I Killed the Dragon

Chapter 696: teaching

The school of the Na'wei people is not here, or that they don't have a school at all, they pay attention to teaching by precept and example, teaching in practice.

When the young Nawei people started to learn, they were brought by their parents. They taught them hunting skills little by little, taught them how to get along with nature, and made them a real Nawei.

Savannah took Gray out of the Avatar School, turned over the tree flexibly, and waved to Gray below, "Come on, you won't even be able to do this, right?"

Gray knew that the first test was coming.

In many stories, if you want to learn something, both sides always show a hand at the beginning.

The master showed his hand to frighten the apprentice, to let him know how powerful he was, to let the apprentice fear him, and to let the apprentice to show his hand too, for the purpose of getting the bottom of it, or to disarm him.

He smiled slightly, followed the opponent's movements easily, quickly climbed the tree, and came to her.

This tree is very large, connected by branches, forming a huge transportation network in the air, and it seems that any place can be reached through the above network.

Gray looked at the path formed by the huge branch under his feet. He felt that it was too big, a circle bigger than the other branches, and it didn't feel like it grew naturally.

As a good student, Gray certainly asked if he didn't understand.

Sawana did not hide it, and said directly: "If you want to learn our culture, you should know that everything we have is bestowed by Ava. We can get what we need from nature, but we must never kill or over-harvest. waste."

"We live in harmony with nature, and nature will reward us. These roads are gifts given to us by Ava, so that we don't have to pass through the dangerous underground. We can reach wherever we want from the tree."

Ava, the **** of the Na'vi people, has a status equivalent to the **** of the church, who bestows them everything with kindness, omniscience and omnipotence and everywhere.

"That's amazing." Gray nodded. He didn't believe Ava, but he wouldn't question anything.

"Of course, Ava is the most benevolent existence. He has given us everything, and we should be grateful." Sawana said piously, silently bowing her head and reciting the words of prayer.

When she finished praying, the two continued to move on from the path of the branches. When they soon passed a tree, Sawana crawled into the leaves and came out with two fruits soon.

One was handed to Gray, and she kept one for herself, "Identifying fruit trees is an important skill, which is related to our food sources."

"Although Ava is kind and makes the forest full of food, we can't get it without doing it. All of our food must be picked by ourselves, and we can only gain by paying."

She didn't forget to teach when she ate. In other words, the teaching started when Gray and her went up the tree together.

"Don't over-harvest when you find fruit trees. Only when we need it, we can get enough food to fill our stomachs."

"Because of restraint, our food will always be sufficient. If we pick wildly, the forest will be out of balance and people may starve to death."

Gray ate the fruit that he hadn't seen before, breaking a small piece and handing it to the elf on his shoulder.

Sawana didn’t notice. The elf was sitting on Gray’s shoulders. Sawana’s sight was blocked by his neck. She couldn’t see her eating. When she had eaten, she would use her talent and reduce her sense of existence. .

After taking a bite, the elf's eyes lit up and he ate this in a few clicks.

"Grey, this is delicious, I still want it." Little Jasmine licked her mouth and said in Gray's ear.

Gray's big blue ears moved, and the warm breath of the elf made him feel itchy.

Gray divided a bit for the elf to eat. After eating, he stood up from the tree branch and looked at Sawana, "Sawana, I'm not full, can I pick another one?"

"Yes, Ava is generous. As long as we don't waste it, we won't be punished if we eat a few more." Sawana nodded, then quickly ate the fruit in her hand and stood up.

"Just so, you can pick this one by yourself, and I will look at you." Sawana pointed to the fruit tree and said.

Gray nodded slightly, crawled into the leaves of the fruit tree in twos, and then found the kind of fruit they had just eaten on the branch.

Just as he was about to reach out and pick it up, Savannah's voice came over, "I'm not familiar with it, change it."

As soon as he turned his head, he found that Sawana was also coming up, standing behind him, holding a branch in her hand, standing firmly on the branch and looking at him.

"Ripe fruits are not the same as other fruits. Ripe fruits are purple, and unripe ones are blue. We'd better pick those that are fully ripe."

"Don't pick the ones that are not fully mature, nor the ones that are fully mature." Sawana explained with all her heart.

"The taste that is not fully mature is not good, and it is easy to cause waste, and the fully mature is not good. They will fall. As food for other creatures, we cannot selfishly take everything away."

"Understood!" Gray nodded and continued to search among the branches and leaves, and soon two purple fruits appeared in front of him.

He pointed his finger at the fruit and looked back at Sawana, who nodded, indicating that he could pick it.

"Are you full, do you want me to pick another one for you?" Gray felt that both of the fruits came, so it would be a pity to pick one, and it would be nice to pick both.

Savannah thought for a while and said, "I can eat half more at most. If you can eat one and a half, pick both."

"Okay!" Gray didn't hesitate now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly took both of them.

He can eat one more, and the elf probably has half more, which is just right.

Once again on the road to the branches, always silent and boring, Gray asked: "Is it really impossible to pick more? For example, if I don't go out tomorrow, I can't pick off what I want to eat today and take it back today. Can I eat it tomorrow?"

"Of course, Ava is not harsh, but if you waste it, the all-knowing Ava can know it. If you waste food, I can only say that your study failed." Sawana was serious.

"Then I don't eat, but use it to make wine?" Gray asked again.

"Brewing?" Sawana repeated suspiciously.

"Just put the fruit in one place, after a period of time, the fruit will become a fragrant liquid, which is delicious."

"Are you talking about the things made by web monkeys stacking fruits?" Sawana shook her head. "Web monkeys are the most naughty creatures God has created. They always waste fruits. We never do this because we can listen to Ai The oracle of the baby."

The webbed monkey Gray knows that this is the translated name of human beings. It is a monkey-like thing with four arms and webbed feet on their feet. If according to his knowledge, the uninhabited monkey will take it. It should be called monkey wine.

"Brewing can be consumed, isn't it a waste?"

"Of course it's a waste. We drink mountain springs and **** nectar. Why do we waste fruits to make that kind of thing?" Sawana disagreed with him. "Moreover, taking things will affect our judgment and cause us to fall from the tree. Go down."

"Someone used to drink it curiously, but then they couldn't stand still and fell from the tree. Fortunately, everyone caught him in time, otherwise he would die."

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