bombs and one-off items in the layout, and shook his head slightly, "I can't use the back hand, the enemy is too bad."


   "Isn't it bad!" Several people were speechless.


   "There is a knock on the door outside, I'll go and see, see you in the same place later." Gray went offline.


   "I'll check it out too!" The elf goes offline!

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