I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 673: Restoration Potion

Back in the Moore Forest, Gray found that Mary Fessen mother and daughter were still asleep, mainly because Marie Fessen watched Arlo playing with the elves, and then inadvertently showed the kind old mother's smile.


   "You smell of blood on you." Just after falling, Mary Fesen put away her smile and turned her head to stare at him blankly.


   Gray put away the magic flying carpet, little Jasmine became a normal person, and joined the elves happily.


   went to the stone table and sat down, grabbed a piece of fruit and took a bite, "I met a few guys who wanted to intercept me on the way back, so I took it easy."


   A group of dark fairies who didn't know themselves, Gray only delayed one minute, and then took the knife and let them rest in peace.


Marie Fissen nodded lightly. She herself had killed people, so she didn't think it was a sinful thing, especially killing those who were malicious to herself and wanted to invade Moore's Forest. It was a very right and just thing. .


   In her eyes, although Gray has such a shameful nature, he is by no means a kind-hearted Virgin. He killed a few people is not a surprise.


   So she didn't say anything, turned her head again and looked at Arlo and the others playing around.


   Gray did not continue to explain, after all, it was indeed a member of Marie Fissen’s tribe, even if they did not know each other, it was difficult to tell.


   Let this matter go away in the wind.


   "Hey, Mary Faison, I have refined some potions. If you want to try it, maybe it can help you regain your strength." Carlisle walked over with a small black face, looking expectantly at Mary Faison.


   Gray glanced at her. Is this the stove exploding while refining medicine?


   Restore strength?


   Marie Fissen's heart moved slightly, and she was fascinated by what Carlisle said.


   As a creature with extraordinary power, if you lose this power, it is like a normal person losing a hand. It is inconvenient to do anything, and it is undoubtedly quite uncomfortable.


  If there is a chance to recover, of course she will not give up.


   "What kind of potion is it?" Mary Fissen asked nervously.


   Carlisle took out a bottle of cyan potion and began to display it triumphantly, “You lost your power to protect the forest. I admire it very much, so I developed this bottle of restoration potion.”


   "It has no other function. The only function is to replenish the power consumed in the body, but your power is completely consumed. I think it may help you regain some strength. As long as you recover some, you can recover more in the future."


   "Really?" Marie Fissen showed a surprise smile on her face, and stretched out her hand involuntarily.


   Carlisle also stretched out his hand to push the potion to her, while looking at Gray with amused eyes, waiting for him to praise himself.


   "Good job!" Gray also stretched out his hand, and took it before Mary Physen got the potion.


   "Let's take a look!" He knows what level Carlisle is. Although the strength of refining potions is not weak, he is still a bit skeptical that he can refine the potions that can help Mary Physsen recover.


   In order to prevent Marie Fison from tragically dying, Gray decided to help her see. She has no power now, just an ordinary elf. If poisoned, she may die immediately, and it is too late to rescue her.


   "Master, they are also very strong." Carlisle said grievously.


   "I'll take a look." Gray waved his hand, probed for a drop of potion, swallowed it into his stomach.


   Ten seconds later, Gray opened his eyes, "The potion is harmless and has some magic power, but whether it can help you recover depends on luck."


   As he said, he handed the potion over. Marie Fissen took the potion, drank it all without hesitation, and then closed her eyes and waited.


   "It will be useful!" Carlisle squeezed his little hand and prayed. It was hard work that he did. It must be useful.


  Mary Physsen's body was trembling slightly, and large beads of sweat dripped from his forehead. Seeing this scene, Carlisle suspected that not only had he failed, but he had also refined the wrong medicine. The medicine was poisoning Mary Physsen's body.


"the host!"


   "Don't worry, it's okay, her state is still stable, and there is no sign of her vitality slipping." Gray has seen more than her, and has confirmed that the medicine is harmless before, so she is not very worried.


   Marie Fissen trembled for a while, opened her eyes nervously, and then waved to the grass. There was no change in the grass, and she showed a disappointed face as expected.


   After drinking the potion, she felt a vague power awakened in her body, but that feeling only lasted for a moment, and she couldn't feel it no matter how hard she tried.


   "How do you feel?" Gray asked. Of course he could see that Carlisle's potion had failed, but failure didn't mean it was useless. Success was learning from repeated failures.


   It is impossible to make the correct medicine the first time.


   can create harmless potions and continue to improve, that is the right way for a magician to discover new formulas.


   So the feeling of Marie Fissen is still very important, and it can provide inspiration for the next improvement.


   Of course, if she feels nothing at all, as if she drank saliva, then there is no need for improvement.


  Mary Fissen talked about her own feelings. Gray and Carlisle nodded at the same time. The potion had some effect, but it was not effective enough to elicit the power seeds in Marifissen's body.


   Then there is a direction for improvement, which is to improve the efficacy of the medicine.


   "Carlisle, this is up to you." Gray reached out and patted Carlisle on the shoulder, and said trustingly.


"Thank you Master, I will definitely work hard." Carlisle nodded excitedly, not entirely because of his affirmation, but also because of the development of a new potion. For the magician, it is a sense of accomplishment. thing.


   And she can write this medicine in her autobiography or magic manual, stating that she invented it herself.


   She has been working hard since learning Gray’s magic ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, now it's finally time to prove herself.


  Mary Fissen thanked her solemnly. She saw the hope of recovery, which made her extremely excited.




   Outside the Moor Forest, Arlo and the home of the three elves.


   At this time, the three elves looked at each other panickedly, and they found a big problem: their baby Arlo was gone.


   Ai Luo always likes to run outside, so at first they thought she was just going out to play, no one cared about it, but until now she hasn't come back and haven't explained to them, this kind of thing doesn't happen often.


After    happened last time, Arlo also promised them specifically that if he could come back late in the future, he would definitely say hello in advance.


   "Perhaps she just forgot the time when she was playing outside, and she will be back soon. We are just worrying." Fairy Hongye said tentatively.


   "But it's dark now, can she still find her way?"


   "It's certainly possible. Didn't she come back late the previous time? Maybe we can go to bed now. When we wake up tomorrow morning, Arlo will return to her bed as before."


Arlo was taken away by Marie Fissen to play in the Moor Forest a few times before, and then she sent it back without disturbing the three elves, so they all thought Arlo came back by themselves, and this time it will be the same. When he wakes up, Arlo will appear in his bed.

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